central americas valley of kings mysterious ruined cities ttelr carj jed stone temples hidden amid the almost impenetrable mayan jungles some day may yield the actaal story of the first americans four more of these cities were discovered on j col charles a lindberghs explora- tint flight over the yucatan ponln- sula cities where one of the highest known aboriginal cultures was al ready on the wano when columbus voyaged to the new world whence did they come these peo plo who reared a great edifice to kukul can the feathered serpent jiow did they build their temples with chisels of fiut and calclte and withiut even a wheel to ease tho pil ing of stone on stone what caused them to suddenly disappear leaving the physical cvidenco of their civiliz ation as a slowly crumbling enigma the oldest mayan native have only- one answer quien sabe who knows even tho archaeologist has penetrated but a small way behind this veil of centuries mayan research progresses upon a jadder of question marks how- does it happen that their language resembles the japanese in sound but not in meaning what strange migration took place that they should use the hulcho throwing stick similar to the weapons cf the eskimo and still have no acquaintance with tho bow and arrow of the midcon- tlnent indians and their jade here is another query with unbelievable patience they worked precious stones green gray and black jade of a type never found an the american continent the workmanship fcr all its abori ginal character possesses a delicacy that has been likened to that of cellini but the source of the material it self has no explanation the research under way at clichon- itza in northern yucatan is add ing much to the knowledge of this myeterious racs it is being direct ed by the carnegie institution under an agreement with the mexican gov ernment recent interest in the puzzle has led to important correla tive work in the mayan linguistics without which the undeclpherefl glyphs that cover almost every one cf their major structures cannot bo made to yield their secrets the discoveries on the lindbergh flight add new possibilities to those already waiting for the archaeologist in other mayan cities which aro known but not yet explored the flight is credited with accomplishing ns much in twentyfive hours as a rcconnaisance party hacking its way through the tangled growth could do on foot in five years yet the sub sequent work is of necessity slow one pioneer in mayan resoarch found a valuable object reduced to a thin limestone shell he saved it by spraying light liquid glue upon it with an atomixer at intervals throughout threo days tho possibilities of discovery in tho land of the mayas aro almost as rich as among the tombs of the egyptians tho itza civilization was not so old us that of the pharaohs but it bears a similar erlatlon to the development ot the people of the western hemis phere tho student of tho mayas may bo working in americas val ley of tho kings quien sabe christian science monitor watch your growing children owl laffs guard the children from autumn colds watch the health of your growing children 1 see that they have the health and energy necessary for their sxhool work and play for growing children par ticularly gih kk mpply of red blood b essential languor nervousness de pression fickle appetite or pallor indicate anaemia dr williams pink puis enrich the blood prevent anaemia and build healthy bone and tissues thousands of mothers have proved tht my rwclvcyearold girl writes mrs robert dcvitt of brougham ontario becamo so pale so ill and nervous that we had to take her out of school i tried dr williams pink pilla for her and she gained in weight and strength she is now the pic ture of health buy a box of dr williams pink pills at all druggists and dealers in medicine or post paid by mail at 30 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockvillc ontario s21 a flappers prayer o lord may ho bo tall and hand some may he have money and cars j galore may ho dauco divinely andj the fall is tho most sever season love me better than life aud o of tho year for colds one day is lord may i divorce him easily and warm the next cold and wet and un- flnd another i less the mother is on her guard the i little ones aro seized with colds that we got a kick from the following may hang on all winter babys own from a texas paper aud you probably tablets aro mothers best friend in will too card of thanks 1 wish to thank all of those who helped in gettin of my divorce es pecially those who testified to tho meanners and cusseduess of my late husband sincerely ursula peirlman we hulfway expect the dodo to come back some time but we are cer tain the cotton stocking never will the angloamerican accord sisley huddleston in the new statesman london it has been suggested in tho french press that ramsay macdonalds visit to wash ington was an anglosaxon reply to m briands plan for a united states of europe in spite of an unprece dented amount of talk about conti nental and world unity wo liave en tered a period of remarkable diplo matic activity some years before tho war tho search for allies had practically ceased there was a dip lomatic crystallization tho powers had lined up slnco tho war there has been a gradual dissolution of tho old associations and although tho process is not completed yet it is suf ficiently advanced for us to say that an entirely new situation presents it self the slato is not quito blank but it has been to a large extent cleared now a third operation begins tho rarao operation on a larger scale as that which followed 1871 most of he countries are actively seeking al lies there aro many feints and false moves but since nobody knows pre cisely how the world will havo shaped ni twenty years hence tho feints and false