tiger of france died as he lived heroic figure passesis mourned by all georges clemenceau goes to last rest at 88 buried upright in grave dug by chauffeur friend canadas wealth creeps northward parte ceorges clemenceau the leader ot france to victory his suffer ings ended early sunday last by death which closed 88 years of a fighting life sunday night was taken to rest in tho loneliness of a little wood near mouchainps in hl3 beloved vendee and within 30 miles ot the sea he loved so well there he was buried monday morn ing under the trees in a grave that his chauffeur and friend m brabant dug for him on sunday he will sleep in the soil of his france for which ho had fought so vigorously at a spot he himself had selected the grave will he marked by a stone sent ty friends from oreeco ho will be buried upght as his father before him what he desir ed above all was to carry out to the end his appearance ot a hard exterior which all knew covered a warm heart he lived and wanted to die a man in one of his last lucid moments on his deatjoed ho said i want no wo men i want no tears let no die before men wished quiet funeral clemenceau iu death as in life re jected ostentation and ceremony he asked that when death came to him ho should be permitted merely to dis appear he wished a funeral as quiet as drab as bare as those for a million of his boys killed in tho long strugglo which his leadership ment they will pronounce again the tribute ot the cation to that pil grimage of sorrow at napoleons great arc de triomphe flags at halfmast all flags on government buildings were a hafma3t monday in france and all her posse33ioa3 monday while the guns sound in saluto the chamber will listen to a funeral orar tloa by president fernand bouuson and premier tardieu will answer for tho government soon after dawn monday people bo- gaa to gather before the mode3t home where the tiger had lived for thirtyfive years inside the house albert faithful valot ot the states man and sister theoneste his faith ful nurse prepared clemenceau for his long rest they put on him a grey suit aud on his head the little worn horizonblue soldiers bonnet that ho liked to wear it was one ho had worn ia the trenches under fire and which had been pictured in newspapers all over the world they propped him up in the strango bed which iiad been carved to his order with fabulous monsters and placed a white bedspread over him m tardieu some other old friends and a very few other diguitaries were admitted to the chamber during the morning all day long a stream of peopk- passed through tho entry signing the helped turn to a triumph and caused register and leaving cards the fam- a then feverishly grateful parliament liy carried out the wish of clemenceau to acclaim him father of victory for privacy and withheld news of the he simplicity of the burial will plans for burial make it deem almost secret premier it was not until after dark that a andre tardieu a close friend was light oak casket with gilded handles called to the chamber in the house was brought and the body placed in it in rue franklin shortly after the it w then carried out to a swift death at 145 am he told the famjbiacfc hearse that started at once ily of the governments wish to give through the dark on the strange and tee statesman a national funeral he golem journey to the grave in vendee knew as tho family did that clemen ceau had wished exactly reverse and when the will was opened at 10 am that wish was formally expressed plans carefully laid ii brabant left by automobile with in an hour after the death to dig the telegraph wires from all over eu rope and cable lino3 from every con- tnent brought to the government and the family messages of sympathy and sadness from kings princes presidents and friends the french press paid tribute to 3 maritime provinces suffer loss premier regrets by earthquake and tidal wave phillips action canada victoria bc warm appreclatioa tidalwave added to horrors of earths tremors and shakes retire s loss to both halifax severe earth tremors mondays break in the fundiaa fault m e t es an- shook tha atlantic coastline north- and apparently caught the first ward from long island sound to nova strength of the tidal wave that rush- scotla and new fouudland oa monday j ing northward and broken by tho of the- excellent wordone by hoat november isth oa the 11th anniver- shoreline reached more roiuoto m pmlllps united states minister sary of tho heaviest earthquake ever points on the island at a later hour to canada was expressed by prima recorded in the new england area and with diminished force- a pic- minister mackenzie king when tho the fundiaa fault which runs ture of waters receding leaving ves- official announcement of mr phillips southwestward from tho bay ot fundy sels helplessly aground to wait their retirement was conveyed to him at oft cape ana under tho atlantic j retura comes from catalina in the tho conclusion ot the memorial ser ocean was believed by prof kirtley district ot bouavista on the east vice for hon jame3 a robb here coast reached by the wave early phillips camo to ottawa aa tuesday morning this is in line lle representative ot the united with the experience of glace bay stale3 two yeara ag0 mr klns ns where the water receded and re- stat his plans at that time wore northern railway gives prospecting impetus this trench was dug near nelson river northern manitoba and a test- pit is being sunk in mineralized rock to