Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 7, 1929, p. 1

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qteibnne vol xli no 36 stouffville ontario thursday november 7th 1929 nyal creophos dont write it rushsays reeve practical joke on tardy member i suffered from bronchial asthma for years and could not get relief but now thanks to creophos i am cured i al ways keep a bottle of creophos in the house and upon the first signs of a cold i take a few doses and the cold is gone it also cured may two nieces of whoop ing cough when nothing else t would help them this is a statement of one of our many customers who recom mend creophos price 100 j m storey druggist the home of quality drugs phone 1003 business cards medical dr s s ball phpsician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 10g coroner for york county drs ira herbert freel dr ira preel consultation hours 9 to 12 am mon wed fri g to d pm tues sat tues thurs sat afternoons by appointments only dr herbert frcel 9 to 12 am tues thurs sat g to 9 pm tues and sat mon wed fri afternoons by appoin only dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone s201 markham every tuesday office in wear block dr d c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeon and of the university of toronto dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital office commerce bank up stairs phone office 1011 residence 101 harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc office silvesters block phone 1s003 insurance pays the bills congestion on our streets and high ways increases daily more cars are being purchased in canada and there is a growing influx of tourists from across the border which will tend to multiply the already large number of auto mobile accidents how docs this affect you are you taking chances or playing safe with a policy of insurance t birkett general insurance agency phone 18201 stouftville dominion stores ltd grocery for thrifty snaps homes icingsugar 3 lbs 25c rolled oats 5 lbs 25c cooking onions 10 lbs 25c picnic hams id 19c bacon sides lb 29c lemon and orange peel lb 23c cut mix peel lb 25c citron peel lb 35c vbraeside butter lb 42c peas per tin 10c mincemeat 2 lbs 29c sliced bacon lb 35c cereal postum pkg 25c rich coffee lb 57c brazil nuts lb 25c peanuts lb 17c coconut lb 19c budded walnuts lb 35c 20 oz vic olives box 25c largo assortment of candy and fruits dominion stores ltd p boadway ixcal manager when councillor ward made one or two significant remarks respect ing the laying of new walks on obrien avenue when what he term ed deplorable conditions existed in the east end he raised strong re sentment on the part of reeve san ders at th council meeting on fri day evening just after passing two accounts totalling 1400 for cement walks councillor ward declared that not a cent of all that money was spent hi the east end despite his con stant complaint against some dan gerous holes in the walks and a pro mise to iix them the reeve wouldnt admit any such statement as just maae there has boon no discrimination against the east and no promise that he knew of was ever made to repair the walks i would suggest said i 1 reeve that we look over the walks and en deavour to have repairs made where any dangerous conditions is in exist ence councillor rowboiham said it was a very expensive job to repair walks here there and all over moving the big mixing machine cost too much he thought that some temporary re pairs might be made by the town men if any urgent cases existed this ended the discussion mr ward again asked that the streets committee open the ditches before freezeup time so that the water would readily get away in the spring councillor rusnell said he had a man in view to do this work although nothing so far is done mr rusnell was also asked why he had not placed a few loads of gravel in various spots where bad conditions exist and lie promised to get the work done he provoked a laugh when he stated that it had been pretty- wet and the roads were not passable for drawing the members bad in view the long weeks of dry weather prior to the rain of last week the reeve said councillor ward ought not to address mr rusnell as rushnell there is no rush about it he observed following out recent requests of the cemetery commissioners the reeve with councillor rowbotham and rusnell were appointed a com mittee to bring in a new bylaw that is intended to set up a perpetual care account for the old cemetery grounds on the basis of perpetual care char ges in the new grounds it was urged by councillor borin- sky that something ought to be done to carry out the request of the citi zens in obtaining costs for a new road sewers and curbing council didnt feel favorable to the proposal of engaging an engineer at 200 to give us the necessary figures this year the county engineer had not prepared his part of the work either council passed a resolution to pur chase is street lamps of a new type for use on main street within the business section it is hoped to have the extra lights put up before the fiscal year ends the cost of the new lights with brackets complete will be s30 each the clerk was instructed to write john wmccullough stating that this council would require a bond in demnifying them from any future payment to the storey estate for all time in the event of council paying over the money for which the origin al