moves arouso nervous apprehen sions it has come to this that we cannot take a step towards an other nation without provoking fears in a third nation lest wo havo found the key to the postwar diplomatic enigma which will open to us the doors of the future sauce for the gander toronto telegram ind cons when premier king goes west some one should lead him out to the al berta border ami point out to him that when alberta was under a pro hibitory law liquor poured in over tho border and undo sam never raised a hand to stop it then the same pro- childbirth and motherdeath w f pohnso in tho spectator london great britain and amer are each confronted by two similar if not identical problems of grave im port to wit an ominous decline in the birthrate and a concurrent in crease in the number at deaths of mothers in childbirth such mortality is greater in ameri ca than any other civilized country the number of deaths to tho thousand being 05 while in great britain last year it was 442 exceptionally high figures in italy 27 in tho scandi navian countries 26 and in the neth erlands 23 now theso unfavorable conditions of motherhood have two major results of a most disastrous character one is obviously to in capacitate tens of thousands of women yearly for further childbearing an evil the magnitude of which nay be pretty accurately computed tho other which in america at least is widely- recognized and is presumptively of great extent but it is not su6ceptiblo of rtatistical ascertainment is to de ter thousands of women through fear from childbearing or even from mar riage the valet please maam come quickly master has bitten himself the mrs what do you mean the valet he has sat on your false teeth acording to the cynic modern po liteness consists io doing something unpleasant to people every five min utes and saying im sorry preventing or banishing colds they act as a genie laxative keeping the bowels and stomach free and sweet an occasional dose of tho tablets will prevent colds or if it does come on suddenly their prompt use will re lievo tho baby tho tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cts a box from tho dr williams medicine co brockville ont it was their first airplane ride and the young woman of the party felt quite nervous you will bring us back safely wont you she said to the pilot of course i will miss he assured her touching his leather helmet ivo never left anybody up there yet faint heart never won fair lady said the readymade philosopher thats right answered tho bash ful man the way the ladies dress sometimes youve got to have your nerve with you to look at one long enough to feel acquainted a lot of troubles might not come if wo didnt go after them tho bureau of standards at wash- ingson is working on a nonwrinkle cotton there is a much more gen eral demand however says jack harris r a nonappleintheknees wool suiting qualities we may satirize character and qualities in the abstract without in jury to our moral nature but persons hardly ever poor hints aud sketches of souls as we are with some slight transient vision of tho perfect and tho true we had need help each other to gaze at tho blessed heavens instead of peering into cacli others eyes to find ont the moles there h is hearing restored tho invisible ear drum invented by a o leonard which resembles a miniature megaphone fitting inside tho ear entirely out of sight is help ing the hearing of a great many peo ple mr leonard invented this drum to relievo himself of deafness and head noises and it docs this so suc cessfully that no one could tell ho is a deaf man a request for informa tion to a o leonard 70 fifth avenuo suite 437 new york city will be given a prompt reply advt teacher to new pupil what is your lathers name dear new pupil daddy yes dear but what does your mother call him she dont call him anything she likes him what has become of the oldfashion ed bathing suit that was described as daring villians were not born but made to be unduly elated if you win or unduly depressed when yon lose is a sign that you are carrying too much sail and not enough ballast among the most interesting relics of the mound builders that wo dis covered said tho returned explorer was a mummy in a perfect stato of preservation with a skull measuring fortythreo inches in circumstance my gracious ejaculated his hear er i had no idea there were movie leading men in those days the hardest thing in the world is to find a 10000 job for a 4500 man nothing falls success like some kinds of english mother now bobby if you dont behave ill get mayor thompson after you melissa at the brldgo party well gertie i believe you aro about to loso your prowess geraldlne shhnot so loud give me a pin most daring girl in britain steeplejack and an airwoman for fun brighton brighton boasts a girl who claims to be the most daring young woman in england she has in the course of twelve months done a steeplejacks work on a tall chimney flown her cousins aeroplane and looped it twice on her second solo flight tackled a mad dog and saved a child from being badly bitten put a burglar to flight and dressed as a man spent a night in a brigands camp in corsica this modern amazon is miss phy- lls knott a pretty bobbedhaired girl of 24 and sho informed me calmly that far from wanting to rest on her laurels she is now looking for fresh adventures and new worlds to con quer one of her pet projects is to make i a record long distance flight in a bal loon i dont really go looking for ad venture it conies looking for me mtss knott said to me i cant es cape from it wherever i go i seem to land up against something excit ing its either a gift or a handicap im not sure which wasnt looking for thrills i certainly wasnt looking for bri gands when i went tramping through corsica this summer but