sister angela copyright 1929 by robert henry todd sister angela fc a cheerful content ed looking person as she walks up third avenue this bright july morn ing quite a number ot the men and women ye3 and children too hur rying to work touch their caps or nod as tbey pass it was late the night before that sister angela received a telegram trom her brother tom stating that ie would arrive at the grand central sta tion at eight oclock the following morning and now she is going to moot him tom had enlisted and served hi3 time in the philllpines without receiving so much as a cratch ho had boon given his dis charge and was now on his way home as she hurries up the street she bmlles as 3he thinks ot the handsome jollyhearted fellow whom more than one girl has missed during tho past fow years arriving at tho station she gaps through it aud out on to one ot the platforms where toms train will como in there are great number ot people waiting there for some of toma companions are coming home too they having enlisted tho same ulmo as he did after a few minutes waiting tho clang clang of tho engine bell echoes through the station and the big en gine draws mp to tho platform and comes to a jtop soldier boys hastily climb from tho coaches and for the next few minutes are busy kissing hugging and shaking hands with rela tives and friends sister angelas big brother tom had spied her blackclad figure before the train had come to a stop and you may bo sure he was at her side before you could say jack robinson and now they stand conversing watching with pleased faces the many happy re unions of mothers and sons brothers and sisters and husbands and wives a3 they stand there a voice behind them is raised in anger and the voice seems familiar to sister angela clutching her brothers arm she turns and looks at the speaker he is a handsome broadshouldered young fel low a returned soldier a stylishly- dressed young woman presumably his wife is pressing him to do some thing and he is protesting si3ter angela presses her brothers arm answering the pressure the big fellow looks at her and following the direction ot her eyes he sees the young soldier and his companion he gives a violent start and bis hands clinch sister angela again touches her brothers arm let us go she says and she is looking very pale for a moment tom stands glaring at tho other soldier and his com- panlon but finally he walks away with his sister when they reach the street she speaks again f so uo isnt dead after all she says no ho answers sharply i guess it was her doing but why should she want to de ceive i e she wanted him for herself i guess i wonder if he is happy with her well it doesnt look that way to me why she was actually quarreling with him before he wa3 homo two minutes and she deceived him of course she did first of all she told you he was dead showed you the paper with tho notice in it by tho way her uncle owned that paper then when you took tho veil sho probably wrote to him sympathized with him aud all that and tho result was ho married her i only wish and the big follow looked positively murderous once moro sister angela pressed his arm never mind tom sho said and oh tho sadness in her voice no doubt it is fcr the est tom stopped and regarded hor yes my sister ho said no boubt it is for tho best and there in tho street with tears in his eyes ho stooped and kissed her is yim appftite poor perhaps by dieting or other means you have been treating the cymptomi rather than tho cause lou of appetite heartburn our tomach are symptoms that the blood is impure this explains the successful use of dr williams pink pills in all such cases here is a typical example i began to feel easily tired writes miss margaret white of parry sound and when i sat down to a meal i felt x did not want to cat a doctor told me i was anaemic but i made little progress with his medicine when i started taking dr williams pink pills i soon noticed that my appetite was improving that the headaches came less frequently and that i was not so easily tired now my weight has increased my cheeks are rosy and every echo and pain has van ished start today to iraprora yonr appetite buy dr wil liams pink puis from your druggists or by mail post paid at 50 cents a box from tho dr williams medicine co brockvihe ontario send for free book what to bat and how to eat armistice day kappa in tho nation and athen aeum london the vast outpouring of eloquence on and about armistice day is usually n weariness to me the note of insincerity is so patent in much of it a ritual of appropriate senti ment has become fixed and it is dead and dreary with convention the two- minutes silence is a great conception but two minutes is not long enough to compensate for tho loud noises from press pulpit and platform still there are