obtain further data on geological structure heroic daughter fails to save father after brave plunge into sea lighthouse keepers daughter proves that the blood heroes stilt- flows in young canadians of efforts unavailing grave or his beloved master this georges clemenceau as a superman was all a part of the carefully laid saying his career as victory premier plans of clemenceau three years ago at luxemburg he had told a group of senators you know when i die it wont be announced you will learn of it only after my burial i havo made provision or that when the time came he was of course not in tbe war proved that france always finds the leader capable of guiding and saving the nation in a great crisis tho sharpest critics of the press ad- mittd this claim his energy and will were called relentless and remorse less editorial comment said ho never victoria daughters able to attain such a complote degree flattered or quailed when fighting evil of selfeffacement jor destroying men or political com m tardieu respected the wishes ot bination3 tiat incurred hi3 wrath the pres3 credited him with saving france at the front and behind the front in 19 l7 at life crucial moment of his friend and cut red tape to facili tate privacy at the burial he order ed a cordon of gendarmes thrown about tho woods- i the war by injecting the fluid of vie yet while the simple ceremony is tory into the soldiers by his visits to taking place in that faroff lonely the trenches and bv warning the peace spot at exactly the same hour the champions behind the lines that prison cannon ot the armistice that was their destiny however high up sounded tho last note ot the war will they were in the life of the nation again fire and exactly the same salute ot 101 shots as it did at 11 oclock on nov 11 1918 warships will answer every battery ot artillery in franco tho papers recalled that marshal foch conceived of clemenceau as robespierre and victor hugo com bined lo matin insists that this robespierro became danton when and her colonies and the guns ot cowards and raising crushed hopes adding that ho went to war himself an old man clutching a thick stick stumbling through the mud of tho somme and the marne defying the shells ofchateau thierry and saying to all soldiers bon jour my chil dren le matin believes clemenceau won the war but failed 33 a peace maker tho paper accuses him ot do ing nothing to winover president wil- every french warship afloat on what ever seas will answer that salute in memory ot the man who for france really won the war next sunday veterans of france men whom clemenceau saw when he went to tho frontlino trench03 cheer ed them and called them my chil dren will march in a public funeral procession past the grave of tho un known soldier who symbolizes tho son at tho peaco conference insisting million and a halt of the battle dead that he did not liko wilson ot the country lo matin concludes that it was a at that national shrine will as- great error to contido the resonsibility semblo tho government presldont for negotiating eace solely j clemen- doumorgue premier tardieu the ceau tho man who carried on the war whole cabinet and tho presidents ot j but tho world mourns aud does the tho chamber and senate of parlla- great man homage in his passing ontario experts judge at chicago our leading live stock judges and college men will participate in the in ternational live stock ex position at chicago nov 30th to dec 7th soveril of ontarios foremost agn- cultural experts have been electod to servo as judges in tho leading live stock and crops show ot america the international live stock exposl hon which will open us door nt chicago stock yards novembor 30th to december 7th according to tho maaagement over 12000 bead ot tho cholcost live stock cattlo horses sheep and ewlno will bo on vlow it is tho most select assembly ot farm animals and field crops hold each year bocauso practi cally all the participants havo been winners in state and county fairs earlier in the season with such closely matched nominations for tho top places it is pointed out that tho most export judgment is required to rank them according to tholr just niorits the ontario men who havo accept ed tho invitation to judge at the chicago exposition are john miller of ashburn who will pass upon tho siicrthorn cattlo classos ii noel gibson well known sheep specialist of komoka who will act as an alter nate judgo ot shropshire sheep en tries duncan johuson appln who will review tho oxford sheep and w t g wiener ot ottawa who will bo ono ot tho smallgrain judging com mittee in tho international grain aud hay show in addition to the men abovo men tioned there will bo the usual stockr judging team ot students from the on tario agricultural collego who will compoto against similar groups ot students from many ot tho state col leges in the judging ot the various classes of llvo stock these mor will bo in tho chargo ot professor stock loy and professor kmi bc canada is rearing fit to have their names placed on the roll of honor of the empire beside the name o grace darling this has been revealed following direct questioning ot those who took part in ono of the tragedies that an nually go down iu the history of those who light tho lamps that guide mariners to the shore3 of this do minion doris warren sixteenyearold daughter of s t warren lighthouse- keeper on the lonely rock at entrance island quatslno sound is the cana dian heroine when she saw