Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 12, 1929, p. 4

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st0uffv1lle december 12th 1929 the home town store quality service you pay less for more at the home town store fresh mincemeat in bulk 1 lb 15c or 2 lbs 25c lemon or orange peel per lb 22c finest bleached sultana raisins per lb 18c horse radish bottle 20c thompsons seedless raisins 2 lbs lor 24c seeded raisins per pkg 15c white beans 3 lbs 25c lima beans 2 lbs 25c pure clover honey 5 lb pail 60c star ammonia 3 pkga 25c large washed brazil nuts per lb 25c large white tapioca special 3 lbs for 23c pruit cakes pound blocks rich with fruit and almond icing each 30c fine old cheese per lb 35c corn meal 5 lbs 25c this is the headquarters for christmas groceries ratclif co town delivery phone 7112 feeds flour coal bran and shorts very scarce farmers who will require feeds will do well to order from us corn and oats at a price no higher than bran and shorts poultry feeds egg mash scratch grain crack corn corn meal and oyster shell coal and coke always on hand s w hastings phone 169 tile salt stouffville cement the stouffville tribune published erery thursday rate 200 per year 250 to the united states notes and comments an acclamation is likely in whit church this year but the nomina tion meeting on dec 30th will re veal the certainty of this statement new york men 850 of them to be exact paid 85 a plate at a dinner to honor a prize fighter one gen tleman named victuals had agreed to meet all comers at the event councillor j borlnsky says he may retire from office this year after several years on the council of stoufrvllle now why allow a cap able officer to drop when they are so hard to secure for the position 5 hon george s henry minister of highways for ontario announces that a bill will be shortly presented to the legislature to abolish all statute labor on all roads in the or ganized countries of ontario research offices here are told of the successful manufacture of fuel substitute for gasoline in england which it it fulfills promises is like ly to prove an important factor in developing the bituminous coal re sources of canada this fuel is a product obtained from bituminous coal by distillation process and when used in gas generators is said to produce a gas which in an internal combustion engine provides the motive power as well as petrol tests over a considerable period with heavy road vehicles produced by producer gas it is claimed have proved conclusively that gas made from synthetic icharcoal is an econo mic fuel a that there is not such an epidemic of chicken thieving this year as in former years hon john martin minister of agriculture for ontario attributes to the legislation that wti3 passed last session empowering magistrates to deal more drastically with offenders and providing police poultry transportscompelling truck ers and others to keep close check available at all times to law officers on the birds they are transporting as stated by one judge chicken stealing is about the meanest kind of thieving and no leniency should be shown a man with a truck who will go about a community and remove from the roots whole flocks of birds that have been reared with difficulty and on which much time 1 and care have been bestowed to 11 more shopping days until christmas a special selling of natxons many ful ci for christmas we have a good display of fancy linens cut x work centres and tray cloths with heavy cream lace fancy embroideied towels lunch sets etc a good assortment to choose from at reasonable prices rubber tea aprons an exceptional value of practical interest to the early shop per of good quality rubberwith dainty frilled edges and in two toned styles with fancy flowered trimming cross strapes with pockets special 59c penman art silk and wool stockings fine art silk outside wool inside so the com fort of wool combines with the appear ance of silk all the leading shades sizes 8 to 10 at 100 boxed towel sets to delight the heart of any women white bath towels with rainbow colored ends and fancy embroidery hol ders with wash cloth to match prices from 79c to 200 a box r a lovely gift these heavy silk stockings and every pair is full fashioned silk ex tends to the top where the edge is picoted run stop top colors are fash ionable in creole beechnut cloud mys tery nude crane biscay nude mc- derne paris plage sizes 8 to 10 at 200 see our display of tables a wonderful as sortment to choose from gifts and toys of all kinds ranging from 5c up to 95c arid higher colorful fancy towels comprising the newest and latest designs and colorings have excellent absorbent qualities large size special 59c highclass rayon underwear vests and bloomers of finest quality the vest is opera style with shoulder straps full cut bloomers our christmas prices are from 89c to 200 full fashioned hose knitted from pure thread silk all the newest shades sizes svi to 10 makes a lovely christmas gift per pair 150 limoges china dinner sets in special selling clear white china with flower in shades of pink and yellow edges are gold with gold handles 97 pieces very special bring them to maturity but dispite the statement of hon mr martin chicken stealing in this section is still altogether too milch of a pastime for quite a number of farmers have suffered loss within the past few weeks councillor frank