i weak but powerful i i m louise c hastings rather contradictory isnt it let it describes one ol our forest animals the porcupine is a weak animal slow of motion with no ability to ge out of the path of danger but nature has given him a means of defence which no other animal cares to combat he is covered with an armor the like of which no knight of the olden times fought against some years ago the writer was en- joying a vacation in the north one night the owner of the house invited any interested people to view a porcu pine which had just heen shot most of us were closer to this chikl of na ture than we had ever heen before or would ever caro to be again and we had time and opportunity to study his armor at our leisure without being on guard but what took our attention more than the dead animal was the condi tion of the dog who had gone with his master on the porcupine hunt the dogs mouth was filled with ullls pierced into the flesh and two men were working fast to get them out they feared that the dog might have to be killed he had come in contact with the porcupine as dogs some times do who have not learned to obey their masters orders or who aro naturally good hunters and are used to hunting to the end and when the animal had run backwards the quills were jammed into bismouth i heard afterwards that they were obliged to kill the dog it was the only humane thing to do when these quills get into the flesh of any animal they keep pushing deeper and deeper into the flesh until they reach a vital part and kill isnt that a marvelous means of defence for an animal that cannot run fast sometimob a wild cat is ravenously hungry and will attack a porcupine for food even one quill if it lodges in his flesh will eventually kill bim quite a price to pay for his days menu it is an erroneous idea that the por cupine can throw his quills it is an impossibility the farmer whose dog was injured explained to us that the porcupine has the power to run back wards and he jams his quills into whatever annoys him as he did to his dog here too nature adds an other gift for how many animals can run backwards tke quills are loose ly set in the skin and are easily dis lodged the tail of this animal is another wonderful apparatus it too is arm ed with quills and as he swings it ferociously the barbed quills get caught in the flesh of whatever animal is near so nature has given this animal an armor of needles that protects him from intrusion but is there then no animal that dares tackle him and still not have to pay with his life has nature no checking this one species as she cheeks all others the flsher who is the fiercest and largest of the martens is the porcu pines deadliest enemy ho has learn ed how to fight him and ho tackles him from underneath where there are no quills man also is his enemy for the porcupine visits his crops and eats tho bark of trees and kills thom naturo cares for all hor children in different ways she feeds thom all and gives overy one some means of defence but tho dcfencoof the porcu pine with his coat of mail is in a class all his own he illustrates the law of tho survival of the fittest dumb ani mals the nerves are fed by the blood poor blood means starved nerve tis sue insomnia irritability and depression dr williams pink puis will enrich your blood stream and rebuild your overworked nerves miss josephine m martin of kitchener ontario testi fies to this i suffered from a nervous breakdown she writes i had terrible sick headaches dizziness felt very weak and could not sleep had no appe tite 1 felt always as if some thing terrible were going to happen after liking other treatment without success on my sisters advice i tried dr williams pink piiisand now all these symptoms arc gone and i am strong and happy again buy dr williams pink pills now at your druggists or any dealer in medicine or by mail 50 cents postpaid from the dr williams medi cine co brockville ontario the night before president hoovers protected them from above but at inauguration night the planes were hauled into the a flar- was dropped with a fuse nearby woods or tho best possible which et off a large charge of mag- hiding places where they remained uesiuin powder an automatic device until dawd enemy bombers fre- was supplied for tripping the camera qucntly swept dowa with a hail of in the plane at the point of maximum bombs and blastol the enemy fields i known by his dog which is quite as by later realizing tho trick they cover- true of a boy also have you ever known by your dog there is an old saying that a man intensity of the flashlight below er out of bounds any nation will think more than twice before cross ing the dogs of war chemical science too a recent article in the new york herald tribune tells of the many im provements shown by the vs war eagles as the tale was headed eur ope has progressed as far or farther than the states so frightfulness as well as diplomacy is putting war into the discard the tale in part is as follows a great improvement has made in besnbing especially through the change in bombsights as a bombing plane approaches its target i the bomber points his sight at the ob ject and holds it there the sight is oletrically connected to two dials on the instrument