Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 28, 1929, p. 4

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stouffville november 28th 1929 the home town store quality service you pay leas for more at the home town store cattelis eggweat noodles pkg 10c white beans 3 lbs 25c kellogs allbran pkg 20c quick quaker oats china- ware pkg 35c clean fancy currants per lb 15c thompsons seedless raisins 2 lbs 24c seeded raisins per pkg 15cu bulk per lb 15c catsup lelands imperial quarts special 23c sweet mixed pickles qt 45c our own brand baking pow der has stood the test of years 1 lb tins only 22c chicken haddie per tin 20c peanut brittle and pea nut crisp per lb 25c brazil chocolate slab lb 49c licorice allsorts per lb 25c chocolate buds lb 35c finest orange and lemon peel per lb 22c citron peel per lb 30c green giant peas the finest product in canned peas only per tin 23c fine old cheese per lb 35c kraft cheese 36c bordens chocolate malt ed milk special with shaker 50c new zealand butter lb 45c iodized salt pkg 10c ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 feeds flour coal bran and shorts very scarce farmers who will require feeds will do well to order from us corn and oats at a price no higher than bran and shorts poultry feeds egg mash scratch grain crack corn corn meal and oyster shell coal and coke always on hand s w hastings phone 169 tile salt stouffville cement government loans for farmers the ontario government by means of a body known as the agrlcultuial development board loans money to farmers on the security of first mortgages up to 50 per cent or a little better of the value the mortgage bears an nual interest at 5 13 per cent and runs for a period of tweuty years or may be paid off at the end of any year the payment of principal and interest is wended and if the mort gage runs the full term it is paid off in twenty equal annual payments of js3gs for each 1000 of the loan it any farmer wishes to avail himself of getting a loan from the agricultural development board in the next few months it would be good business to apply now even though the money is not required until next february march or april as the premises must be examined by a valuator and they are not permitted to make an fnspection while the snow is on the ground application forms may bo easily procured oiled in and forward the routine is just as simple it not more so than obtaining a loan from a loan company and the expense less wood prices limb wood cut short 50 cord or 2 cords for 16 body hardwoad cut short 1250 or 2 cords for 24 dry hemlock and hardwood slabs rea sonably priced quantity good furnace wood cut short at 10 cord all orders delivered wm ratcliff phone 990g people of moderate means hit add this to your car perfect mechanical adjustment plus a clean motor chesley enterprise last year the enterprise wrote an editorial on the rich people and the paupers being lucky ones vhen they had to be taken to a hospital on account of the high charges because the former class wouldnt be much affected by the cost and the latter because they received free service our contention was that the burden of hospital maintenance fell on the middle class canon cody of toron to in an address last year took the samo view that many people of moderate means were given a fin ancial setback for years by the high charges to inmates in hospitals the same conditions obtain in the united states and we find a promin ent medical man or that country writing in the press along the same lines he maintains that the pauper received the benefits of modern medicine free of charge and the millionaire pays dearly for them but in the opinion of dr hugh s cummings surgeongeneral of the public health service the man of moderate means who will not accept charity and cannot afford high fees is being neglected the situation he said today presents a challenge to the medical profession and must be met by a readjustment of the cost of medical attention the provinciat secretary who has charge of hospitals should bring this matter to the attention of the ontario legislature at the next session with the object of making hospital charges being levied on patients according to their financial condition frightened deer seeks succor all but asks young men to befriend it wants credit for land purchased perfect cold wea ther driving bring us your car today a swift garage phone 195 stouffville gifts conveniently arranged to make shopping pleasant christmas gift buying holds no terrors for the early shopper shop early in the month make your choice in comparative peace and quiet ness save the wear and tear of nerves and temper our stocks are now complete v j alteration in the proposed referend um agreement whereby the county and the province share equally in tho uxbridge townnp reforesta tion project is being sought by the county council which has appointed a deputation to interview hon w finlayson minister of lands and forests under the proposed agreement the county and province are equal own ers of the reforestated area the council asks that the agreement be alierod so that if they have to bear 50 per cent of the cost they will receive credit for the aount ex panded in u hi laid council passed a bylaw to issue debentures for the countys share of the provincial highway con struction in the county for the year it amounted to 81000 a bylaw was also passed to raise debentures to pay the countys cost of laying pavement from man chester to port perry the warden stated that the chil drens aid society would ask the countys assistance in financing the new childrens shelter in oshawa the winners of the oratorical contests from the various rural fairs will address the council on lion for cups donated by j w widdifield and wen sinclair whitevale bridge to open this week full fashioned hose knitted from pure thread 12 strand silk all silk to the welt double soles all the new wanted shades we can thoroughly recommend this hose it would make a wonderful christmas gift per pair 150 175 and 200 highclass rayon underwear vests and bloomers of finest quality the vest is opera style with shoulder straps full cut bloomers all the latest colors our advance christmas prices from 95 to 2 colorful fancy towels comprising of the newest and latest designs and colorings have excellent absorbent qualities and will stand a lot of usage large size 59c boxed towel sets to delight the heart of any women white bath towels with rainbow colored ends and fancy embroidery bor ders with wash cloth to match prices from 79c to 200 a box womens eiderdown kimonas made with a shawl collar trimmed with a heavy band of satin and has two pockets trimmed with satin also a heavy silk cord with large silk tassels assorted shades and sizes each 389 and 450 handkerchiefs in great array loose or boxed see our display we have a wonderful assortment of christ mas cards with fancy lined envelopes 5c up to 25c each also assorted seals at 5c pkg see our boxes of assorted christmas cards with 