hopeful signs of the growth of sanity and realism as the cele bration comes round each year one notes tho steady strengthening of a desire to make use of it as a time of tepentance for the past and resolve for the future ate too much visitor and tb you like christ mas pudding willie willie not always sir why is that 1 llko it ver much indeed on christmas day i go on liking it more j and more until it has all disappeared and then omehov 1 dont like it at all if america and england can sink their differences it wont matter so much whether they sink their ships j wagg had any luck hunting lloni la africa tugg yes 1 didnt meet one i englands trade goes over top trade throughout united kingdom maintains steady- volume despite seasonal increase in unemploy ment iron steel and coal show gain london despite the seasonal in crease in unemployment british in dustry enters the winter months wfth its volume of production steadilymain- tained from analyses made by the board of trade the british equivalent to the canadian dept of trade and commerce the following facts emerge industrial activity in tho united kingdom in tho third quarter if 1921 was 14 per cent lower than the second quarter but about equal to the first quarter it was 10 per cent greater than in the third quarter of 1928 all groups of industries compared with tho third quarter of 1928 show improvement of between 9 and 10 per cent the volume of production the board of trade comments would thus appear to have been more steadily maintained tris year than last the output of coal in tho third quarter of 1929 ex ceeded the same period of last year by nearly 7250000 tons the highest in crease recorded since 1921 exports absorbed 4000000 tons of the incr- ed output compared wi he pre vious three months period j present figures show an increased output of 1000000 ton3 iron and steel production in tho last three months increased by nearly 17 per cent over the same period of 1928 engineering and shipbuilding produc tion was 90 per cent greater non- ferrous metal production 43 greater chemical and allied trades increased 105 per cent neglect takes toll of tires of all kinds high and low pressure variety will be injured by neglect in any degree rules for care proper caro ot tires has always been an important matter to the car owner jeven when the high pressure cord tires were used extensively we find it even more necessary now since the balloon tor low pressure tire has come into existence although here are thou- i sands of car owners still running on ihigh pressure tires and will for some time to come practically all new cara are equipped with lowpressure tires however we find that the highpres sure tire can stand mere ill treatment and neglect than can tho lowpressure tire which accounts a great dea for its popularity but the balloon tire is increasing in popularity and there are several reasons it gives greater riding com fort one rides on a volume of air instead of the stiff carcass of the tire as is the case when t sing highpres sure tires the balloon tire becaue of it3 flexibility and lower pressure gives in to the shock ot road obstacles and absorbs the shock which would otherwise transmit to passengers the engine suffers less from damaging jars all in all tho balloon tiro is account ble for much f the increased pleasure of motoring these days neglect is costly although the lowpressure tire gives moro comfort in riding it requires more care and attencion in upkeep an in flation pressure is usuvuy recommend ed when purchasing ar and we wise to have the service men check up want to be sure thatjfe maitain this on the wheel alignment perhaps once pressure at all times sometimes this or twice a year pressure may be increased according to the load tee car customarily carries flq fobpc a dadv but a dealer will give you advice about 1 1 0ili jfi jmd i this the reason wh it is so import ant to keep the correct inflation pres sure 13 evident in file following com parison a loss of three poundsfrom i pressure of 30 in a balloon tit is a loss of 10 per cent it would take a loss of seven pounds from a 70pound pressure to equal the same loss in a high- pressure tire this is one of the reasons why highpressure tiros are still so popular tire manufacturers used to recom mend a higher pressure than was al ways necessary for high pressure tires because motorists were often neglect ful and a drop in the pressure of thirty pounds would still allow for enough air to prevent serious damage to the casting if balloon tiros are run to eny considerable extent under inflated they arc quickly cut by the rims nnd ruined a balloon tire gauge calibrated in single pounds will help in maintaining the right amount of air in the tire how to maintain air ill health causes his return to civilization a northern