Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 14, 1929, p. 3

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on the saguenay m tie days begin in white mists lataf the bun like a happy old gar dener uncovering his precious blooms rxfter a night of heavy frostbeaming- jy rolls back the fleecy blanket then the air is as clear as crystal seeming to bring distant scenes nearer sn a liquid brightness the slillpcss is perfect broken only by the raccous call of scouting crows signalling their flocks to food or the chatter of groups of french children on their way to school x the cool freshness of the morning changes to warm midday not only the trees and grass reflect happiness and contentment under the benign in fluence of the mellow sunshine but anticipating snowdrifts and severe winter weather in due course tho squirrels chipmunks groundhogs partridges jays and all the little na tives of the woods and hills seem to join in a thanksgiving jubilee for these days of grace the farms for tho most part have narrow frontage on the roadways but gain acreage by running back from the road to a great depth this ar rangement brings the farm homes near together effecting the appear ance of a suburban street the fence posts in front aro usually crowned with upturned milk pails ofvarlous sizes and colors where they aro left to air from one milking to the next at tho rear of the farm buildings it is a familiar sight to see inclosures of wire netting divided into sections each section containing a little frame house on the top of these louses sunning themselves lie the occupants silver foxes with whitetipped tails for silver fox farming is carried on to a considerable extent in these parts one wonders on seeing these rocky farms how a family could exist on their products yet it is managed and by unusually largo families too who aro apparently quite contented the habitant farmer is of a simple happy nature living for today caring little or nothing for tomorrow he works in groups never hurries and sings while he works when summer has gone if he has managed to store up his vegetables harvest his small crop of grain haul aud stack a yard- ful of cordwood he looks forward to winter with satisfaction and peace driving along the narrow winding roads which were never meant for motor traffic in the later afternoon when the sun lingers for a final as surance that all is well before saying good night tho travelers sense of beauty is quickened to intenso plea sure by tho everchanging panorama as viewed from each surmounted hill top for quebec has nothing if not hills and mountains among which in numerable rivers and waterfalls maks thdjr way to the saguenay thence to tho st lawrenco and on to the sea a blue haziness overhangs these rivers which at times deepens to an indescribable purple enveloping tho adjacent hills and mountains making a beautiful background for a beautiful picture every turn in tho road brings its own particular setting and arrangement of colors sometimes a high steep projection of purple and rustcolored rock tho top and sides of which will be covered with tho tawny dried shrubs of the blueberry so dear to the heart of the habitant sometimes a softly wooded hill glow ing ith gentlehues a shadowy val ley not yet tinted or a miniature mountain in all tho glorious green gold and red of the birches maples and poplars tho brilliance of which is emphasized by the contrast of the faithful evergreens one can scarcely credit such vivid beauty and although tho winters aro cold and long ono feels that the natlvo is forever com pensated by just one october does rheumatism hinder your the power of the movies f j p veale in the nineteenth century london mr baldwin has drawn attention to ono aspect of tho films influence tho evil effect film plays designed to suit western tastes have upon oriental audiences with their entirely different standards and outlook thero is however another aspect of tho problem with results at least equally serious but far less easy to remedy at the pre sent time a great filmproducing state has unlimited power not only to mag nify its own achievements but to hold lip to universal contempt tho char acter and misdeeds of its rivals thus wo owo to the american film industry the all but universal belief that the american army won tho great war tho point is perhaps of littlo practi cal importance although it docs less than justice to tho tens of thousands of men who laid down their lives in france and flanders during the period when president wilson was too proud to fight it furnishes however a good example of the enormous power of the cinema compared to the multitudes who derive their ideas on the great war from the films the people who seek the real facts from authoritative books on the subject are but an insignificant minority the flexible tariff philadelphia ledger tho flcxiblo provision is a sound essential adjunct to a protective tariff bnt its merits have been obscured by the welter of politics into which this formerly non partisan question has been plunged by legislators playing the old familiar game vu7hile working in a v quarry as a driller writes mr john j hogan of south march ont i was seized with rheuma tism in the left shoulder i followed treatments for some time without relief i had heard so much con cerning dr williams pink pills that i decided to give them a trial they were certainly the medi cine that i needed for it was not long before i was as well as ever now i take them every spring as a tonic this is one of hundreds of cases in which these blood- enriching pills have proved effective in eradicating rheu matism buy dr williams pink pills now at your drug gists or any dealer in medi cine or by mail 50 cents postpaid from the dr wil liams medicine co brock- ville ont alma mater the cape argus capo town south africa a hundred years ago cape town was already old but south af rica was only beginning to be all eyes were turned to the future we are still looking to the future but we must never forget that history has been made in this land of ours and most of our