Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 12, 1929, p. 1

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vol xli nota stouffv1lle ontario thursday december isth 1921 v nolan publisher exclusive distinctive carefully chosen f christmas gifts and caftds appreciation of your gift de pends upon your selection storeys highest quality greatest assortment most desired for your christmas list j m storey druggist the home of quality drugs phone 1003 business cards medical dr s s ball phpslcian and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 19 g coroner for york county drs7 ira herbert freel dr ira freel consultation hours 9 to 12am mon wed frt 6 to 9 pm tues sat tues thurs sat afternoons by appointments only dr herbert frecl 9 to 12 am tues thurs sat 6 to 9 pm tues and sat mon wed fri afternoons by appointment only dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block contest for reeve we understand that mr j r campbell will oppose reeve wes colin of markham township in the coming election next january for the reevcsblp ot that municipality the sitting reeve has had several terms in office and mr campbellis an ex- deputy reeve with a good record behind jilm so that a spirited con test may be looked for council does big business water works showing handsome surplus dr d c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeon and of the university of toronto dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital office commerce bank up stairs phone office 1011 residence 1015 a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffvllle monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffvllle money to loan harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc office silvesters block phone 18003 anne lehman a t c m teacher of pianoforte playing and theory studio lehmans block phon 4301 insurance pays the bills congestion on our streets and high ways increases dally moro cars are boing purchased in canada and there is a growing c influx of tourists from across the border which will tend to multiply the already large number of auto- mobile accidents ihow does this affect you are you 9 taking chances or playing safe wltha policy ot insurance t birkett general insurance agency phono 18201 stouffvllle stouffville lodge no384 meetings every monday evening at 8 oclock in the v oddfellows hall visiting brethren welcome jess cook w r sanders noblo grand recsec thos rao financial secre say it with flowers no expression ot sontlmont more beautltui flowers for every occasion muston sons phone 7001 stouffville ont goodwood the goodwood united sunday school are hard at practice for the christmas entertainment to be given in the united church dec 23rd fred imlddleton is getting anxious to secur a horse as the roads is best for sleighing get your skates sharp and ready for the open air rink on i j f03- ketts corner elatcham caretaker expects same will be flooded this week the youug peoples musicale which was held in the united church was a good successthough many could not come on account of the recent snow storm which blocked the roads for cars those who were there en joyed themselves to the utmost mrs gulliver whose soprano voice is heroic and resplendent rendered two beautiful solos the piano solos rendered by the misses helen darl ing edna foskett irene storry and master bobby harden were wonder ful and there is no doubt that we will have some tschaikowskys and beethovens in the noar future the violin solo by rowland thurwalj was excellent the harmonicans messrs howard haynes lorne tindall and bruce taylor were also at their brat tne humorous side ot the program was gi ven by rev mr harden aud mr henderson which was very much appreciated then we will never forget our uxbridge friends who so kindly eamo down and brought the program to the top notch palmer beare and beaver were marvellous and were certainly very much eu joyed then everyone took part in the splendid lunch mrs jas milne dead mrs milton harris east of town is again bereaved in the death of her mother mrs james milne which occurred at the harris farm home on friday dec 6th three years ago mrs harris mourned the loss of her father and only last july her husband who was superintendent of the stouffville united sunday school died in the prime of life in the loss of her mother mrs harris has the sympathy of a wide circle of friends the late mlrs milne was a native of pickering township and was g8 years of age she suffered a great deal from eye trouble which prevented her going into the open air very much her maiden name was rosanna condy and she is sur vived by an only child mrs harris the funeral took place on sunday to stouffville cemetery the service being conducted by rev h s war ren ba car recovered charlie barkey of altona has recovered his ford car after being