Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 24, 1929, p. 7

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united states authorities win bootleg battle britains labor premier meets labor head in toronto big campaign of dry forces rounds up a ring of 32- x round up reads like a great war operation big money involved 1 new york entries in a small hack account book showing 2000000 profits is six months huge sums paid for bribery ships and liquor revealed jrie proportions of the syndicate which federal officials charge monopolized liquor smuggling along the atlantic 0ast the account book was seized with other records at the mansion in highlands nj headquarters of the ting when federal and state officers made 32 raids along a 200mil front in a preconcerted drive against the syndicate a private unlicensed wireless sta tion located five miles from high lands n j and from which the ring directed the movements of its vessels at sea and a veritable fortress on a hilltop a mile away were seized by the raiders this fortress had gun emplace ments an armory telescopes mounted in a cupola observation tower and underground vaults sawedoff shot guns machine- guns tear gas and automatic pistols were among the munitions seized alleged headquarters of the ring at 25 ve3t fortythird street new york in the heart of midtown man hattan were raided by the govern ment forces according to federal authorities the ring was the chief smuggler of foreign liquors into terri tory along this coast and the federal offensive against it was a spectacular one every move synchronized plans for this attack authorities indicated were in process of forma tion for the last six months and when the final word to move was given vcry detail of the operation was syn chronized the movements of each man were directed by the second hand of his watch and the activities of each group of raiders fitted smoothly into the doings of every other group at the appointed hour a federal operative stepped quietly into the cottage which housed the rings un licensed wireless station placed the wireless operator under arrest and slipped into his place before tho sput tering key while he directed a big liquor boat belonging to tho syndicate into a carefully planned rendezvous with a coast guard destroyer waiting off montauk point a large body of federal agents climber ttie hilltop a mile uwuy and seized the fortress while this was being done other federal operatives and their ais the state police and the coast guard forces took steps to capturo the small fleet of speedboats and motor trucks oper ated by the alleged ring during more than a dozen other raids in new jersey liquor warehouses landing stages sales offices and socalled cut ting plants fell one after nolher into the hands of the raiders one man was quietly taken from an atlan tic city hotel simultaneously raid ing contingents in now york city and long island began a series of assign ed operations that kept them occupied far into the night plans laid last spuing plans for the actual consummation of this clocklike operation began early last spring when a federal radio in spector intercepted a strange code message the code proved baffling nor could its origin be traced then followed weeks of effort to de code the mysterious cipher and when finally it was found a careful check was kept upon tho syndicale3 mes sages not a message was sent but was recorded by government oper ators not a pint of liquor was landed it wa3 said but what knowledge of it was laid before prohibition officials all the operations of the six ocean going ships owned by the ring were carefully followed even the banks where the syndicate deposited its money were known and subpoenas upon them prepared hard ly a detail of the operations of a com plicated organization which turned out each week it was said illegal liquor valued at 1000000 at retail prices but what was known to tho govern- ment only when a federal wireless oper ator had learned the secret code so well that he could slip into the un licensed operators seat without a break in the message being transmit ted and when all other details were thoroughly mastered was tho raid ordered and so complete was its suc cess prohibition authorities declared that where ordinarily weeks would have been required to clean up evi dence the entire raid was almost com pletcd in less than a single day more than 1800 persons hear address at royal york hotel toronto tho photograph hero show premier ramsay macdonald being welcomed by william green president ot the american federation of labor at tho royal york hotel toronto prior to the premiers address to over 1500 persons who packed the convention hall to hear the first words here ot the man of the moment the routine pro ceedings of tho federation convention had been dropped to enable american congress of labor to extend hearty reception to british prime minister women are persons says privy council britains highest