debenture was stolen in 1923 amounting to about 800 water works j gower labor 680 ed thorn work 175 f brathwaite screen 150 e a button supplies 7976 general ed thorn gravel 600 j boadway bottles 80 e a button supplies 2209 f brathwaite supplies 2s5 swifts garage are trucks 463 j gower labor 1725 n bunker building walks 81200 j b sanders cement 58370 personal notes mrs john mcmullen spent a few days in toronto this week earl strong has been down from huntsville visiting his brothers roy and ernie dr and mrs ira freel expect to leave in a couple of weeks for florida mr ic yake was in stouffvllle a couple of days visiting his sister mrs franklin cooper mrs a r hobson of toronto spent the week end with her sister miss nora stapleton mr and mrs marshall jennings of toronto visited over sunday with h o klinck and marion klinck mrs adair mrs eager and family and miss kate darrack were sunday guests with mr and mrs f l button mr and imrs t nichols of toron to were guests of mr and mrs jno turner last week mr nichols is a buyer for the gurney stove co win a robinson jp publisher of the ontario gleaner cannington gave the tribune editor a call on thursday while on a motor trip on tuesday this week miss helen rowbotham underwent an operation in a toronto hospital for spinal trou ble we understand her condition is most favorable since the operation the many friends of mr t w eagleson teacher of piano will regret to learn of his illness in the welles- ley hospital toronto in the mean time his studio will be closed until he is able to resume his work mrand mrs oscar cryderman and three children and mrs smith mr crydermans mother of flint mich called at john gowers this week mrs gower has long been an invalid and is not likely to ever recover mr nathan forsyn is slowly re covering from his recent accident when he fell from a scaffold on a house on churcli street mr forsyth injured his heel so badly that he was confined to his bed for more than a week eula brillhiger daughter of mr and mrs harry brillinger is suffer ing from an attack of pneumonia we are glad to 9jy that eula is im proving although her condition at one time caused considerable anxiety david watson expires suddenly an exreeve of uxbridge township he was widely known sale register wednesday nov 13 at lot 22 con 6 pickering half mile west brougham farm stocklmploments hay grain etc belonging to stephen risebrough sale at 12 fw silvcrsldes auctioneer thursday nov 14 credit sale of horses implements grain hay household furniture etc at lot 17 roar con 6 markham twp the property of mrs jas gowland sale at 1 pm 12 months credit prentice prentlco aucts tuesday nov 12 25 young cattle also 6 milch cows and 40 breeding ewc3 to be sold on the milton benson farm 9th con pickering 1v4 mire east clare- mont 6 months credit no resorve sale at 130 ja hawtin prop f w silvcrsldes auctioneer auctioneer friday nov 8th at lot 26 con s markham choice dairy herd of fresh milkers and springers be longing to albert reesor sale at one pm silvcrsldes farmer auctioneers saturday nov 9 on the farm of robt woathcral rlngwood choice dairy herd of holstclns durhnms and ayrshire cattle fresh milkers and close springers 6 months credit sale at 130 ja hawtin prop f w sllversldes miss blanche slack who recently took a position in tne local post office was rushed to the hospital in toronto on tuesday for an opera tion for appendicitis miss slack was on duty at the post office on monday she successfully under went the operation tuesday night mr and mrs fred w silvester were here last week bidding their friends goodbye before they start ed on their winter trip they will stay for a short time at hamilton then on to maryland us where they will spend a few weeks and will then motor through to florida to spend the winter the death of david watson pro minent farmer of uxbridge town ship came with shocking sudden ness on saturday morning of last week only this fall mr watson sold his dairy herd and intended to lead a retired life because his health was not robust but despite this his passing came very unexpectedly mr watson spent a restness night and watson spent a restless night and war about as usual all day friday born in uxbridge township 67 years ago he spent his entire life there when a young man he mar ried florence young whose parents lived on the 7th concession near uxbridge village the couple settled south of goodwood where they deve loped one of the finest farm homes in the whole township mr watson was highly respected and when he offered himself as candidate for the township council he readily received the endorsatlon of the electors the late mr watson finally became reeve of the municipality which completed an honorable public service he was staunch supporter or the methodist and united church being a member of the official board for years and he leaves a vacancy which will be hard to fill one brother wiluam also one sister mrs george dowswell bothi of stouftville survive besides four children and the sorrowing wife the children are miss myrtle at home mrs robt hynes of uxbridge township charles tne goodwood merchant and everett of greanbank the funeral from the late home south of goodwood on imonday after noon was one of the largest ever seen in the district the remains were taken to the united church for divine service conducted by the pastor rev a harden and rev mr lunau a former