missionary and baby seal dr samuel stewart forced by illhealth returns to england after years teaching among eskimosvand indians in labrador thirty is there a baby or young children in your home if there is you should not be witout a box ot baliys own tablets childhood ailments come quickly and means should always be at hand to promptly fight them babys own tablets are the ideal home remedy they regulate tho bowels sweeten the stomach banish constipation and indigestion break up colds and simple fevers in fact they relieve all the minor ills of little ones concerning thorn mrs moise cabotte makamik que writes babys own tablets are tho best remedy in tho world for little ones my baby suffered terribly from indi gestion and vomiting but the tablets soon set her right and now she is in perfect health the tablets are sold hospital for sick ciulfeen 67 college 8t toronto 2 december 1929 dear mr editor your newspaper goes to a 16t of goodhearted people who will bo very pleased to learn that the new country branch of the hospital for sick chil dren established last year a few miles away from the main hospital in torouto is producing results even greater than its most ardent support ers anticipated when the ambitious project was mooted so please pub lish this letter as a piece of good news for all friends of the poor little sick kids thousands of small sufferers trom all parts of ontario come to the hos pital in the course ot a year generosity of friends throughout tho province has made possible tho marvehous expansion which has now earned for ontario the credit of hav ing the finest hospital in the world for little ones where every known child aliment is treated v there i3 no distinction in regard to race or creed for the information of your readers it might be stated as a matter of dept of health i classified advertisements one mana food is another mans poison is a baying which has come down to us through the ages in our day people art not content with a food supply which la simply not harm ful but insist on one that 13 healthful as well as sate what does the farmer eat the farmer eats moro than he re quires of certain foods meat sugar and starches and he eats too little ot certain other foods necessary for his health requirements milk fruit and vegetables this i not a wild guess on tho part of some food fad dist but itthe true picture of the actual food habits ot farmers in a county studied over a period of years at the time tho study was begun it was found that in many homos in tho county although tho table was set three times a day the foodvas of ton the samo old bill ot fare fried meat fried potatoes bread cake nnd pic and coffee from their own state ments many of the residents were goiug along from day to day not sick but feeling below par headache was common constipation was reported t by a great number and indigestion i was cause of annoyance to many of the farmers and their wives i 6ody food needs man needs food to supply the body 1 with energy to work 2 with ma terial to repair wornout tissues in the older person and to produco new tis- sue in tho young growing child i to meet these needs man should i eat every day the foods which will i result in this service to hi3 body in other words he shouli include in hi3 daily intake foods from each ot tho i following classes 1 meat eggs fish cheese about 10 ot the fuel to supply this energy should come from this class which is called the proteins or tissue builders 2 bread cereals potatoes and other starchy vegetables cakes and other sweet desserts this i3 the sugar and starch class and should supply about c0 of the fuel to sup ply the days energy 3 butter cream and fat from meats the animal fat class should supply about 00 of the days fuel supply protective foods are milk aud tho leafy vegetables these must be in cluded in every days intake to make up for the lack o certain essentials in cereals tubers roots and meats growth elements are known as vitamins and it is absolutely essen tial that these be supplied in thedays food supply their common source is milk fruit and vegetables situat vacamv oltf men tvantkl hvs day easy work earn while learn ing barber trad uner famauj merlran plan world owl reliable barber school lyslein write r cau immediately for free eatalosue mf barber college 1si queen west toronto of labors ended and the stubborn soil that we have striven with the whole day long yields now and takes us in a soft caress aud givc3 us quietness dp mcgulre in the sydney bulletin baaj raarteg maaakma s we pay the highest prices for dressed poultry write for quotations the harris abattoir co lttlj st lawrence market toronto 2 list of wanted inventions and full information sent free on kciuest the 3amsav co dent w 273 tin st ottawa ont 1lty tolerate mimpleti btdcktiearts