stole over two weeks ago mr bar- key was only aware that his car was in the hands of the toronto police last saturday although they had re covered it two days after being taken from his garage it was found standing on victoria street toronto with a sweater coat on the seat which mr barkey had left in the car charlie said it was like getting a letter from an old friend to receive news of his benzine buggy again after being given up for all time dlxonhill school will hold their annual christmas tree and concert in the school on friday dec 20th at s oclock admission 25 and 15c sale register thursday dec 12th at lot 14 1 con 3 uxbridge extensive sale of farm stock implements hay and grain estate ot lata david watson sale at 12 oclock f w silver- sides auctioneer saturday dec 14th credit sale of purebred and grade jer seys horses swlneimplementsetc belonging to wm j thompson lot 21 con 7 markham no re- servo sale at 1 oclock- pren tice prntlce auctlneers friday dec 20th on the weth- eral farm at rlngwood 16 choice holstoins all with calves at foot or close springers also jerseys durhams ayrshire cows belong ing to j a hawtin 6 months credit sale at 1 f w silver- sides auctioneer saturday dec 21st at lpt 4 con 9i whitchurch farm stock and lmpomonts grain hay and a choice dairy herd belonging to fred chamberlain no reserve sale at 1 oclock f w silver sides auctioneer wednesday jan 15th exten sive sale ot farm stock imple ments the property of thomas bacon at claromont salo at 1230 noon f w sllvorsldes auctioneer the stouffville council transacted towns and cities while optional in considerable business on friday villages the reeve said he had in- night on this the second last meet- 1 terviewed the members ot council lug of the year reeve sanders personally aud they didnt approve presided aud all members were of commission control and the present including councillor ward utter was laid aside without further rowbotham borinsky and rusnell discussion what the hepc wish is two requests from harvey schell a commission of threo men one to who recently completed the new he elected by the people for one year butcher shop on main street wero one for two years and the third man both turned down mr schell asked would b the sitting reeve by this council to pay a bill ot 1277 for method experienced men are always meat delivered to ira burkholdee- on the commission their terms of while under quarantine the bill office running out at different times was not itemized nor did jt show councils they claim are to cunibor- what price per pound was charged some aud often inexperienced for the meat nur the dates when j sauce for the tjoose it was procured it was rendered in when a bill for gravelling was professional style and tills didnt read it showed that nine loads had please members of council who- been placed on the lane leading to wanted to know what they were be- the cemetery grounds from main ing sailed on to pay auo the street councillor rusnell raised an account wasnt authored by the objection on the ground that he as council and his was anotfejr objec- chairman of the road committee hon to making payment authorized only two loads councill- mr schell also made a requestfor or ward stated that he instructed rebate on 4620 pwd for a new the seven extra loads plaoed and cement sidewalk aj at the east side declared that he did no more than of his store to his residence at the the chairman himself when ho ex- rear thi3 also council said wasnt ceeded his authority in gravelling authorized and was not lajd rupert street whore they wouldhavo placed it- the reeve said if orders were go- consequently they refused to pay ing to he given this way he didnt any part of the item and left the bill see where council would land he in the hands of the streets commit- thought mr ward ought not to tee 1 have ordered the extra gravel gets double security ward- i called mr rusnells at- itussef storry of gravel hill tention to the disgraceful condition appeared in poison an4 agreed to of the street whats sauce for the furnish a guarantee bond indemj goose is sauce for the gander markham electors vote on bylaw township constable resigns nifying the municipality against any further liability if they would pay over the amount of the stolen deben ture taken from tlie bank of comm- 1 erce here seven years ago council agreed to accept the bond for 2000 which is double the amount of money collectable ill the stolen de benture children after night counoillor rusnell suggested that a bylaw should be passed forbidding children running the streets aimless ly after nine oclock at night while councillor borinsky said that a woman ought to be employed to clean the clerks office every month to make it more presentable he al so suggested that a new floor should lie laid and the walls redecorated a table shpiil