12 and 18 cards to a box envelopes to match won derful value 59c 79c and 89c per box see our display of tables a wonderful as sortment to choose from gifts and toys of all kinds ranging from 5c up to 95c and higher imported pure linen lunch cloths you will be pleased with the superior quality of these linen cloths they are always useful and make very acceptable gifts colored borders give a showy appear ance special 100 heavy white cotton crepe bed spreads in large sizes special 229 we have a good display of fancy linens cut work centres and tray cloths with heavy cream lace fancy embroidered towels lunch sets etc a good assort ment to choose from at reasonable prices dinner sets in fashionable pat terns and moderately priced visit our china dept old structure went with spring floods question of payment for it now in courts the shaw store phone 9512 stouffville one of the largest dridges which was washed out in ontario county by last springs storms and which has been replaced this season is the whitevale bridge in the town ship of pickering it was announced in county council now in session that the structure will be officially opened this week a celebration is planned the structure is cement and steel and is located on an important road of travel the question of who is to pay for it is now before the courts judge buddy some months ago held that the township must pay when application was made before him to have it declared a county bridge an appeal was made from the judgment the question of trio payment of the countys share of the atherloy bridge was again brought before the council the countys share of the total cost amounts to 28000 and a knotty point of procedure is involved as to whether tho county should pay this by issuing debentur es as it is understood that the brid ge is to be presently taken over by the provincial government as part of the provincial road system county clerk christian was of the opinion that a spocia session of tho council would be necessary to pass the bylaw authorizing tho issue of debentures beeve g m forsyth of picker ing township chairman of the special committee which dealt with the atherloy bridge question ex pressed tho opinion that previous to taking any action representatives of slmcoe county and ontario county should meet with the depart ment of highways no action has as yet been taken upon this sugges tion although it is probable that it will bo discussed later this soason the countys debenture debt will be increased by many thousands of i dollars as tho result of paying opera tions carried on this summer on county and provincial highways tho j county will have to pay its share of j the pavement constructed and other improvements completely exhausted after hav ing fled from the terrifying baying of hounds a yearling doe came out of some corer on the west side of the fifth sideroad or tecumseth simcoe county sunday afternoon at the fence at the roadside it hesit ated and then decided it could not jump the fence fred murphy and some companions were comiug north in a car and seeing them the little animal vaulted the fence and appro ached the car as it seeking succor the animal was in a state of complete exhaustion its breathing was rapid and its legs could scarce sustain its weight its terror was pitiable the rapid aialation of nostrils and the continually out stretched neck to give the nostrils every opportunity to obtain the scent of danger together with the alert and wandering eye betokened a condition more pitiable than that of fatigue the deer did not ooject to hav ing hands laid on it and courted the presence of the young men who had befriended it the dogs that had been pursuing it did not follow it to the fence their course being deflect ed by threatening gestures of a couple of the deers benefactors the exhausted animal was led into win stychs driving shed where it was safe from the attacks of dogs and man its fright was cal med in a little while and the rescued animal lay down after deing given a drink of water and some oats it was too tired to eat and lay down to rest later it helped itself to the grain when the door was opened as neighbors came to the stych home to have a look at the graceful ani mal it showed little fear and soon became quite accustomed to being the object of curiosity jlr stych notified provincial con stable robinson who went down to see the deer but who could do nothing but advise its captors to let it go the animal did not show any inclination to take to the bush i covered areas several 6f which were in sight instinct had taught it that wherever good food is available in i plenty that is the place to inhabit and oats and warm water were no doubt the best food the little animal had tasted for some time monday it was not averse to letting whomso ever came to see it lay his hands on its sleek coat of fur bather than see the deer forced to again take a chance with dogs for the preservation or its life dr s r mckelvey of beeton took the little animal down to toronto and presented it to the commissioner o parks in the city alliston herald ir the reward of years of toil if you contemplate an auction sale the clos ing out of your years of effort in building up a complete farm equipment the bank of com merce is splendidly equipped to cater to your financial needs our local manager and his staff will gladly make all arrangements for the collection and discounting of all sale notes and for furnishing an extension of credit where necessary a successful sale is entirely depen dent upon sound financial arrangements the canadian bank of commerce witft uaica is amalgamated the standard bank of canada i automatic i air volume control airune t a city water service in your home life is too short to spend so much of it j in the drudgery of pumping and carrying water for the house especially in winter such work often leads to colds and serious illnesses a toronto automatic pressure system gives you the wonderful convenience of city water service at low cost continuous pressure always it is noiseless in operation and absolutely automatic op erated by electric motor or toronto selfoiling windmill toronto pressure sys- primer terns are easily and quick ly installed resolve now to enjoy many years of comfort with its constant water supply see me for full information you will be surprised at the exceed ingly low cost of a toronto water pres sure system george j lawson stouffville ontario eal1sm new sparton w eq uasonne r ii ml jjb w j sfiovc 62 sin fpp mw s nu the newest amazing sparton development is a radio instrument that gives full play to the individuality of your entertainer you sense his mood and expression you feel his presence and charm genuine satisfying reception of personalities becomes a reality with all the warmth and color that the term can mean hear this new sparton and form your own opinion do it soon cober cober phone stouffville 5 sparton radio radios richest voice n

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