rowbotham and councillor david rusnell are both being mentioned as probable candi dates for the reeveship of stouffvllle with probably the present reeve h v sanders throwing his hat iuto the ring- with the other boys mr sanders has had two terms but there is nothing to prevent him con tinuing in office if the ratepayers sanction it mr rusnell can point to several years in the council ttnd his effort to keep down expenditures while mr rowbotham may tell the people that he has now plenty of time to serve as chief magistrate and that one year on council may serve just as well as many years to fit a man for the position of reeve the tribune is not sure that any of these men will stand but there is a possibility that they might now what about a dark horse the mennonites are being perse cuted in russia a despatch from riga on monday said that 3000 i more thar a third of them children i were padlocked in unheated freight cars and sent off towards an un known destination in siberia where the temperature was 30 below zero and additional train loads were be ing sent every other day and that it meant almost certain death for them the only crime that these people seem to be guilty of is that their christian religion forbids them going to war is that not what great britain the united states yes the league of nations are working for world peace a large number of the russian men nonites have been wanting to come to canada from what we have read about these people we have learned that they make thrifty farmers the canadian west could use them at any rate immediate steps should be taken by christian nations to free them from the russian persecution russia has abolished christianity another despatch from moscow on monday said that a sister in law of last years lord mayor of london had been inprisoned in russia for reading the bible relief cannot come too quickly to the persecuted christians in russia there are altogether too many postponements of cases in our law courts these days and the public is beginning to wonder what is the matter with our law enforcement as we write this we have in mind a case that was to wave been tried in owen sound yesterday and has again been postponed about a year ago there was tan automobile ac cident near town one man going to the hospital there is a suit for damages pending but with a whole year gone by the case is not decided yet why there may be tei very good reason from a legal standpoint but the general public does not see it that way the postponing of court cases is becoming too much of a hab it in this country and before long we miay be like the united states where a case may be postponed indefinitely and then lost sight of altogether in the case of most of the lit igation what is there to hinder it be ing tried in the course of a few months at the most when the wit nesses will wave the facts on their minds sufficiently to give intelligent evidence in a good many instances the witnesses are disinterested par ties and it seems an injustice to ex pect them to remember all the de tails indefinitely flailing which they are the target for abuse by somo smart alex lawyer who will endeavor to prove they are giving testimony that i s not true when all that is amiss is that they have forgotten the details speed up our courts and try these cases when they are fresh the evidence is all there to go by then why wait until it is musty before bringing the case before the proper authorities durham chro nicle n the elimination of the i small school 3500 christmas cards in boxes contains 12 and 18 cards inscribed with attractive yule- tide greetings with envelopes to match 59c and 79c a box visit our china dept for christmas presents the shaw store maw and the kids phone 9512 stouffville madam and the children love to drive in the cold snappy wea ther but if you have to fuss and stew getting the car started there is not liable to be much pleasure in the occasion for any one but you shouldnt really hnvo any fuss you know not if your car is 1n good condition trouble usually is that the car is lot go after a hard summers run till next spring before tuning up and cold weather driving becomes anything but a pleasure drive in comfort this winter bring the car in and havo the ignition popped up carburetor and gas lino cleaned and regu lated just drive into our par age and say fix hor up for winter running art youll bo pleased with the results a swift garage phone 195 stouffville according to the statistical re ports of the departmeni of educa tion there have been from 900 to luuo rural schools in the province of ontario for the last fifteen years that had an average atteu- dance of trom 1 to 10 pupils each these schools are considered to be neither economical nor efficient it is impossible for the child to receive such training as will lit him to co operate with others and play his part in life when in early years he receives his training in isolation there can be little if any competi tion in the class rooms on the school grounds or invtber activities where by the children leatn to work to gether it must be very dishearten ing for the teacher to attempt to in terest one or two pupils in a cuss she has to put more enthusiasm into her work to make up for the lack of competition the teaching process becomes a mere routine ot impart ing information iupils may be able to pass the entrance examination at an