present ideals and aspira tions have their roots in the past this is especially true of education educationally it is true south africa has none of tho traditions that so powerfuly affect the thought and life of the more ancient seats of learning in the old country but oven a cen tury gives time for great traditions to form and proud memories to evolve no student whether of yesterday or today can think of the old buildings in tho avenue tho gates tho oak trees tho paddock tho professors of a former day the companionships and games tho colego songs days of study and nights of revelry without being deeply moved owl laffs stolen goods detroit free press the cleveland museum of art has returned to the jugoslavian government a rare panel of ivory which it had purchased from a dealer without knowing that it had been stolen from the cathedral of ag- ram at least four dealers had bought and sold the panel in good faith the identity of the thief has not been es tablished although tho fact of the theft was proved to the satisfaction of the cleveland museum all that tho museum could do was to return this treasure a farmer was losing his patience and temper trying to drive two mules j into a field and was using strong language when the local parson came by and said dont speak like that to dumb ani- hals i farmer you are just the man i- want to see i parson and why 1 farmer tell me how did noah get these into the ark babys own tablets win great praise dept of health the banquet was a great success and not a dreary time and glum this added to the happiness two of the speakers did not come have they been married long j just long enough so they have found there are a lot of things that you cant say with flowers dad said his son charles do you think they will ever find a sub stitute for petrol they have one now and i wish youd give it a trial huh retorted charles ive never heard of it what is it anyway shoo leather retorted his father passenger on atlantic liner who is really enjoying the sea to his com panion who has gone below come on up jim were passing a ship voice from below i dont want to see no ship you call me when were passing a tree things are looking up for the american drama tho other day a chicago theatre patron shot two men to get a seat fresh marketer are those eggs strictly fresh grocer boy see if those eggs are cool enough to sell yet have you heard about the scotch man who gave his wife a pair of rub ber heels when she begged him for a new spring outfit many a man is paying alimony to day because he thought thero was no great harm in a little flirting peace and quiet the- editor was dying and a sigh came from his breast please bury me my friends where i will find eternal rest i long for peace and quiet so when i have closed my eyes just plant me in some store where they do not advertise many mothers always keep them in the house thousands of mothers state that they know of no other medicine for little ones to equal babys own tab lets that they always keep the tab lets in the home as a preventive of childhood ailments or it sickness does suddenly grip their littlo ones they feel safe with such a remedy at hand concerning tho use of the tablets mrs donat ploudre tingwick que writes i have nothing but praise for babys own tablets they are the only medicine i have ever given my two littlo ones andl am glad to state that tho tablets have always kept them in perfect health 1 feel so safe with tho tablets that i al ways keep a box in the house babys own tablets are a mild but thorough laxative they regulate the bowels sweeten the stomach and thus banish constipation and indigestion break up colds and simple fever and make the cutting of teeth painless the tablets arc absolutely safe being guaranteed free from all injurious drugs they are sohl by all medicine dealers or by- mail at 25c a box from the dr williams medicine co broekvillc ont yoaug merchant heres an invi tation to my golden wedding his friend why youre not even married young merchant no but im go ing to marry a rich mans daughter felt hats may como and straw hats may go but the high hat goes on for- ever the old fashioned theory that there is danger from exposure has been ex ploded by the new fashion woman teachers pet an ancient saying still in use but the apostrophe is omitted maybe i shouldnt have brought this up murmured the aviator as his plane began to fall a committee is a perfect device for postponing action and dividing re sponsibility thero were fiftyeight slight earth quakes during ono day recently in hawaii no wonder those hula maid ens can dance y muskrat farming from tho knowlcdgo obtainable from most reliable sources has every in dication of showing kahbsome profits owinff mainly to the decrease of natural supply and inckease iii price op pexts our farm la in charge of mr hen harris a reltablo experienced muskrat farmer and wo have confidence- enoukli in our farm to offer you a ranching contract which will give a beturn op 200 beforothc owners recclvo any remunera tion if you aro interested enough to investigate nil in and mail tho following form or telephono waverley 3544 please forward further information without obligation name address phono thomas fudge company room 404 11 king st west toronto 2 canada delinquent youth other ways of correcting his faults than the prison or reformatory it is related that a teacher on be ing asked how he got along with the bad boys replied that ho got along with them all right for he added i just expel them there will prob ably be a consensus of opinion that in view of his candid admission it was the teacher and not the scholar who should be expelled and yet says j j kelso there is a moral contained in this incident that is applicable to the work of child- saving there are many good peo- ple who unwilling to be patient and faithful with boys who have gone astray consider their whole duty performed when they succeed in hav ing the lad sent off to a reform school this readiness to throw oft responsibility is greatly to be depreci ated and it was on this account that the executive officer