stouffville october 31st 1929 ada la a i o never before has sucli recog nized radio quality been priced so low never before has our organization been privileged to offer a receiver combining so many great outstanding radio features at a price so well within the limits of the most modest income come in today and enjoy a demonstration of this superradio the choice of the 3 m storey stouffville ontario have you that radio over hauled for winter if not call j edwin smith radio service man stouffville sets repaired rebuilt aerials erected all at moderate charges circuits built to order phone stouffville 3306 dry hard earth soffened by rain permits renewed plowing feed scarce due to drought vaughan first test in con- cold weather is coming so be prepared for it by keeping your hand and feet warn and dry we have a good as sortment of mitts and gloves lined and un- lined you will need a pair soon also rub- bers the best that are made come from kauf man rubber co mens socks heavy all- wool light and medium weight now is the time to buy all firstclass goods the only exclusive shoe store in t own store will be open all day wednesday after nov 1st a g lehman sunday school workers held annual meeting south york county religious edu cation council meeting had a repre sentation gathering of the county in willowdale united church oct s rev m r sanderson of st cuth- herts gave a profitable address on essential factors in the work of our local sunday schools some of the factors were consecrated teachers a definite goal the bringing of boys and girls to know jesus as saviour and lord regular meetings of the sunday school executive good school accomodation wide contactsto that schools may learn one from the other the best points of one another rev h c prifist also gave a pract- able address on the teacher as a kingdom builder mr priest stress- ed the fact that next year in toronto the international sunday school convention is to be held when representatives the world over will assemble the enquiry of the secretary rev geo burry in the round table con ference as to how the county organ ization might function as a greater coming at the close of a ten weeks drought almost unparalleled in the history of the province tues day wednesday thursday last week there was a downpour of rain pretty general all over the country will prove a codsend to the farmers and general public it is expected to completely revolutionize aud improve existing conditions with all small streams aud rivers at low ebb wells and cisterns run ning low or exhausted and the ground everywhere as hard as rock dallying has been carried ou under the most discouraging conditions and the output of milk enormously reduced farm work such as plow ing and the garnering of roots has been carried on under a great handi cap with last weeks deluge all this will be changed right now the fall plowing will be resumed with redoubled vigor aud in the three weeks or a month which may reason ably be assumed to elapse before a freezeup takes place an enormous amount of fall work will be safely completed not a moment will be lost from this time forward and from daylight till dark the tractor and plow will be steadily on the job ordinarily the hulk of the fall plowing on the average ontario farm is finished up after oct 15th and while tile present is a fortnight or so later increased activity will overcome much of the delay that has preceded rumpel- apple crop one thing the farmers have suc ceeded in getting well out of the way is the picking of apples an exceptionally good crop in which the northern spys greenings and other well known varieties predom inate was garnered down along the lake front counties such as south ontario durham and north umberland reports agree as to the adundance and quality of the yield the one serious phase which con fronts the average ontario farmer at the present time and will become accentuated is the scarcity of winter feed and the fact that dairy and beef cattle are going into winter quarters in poor shape to maintain the quantity and quality of milk cream and butter ensilage corn for the most part was less than half an average crop marigolds and turnips half a crop and some of this has al ready been drawn upon great care and economy will be required to bring the average ontario herds through the coming winter a saving clause is the excellent crops of alfalfa in some cases three crops having been garnered the most palatable and nourishing of foods for horses and cattle it is in valuable to dairymen last weeks downpour will do an immense amount of good to the fall wheat ensure an abundant top and obviate all anxiety on that score that the heavy rains will have any appreciable effect on the milk supply is not considered likely the bulk of the dairy cattle are already stallfed and while the supply of milk going into the city roughly computed at around 10000 cans a day was re duced by from 25 to 35 per cent dealers have gone much further a- field as far east as napanee and west to the border counties to make up the deficiency higher milk prices are inevitable as to the prices which ontario farmers were receiving last week for grain and seods fall wheat was quoted at 127 to 