atul naitttrutn cuticuiu os sind nticrtra intmcttt wlu qricllt anil economically f arifjr mid prctcrro your v1 nnd half rvb in back ofcarsikstrt in mostrits earoix 1 25 all oregvttl olcriptwt lolctt 01 ftqscjt a o leonard inc 30 firth aw new york clly fctsliketti a large automobile concern advises its purchasers to checr their tiro in flation once or twice a week arid also to set aside one day every week for tire inspection it will not tafcc long to do this and is worth the trouble of being assured that the air in ones tires i3 at the proper pressure tire inspection could be made a part of tho regular routine visit to the filling sta- by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c b mibi interest tbat in the year a box from the dr williams medt- 191 fp j ch recorded 70153 patient days in 1923 the total was 92401 and in 192s it was 93901 but in 1929 the business year ending september 30th the total had increased to tho impressive one of 121417 this remarkablo growth naturally carries with it correspondingly large cine co brockville ont to erect statue to bliss carman strmp fv up cut- t- pwicrn additional expenses and as there is a atone to oe ut to uesign l033 ovel lay on tho c03t ot maintcn sketched by the poet ance of practically every little patient the deficit to be taken caro of by big- saint john nb dr lome pierce hm vo- oisnlinr and oil it has been m xi hearted friends of tho grand cause ton for gasoline and oil nadeen of torontoi bl0 of the iate bhss an enormou3 totau plelge carman poet is in new brunswick in i as your readers to lend a hand connection with a fitting memorial to j yho is there more entitled to a the poet the original idea of a simple i share of the christmas bounty than tombstone has been extended o include j tho sick kids this year there are a statue of the poet dr pierce said man claims upon benevolent citizens bliss carmans grave will be marked but none stronger than that of the undecioeo curato interestedly and aro you going to glvoyour brother for christmas ilttlo clrl i dunno yet i gave him tho moasle3 last yoar what little for the hair ask your barber he knows estimated that nearl- 99 per cent of tire trouble is cauced by under-infla- tion there are a few points to look out for in keeping the recommended infla tion pressures tiro valve insides in all casings should be tight and in good condition this will help also the rim nut on the base of the valve stem should be tight to prevent the tube fiom creeping the rusting of the tube to the rim in cases where tires arc not removed for long periods of time can be prevented by using flaps flaps have also been recommended to avoid the pinching of tubes between the toe of the tiro and the rim flaps vary in width nd the correct size is necessary in order to get tho best results small cuts in the tires are also to bo looked out for they can cause no end of unexpected trouble rfml blow- utskvhcn least expected because water and mud and sand work their way into these little cuts rot tho fabric and bring about deterioration of tho tire let the repairman give any such small cuts immediate attention or do it yourself admonitions are offered to tho motorist who asks how ho can add to the life of his tires might be given the following admonitions see that tho proper inflation pressure is in the tires at all times when applying chains bo suro that they aro fastened loosely enough to work their way around tho tiro spare3 should be pro tected by cover casings avoid the severe btrainb which result from skid ding lotting the clutch in too suddenly or jamming tho brakes too hard keep the rim touched up with apo dal rim paint or shellac carry a port- ablo vulcanizer blowout patch chain tool tire sleeve jack valse cap tiro gauge etc to tako care of emergen cies proper wheel alignment is also important and is worth consideration misaligned wheels will wabble and run unevenly and cause rapid and uneven wear on tires a thirtyinch tire will drag 171 feet ovory mllo it tho wheel is but ono inch out of alignment tho greater the ground contact of a tire the more in tense will bo the drag and so it is by a stone cut to a design sketched by the gifted soi of new brunswick dur ing his lifetime if present plans ma terialize this will be supplemented by a statue it is perhaps not generally known that bliss carman designed a simple stone to be placed over his grave in new canaan said dr pierce tho poet never dreamed that his native province and dominion should ono day desiro his ashes since the interment in the family plot at fredoricton and the memorial service in tho cathedra somo progress has beet made to place over his grave a suitablo stone realizing that biis3 carmans tomb will become ono of our national shrines a monument has been worked out in careful detail