he provided for the press but while all these things were good the reeve thought they ought to be left for the next council to do bylaws passed two bylaws were passejl one- appointing officers and providing for the nomination meeting and polling if necessary in january messrs thos rao and ralph rae wero appointed deputy returning officers arid walter brillinger land hugh lark as ppll cjerks nomination on dec 30 at 730 p 111 and eleotion on january cth following the second bylaw provided for an amendment to the cemetery bylaw so that the price of lots in future in the old cometery will be 15 for a 10 foot plot or 5 for a single plot this applies only to the old cemetery grounds and includes perpetual care council adjourned until dec 16th when they meet for last session of the year this meeting will he held in the morning general accounts w ratcliff gravek16 j w imcmullen work 7 w e morden cartage 3075 well said councillor borinsky mohmhk water inspection 4 when one leaves a house he ought jos nomullen labor 420 john to leave it clean and thl3 council is gower wt 535 w crossen cartage etc 2650 markham tp about to step out w w sinking fund councillor rowbotham introduced taxes 258 b s telephone co phone 1355 planing mills 4241 the matter of inaugurating a sinking tribune ptg and adv 2275 otto fund for the water works and baker gravel 122hugh anderson forthwith a resolution wlas passed to tramps board 6 r j corson div invest 1000 in dominion bonds j court 32 ratcliff co hall rent from tho w w account which now i 8 henry momulan labor 175 has 1600 in the bank councillors office electric light 200 selecting borinsky and ward introduced the jurors 9 r rae 75c geo bowers motion which carried more light councillors ward and borinsky wero instrumental in having a jight authorized to he placed at the corner of main street and baker avenue councillor rowbotham also favored the light there while mr rusnell thought it might be left till next spring squelched proposal the hydro electric commission wrote a strong letter to induce the council to take steps to have tho local hydro business placed under a commission which is compulsory in i work 60c w thorne gravel 17 yds- 60ed thorne 23 ids gravel 5750 wa sangster moh 25 j s dougherty secy b of h 10 john goweiy labor 3 w cfossen cartage 620 ah lehman cartage 50c northern electric supplies 7813 bell tel co for poll rental- 6 yrs 4s0 f electric fi meters 9762 canadian line materials is light brackets for new street lamps 14935 water works whitchurch taxes 1876 llntner griffith repairs 255 h burgess clean reservoir etc 850 j gower digging etc 1640 whose cheque at friday evenings meeting ot the stouffville municipal council clerk dougherty presented a cheque for 12 playable to him as clerk of the municipality and being for rental ot the clerks office by the ontario government for the recent provincial election the clerk intimated that he thought tho council ought to give him authority to keep the cheque for his personal account as ho rented the ofllco and gave up his j space for the day councillor row botham led a strenuous objection to this declaring that the money was duo the municipality outright and not the clerk reevo sanders intimated thai ho was not adverse to tho clerk receiv ing the money but ho feared the more handing over of the cheque might establish a precedent that would be dangerous ho favored paying the clerk some other way if he had rendered extra service objection was raised that the clerk had no work to do whatever and was therefore entitled to nothing but mr doughterty felt that ho had sacrificed his space and- dono work as well with this brief discussion the matter was dropped and tho cheque will go to tho municipality stouffville enters hockey league boadways drug store stouffville local hockey enthusiasts havo organized for the season with w j mather as president arthur swift manager and winston stonehouse secretary arrangements have been made to form a league with markham wlllowdale and stouffvllle the schedule has been drawn up and agreed to by all tho teams the first game in stouffville will be held on february 6th with markham and the entire schedule is as follows jan 3 wlllowdale vs markham jan 6 markham vs stouffville jan s stouffvillo vrf wlllowdale jan 10 wlllowdale vs stouffvillo jan 13 stouffvllle vs markham jian 15 markham vs wlllowdaio jan 17 wlllowdale vs markham jan 20 markham vs stouffvillo jan 22 stouffvllle vs wlllowdale jan 24 wlllowdale vs stouffvillo jan 27 stouffvllle vs markhum jan 29 markham vs wlllowdale the electors ot markham town shipwill be asked to vote on a by law oujanuary cth to authorize the couucil to issue debentures for twentyfive thousand dollars the question of how best to meet the large expenditure of this year ou roads and bridges throughout the townshipwas