130 spring wheat 120 to 125 oats g5c up ward barley 75c buckwheat so to the royal special judging competition uuder the auspices of the york county junior farmers was held in the newmarket district ou wednesday the ten securing high standing will be given a three day visit to the royal winter fair as guests of the directors arid of the city of toronto the contenders judged live stock grain seeds aud poultry aud during the day visited the farms of beacroft sons aurora beckett sons whitchurch and alex doner newmarket there was a special contest this year for a nov ice judging team of contestants who never attended a short- course or took part in a county judging com petition the gold medal was won by clarence graham of vaughan town ship who coached the following team donald mccallum cameron mclure alex mcneil all of vaughan township as a team they won first prize and also individually headed the list of winners for the day the second prize for coaching was won by jos levison of armitage who was awarded a silver medal the standing of the ten winning contest ants was donald mccallum vaugh an township 799 cameron mclure vaughan township 70g alex mcneil vaughan township 741 russel burr markham alvin wideman markham everett phillips vaughan raymond clorkson watson wilbert jenn ings temperanceville f stelles temperanceville leonard harman king anditorium stouffville one night only saturday nov 9th entertainment extraordinary canadas first motion pic- tlrk triumph ii carry on sergeant sound music a marvelous picture produced on ail elaborate scale at the govern ment studios trenton out cost cast of is months 500000 hundreds to make note this is a new revised print of the picture that caused toron to talk dont miss this youll be surprised first time at popular prices 50c children 3tc in mumoriam barnes in loving memory of our dear wife and mother who passed away at bloomington oct2s 1927 deep in our hearts lies a picture of a dear one laid to rest in memorys frame we will keep it because she was one of the best groceries grape fruit 3 for 22c oranges 2 doz 45c corn flakes reg 15c 2 pkgs 25c corn starch reg 10c 3 pkgs 27c biscuits reg 33c lb 2 lbs 55c toasted beans with pork 2 tins 25c creamette 3 pkgs 23c brooms reg 100 90c soda wafers per pkg 13c a w scott dry wood pine and hemlock slabs also all kinds of 4foot hardwood dry cut any length j and delivered phone w ratcliff stouffville 990g user radio bargains 2used radio sets for sale radiola without tubes 10 fada neutrodyne 5 tube g5 complete with new batteries help to the townships councils on the one hand and the provincial s3c while red clover seed is quoted the new improved gyproc greater structural strength takes any decoration fikeproof full 3 thickness new improved edge 21 s hreproofwallboerd for sale by stouffville planing mills stouffville ont j council on the other brought about a helpful discussion it was recom mended that financial support from the townships for the provincial council work should be on the basis of school membership that town ship visit schools not reporting and encourages every school to come into the township organization officers for the year president mr a r lewis markham vice- president rev w m mustard sar- boro bluffs secretarytreasurer rev geo burry downsvlew child rens work mrs w o duncan weston rr girls work miss doris soden newtonbrook boys work mr paul snider maple rr young peoples rev geo coulter rich mond hill teacher training rev w r atild markham missionary mr w m haig gormley temper ance mrs graves scarboro notice b penrose 62 langford ave toronlo ont is now showing his full range of mens fall and winter suits and overcoats readytowear or tailor ed to measure 2950 ladles fur coals fur trimmed coats and all- wool cloth coats of newest designs fabrics and styles a north york boy for north york business phone hargrave 149s or drop a post card to the above address and one of trucks will call with a full range of samples satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded at from 8 to s50 per bushel according to ewart stiver of stiver bros grain merchants of unionville the yield of red clover in ontario tills season nas not been equalled in years with threshing practically finished deliveries at country points in normal t cober phone markham 129 the reward of years of toil if you contemplate an auction sale the clos ing out of your years of effort in building up a complete farm equipment the bank of com merce is splendidly equipped to cater to your financial needs our local manager and his staff will gladly make all arrangements for the collection and discounting of all sale notes and for furnishing an extension of credit where necessary a successful sale is entirely depen dent upon sound financial arrangements the canadian bank of commerce the standard bank of canada used cars for sale terms 2 1923 ford coupe 1 1ji2g ford touring i 1923 ford coach 1 1923 oakland touring 1 1921 ford coupe 1 fordson tractor these are guaranteed as represented one half cash balance spread over 1 year 1 19 20 ford coupe 1 1928 ford truck 1 1924 chev coach 1 1925 ford roadster i 1923 mclaughlin touring delbert holden ford dealer phone 184 notice to creditors