but in di mensions moro fitting to so distin guished a canadian large number of afflicted children who can bo restored to tho benefit of the whole community faithfully yours irving e robertson chairman of appeal committee do you prefer any particular month to get marrlod la oh i like cm all first football player you say ho blocked tho kick how second ditto with his block canadian finds electric current in earthquakes montreal dr richard hamer pro fessor of physics at acadia university has announced the theory that con siderable electrical disturbances ac company earth shifting he states that these disturbances cause large electrical redistribution of natural earth mrrcnts and transient surges throughout the larths crust at the timo of the recent quake he says power linos indicated a major electrical surge or series of surges lasting from two to three minuter be fore the first tremor until after the second the speed of these surges is greater than that of the tremors them selves and on the basis of the differ ence in speed professor hamer says he calculated the centre of the disturb ance as approximately 400 to 500 miles from wolfville ns before seismol ogists had completed their records he believes that reliable advance notice may thus be obtained of serious tremors on couths colds a speedy safe proven remedy for children and adults buckleys mixture 4 acts ulicatlmh a swcif sfpoovrr quick belief olnulneu uy nuu- sandd through use of dr j h guilds green mountain asthma compound its pleasant smoke vapor soothes and relieves originated in 1s6s by dr guild specialist in respiratory dis eases also relieves catarrh standard remedy at druggists 35 cents 60 cents and 150 powder or ciparetto form send for free tiat pack age of 6 cigarettes oanadlrn dis tributor xiyinansv xtd dept cc1 286 st paul st west montreal can green mountain asvhma compound beware infection infection of cuts and bruises is best prevented by applying minards minards liniment for distemper parity and prestige sisley huddleston in tho new states man london parity really is on the american side the synonym of pres tige american prestige demandsthat tho american fleet should be regarded as equal to the british fleet doubt less british prestige demands that the american fleet should not bo regarded as superior to the british fleet but if these conditions arc nominally fulfilled it will be absurd to weigli and to mea sure too minutely truth mothiuk3 a man should speak tho truth that 13 within him no mattor whother death or llto be imminent cavelu a man who was alleged to have sworn at a bookmaker for twenty minutes without stopping was fined 10 it is not truo that on hearing tho j decision ho asked tho magistrate it ho could go back and hava another ton shillings worth eggs in three days tare guaranteed by crushing magic kek i gland tablets in your fowls drinking i water or mash or your money back aro i rich in itamlns protolns arid -wonder- n i tiivf vmir wlfn u toll- fu sclentlflo eggmaking ingredients do you know that your who is toil n 8dcc f required mrs craw- ing overyono you cant keep hor in ford ontario writes your tablets savo iiiv tioin nnlhln iv houeht plendld results on second day of use clothes that nothln lvodougut w keep your hens laying big through hor a homo and cant keep hor in tho pall and winter used for years by thousands of farmers kree hull tins for that cither minards linment for coughs mp box coc two big post paid agents wanter one the asking boxes 5100 reliable stomc rood co x melita ave toronto 76 beats 36 itcadthh wonderful letter from ft man of 7c who u mora active uua 40 years ago thanks to tho daily dlmcfol of kiuschca v at a tubjett t both pout and rhtumatitm for juttovfr so ytart i tcith to acknokltde thai i haw found nothing to absolutely certain at kmtthrn salts kpsom awl other things all law their virtues but auo their drawbacks erusthen salts i have to far foundafter g year or mors of urintf them have no araumckt ana no eountereffect uhaterer t am 7tt ana tamo actiie than 40 year ago 0fckul utlcr eafito br teiecuocb kraschfn salts u obtainable at drug ftm dcpattmenl niorcs in canada nt 76c ft bottle a bottlo contain enough to hut or 4 or montlufiood btaltb lot fcalfaceat ft dayj iaril miserable p i took lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound for mis erable and tired feelings and ic gave me strength to do my work my nerves arc better and i feel well and strong and have a good appetite i sleep well and am in pretty good spirits and able to work every day now i recommend the vege table compound and you may use this letter as a testi monial miss dilvem wal lace union street north tkvon new brunswick lydia ft piiikliamsf getawecbmpountl iffffitffiiiifc mftlco ls milt us i htj ce5aiif online cintfl issue no 5079