early age but we must remember that the mere passing of examina tions is not education a convention of school trustees of the county of carleton was re cently held in the tcity of ottawa where this matter was gone into very thoroughly inspector r c rose called attention to a number of schools having an average atten dance of from 2 to 7 pupils it was singular that most of these schools had no local trustee levy some of them had a balance in the hank of over 1100 they drew the town ship and the provincial grants the school boards declined to take ad vantage of the school regulations by which the few pupils in one school may be transported to the adjoining school it was pointed out to them by the inspector that they would receive the township grant and the provincial grant if necessary to pay for the transportation it was con sidered that a few hundred dollars would cover the transportation and they would not therefore require all of those grants school boards hesitate to close their schools even temporarily for fear it would result in depreciation of the value of the farm property it might also be difficult they say to reopen these schools they con sider it a step in the centralization of educational control the following resolution was passed by this convention where as there are many small schools in the province of ontario that are neither economical nor efficient whereas the school regulations provide for the transportation of pupils from one small school to an other therefore be it resolved that it be made compulsory upou school boards where there are four or less pupils in average atteudanco to close the school temporarily and transport the pupils to an adjoin ing school unless they can satisfy the public school inspector that it would be impracticable this throws the burden upon the school board the school would recording to this resolution automa tically close unless they can give good reason tor keeping open it will be interesting to know what rural trustees think of this resolution school report november report of ssf no 1 pickering names in order ot merit jr iv lome kester florence duerden edith nighswander mabel kckardt walter slack mary nighs wander florence tindall laura hill and fred alsop equal stanley reesor sr hi garfield drewery roy tindall harvey bunker jr ill harvey nighswander roy slack clifford barkey class ii harold lewis reta eck- ardt ruby tindall alma fretz ilean hill class i lois kester fred lewis elsie eckardt norman fretz sr pr douglas drewery bar bara barkey ruth slack jr pr kenneth rapson k e reesor teacher lemonvillc school report for nov form v florence barkey 73 sr iv elgin hisey 72 don hall cs jr iv elda hutchinson 80 helen hasting 80 reta wells 74 lewis wells 71 keith hutchinson 68 blake yake 05 bruce baker 04 sr ill allan baker 83 doris baker s2 frank hall 57 sr ii marion hastings 76 jr ii james attreed 71 vera wells 70 harold preston 6s sr i jim r 71 sammy fockler 63 primer blanche preston 84 eva scott s2 andrew hutchinson 82 ayluier hood 79 elgin hastings 79 norma rae 78 veluia yake 76 absent one or more exams no on roll 26 average att 22 margarete y thom teacher dominion storesltd christmas specials this week clubhouse olives jar 25c almond icing lb 29c shelled walnuts halves 59c shelled almonds valencia 59c baking powder 1 lb tin 29c- glace cherries 43 seedless raisins 2 lbs 25e sultana australian lb i5e fresh rendered lard 3 lb pail v 49e or lb print 17c a bakers cocoa tin 22c xmas pudding old english style in an earthenware bowl 2 lbs 75c ea heavy fruit cake plain or al mond iced 39c lb or 3 lb slab si 05 xmas cake iced and decorated in gift box 79c ea large washed brazil nuts 25c california diamond budded walnuts lb 35c new mixed nuts lb 25c taragona almonds lb 27c sweetheart chests individual box lb 39c we have a choice assortment of candies at 2 lbs 29c 19c 25c vlarshmallow tin 34c- for decoration cake candies 10c pkg dominion stores ltd p boadway liocal manager rogers highboy 01 q netv reduced price performance at new low prices just in time for christmas new low prices on the four most desirable models in the rogers line good news indeed for scores of families who have already planned to purchase a rogers equally good news for scores of others who may have thought a rogers was more than w they could afford for five consecutive years the pioneer rogers has outsold every other electric radio in canada and each year as sales have gone up prices have come down the 1930 models are finer and represent a greater measure of radio value than ever w- the new 8tube rogers is bringing to thousands of canadian homes the highpeak performance of modern radio at rockbottom prices make it your choice too new low prices greatly increased pro duction has brought aboutsavings in manu facturing costs now passed on to run here are the new reduced prices which place a genuine rogers within reach of every family purse rogers lowboy 108 rogers highboy 210 rogers de luxe highboy j2ijs rogers phonolcclroradio 3511 all prices complete with guaranteed tubes all records smashed 1927 102 over 1926 1928 108ovcr 1927 1929 109 over 1928 canadas preference for canadas own radio increases year tyyearl rtcems mam the original batteryless radio 1 choose your rogers now for delivery on christmas j m storey dealer stouffville iffy ft i

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