pastor followed by interment at goodwood cemetery welcomed mennonite pastor for sale a piano in good condi tion apply mrs levi hoover stouffville 37 warning citizens are agatn reminded that a town bylaw forbids the running of dogs at large and the bylaw must be observed owners of dogs are asked to govern themselves accordingly by order h w sanders reeve poppy day sat nov 9th lest we forget an appeal is being made by the local veterans for your support on saturday next by the sale of popples these are made by disabled veterans and the money raised in this way is for cases of distress funds are urgently needed and we feel assured the little poppy sellers will meet with a hearty response from this generous community secretary auditorium stouffville one nicht only saturday nov 9h entertainment extraordinary canadas first motion pic ture triumph carry on sergeant sound music a marvelous picture produced on an elaborate scale at the govern ment studios trenton out cast of hundreds cost 500000 note this is a new revised print of the picturo that caused toron to talk dont miss this youll be surprised first tlmo at popular prices 50c children 35c on monday evening last week well on to a hundred people gathered in the mennonite parsongage mount joy to extend a hearty welcome to their new pastor rev a t gooding wife and family who recently moved from port elgin where they had served a full term the congregation of bethesda gormley dicksons hill and mount joy were well represented the time was occupied with an open ing prayer by the leader of the even ings exercises isaac if ike short ad dresses were given interspersed with a few verses of a hymn needless to say the people did not come empty handed but brought with them such things as any homo nas need of groceries vegetables potatoes and some cash true we have had a long dry spell which was broken a little over a week ago by a three day show er but there has come to mr and mrs gooding and family showers other than rain and those that were present seemed to feel good to think they helped to make up this show the presents and the spirit in which they were given was duly appreci ated by rev and mrs a t gooding and family final summary giv hen 4297 the land slide in last weeks pro vincial election whlehj reached al most every constituency in ontario where the seat was held by a liberal or progressive didnt extend into the riding of east york where harold a sanders and hon george s henry were contesting the seat although mr henry had an overwhelming majority it was reduced by about 1000 under that by which he was re turned in 1926 tnere were 1345 less votes polled this time so that the majority was reduced in any event even assuming that mr henry would have polled two thirds of the uncast ballots stouffville and markham village were possibly the only places where mr henry made an increased vote in 1926 mr annis received a major ity of 360 in stouffville and this time mr sanders received 272 mark ham gave henry an increase of about 100 in east york mr sanders made a notable gain by reducing the old majority about 700 also in the northern half of scarboro the liber als had a majority for the first time in several elections the entire township taken together of course is strongly conservative when one takes into consideration the sweeping conservative victory all over the province mr sanders cam paign stands out as one well con tested he had jiist nree weeks in which to present the issues an other interesting fact is that a dozen members who were elected to the legislature had a smaller vote than mr sanders east york stands out as the riding with the largest num ber of voters in the whole province i had some good honest competi tion but i am certainly pleased to have won was the comment of hon mr ihenry when asked as to what he had to say on the results below is the vote by municipalities in east york and elsewhere in this issue the returns for the whole pro vince are given henry sanders advance polls 6 0 scarboro twp 3195 1420 bast york twp 4674 315 north york twp 516 308 town of leaside 114 46 markham twp 562 1194 markham village 175 271 richmond hill 205 317 stouffville village 169 441 total vote 9609 5312 majority for mr henry 4297 local happenings j b madill father of mrs george t lee of stouffville died in clare- niont on monday at the advanced age of 86 years a v nolan publisher among the churches to the electors harold a sanders wishes to con vey to the electors of east york who supported him at the polls on oct 30th his sincere appreciation and gratitude for their confidence ex pressed on that occasion the auction sale of wood lots be longing to denton caw on the mark- hamwhitchurch townllne held last friday brought from 15 to 30 per lot there was little or no mill stuff in the timber which was second growth for the most part thu3 the prices roalized seemed fairly well placed one lot partly wooded was disposed of for 10 the sixteen lots realized 360 altona the womens institute will hold their monthly meeting at the home of mrs jas slack stouffville on wednesday nov 13th at 230 pm program will include a paper the origin and observance of thanksgiv ing by mrs w reesor music mrs l hodgson and a demonstration on plain or fancy biscuit also a spell ing match will take place roll call east york vote in 1926 ringwood roy grove and miss llla grove were in toronto on tuesday