court says b na act would call women eligible for senate positions premier pleased london ruling that women aro eligible to be summoned and to be come members of the canadian sen ate tho judicial committee ot the privy council emphasized that it was unwise to apply to modern canada tho decisions which had been taken prob ably rightly by those applying tho law in different centuries and differ ent circumstances the privy council rendered this opinion ou tho appeal by five women of alberta against an adverse decision of the canadian supremo court cocntrary to tho supromo court the privy council came to the conclu sion that word persons includes members of both the malo and femalo sex tho appeal hinged upon tho moaning to be placed on the word persons as contained in tho clause ot the british north america act the lord chancellor of great bri tain lord sankey delivered tho judg ment taking the unusual course of reading it in full before the court for some yoars it has been the practice merely to announce the general result nd to hand out written copies to those interested tho judgment was of exceptional interest not only for tho constitution al point involved but because it also raised tho question ot the general ulatiw ot women mackcnzic king clad on loarjjjng ot tho decision of the privy council that women were elig ible for tho senato mr mackenzie king said that ho was very pleased ho added that it had boon tho inten tion ot the government had the de cision boon against the admission ot women as membors of tho upper chamber to proposo an amendment to tho british north amorica act the decision of the judicial commit tee howovcr makoa this unnecessary it is arsumod here that tho govern ment will doubtless in the very near future appoint ono or more women to the seuate there arc five vacanclos two for ontario one from manitoba and two from quebec lord sankey remarked that counsel on both sides had invited their lord ships to consider the legal position ot women from the earliest times their lordships accordingly turned to two points first the oxternal cvldcnco as derived from extraneous circum stances secondly the internal cvl dcnco derived frcm uio british north america act relic of past on the first point said tho lord chancellor it was found tho exclu sion o women from alt public offices was a relic of days more barbarous than ours but it must be remembered the necessity o the times often forced on man customs which in later years were unnecessary such exclu sion is probably due to the fact that the dcliberateive assemblies of the earlier tribe3 wero attended by men under arnrs and women did not bear arms yot- tho tribes did not despise the advice ot women tho likolihood ot attack rendered sucha proceeding un avoidable and aftor all what is neces sary at any period is a question tor the times upon which opinion ground ed by experience may move one way or another in different circumstanes i this exclusion ot women found its i way into tho opinions of tho old ro- i man jurists lord sankey proceeded the barbarian tribes who settled in i tho roman empire and wero exposed to constant dangers naturally pre served and continued tho tradition in england no woman under tho degree ot queen or regent married or unmar ried could take part in government until recent times a woman was un der legal incapacity to bo elected to servo in parliament and oven if she was a peeress in her own right was not nor is she yet entitled as an in cident of her poerago to rcceivo a writ ot summons to tho house of lords excluded by law women wero also until recent times excluded by law from taking part in tho administration of justice with tho single oxceptiou ot inquiries by juries of matrons upon tho sugges tion ot pregnancy tho lord chancel lor continued ho cilcd several lead ing cases in proof ot this tradition tho judgment of tho chief juslico of canada relies upon theso cases but their lordships think thoro la great forco in the viow taken by mr justice duff with regard to them when ho says that section 24 ot tho british north amorica act must not bo treats ed as an independent enactment naval agreement london times ind mr macdon ald desorvos a largo share ot credit jfor this remarkablo achlevemont tho courso cf clrcumslancos placed him i in uio most fortunato position ot be- ing ablo to profit handsomely by tho i hard work in tho causo ot naval un derstanding between tho two coun tries performed thanklessly enough by his predecessor undaunted by tho bitter disappolntmont of 1927 the conservative goverrmont sowed tho seed which tho labor government have very creditably riponed and reaped official nominations for provincial election kent wn l a c caulcr la sinclair cordon i kingston io kugacll fcot iamhton mast i illuwir fraiolsh i c krishna i i bamntoji west i a i mcm m mltlcr idr a dow i leslie w oko lacjaui north john a crfllft iahalilc so i dr j iikd3 i j skinner i antlrraon ij r anderson is j