her fathers row- boat nearly swamped ono hundred yards from shoro and her father plunge into the sea she unstrapped hor wristwatch threw off her outer garments and shouted to her mother dad needs help he cannot swim tho plucky girl raced swiftly over jagged rocks until she reached the spot where the whitecapped break ers dashed against them then she plunged into tho seething water warren weighed two hundred and eightyone pounds inability to swim or weight of his clothing prevented him from clutch ing the wallowing boat to the surface the third time he was unconscious she supported him but he was a dead weight her mother who had helped launch the boat with her younger daughter margery eleven ran along the rocks and threw a lino which doris caught tho two on shore pulled hard and brought both ashoro through the com bers while doris clung tenaciously to her fathers body struggling valiant ly to keep his head above the foam men on the gas boat kinky kid had seen the gallant act and risked their dingy and their lives to row ashore but it was dangerous heartb cak ing work to affect a landing they had brought tho weekly mail for which warren had attempted to leave his little rockbound sanctuary they found the three frail depend ents of the lighthousekeeper trying to restore respiration and quickly assisted but tho attempt was futile while tho kinky kid raced back through the pacific combers the family left with their dead kept the beacon light burning so that mann ers and their passengers might reach canada and safety they kept the fog horn goiug that night it was to them the last sad dlrgo for ono they loved the light housekeeper is survived by his wld f mather harvard geologist to havo been the source of the disturbance tho shocks which began at aproxl- mately 335 pm became severe ia two minutes and continued to be re ported on uie harvard seismograph for an hour were reported from all oter new england part ot new york state new brunswick nova scotia and newfoundland shaking buildings rattling dishes and pictures slamming doors and swinging light fixtures were noted in scores of communities st johns nfld a tidal wave stir- turned at 15mlnute intervals ono to stay long enough to organize tho land along the southern coast of new foundland sweeping houses aud stores before it rolliug over entire villages aud causing enormous property dam age and loss of lite coastal telegraph lines were inter rupted by the earthquake and no news ot the disaster was obtained until thursday when the coastal steamer portia reached burin on the south coast and reported by wireless the wave struck the coast betwoeu 530 and 730 pm on monday at burin nine lives were lost most ly women and children four bodies were recovered it was reported with out confirmation that 25 other lives were tost along the same coast miles of the foreshore along the schooner entering port union sprung legation aud to open the dim tt aleak and at catalina the break- i channels between canada water was swept away and the coaj tn0 ullued state3 ho thea crcte walls ot the power house were purposeu retiring from tho diplomats cracked iu a score of places the total serv death loss is placed at 3g am tery vwy sorry wa au ara very sorry he is leaving mr king added no man could have repre sented a country moro splendidly than mr phlllip3 did the united states hon j l balston minister of na tional defonco who also attended the service joined in tribuo to mr phil lips i regret very much that mr phillips is leaving col balston stat ed and expessed a high opinion ot mr phillips ability tidal waves rare tidal waves very common occur rences on the pacific coast aro very unusual in eastern canada stated red by mondays oarthquakc rolled in- r james young of tho meteorological noan tawinln tln u 1 r 1 r office toronto the last earthquako in that vicinity with its accompany ing tidal wave was early iu march ot 1923 beginning at the mouth ot the saguehay and going down the st lawrence and on down tho coast tliis was an even bigger quake than that ot monday and was felt in to- the seismograph which records masked jbsllit only vibrations had no record of the destroying wave which followed mon days earthquake in the marltimes but mr young explained that ou the coast they have instruments called tidal gnages which measure the height of tho water these are simi- j lar to the instruments they have here i in toronto for measuring the lake height such waves a3 that which swept many homes aud families of new foundland into tho atlantic ocean are thrust up from the bottom of tho burin peninsula were inundated by the wave which when it ebbed car ried back into the sea everything that was movable i dwellings stores fishing huts and i ocean because ot the rocking of land other property hundreds of feet from j and water an earthquake and they the tidewater were swept away st i ru3 into the harbor with tremendous lawrence in the burin area reported into the harbor with tremendous disaster along the waterfront were force receding just as quickly they no loss of life but tremendous dam- may travel thousands of- miles are a i very high and from crest to crest heavy losses suffered i may measure 30 to 40 miles mon- fifteeu families are homeless at days wave said mr young may rush taylors bay and all stored fish pro- back so far that it will be felt on the doris reached him when he came ow six girls and ono boy choir stockings provoke bishop london gentle reproof