miss alma hancock is suffering from an attack of pneumonia a number from here are attending the revival services in the stouffville christian church mr and mrs geo e jaynes mr and mrs win robinson all of toronto were sunday visitors with miss ada barkey we are glad to report that miss e pews is able to be out again foll owing her recent illness did you hear the neer laugh when they heard of the local hunters go ing back north ed brownsberger with his gang of carpenters is erecting a large metal building at leaside annis henry north york twp 379 616 majority for henry 237 richmond hill 322 stouffville 502 majority for annis 360 leaside 19 majority for henry 128 markham village 352 majority for annis 192 markha mtwp 1552 majority for annis 892 east york twp 920 majority for henry 4493 scarboro twp 1631 majority for henry 1922 advance polls 2 majority for henry 23 total henry majority 5275 5679 10954 238 142 147 160 660 5413 3553 25 south ontario vote second trial on serious charge clnrcinont man who won appeal must again face tho courts cecil degeer of claremont must stand a second trial on a charge of having carnal knowledge of a young woman said to be an imbe cile he was given a preliminary hearing this week in whitby police court by magistrats jr e willis and committed for trial in a higher court a plea of not guilty was en tered the magistrate gave his de cision on thursday night after hear ing evidence of a large number of witnesses accused was tried some months ago on the same charge by magls- 18 months clarke of pickering he was to make found guilty and sentenced to a term in gaol appeal from the magistrates decision was taken to osgoode hall on tho ground that the plaintiff had not been sworn before i giving evidence the court granted a new trial magistrate willis was asked by magistrate clarke to pre side at the second trial details of the vote in south out give the liberal leader 1258 over frank ii mason which was a sub stantial reduction from mr sinclairs majority in 1926 following are some of tho figures in south ont mason sinclair oshawa 444 4245 majority mason 203 whitby 876 majority for sinclair 21 east whitby tp 963 majority for mason 24 reach township 417 majority sinclair 418 whitby twp 391 majority sinclair 332 port perry 325 majority sinclair 14 the vote by polls in pickering township stood thus 1 w powells 2 pickering 3 liverpool 4 g toynes house 5 chorrywood 6 klnsale 7 brougham 8 whltevale 9 mount zlon 10 claremont 11 altona pickering tp totals 43 92 61 46 81 43 84 31 105 26 716 900 939 830 723 339 119 277 102 51 71 80 104 145 90 200 112 1389 groceries economy tea per lb 55c superior peko tea lb 33c royal york tea lb 35c biscuit reg 25c 22c soap chips reg 23c 20c fresh chocolates reg 60c lb 35c croams reg 35c lb 25c deluxe chocolates reg 60c 50c a w scott church hill e robinsons have moved to tho townline glad to see floyds arm is out of the sling frank badgerow is engaged with e storry for a moritri sorry to report that beatrice chap man is on the sick list john badgerow is at bethesda where he is working for win chap man veterans shun armistice day will be observed sunday next ah veterans are re quested to muster at the mansion house at 1030 am proceeding to the christian church for divine service thence to cemetery for the decoration of graves baker wttt and sixth ianh baptist churches w s whltcomhe pastor baker hill morning 4ervt the sir of ingratitude sixth line evening service thanksgiving baptist church rev w w fleischer pa3tor sunday nov 10th morning eervice moving onto thanksgiving street evening service at 7 a family quarrel and how it was cured keep in mind wednesday prayer ser vice at 8 pm and sunday at 615 mennonite church rev s s sbantz pastor sunday nov 10th morning service 10 jiro evening service 7 pm pastor in charge of both services monday 11th 230 pm union thanksgiving service dixons hill at the stouffville church special young peoples rally in the evening at s pm of both con gregations christian church e morton and f e hyde pastors splendid interest is being mani fested in the special services held at the stouffville christian church each night there will be no service sat urday or sunday night r a ham ilton will be at bloomington sun day 7 pm the returned soldiers will have their armistice service at the stouffville christian church on sunday at 11 am the public will be welcome united church of canada rev h s warren ba pastor sunday nov 10th 11 am international relation and obligations armistice service 230 s s and bible classes 7 pm song service illustrated hymns theme thanksgiving special music at both services morning- anthems evening and morning oakeley ye shall dwell in the land stiner evening anthems all the works of the lord are good solo ivy saunders campus cut ups singing ratcliffs hall monday nov 11th 25 and 55c free dance after grayi coach wmve i sty sctngfi ifigtjiuaij daily coach services stouffville toronto single 95c return 170 leave stouffville 725 am zll40 am z 340 pm z 825 pm standard time leave toronto zlooo am z 200 pm 530 pm zl015 pm z saturday sunday and holidays only coach connections at toronto for oshawa mon treal orillia midland schomberg orangeville hamilton brantford niagara falls buffalo and in termediate points coach connections at buffalo for all usa points gray coach lines

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