they were very nice to me they gave me some thing to drink and some food of course they never suspected for a moment that i was a woman i heard afterwards that one of the ban dits was a desperate character who is reputed to have killed two men nor was i looking for tho mad dog and the burglar they just happened and i had to deal with them as best i could any woman would have done the same making good after 30 years of prison life all tho lemons that tro handed out do not havo fino tissue paper around them allexpense tours a desire on tho part of travelers to go in special parties under expert tour management prompted our com pany to experiment with tho all-ex- penso personallyescorted plan the past two winters passenger traffic manager w j black of the santa fo railway announced tho other day they wero so popular wo will repeat this winter all necessary expenses aro defrayed tho passenger pays a lump sum the railroad takes care of all details from start to finish five ot theso tours will bo run by the santa fo in connection with tho burlington system chlago to call fornin and back a journey of about 0000 miles by rail soveral hundred miles by motor and requiring threo weeks on tho way one will leave in january two in february and two in march 1930 tho itinerary includes tho indian- detour region around historic old santa fo also taos where kit car son onco lived grand canyon na tional park next will bo visited like wise tijuana and agua callente in old mexico aftor viowlng all princi pal points of interest in california- including hollywood yosemlto and catallna tho return to chicago will bo by way ot feather river canyon salt lako city tho scenic rockies of colorado and denver the morning newsboy beforo tho city rises from its bed or tho first smoke is b tho sky un curled ho comos that wo may know whats thought or said or done in any corner of tho world i never saw him as ivo never seen tho power that swings tho golden gates of day through snow or rain in weather foul or clean this gallant youth goes early on his way ho ends tho isolation ot the night wo wako the very world is at our doors f sic- aml wl wo brekfas h io morn- less alkali in water will neutralize in- s stautly many times as much acid and w h ho wavc6 s other tho symptoms disappear at once you s oits been overstimulatcd and food l 11c use crude methods when a thus i thank tho boy i never sec once you learn the efficiency ot this unlivorled p of current history i alexander louis fraser to bob the burglar and how he played santa claus for little nipper crime does not pay crooks work very hard to get a living and sooner or later they get time whether it is over the alps which means dartmoor or in stir which means brixton or wormwood scrubs the od lag realizes that he is up against a system that inevitably puts him down for the count i had a heartto heart talk with crooks who make a club of a certain place in shoreditch they were old- timers who were making good shrewd humorous and maybe cynical they were but they made very good company my companion was an experienced detective who knows the east end of london as we ordinary people know our morning and evening trains or omnibusej bob said he addressing a delight ful little man who looked something between a stable boy and a musichall comedian tell mr cordor how you played santa claus bob grinned shuttled nervously and refused to be drawn this is the story of bob the burglar it was christmas time and he had juat ome out of gaol he was lodging with a respectable but hardup family who had a little nipper who be lieved in santa claus he really thought that if ho was good father christmas would come down the chimney bearing beautiful presents from his wonderful toy fac tory lit up by the northern lights the kid sent messages up the chim ney to santa claus asking for a toy i tricycle and bob the burglar broke i into a shop to get it was he pinched i inquired from the detective who blushed and fumb led with his pipe ho paid for the blinking tricycle said bob smiling at the embarrassed officer that is a true story and i submit that it shows that the best and the worst ot us may be joined by a human touch common to both of us crime as a trade afterwards we talked crime not as an offenco but as a trade said i if you chaps had put your brain and energy into regular jobs you would have made good they agreed but a smile went round the company the detective explained that smile in a wellturned phrase stolen apples make sweet eating red rose tea comes direct to us from the finest tea gardens then straight to your grocer brimful of flavor and freshness every package guaranteed 70 oodtea red rose orange pekoe is extra good one of the company was an inter national pickpocket who now lives in workhouse but every chrismtas day he dines with a police court mis sionary the two chat over their wine and cigars paid for by the mis sionary and they talk ot foreign cities and strange customs ot life to its full and then the pickpocket re turns to his workhouso and tho mis sionary to his court queer but true said i to a man who has spent thirty years in prison and is now a successful costermonger what do you think about the changing condi tions of life progress generally scien tific inventions like aeroplanes broad casting gramophones talkfilms things you never knew things that must have impressed you he replied womens clothes are too short they ought not to be al lowed to do it classified advertisements situations vacant l ore men wanted ou1ck bio ix pay easy work earn while learn ing barber trade under famous moler american plan worlds most reliable barber school system write or call immediately for free catalogue- moler liarber college 121 queen west toronto fob saie registered pedigreed silvett foxes 5100 00 a pair