of tho character of dresses worn by women in churoa choirs i3 offorod by tho bis hop ot southwark la a report issued recently on a visitation of hu diocese some choirs have beon supplement ed to their great advantago by wo men niombors but occasionally in sufficient thought has been taken ovor the dross they should wear writes tho bishop adding the et teot of white surplices over colored stockings is not to 3ay tho lca3t very happy ha eipres3e3 tho opinion that it ought not to ba beyond tha wit ot woman to design soma choir dress best cooperation ever perpetrated ferguson government takes action that must meet with universal ap proval drunken drivers must go safe roads soon wholesale cancellation ot liquor per mits and driving permits may follow within tho next few days as a result ot an alliance which has been formed between the provincial department of highways and tho liquor control board for tho purposo of barring drunkon drivers and toofrequent liquor buyers from both the liquor stores and the highways announcement of this ontonto against tho dangerous drinker was mado over tho week end by hon ceo s kenry minister ot highways it camo a3 an implementing ot tho elec tion pledges of premier ferguson reiterated last week by both tho prlmo minister aud mr henry that tho gov ernment was launching a now and mora vigorous offcnslvo against tho drunken drlvor menace exchange names v hcncoforth the department of high ways will supply the liquor board n list ot all persons whose driving per mits havo been cancolled for driving whllo intoxicated simultaneously tha liquor board will sond the highways department a list of all persons whose liquor permits havo been suiaended for any reason interchange of iho pre3ont lists will take placo early this weok gtr honry drayton liquor board chairman stated last night tho llss were in pre paration how many motoristflnnu liquor per- which would ba seemly but incon- mit holders will ba affected bythls or- splcuon dor was not announced it is believed that about 1700 mo torists have had their driving license suspended in the past year it could not be learned how many liquor per mittees have suffered interdiction but tho figure probably is as high if not higher than tho highways depart- mentsjist tho inter change it was stated will swell both lists to a large oxtent investigation will precede cancella tion by either branch of the govern ment it is stated mr henry did not mention investigation specifically in his official statement but ho did not say either that cancellation ot ono permit meant cancellation of the other forthwith statement issued ills stntcmcnlsread tho govern ment feels that where permits have beon cancelled it might also be advis able in tho interests of highway ratcty and a a deterrent to tho individuals concerned that tho operators licenses should also bo suspended in tho same way whero a person is convicted of driving while intoxicated the liquor control board under this now arrangement- will take what ac tion is deemed advlsablo in regard to withdrawing tho privilege ot purchas ing liquor the minister added that the pre sent arrangement had boon made in furtherance ot tho governments ex pressed policy to tlghton tho reins on thoso who might bo abusing tha privi leges they now had under tho liquor control act or tho highway traffic act visions and coal are gone at lords cove the same condition exists at lawn where no lives were lost boats dories aud all fishing property were carried away with provisions and coal and at st lawrence every flake and store on each side of the harbor wont down when the tide rushed up the narrow inlet the telegraph office is anchored in mid- harbor one dwelling aiid all fishing gear were lost at lance leau aud great burin was swept although there was no loss of life all the waterside premises at the village of stepaside were carried away and at kellys cove three dwellings and all fishing properties are gone port nu bras where seven were drowned was among the settlements hardest hit by the tide eleven dwelling houses and 14 small choon- ers were smashed or swept to sea along with dories skiffs and water- sido buildings at mortimer bay there was con siderable damage to the waterfront but no loss of life roch harbor is reported swept but tho report has not been authenticated peninsula stricken the little peninsula a narrow out post of southern newfoundland was in a direct lino with the eqlcentre ot european coast s grave fear felt st johns nfld as salvage opera tions went forward and relief fund3 grew there was some apprehension here for the people of flat island unheard from since mondays tidal wave took more than a score of lives on the burin coast able communica tions broken off on monday have not yet been resumed a boat is row on the way to learn the fate of the low- lying island the minister of fisheries reporting from this stricken area said that out of seventeen dwellings at taylors cove only five are habitable the tidal wave there is said to have reached a height of a hundred feet and houses were demolished or shifted in all di rections several of the homeless have been taken to fortune across the pen insula the steamer daisy is attempting to salvage some of the boats set adrift by the tide and the relief committee 13 distributing coal provisions and clothing in st johns the fund for relief ha3 already reached the 10000 mark offers of assistance have been received from the canadian and united