of the childrens aid society was given extensive rights in the disposal of juvenile of fenders wayward boys if taken at the right time and in the right way can he converted into firstclass men boys of sanguine temperament furnish tho good hoys and the bad boys of the world not the pious and vicious they are as the name implies full of hlood full of life activity mischief and fight yet for tho same reason they are full of tenderness sympathy and loving kindness what shametul ignorance to be at war with such a boy let him know that you are his friend that you like him that you wish him well and you have at onco an empire for good moving itself and ethers on the way to righteousness the autumn has arrived and we en ter into the season of the common cold unfortunately this season is long and will be with us until the ice melts and the flowers bloom again in the spring the toll of the common cold the common cold costs the people of ontario a heavy sum every winter first too many winter deaths can be traced to the simple beginning of a common cold no cold is so simple that it can afford to bo neglected par ticularly in small children and older people the cost of the common cold the number of persons suffering from colds on any one day during the season of the common cold is enor mous every second man working in ontarios industries is sick with a cold some time during the winter women workers suiter to tho extent of three out of every four for tho balance of tho population children and those who work at home we have no statistics but feel sure their bill for sickness due to colds is just as heavy cause of the common cold a person suffering from a cold can pass it on to others the infectious material is present in tho discharge of the nose and throat it can be transferred to others by coughing and sneezing a person suffering from a cold will carry infection on his hands ho should therefore wash his hands before eating and especially before handling milk or food to be used by others he will also infect tho cups glases dishes etc from which lie drinks and eats his dishes should bo carefully washed v children and adults too often take cold as a result of over exposure to cold getting feet wet chilling after leaving ahot school house etc dress iff the cold or wet weather so as to protect tho body from chill and tho feet from getting wet- those who have bad throats dis eased or enlarged tonsils suffer more frequently from colds than those with healthy throats repeated colds lower ones resistance children and adults who have one cold after an other all through tho winter are in a weakened condition by the beginning of spring treatment of colds x tho best thing to do for a cold is to go to bed go early enough and stay long enough it is much simpler t prevent pneumonia than to cure it and most cases of pneumonia have as a beginning the neglected common cold write for health literature to de partment of health ontario parlia ment buildings toronto more cups to the pound more flavor in the wp rnore tang to the taste thats what makes red kse tea so popular every package guaranteed 02 tf jis dood tea red rose orange pekoe is extra good big british prison to be sold at auction loudon sir kynaston studd lord mayor presiding at tho annual meet ing of tho london court mission at the mansion house declared prison a terrible punishment ho prais ed tho work of the police court mi3- slmaries in saving men and women from prison if we can effect the reerm of th3 wrongdoer by other racnis said tin lordmaycr the gain is great this is the police court missions work and it does it very effectively last year he said the magistrates requested the missionaries to assist in no fewer than 17000 cases in tho london courts if that policy was gen eral it must make clear tho extent of tho effect namely that since 1914 no fewer than 24 prisons in england had been closed v this connetion it is announced that the empty county prison of knutsford in cheshire will be sold at auction early in december some of tho buildings which will be offered in 27 lots being over 200 years ow classified advertisements situations vacant m oite men wanted quick bio pay easy work earn whllo learn ing barber trado under famous motor american plan worlds most reliable barber school system write or call immediately for free catalogue molcr barber college 121 queen west toronto iadies wanted f think ill go call on smith i won der if hes in yes but it will be useless to call hes in for bootlegging there is big money in wall street for any one who knows how to play tho market and beothovens sonatas are on tho piano if yon just happen to hit the right notes information bureau was asked how to ship lobsters amidships say we what most people call indigestion is usually excess acid in their stomach the food has soured tho instant re lief is an alkali which neutralizes acids but dont use crude helps use what your doctor would advise tho best help is phillips milk of magnesia for tho bo years since its invention it has remained standard with physicians vou will find noth ing clso so quick in its effect so harm less so efficient one tasteless spoonful in water neu tralizes many times its volumo in acid the results are immediate with no bad after effects once you loam this fact you will never deal with ex cess acid in tho crude ways go learn now why this method is supreme bo sure to go the genuino phillips milk of magnesia prescribed by physi cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids each bottle contains full di rections any drugstore it takes a brave jnan to be a burg lar for ho never knows when some woman will mistake him for her hus band and shoot it may bo the fault of progress but it docs seem as though theyre trying to stabilize the farm industry after i the horses arc gone what a great many pooplo consider to be tho latest scotch joko is tho ap pointment of a gentleman named mc- nab to draft a new prohibitionen forcement program with the us jim and his job j l garvin in the london observer ind there is a general impres sion even in his own party