board in front of the a combination of quickwork process es the minimum time from exposure of the film until the finished proto- graph was dropped in a message tube was only seven minutes although there is a certain commer cial value to this advanced night pbotogiaphy its principal use is for war with this as a start a picture of air action in a lutuie war can be j drawn seated in a headquarters base well ed the nearby woods also but no such chances will be taken at per manent bases in a future war the ships will be kept underground at night as laconically expressed by one army pilot there will be only two safe places in the next war above 30000 feet and 100 feet under ground a germans view copenhagen within twenty years 1 chemical warfare will have reached a people who prize the finer things of life usually demand red rose orange pekoe tea a moneyback guarantee with every package ea i stage where even the most powerful r ination would not dare to attack a thought about the sort of reputation that your dog is giving you if not stop and think for a minute it is not so much the kind of dog as regards breed or lack o fit that counts as it is what you yourself are and how you treat him if he has a careless neglected discouraged air i it is a foregone conclusion that you j are careless and that you neglect and j abuse bim if he is sneaking it is a pretty sure sign that his master has a similar streak if he is morose and te red rose orange pekoe is extra good surly so ten chances to one is his lions forces or the general command- j j denmark saldprot mast but if he e about ia a ing a large area before him is fcssor k nernst gcrman cuemist and bright friendly selfrespecting way setor map he has just had inform i e wj whjle fle wag hcre with head up and tail wagging the i lion from spies or other sources thatj v world mav feel nrettv sure th the enemy plans to move a largo force i into a certain spot that night the information may be a false lead but this does not disturb him he issues a general standby order and at tho same time an experienced photograph erpilot leaves the nearest air base also underground to escape bombing at night flying in a fast unarmed ob- j servation plane the engine of the plane is muffled its speed is its guaranty of safoty it can climb higher than a puisuit ship and can keep out of range if neces sary but tonight there is no need the darkness hides everything the pilot follows his course to the sus pected area flying high at the cor rect moment he descends with throt tled engine in utter silene suddenly be releases a huge magnesium flare which drops in its chute and lights at a predetermined time the pilot keeps his plane level for a few seconds at maximum intensity of the flare the camera takes a picture of the ground below where a great force of enemy infantry is busily in trenching itself before they can be- gine to spot the plane with search lights be has whirled about and is beaded for his own lines at racing speed in the dark he is perfectly safe especially at his height even though enemy aircraft are near him they cannot see him only an accident of colision hardly likely under tho circumstances will prevent him from reaching headquarters he does not stop to land he drops the developed picture in a message tube tied to a small chute it is rushed to the gen eral waiting in bis underground base the general scans the picture the information was right then he snaps an order which is relayed by wire or radio and a waiting suqadron of night bombing planes soars into the air from a bidden base miles away all in half an hour from the time the first pilot was sent out the enemy ground force realizes its danger a hasty evauation is ordered but infantry cannot move so swiftly to the enemy air forces is sent a hur ried call for help they respond but blindly somewhere in that darkness a bombing squadron is approaching rapidly but where the enemy ke eps a pursuit squadron armed with peculiar looking bombs hovering over the course the bombers are expected to take perhaps the bombing squad ron expects this its leader sends a brief order and the attack is made from another angle from those dozens of almost silent ships great a delegate to the national science worm may fecl i surc hat hu congress master too is pleasant and friendly war said professor uerust will and selfrespecting perish through its own fierceness 1 1 a dog has not tne chance to develop forsee that there will be created new j his intellect that his master has but shades of good old jumbo while the animal trainers were leading sophie giant circus ele phant one hundred and five years old across a railroad track near st thom as ontario along with cages bearing the rest of the shows animals the great beast suddenly became unman ageable she trumpeted wildly and it weapons of such bestial- horror thatj compensation for this he is one party will shy from attacking the ble6sed wltn a highly specialized i was wjth di that thc keepers other only in that way will it be f en in whicn humans are often sad- prevented a stam possible to kill war i ly la he is not deceived by j mattcr wmn uer nobel long ago saw that he knew i worus and outward actions but is able to read the hearts and inmost feelings of