wilson idr j p sinclair i iqndo no btlty london so jianltolliin j i mooro kc i it h kemp i 1t f iili inil rro 1 dr j c wiion i 1 t moton tro alfred graham llr itukh stevenson m f ddlkskx mouth 1 r- v inughton munrisrix west ithiskoka w h mcielnu i t larriuliar ufo 1 i i idr v w prcelo w o turnout j o dotlibrldgc i niacar falls nipiss1no jjow kcclestoac 1 iv o- willson icarlton r munroo i i yl illirry morel llion j 8 m iwallaco ma nor nor a nd f j mcart pr w ho 1 0 rtson jjolinh mcdonald i i i i i ontario north i nianchard georgo vealo ontario sou i l mason w e n slncla j w wlddlfiem i- ottawa east i cota ij a ilnard ottaw nort la e ilonoyrrell w j ollhooley ottawa south arthu ei1h kc i oxford nort jjolin w s d m rous oxford south ijime tullln a nailer 1 par sound v harcourt peef icoitt l kennody it h ora perth no ij d kontcllh iqcorgo j pratt t perth south david hon- tork east illon o s henry harold handera tork west ihimi r godfrey w a eilmrli ihn kennedy pro i tork north tcllfford caaa p w poaraon tork south id macaulay q w p hood t7 1 1 allan mcdonald inav toronto riding i t hbacues ithoa asmurphy dei itnomaa ii hell 1 i tt 1 ocorga wataon i tim du cm bracondalb rua ncatittl koj j rload i bnockton p o mcr jaa ollchrla kc i 1 t c sima coin povercount isamurt t wrumir d stanle teoiinton ico mtl i oreenwoot v markets i produce quotations toronto wholesale dealers are buy ing from country shippers at the fol lowing prices eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 40 to 48c fresh firsts 40 to 42c seconds 0c butter no 1 40 to 40 vic no 2 38 to s9c chiming cream special 43c no 1 42c no 2 39c cheese no 1 large colored par affined and government graded 20c provision prices toronto wholesale deales are quot ing the following prices to the trade smoked meats hams mod 32 to 37c cooked loins 50 to 53c smoked rolls 28c breakfast bacon 2g to 37c back peamealed 38 to 40c do smok ed 45 to 47c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 24c 70 to 90 lbs 22c 90 to 110 lbs 21c heavyweight rolls 40c lightweight rolls 25c lard pure tierces lgc tubs 17c pails 17 vic prints 18 to 19c short ening tierces 14 to 15c tubs 14vc pails 15c tins 17c prints lgc pork loins 32c new york shoul ders 21c pork butts 25vic pork hams 26v2c grain quotations grain dealers vn the toront board of trade are makin the following quo tations for car lots man wheat no 1 north 14791 no 2 north 145 no 3 5141 no 4 5137 no 5 5127 no c 107 vi fed 95vc cif gocierich and bay ports man oats no 1 feed c2kc no 2 feed 00yc am corn no 2 yellow 109 all rail delivered toronto freight millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 3525 shorts per ton 3735 middlings 4425 ont grain wheat 128 oats 00c larley 72c rye 105 buckwheat 85e clover seed prices for clean seed from a good seed cleaning mill the foiowing range of prices fob shipping points in on tario is being offered by dealers red clover suital for canadian no 1 per lus 8 do no 2 7 alsike no 1 export 9798 per cent purity sg no 2 exports 959g per cent purity 540 no 3 export 9294 per cent purity 480 no 4 export 9091 per cent purity 420 alsike white mixtures 510 sweet clover can grade no 1 2 do no 2 150 hay and stttaw prices wholesale dealers in hay and straw are quoting to shippers the following prices for carlots delivered on track toronto no 2 timothy baled ton 1450 to 15 no 3 do 12 to 14 wheat straw baled ton 900 o 10 no 1 timothy loose is quoted at 19 to 20 per ton delivered oat straw baled 950 to 10 livestock quotations heavy beef steers 850 to 9 but cher steers choice- 9 to 950 do com 5575 to 750 butcher heifers choice 5925 to 950 do fair to good 8 to 875 do com g to 750 butcher cows good to choice 8 to 825 do fair to good 050 to 725 do com to med 5 to g do can- ners and cutters 350 to 5450 but cher bulls good to choice 5050 to 5725 do med g to 025 do bolognas 525 to 5575 baby beet 10 to 514 feeders good 8 to 850 do fair 7 to 775 stockjrs good 750 to 8 do fair g 0 57 calves good 15 to 10 do med 10 to 1450 do grassers g to 7 spring ers 110 to 125 milkers 75 to 100 lambs choice 11 do bucks 8 sheep choice g to 050 do med 5 to 550 hogs bacon woc 1225 do selects 1 per hog premium do butcher 75c per hog discount do trucked in 50c cwt under woc do fob price 125 cwt under woc two kiled by gas digging out well bodies of father and son re covered from hole london ontrjames plynn c9 and his son franls 32 voro asphyxiated near here when they wero overcome by natural gas fumes while digging a well tho two men wero not discovered until noon and it was not until nearly an hour later that tho bodies wero brought to tho surface by rescuers using grappling irons tho well hart gone dry at a depth ot 40 feet sometime during the morn ing the cable on the plunger broko and it is believed that tho father descended o miko repairs it is pre sumed that when ills father called tor aid francis went down the well and he too was ovorcome by tho fumes whoa tho tragedy was