decided in a very few minutes at the regular meeting of the council held at unionville it is a question which has been before the couucil members for many months and one bn which there has been a variance of opinion the spring of 1929 will be remem bered lohg as the year of the great flood which brought such havoc to the roads arid bridges in this section of the province markham township suffered particularly heavy and- the council wasfaced with an expendit ure entirely unforseen and unpreced ented in the history of the municip- ality the work was gone ahead wjth and completed and paid for with borrowed money when the township rate for the year was struck some members favored striking the old rate and issuing debentures for the extra amount needed the work was only partly completed and the majority of the council supported an increase of one mill in the hope that this would raise a sufficient amount of money that the overdaft could bo carried and wiped out in 1930 or tho following yoar the end of the year nowdraws near the work has been completed and the township is in the position of having obligations to the bank amounting to about 9s000 amounts of 25000 and 7000 are accounted for by money raised for the construction of the new union school at milliken and the construction of the improved roai ways of jjungstaff both of which will be covered by the issuing of debent ures even minus these two item tlte overdraft will he over 25000 and at the meeting on monday a letter twas received from the canadian bank of commerce advising that the members consider the advisability of issuing debentures it was moved by deputyreeve g b padget seconded by councillor r a smith that the solicitor for the township he instructed to prepare a bylaw to be submitted to the electors o the township on election day january 0th 1930 for the issuing of 25000 debentures for a term of five years to he paid by a mill rate on the dollar reeve gohn the position were in today is merely that we would be asking the people to- decide if they want an issue of debentures or not in support of the motion mr pad- get said that lie favored taking the ratepayers into confidence and giv ing them an opportunity to decide the issue it was merelya matter of providing for what had been al- rcay donef in the line ot road and bridge work and it would enable tho next council to start with a clean sheet the motion was put after a short discussion and every member held up his hand in its support the council will hold a special session in the near future when the bylaw which will bo submittedtb the people will be given its first readings after which it will be advertised james a gibson niado ms report as school attendance officer for the township wrights limited asked tho council to consider taking over certain streets in bayvlew heights the clerk was instructed to advise that the council was not taking over any more streets just now township constable cowan who was appointed a couple of nibathsj ago presented his report and account which included a bill for services of a man to drive car and assist him council members were of the opin ion that if mr cowan needed any assistance he should call on const able walker of markham village who was an experienced man and who would he more valuable in case any arrests were mado constable cowan could hardly see this viewpoint and asked the council to accept his resignation on motion the resigna tion was accoptod and mr walker will take over tho duties for the balance of the year a bylaw was passed providing for holding municipal nominations and elections and the same ofllcals were appointed as acted last year nomination will ho on monday december 30th and elections on monday january 6th social personal miss blanche slack has resumed her position on the post office staff following her illness in a toronto hspltal wh johnson 7th con living on the sideroad east of unionville is laid up with a sprained ankle w h is mightjj thankful this is not bar- vest time as we go to press on wednesday afternoon the condition of mr wb sanders one ot our oldest citizens is very serious and no hope is en tertained for his recovery- isaac barkey was almost maroon ed in his foundry on tuesday morn ing when the big water tank at the c n r station overflowed the water mixing with the deep snow in the foundry yard created a slush that was knee deep a very pretty wedding was solemnized on wednesday dec 4th at the stouffvillechristian parson age when lilian margaret brown of toronto became the bride of ira lome wagg the ceremony was conducted by rev e morton the bride was becomingly attired in blue crepe hack satin trimmed with silk lace and carrying a jjouquet of columbia roses and fern miss ethel bunker acted as bridesmaid and the groom was attended by his brother arthur following the ceremony