those about him his mas- whu s m trachs at sam0 ter is his ideal and from him he takes i his cue he is never a hypocrite and knowing what his master is at heart that is the thing which he becomes therefore if you do not wish your dog to shame you treat him with re spect and attention and try to make of yourself that which you would be proud to have him reflect to the world dumb animals classified advertisements situations vacant u1u at jub men wanted quick ltx pay easy work earn while lciiru- ing barber trade under famous jjoler american plan worlds moat relladlo barber school system write or can immediately tor free catalogue moier barber college 121 queen west toronto fob sale he knew human nature and knew that peace could not be achieved by scraps of paper he knew that fear appealed to the imagination- more than honeyed words and platitudes do notnegleci 0ur little ones pilot any variation either to the right or left or up or down is signaled bombs go hurtling down to create de- automatically on one of these dials so vastation and send terror into tho french chefs and english cooks godfrey weald in tho new states man london wo aro not a nation of cooks pew male britons adopt cookery as a profession those who do are regarded as a species of her maphrodite just as a british manser vant or tho malo member ot a theatri cal chorus is often and perhaps right ly viewed as only a fraction of a man tho british woman cook in most cases looks forward to thc day when jerks the rolcase the bomb mathe- ehe can pay somebody else to cook matlcally aimed goes hurtling down that the pilot simply moves his con trols to keep the two indicators read ing zero the bombalght corrects for altitude air speed wind draft and density of the air without any more attention from the man who is doing the bombing as the target comes within bitting distance tho bomber concentrates solely on the moment of release as the pilot by this time knows the course he must follow to keep on a white line appears on thc bomb- sight which is a warning the bomb hearts of fleeing soldiers gas strikes them down fragments of bursting bombs add to the hundreds of wound ed desperately seeking to crawl away or if tho enemy air force succeeds in getting a signal from ground lis teners or from some daring observa tion pilot who braves sudden collision in the night tho situation is reversed thc enemy leader awaits a strategic moment when he knows the bombing squadron lies beneath bim or most of its planes his own formation i spreads out like an invisible network at no time ot life is delay or ne glect more serious than at childhood tho ills ot little ones como quickly and unless tho mother is prompt in administering treatment a precious little life may ba snuffed out almost beforo the mother realizes the baby is ill tho prudent mother always keeps something in tho medicine chest as a safeguard against the sudden illness of her littlo ones thou sands of mothers have found- through experience that there is no other medicine to equal babys own tablets and that is why they always keep a box of tbc tablets oi hand why they always feel safe with tho tablets babys own tablets are a mild but thorough laxativo which by regulat ing the bowels and stomach banish constipatirn and indigestion break up colds and simplo fevers and pro mote healthy natural sleep con cerning them ivrs isaac sonia st eugene ont writes i have been using babys own tablets ever since baby was a month old and havo found that they reach the spot and do more good than any other medicine i have ever tried i always keep tho tab lets in- the house and would advise all other mothers to do so tho tablets aro sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box frcm thetlr williams medicine co brockville ont whats the someone asked then it was recalled that years ago point the worldfamous jumbo tho largest elephant ever in captivity had heen struck by a locomotive and killed sophie was among those who saw him die good old jumbo how everyone loved him in america and england it is more than forty years ago that he met his gnoblo end but many rkcistered pedigreed silver foxes s100 00 a pair delivered win hales rldgetown ont will recall the international interest that attended his departure from the old world and his arrival and recep tion in the new the english public were not a little aroused over the sale of jumbo and endeavored to annul father time dr eugene fisk in the american review of reviews time is not a thing these modern physicists have robbed father time of his hourl 3nmh0 t00 was oatb glass his scythe his leng grey beard his raiment his flesh and his bones and have left of him notaing pouf he is gone and yet he is with them still time is just an abstraction like the future or the past or the rule of three can you imagine the rule of three hardening our arteries ossify ing our livers softening our brains even though his pesky rule may have addled the brains of backword youth no time is a nonentity it has no absolute existence adds who workmanship the workmanship wherewith the gold is wrought yet a richness to th richest gold lacks the heart to shape bis thought i hold were little poorer if he lacked the thought the statues slumber wero unbroken