in the mutter of the estate of sarah kllen taylor late of the township of whitchurch in the county of york married woman deceased notice is hereby given pursuant to the trustee act that all persons having claims against the estate fs the above named sarah ellen taylor who died tat the city of toronto on o r about the 24th day of september 1929 nre required on or before the 20th day of november il2 to send post prepaid or to de liver to the undersigned solicitors for the executors full particulars of their claims and the nature of the security if any held by them duly verified and take notice further that after the said 20th day of nov ember 1929 the said executors will proceed to distribute the estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been received and they will not be re sponsible to any persons of whose claim they shall not then have re ceived notice dated this 2glh day of october 1929 j d aitchison w e taylor executors mccullough hutton solicitors for executors stouffville ont cut your fuel bill by many dollars st our yearly bill for coal and coke amounts to a goodly sum r- there is plenty of wood lying around your farm prunings from orchards dead trees old fence rails etc which when cut would save many dollars in fuel expense a toronto saw driven by a toronto engine will cut as much in an hour as you could cut in a day by the old backbreak ing bucksaw method allsteel construction strongly braced equipped with selfaligning adjustable bearings and swinging table a toronto saw gives years of satisfaction a toronto engine operates it economically on kerosene or gasoline this is just one of the many moneysavers in the toronto farm equipment line come in and learn more about them or write for free oeorge j lawson stouffville ontario george baker realtor and valuator farm aud city property a specialty exchanges and small acreages stouffville ont box 24 phone 173 card ok thanks we wish to thank the neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy shown us during mrs groves illness mr and mis henry 5 g rove or sale or rent desirable brick residence in west end close to main street for sale pure bred shearling shropshire ram apply o zellers phone 2110 for sale number barred rocks also white leghorn pullets r e brown phone 170 stock for sale durham heifer due to freshen also 11 pigs ready to wean e j jirvis phone 431s for sale pure bred white pckin ducks and drakes apply fred johnson unionville r it vh want all kinds of live poul try for which top market price will be paid sam golden apply at e c pennock for sale two good work horses these horses are all well broken and are ready for hard work g a m davison unionville moving sale mh separator 050 cap mclaughlin cutter cook stove and 3burnor oil stove ira d rushell phone 156 35 for sale or rent in stouffville desirable 7 room brick house on church st north garage and all conveniences apply to a stoufter box 573 weston ont farm for sale a choice fifty acre farm lot 17 con s mark ham twp 1 miles east of mark ham village land clay loam all workable and well fenced a com plete set of buildings painted brick residence nice young bear ing orchard with standard varie ties of apples also other fruits 3 wells 2 cisterns hydro passes gate rural mail possession ar ranged t w eagleson stouff- vile r r 1 u machinery for sale roller for rolling oats in good order cheap separator melotte good as new fannihgniill chatham with bag ger several good choppers all sizes also good gasoline engines 116 li-p- to s set scales power washing machine for gasoline en gine 3tlrum land roller all kinds of harrows and other farm machinery rent kexlin highest price for fowl and wool phone 192 stouffville notice of application for divorce notice is hereby given that ell franklin irwin of the town of wes ton in the county of york and pro vince of ontario physician will apply to the parliament of canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorcement from his wife emma jean walker irwin of the town of weston in the county of york in the province of ontario on the ground of adultery dated at weston this 29th day of august 1929 e f irwin by wm penman his solicitor 30 1g main st n weston ont ford and fordson owners end 75 of your tractor or car ignition troubles the dynamo timer will make your ford or ford- son start much easier run smoother with more even power the dynamo replaces the ford commutator it requires no oiling does not wear unevenly thus it al ways gives a smooth positive con tact it banishes all your commuta tor troubles and improves engine performance at atl speeds the average fordson wears out two ford commutators per year but the dynamo timer reduces your repair bills because it will last inde finitely without attention and is fully guaranteed to render 100 ofllclency for 3 years this the cheap est in the long run put one on and forget it many dynamo timers are in dally use in markham and whitchurch townships a recommend from overy user when you need a new commuta tor give the dynamo a trial and if not fully satisfied i will return your money price 275 e klinck phone stouffville 4011 victoria square ontario obtainable from ho klincko bricn avenue stouffville ik 1