delivered wffi uateh rtidgotown out stop colds with minards liniment spitf spite is a little word but it repre sents as strange a jumble of feelings and compound of discord as any poly syllable in the language dickens charity charity itself changes its character when it becomes the subserviency of weak right to rampant wrong for the hair ask your barber he knows jebsey c10th jtnsk cloth surnicd direct from manufacturer wool and auk and wool write for samples and prices novo knit co st catharines ont bokneghese pox ranch we can supply beautiful stock in suvo black foxes reg istered in canadian national live stock records free from lunfr worm or other diseases litters averaged four thla year order early j m briscoe son northcote ont teits list of wanted inventions and full information sent freo on request tub 3amsay co dept w- 273 bank st ottawa ont i farmst0ck f account books bth is valuablcbook was com piled to advertise caitharrt overalls the best farmers overalls in the world one- farmer wrote that he would not take ten louaro for bb book write for yours today hamilton car ha rtrmanufactwerlldtoronto oyer twenty thoutand agencies no chance for tho heart to be right if the liver isnt friends just naturally gravitate to hie person who has no need of them in 2 short weeks kruschcn salts will give many a fat person a joyous surprise you can knock pounds off your weight and ycara off your age this safe and easy way every morning take the little daily dose of kruschcn in a glass of hot water before breakfast this will mean that every particle of poisonous waste matter and hnrmful acids and gases is bcint expelled from the system they arc the cause of all the trouble because they remain in the system and accumu late in the form of excess unhealthy fat i have lost several pounds in less than 2 weeks it is so safe and easy no dieting no drugs i have tried several other ways but with no good results kruschcn is all you claim it to be sire e ii after three or four weeks of the little daily dose get on to the scales and see how many pounds of fat you have lost your mirror also will tell you what you havo gained in health and vigour your eyes will sparkle your skin will ho clearer you will feel unbelievably youthful and energetic you will feel many pounds lighter and many ycara younger buy florida farm choice selected section gardentruck hog- raising dairying watermelon satsuma oranges recant 2 cropsayear most profitable f beit 10 acres supports lamily 6 best year round climate for invalids old people 2 rr z state hichways modern schools churches buslines quarter sections 10 acres 25 to 40 acre terms rule guararr teed this is your chance to buy guaranteed aiming soils near highly developed pavrnrr larms held above s50r acre write today florida fertile farms inc ss west nd st nov york lity send details ot jour guaranteed farms valuable premiums riven free for scllinc 17 packages of our christmas and new year cards and folders at 10c or 12 bottles of excelsior liquid perfume at 15c write- today fcend no money beat premium co toronto head noises 1 25 ah flrccaisli drtcristtvt fotrfu en riqsnt a o leonard ine fifth ave new york city for quick mwujzss ctrnm children oy for it tor cohstwfltom dwrrheafevtfilshmtss teas aaaa wsnamom is more titan a fine soap it is sanative nnllseplle nud not only cleanse but beats irritations mil re tores tba normal action of tho pores for so years tho standard of exeelleneo srrrrsni gsaraacsraspa what many people call indigestion very often means oxces acid in tho stomach tho stomach nerves have one spoonful ot this iiarmlc the correctivo is an alkali nilcr king might paueo to relicct that neutralizes acids instantly and the j go get a small hottlo to try what was good enough or canada host alkali known to medical science bo sure to get the genuine phillips when tho united states was wit and la phillips milk of magnesia it has milk of magnesia proscribed by physl- sometimes a man talks in his sleep caaada was dry shojsd be good remained tho standard with physl- clans for 50 years in correcting excess because it is tho only chance ho gets cnoh for the unites states now j cinnx in the 50 years since its inven- 1 acids each hottlc contains full direc- that conditions have been revecd tion lions any drugstore minards liniment for wart shes always hungry says toronto mother vtancy is absolutely the pic- jt turo of health again say3 mrs d fraser 6 currio ave toronto ontario a few weeks ago wo had to force her to eat now shes always hungry i knewwhat to do when she be camo bilious halfsick and list less becauso weve always known about california fig syrup nancys coated tongue and bad breath cleared ip with the first few spoonfuls and california fig syrup the rich fruity laxative and tonic for children in just a few days her stomach and bowels were acting perfectly shes gaining right along now california fig syrup has tho full endorsement of the medical world a pure vegetable product loved by children a gentle but thorough cleanser of a youngsters system and agcntlecnorgizcr for sluggish bowels a stimulator for lagging appetites and digestions a help in building sturdy limbs and robust bodies the name california is important no imitator can put that on his prod uct after shave minards mixed with sweet oil makes a cool soothing after shave heals tiny cuts by razor i think lydia e- pinkhama vegetable compound is wondcrfull i have had six children of which four are living and my youngest is a bon- nie baby boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds i have taken your medicine before each of them was born and have certainly re ceived great benefit from it i urge my friends to take it as i am sure they will receive the tame help i did mrs milton mcmufcn vanessa chutirio issij no 4429