still within the marble had the hand no skill disparage not the magic touch that gives thc formless thought the grace whereby it lives er quikly takes hold of the bomb rej fcet above at a signal each of lease then a second line or symbol thc enemy pilots releases his peculiar appears and instantly tho bomber j looking bombs each one weights over 100 pounds and four bombs arc dropped by every ship they fall swiftly for a thousand feet and then suddenly hurst like egg- sbolls each releasing 100 onepound bombs carried inside from thc one- pounders protrude tho supersensitive fuses so niado that even thc scratch- for an almost perfect hit the service bombing plane usually carries up to 2200 pounds of bombs a great advance has becnmade in fuses bombs can now bo set to ex plode on impact or any number of for her since our ideals in cookery ore so low the kitchen at a firstclass british hotel is almost invariably con trolled by a foreigner and tho kit chen at a smaller hotel or inn is too often operated in n casual and rather defiant spirit the sex ramp quaero in tho saturday review london selfappointed reformers ofsocial customs and accepted stand- ards while realizing the oxtcnt to whleh mans supromacy la duo to his hcrltago ot ever accumulating scienti fic and tochnlcal knowledge arc apt to ovorlook tho parallel fact that social morality i in no lens measure dependent dri inherent instinct and solftralned impulse a lot of rub bish is uttered about the danger ot curbing our instincts and of restrain ing tho expression of our sensual im pulses but in our worship of tho outer aspects of freedom wo may easily loso that greater liberty which marks thc highest life of man cience i j easily bo cut oft by superior air forces wars confli deluge- lcs- g ii u leaving thoso front lines to slarvo and troy nationals and with them all their i li a j t0 fe cr conndcm monuments ihelr discoveries and their enemy attacks fanltles th torch ot sctonco hasi moro than ence been extinguished i and rekindled a few individuals seconds after impact or any limo af- 1 r ot a slioet of paper wll set them ter release supersensitive fuses al- down they go 400 from each bo have been developed which ex- enemy plane until the sky is filled plodo tho bomb at tho lightest touch i with the darting missiles smoko laying used to form a screen then with an almost constant do- to covor retreats or other operations i tonation while flares of light leap up has been made quite simplo both in to the dark tho onepounders and tho chemical used and tho apparatus i lncr prey as the wings of tho nltnclt- rcqulred on damp muggy days i cd planes set off the invisible bombs smoko screens will cling for hours cs- propellers splinter into shrieking pccially in woodb so that an enemy fragments wings rend and collapse wouldfind it utromoly difficult to ob- and tanks explode with mtobty serve and it would be folly to try an i roars and the bombers go down to advanced defeat and death ono or tho most interesting deyclop- 1 tlli s no figment of imagination ments has been in nerval pbotographyj hut tho unqfllclal plcturo drawn by especially at nfgbt this tols a strong military pilots from accurate infor- bcarlng on military work as proof niatlon and plans already seriously of tho progress made tho air corps realized as necessary moro than ever carried out night photography of tbo ncxt war if 8u thcro be will capitol tho white honso and other jlopend on tho air supremacy of tho prominent places in washington on belligerent nations supply zones and i re enforcements behind front lines can nlio havo escaped by accident unite tho thread of generations aristotle for the hair ask your barber he knows a in tho last war daytimo bases for air forces will bo literally day time only then whon planes wero left out in open fields so as to bo ready for instant flight other ships false modesty the lancet london it is re freshing to see how the newer gen eration accepts without thought of evil behavior that those of maturer years once feared as threatening in violable principles by insistence upon sex these elaborate taboos of the past with their opportunities for more or less indecent jest and allu sion cultivated or perhaps indicat ed the peeping tom state of mind if we apply the standard of evil to him who evil thinks we must con gratulate the present generation holding in we get a thought by giving it away wo secure our hold on it by letting it go we never really know a truth until we havo told it to another the ono who gains most in class work is the teacher if he is the teacher this u one of the practical paradoxes of our intellectual life and a blessed paradox it is extensive wood tests at the forest products laboratories of canada department of the interior 70000 tests have been made to date on one project the physical and me chanical properties of canadian woods to leave john buskin wrote indig nantly that england was not in the habit of selling her pets and lord wiuchelsea undoubtedly voiced the feeling of the english in a verse en titled jumbo but since in englands fallen state she owns two things supremely great jumbo and gladstone each we find the most prodigious of their kind and one wont budge then eanrini make a fair exchange