a daity luncheon was cerved at the home of mr and mrs frank wagg the happy couple left amid showers of confetti for kitchener and petersburg among the churches one whottemembers dear mr editor i read with considerable interest the item in a- recent issue entitled do you remember way backwhen the double header blew up in 1878 i note theafter 1s7s and believe this was well placed had this calam ity occurred in 1878 i might have been up to see the wreck i was not there however as from records in my possession i findjhis explosion took place on january31st 1874 just a little too early for me to be present i well remember old mr toaz and his horse and dray and some ot the others mentioned in the article though i w one who was not there the following is copied from a diary of 1s74 under the above date there was an explosion of the double header engine at stouffville station two firemen killed instantly one thrown against an upstair wind ow breaking the sash and falling the other blown over the house and fall ing in wheelers field distant from the engine about twenty rods the engineer was thrown in the opposite direction against a pile of cordwood very dreadfully broken and cut but still living and sensible the boiler was thrown towards the north break ing the station roof tearing out one end and then went about one hund red feet and lit on a pile of wood the house against which the fire man was thrown stood on the site of the mansion house or a little nearer the railway and if my memory serves me correctly was occupied by a mr isaac marks wheelers field extended from west of a store now included in the block west of the mansion house to the ninth con cession yours sincerely f w mertens presbyterian church rev w h fuller pastor sunday dec 15th 2 pm sunday school 3 pm evening worship the public are invited raker hill and sixth line ba1 tist churjdues w s wbitcombe pastor sunday dec 15th sixth line morning service baker hill evening service baptist church rev w w fleischer pa3tor sunday dec 15th 10 am bible school 11 am and 7 pm pastor roy hisoy will preach at both services christian church e morton and f e hyde pastors sunday dec 15th one of the most important things which we have to do sunday morn ing is to get ready in time for sun day school and worship a man is known to his dog by the scent to his tailor by his clothes to his friend by the smile to god by doing his will read 1 john 24 and heb 1025 united church of canada rev h s warren ba pastor sunday dec 15th 11 am the man whosaw in the dark 230 pm s s and bible classes 7 pm the privilege of living nb wednesday dec 18th christmas supper and entertain ment jiennonite church rev s s shantz pastor saturday 2 pmi quarterly busi ness and fellowship meeting v sunday dec 15th 10 am communion and ordin ance services sunday evening laltona the above services in charge of presiding elder s goudle stouffville sunday evening service in charge of pastor monday evening dec 16th young peoples service at stouffvllle at 8 pm births taun at bethesda on dec 9th 1929 to mr and mrs harvey taun a daughter irae at lot 11 con 7 whitchurch on dec 10th 1929 to mr and mrs stewart rae a daughter cowperthwalte in pickering twp th con on dec 10th 1929 to and mrs carleton cowperth walte a son earl a grubin ro eyesight specialist honor graduate of the college of optometry of canada gold medal ist and first hermant prize winner in 1928 at stouffville every thursday friday and saturday office in the grubin block eyes examined glasses fitted and re paired fhorio stouffville 24t5 george baker realtor and valuator farm and city property a specialty i exchanges and small acreages pros stouffvllle old boys and girl i stouffville ont association box 24 phone 179 daily coach services stouffville toronto single 95c return 170 an interesting judgment was rendered by judgo wlsmor in the division court at barrio a few days ago a carpenter made a bad job of shingling a roof and tho owner of the building was awarded damages to the amount of 100 this should be a warning to to halfmade car penters that they cant got ttway with any kind of sloppy work with zero weather this wednes day morning and lots of snow we arc certainly enjoying an old fash- loed winter os it is called george h cox will present the vagabonds in chuckles of 1930 10 acts circus wild west and vaudeville at ratcllffs hal on thursday dec 12th at 815 popu lar prices leave stouffville 725 am zll40 am z 340 pm z 825 pm standard time j leave toronto zlooo am z 200 pm 530 pm zlo15 pm z saturday sunday and holidays only coach connections at toronto foroshawa- mon treal orillia midland schomberg orangeville harrtiltonbrantford niagara falls buffalo and in termediate points coach connections at buffalo for all usa points gray coach lines

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