discovered an attempt was made to lower patrick mcgree jr ulddulph farmer by means ot a rope howevor tho at tempt was abandoned aftor a lighted lantern was ropoatedly blown out by tho gas no inquest was hold japanese minister arrives in canada hon hyemasa tokugawa bound for ottawa to present credentials talks on peace cooperation among nations bordering on pacific urged victoria bc tho friendly rela tions between canada and japan aro in nowise a new development and moreover their destinies lio together on tho great pacific ocean hon hyemasa tokugawa envoy extraor dinary and minister plenipotentiary ot japan to canada said in an intervi t here recently wo both want peace in this par ticular region and in order to attain that end between tho countries bor dering on this ocean wo must cooper ate and all of thoso nations must bo determined to do so when wo talk about relations be tween canada and japan wo must first look upon them as constituting part ot the group ot countries border ing on tho pacific i think canada and japan being the two older countries on the pacific must do their utmost to strive for a continuanco ot tho friendliest rela tions that exist today and in order to cooperate towards that end we must know each others rcquirei3nts economic and otherwise so that wo may be able to adjust any differences as to those requirements if necessary on my arrival in british colum bia went on mr takugawa i felt i must emphasize this point because i need hardly say that this province is tho one whih is really japans neighbor it also holds tho greater part of the japanese population in this country and is the province through which wo do most ot our trado with canada i greatly regret that i must pro ceed at ouco to ottawa but i hopa to come back as soon as tho oppor tunity presents itself and then as l shall presented my credentials to the government i shall be able to take part in official functions which on this occasion i have not been abla to accept trade development the purpose ot bis work in canada said hon mr tokugawa was to look around and determine the wisest course to adopt in the interest of both countries particularly with respect to the development of trade the question ot trade enters large ly into the work ot the new japanese minister to canada mr tokugawa said trade between canada and japan was a vital thing and he would like to see trade between the two countries develop to an over greater extent he considered it important that tho balance ot trade should be as even as possible and with tho object of keep ing trade even he hopes a way may be found of increasing japans ox- ports to canada on his departure from tokio hon mr tokugawa was wished bon voyago by hon herbert m marler canadian minister to japan t in speaking of canadas minister to japan hon mr tokugawa said i am sure hon mr marler deserves tho welcome ho has reeived and is re ceiving from japan i have no doubt that he will contribute to the consoli dation of the excellent understanding that exists between tho two coun tries aember ot lut lafluutur r list courtesy mall and empiro pats job was to guard tho entrance to a road which led to an old and un safe bridge seeing a largo car ap proach ho put up his hand whats tho mattor demanded tho drivor at that moment pat recognized him as his landlord ah its yourself ycur honor ho said genially yos it is was tho reply tis all right then said pat waving tho car on wards my orders are to see that no traffic goes through because ot tho danger but seelu its yourself go ahead sir the cynic says that every tinio ao sees a woman kissing ancther woman it reminds him of two prlzcfightors shaking hands just before tho start- lug gong is rung land offices on peace river busy much new filing on new homesteads by pros perous settlers peace river alia oct 19 deter mined to secure land before tho freeze up more than one hundred new settlers arrived at tho land effice this week and filed on homesteads scenes recalling oil boom days in tho calgary land offico wero wit nessed while the men and women struggled for front positions near tho door the order is first through the dcor gets first chanco and thoso nearest it reslstod efforts to displaco them many ot tho now comers aro well equipped with cash and aro touring tho country convinced that land near tho railway will rapidly double in valuo all slato they wore attracted north through reports that crops hero havo been bottor than in any other part of western canada thoy admit thoy aro surprised to find tho country even bottor than they expected a largo numbor of prospoctlvo set tlors havo been arriving in aulos many will return south atter securing homesteads but others slato they in tend to pass tbo winter here tho mere wo soo of girls tho more we heliove in clothes cincinnati en quirer a statistician estimates that court ships averago threo ions ot coat each or six cords ot wood

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