that mr j h thomas is up against it like a born comedian exaggerating a pessimistic role tho devoted victim enjoys himself in this big political drama now in its first act which has been popularly called jim and his job his opening methods are quito colculated as regards his gorgeous official title he mimics poor jo and protests that my name is agin me labor at large is apt to imagine the lord privy seal as a personage who dines in gold lace at the expense of the unemployed when ho minimizes his promises and confesses his dif ficulties he means to enhance any effects he may achieve he encour ages tho oppositions at this stago to make a low estimate of his chances the predicted anklelength skirt coming in stylo will ho another factor against the freedom of tho see use mlnards liniment in the stables a governments duty ceylon times so long as people have few outside social interests and recreations the liability to bicker and quarrel will be great and in ceylon all too often quarrelling is synony mous with tho use of the knife if the assoiation just formed while promot ing tho crusade against crime will not neglect to encourage all sorts of recreational activities tenfold better results will be produced most gov ernments nowadays recognize their ob ligations in this respect and strive to promote intclectual and recreational pursuits we have now left behind the narrow conception of the states function as confined to securing order and liberty for persons and property and every government has a social program to promote moral and bodily health feet sore usemlnards liniment five monterey convicts escaped by sawing their jail bars with razor- blades quite a lot of shavers will recognize those blades it ishard to lose a good friend and harder still to lose a bad one ladies wanted to ix plaim ami light sewing at home wholo or spare time good pay worn sent any distance charges paid send stamp for particulars national alanufacturlng co montreal employment agency needed cleveland plain dealer some of the college graduates advised by the boston professor to be snobs aro find ing it hard even to get a boss to say nothing of marrying his daughter incidentally one of the best ways to put an end to all wars is not to be gin any chttdrenqy abahyremeuy approved by doctors tor cotx const wt10n01aj1rhea dotft no e headnoises 1 25 all orobckt 0 tier pt lie fcltff on rrqic a o leonard inc 70 fifth ave now york city ftsfweeec sesaobbeblbs deaf hear again through new aid earpiece no bujger than dime wins enthusiastic following tenday free trial offer alter twentyflvo years devoted oacln- ivcly to tho manufacture of scientific hearingaids tuo canadian acoustlcon xta sept 470 45 richmond st west toronto ont hna just perfected a new model acoustlcon that represents the greatest advance yet mado in tho re creation of hearing for tho deaf this latest acoubucon is featured by a tiny carpiece no blffffer than a dlmo tbronffh this device sounds aro clearly and dis tinctly transmitted to subnormal ear with wondorfnl benefit to hearing and health alike the makers offer an abso lutely freo trial for 10 days to any ono person tho may be interested and a let ter will bring one of these remarkable olds to your homo for a thorough and convincing test send them yonr name and address todayj toronto mothers plan is succeeding when your child is headachy bilious feverish halfsick with no appetite or energy nine times out of ten just one tiling is to blame constipation cleanse the little digestive tract with california fig syrup and see bow breath is sweetened coated tongue cleared eyes brightened more than two doses are seldom necessary to drive away allsignsof a california fig syrup the rich fbuity 1axative and tonic poit chudlten clogged system make a child happy there isnt a child who doesnt love its rich fruity flavor improved appetite digestion and assimilation follow its use a childsentire system is toned and strengthened mm charles kelly 31 carlano ave toronto ontario says since i found out how good california fig syrup is i have kept some in tho house it never fails to help my children i give it at the first sign of upsets or colds their wonderful condition proves this a good plan caution the genuine always bears the name california for the hair ask your barber he knows best paid work a well connected man can obtain a very desirable agency in this dis trict with a strog progressive life insurance co box 4 co wilson puolishiij co toronto t t list of wanted inventions and full information sent fre on uetiucst the 2samsay co dspt v7 273 bank st ottnwa ont the ierfiiiiictl toic7i vt jxakctt your toilet joz22cte talcum powa every day 10000 women buy a bottle of lydia e finkhams vege table compound they know that there is no better remedy for their troublesome ailments with their accompanying nervousness back ache headache blue spells and rundown condition asthma is relieved by minards spread on brown paper and apply to throat also inhale 163 lbs now 140 how one woman lost fat and gained health many people who are fully awnrc of tho healthgiving properties of kruschcn salts have not yet heard of the wonder ful effects these salts have in reducing unhealthy excess fat by their gentle action on the liver kidneys and bowels they urge these organs to throw olf the poisonous waste matters which if allowed to accumulate form fatty- deposits in the body head how this woman lost fat and gained health 41 1 have taken kruschcn sails every day for nearly n year and i have not felt so well for many years my weight has dropped from 103 lbs to 1io lbs all my acquaintances say how mucli younger and better i look i feci bright and well whereas before i was always nervous and tired sirs u try taking kruschcn salts every morn ing in a glass of hot water before breakfast little by little tlicunliraltliy accumulations of fat will slowly but surely disappear a new feeling of health and vitality will follow the years will fall away as your form take on tho slender lines of youth issue no 4679 i

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