states red cross and a public meeting is being held for organization purposes gets worst of revolver duel old mountie proved wrong man to hold up wcyburn sask a masked bandit picked on the wrong man when ha essayed a holdup at the store of t w r garlick garlick is a pioneer merchant ot wcyburn he is also a onetime member of tha old north west mounted police a masked man strode into garlicks establishment whipped out a pistol and ordered the merchant and several customers to stick em up garlick is quick on the draw he dodged behind a heavy set of rcales drew a revolver from beneath tilia counter and shot the bandit through tho shoulder he drew first blood tho gunman emptied his revolver firing a half dozen shots at the cx- mountic none of the shots took effect retreating the bandit was fired oni several times by garlick the wounded man rushed down at iano and disappeared across tho river an epidemic of lawlessness through out this section of the south country ard elsewhere in sasatchewan is being effectively coped with by police and citizenry some longterm sentences have been handed out to bandits and burglars the markets provision prices toronto wholesale dealers are quot ing tho following prices to the trade smoked meats hams med 28 to 35c cooked loins 18 to 52c smoked rolls 28c breakfast bacon 2g to 37c backs peamealed 36 to 40c do smoked 45 to 53c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 24c 70 to 90 lbs 22c 00 to 110 lbs 21c heavyweight rolls 40c lightweight rolls 25c lard pare tierces 16c tub3 17c ails 17c prints 18 to19c shortcn- aro uoting to shippers tho following prices for carlots delivered on track toronto no 2 timothy baled ton 1550 do no 3 1350 to 15 wheat straw baled ton 10 to 1050 oat straw per ton 10 to 1050 no 1 timothy loose is quoted at 19 to 20 per ton delivered livestock quotations heavy beef steers 350 to 950 butcher steers choice 875 to 925 do com 550 to 750 butcher hcif- erschoice 875 to 925 do fair to good 8 to 875 do com 550 to 750 butcher cows good tochoice 050 to 720 do com to med 5 to g do canners and cutters 350 to 450 butcher bulls good to choice 650 to 725 do med g to 025 winnipeg mombors ot the coarse grain pools ot manitoba and sas katchewan are receiving final pay ments on tho 192s28 crop ot oats bar ley flax and ryo totaling 1601530 the pools handle daltogothor 34- 127657 bushels ot coarse grains tho payments wero divided among tha two provinces as follows saskatche wan 1113601 manitoba 135929 ing tierces 134 to 1416c tubs 14c pails 14v4c tins lgic prints 15c pork loins 28tc new york do7bvognas 525l5wbabfefi shoulders 19c pork butts 22c pork to 1350 feeders good 8 to 850 do fair 7 to 775 stackers good 750 to 8 do fair g to 7 calves good 15 to 1550 do med 10 to 14 do grassers g to 7 springers 110 to 125 milkers 75 to 100 lambs choice 1175 to 12 do bucks 875 to 9 sheep choice 6 to 650 do med 5 to 550 hog3 bacon woc 1175 do selects 1 per hog premium do butcher 75c per hog premium do butcher 75c per hog dis count do fob price 125cwt under woc do trucked in 50c cwt under woc hams 23c produ3e quotations toronto vholosalo dealers are buy- ng from country shippers at the fol lowing prices eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 57 to 62c fresh firsts 50 to 63c seconds s3 to 35c pullet ex tras 42 to 47c butter no 1 40u to 40jc no 2 39 to 39c churning cream special 43c no 1 42c no 2 39c cheeso no 1 largo colored paraf fined and government graded 20 to 20vic clover seed prices for clean seed from a good seed cleaning mill tho following range of prices fob shipping points in ontario is being offered to growers by dealers red clover suitable for canadian no 1 per bus 8 do no 2 7 alsikc no 1 export 9798 per cent purity 6 no 2 9596 per cent purity 540 no 3 export 9291 per cont purity 480 no 4 export 9091 per cent purity 420 alsike white mixtures 510 sweet clover canadian grade no 1 do no 2 150 hay and straw prices wholesalo dealers in hay and straw wins the nobel prize thoma3 mann ono of the most widoly read and respected german novelists was named 1029 nobel prlza winner tor literature steals money of war veterans winnipeg brandon police havo ar rested the meanest thief in tho worlds ho is i youth about 1g years of age ho snatched a box containing about 8 from a young girl who had spent thft day selling poppies to aid disabled wa veterans tho young girl tearfully told tho po lico that tho cash box was torn froirj her hands as sho was going to head quarters to turn in her days receipt she gavo an cxcellor description of tho culprit however and tho boy wa soon arrested prince flies well london tho prince ot walos who recently purchased a light airplane at a first night tho galleryiles sol and for somo time has boon qualify- to see tho celobrlties in tho stalls and lng for a pilots license has mado his the slallltcs go to sea each other first solo flight previously ho has al- says a critic thero is probably somtf ways down with his pilot in a dual reason or other for tho presence ot control piano so that if he mado any the actors as well mlstako while at tho control it could ba immediately corrected by the ox- miss gusher how torturing how pcrlonccd fllor feartul tho thought must ba for it is understood that the princes great singer to know that she had lost lino attempt was mado in extromoly hor volco mr tyred its muck bumpy weather but he handled tho moro torturing when sho doesnt know piano woll and made a good landing it