for quiets sake take the right honorable and go hell make the better rarer show leave jumbo dumb animals direction of wiagnetiic needle at the present time the compass needle points about 23 degrees west of north at halifax and 25 degrees cast of north at vancouver bqnnechebe rw banch e can supply beautiful stock in silver black poxes nes- inered in canadian national live stock kecords freo from lung worm or other diseases litters averaged four this year order early j m briscoe son northcote ont sharply distinguish between right and wrong atents list of wanted inventions and full information sent free on request the aamsai co sept w 273 bank st ottawa out cuticura toilet preparations cuticura 2s r jvd im sack of urs- insert in nosirtls ear as si 25 all crtioqish omripun eldti ciwcqatll a o leonard inc 50 firth ave new york- city as usual the summers over back wo corm the tall the short the fat the thin and in our superheated homes hot weather will begin to some degree tbc viceregal in terest always shown by his excel lency th governorgeneral of can ada in the boya winter fair carries forward in our selfgoverning do minion tho traditional and personal interest the royal family shows in promotive agricultural work and the practice of farming all over the em plre what broko smith down so and caused his death tho heavy llfo insurance he car ried influence he who can mako a singlo person feel that thero is a better method of llfo than that wblch ho hat been pursuing and arouso his dcslro to en ter upon it has d nc moro for the society of tho world at largo than if bo had analyzed and exposed its faults and failings with tho utmost penclra- tion and ability heal influenco is oxcrtcd far mcro in vitalising new ideas or rather ideas that have lain dormant in tho minds of men than in any criticism aerial forest patrols aerial patrols of tho forests in sas katchewan in tho summer of 1028 cov ered approximately eighteen million aorea of country almost inacccsslblo in summer oxcept by canoe sixtyono fires were detected by thc aircraft feldspar in canada al tho feldspar mined in canada is of the potash variety known as ortbo- claso or microciine soda feldspar alblte is known to occur but there is little demand for this variety and nono is mined from british columbia eastward to prince edward island exhibits are pouring in steadily increasing num bers to the royal winter fair en tries from the states are also of suf ficient proportions to add a friendly international rivalry southern florida is shipping papa yas north but probably they will not sell much until northern manimayas get used to them boston transcript provincial days are welcomed by tho public at the royal winter fair they serve tho doublo object of pro moting provincial interets whllo pro viding a means for royal visitors ade quately to compare exhibits from all parts of canada for sprains use mlnards liniment eggs in three days are guaranteed by crushing magic keg cslaid tablets in your fowls drinking water or mash or your money back aro rich in vitamins proteins and wonder ful scientific eggmaking ingredients no neclal feeding required mrs craw ford ontario writes your tablets gave s tcndld results on second day of use will keep your hens lnylng big through tho fall and winter used for years by thou anils of farmers free bulletins for tho asking ono big ox 60c two big boxes 100 post paid agents wanted reliable stock food co 239 mcllta ave toronto misfortune the effect of supremo and irrevoc able miafcrtuno is to clovato those souls which it doos not deprivo of all virtue iuizot minard8 liniment for neuritis just a tasteless dose of phillips milk of magnesia in water that is an alkali effective yet harmless it has been tho standard antacid for 50 years among physicians everywhere ono spoonful will noutralizo at onco many times its volumo in acid it is tho right way tho quick pleasant and efficient way to kill tho excess acid tho stomach becomes sweet tho pain departs you arc happy again in fivo minutes dont depend on ciudo methods employ tho best way yet evolved in all tho years of searching that la phillips milk of magnesia bo sure to get tbo genuine phillips milk of magnesia prescribed by physi cians for 50 years in correcting ex cess acids each bottle contains full directions any drugstore fall colds beware the cold that starts in the fall and hangs on all winter use minards internally and exter nally to drive it away women are saying pinkhams compound keeps me fit to do my work i was nervous and all run down now i eat better and sleep better it helped my thirteen year old daughter i took it be fore and after my baby was born i am gaining every day her husbands death left her very run down in health unable to cat or sleep much now she is brighter in spirilsaml calq and sleeps well what caused tho difference let her answer in her own wonts i think kruschen sails nic a splendid tonic after my husbands death in december last i became very run down in health had terrible fits of depres sion and was unable to eat or sleep much i was also troubled with rheumatism i decided to take krus chen salts and have now taken the little daily dose for nearly two months during which time my health has greatly improved thc rheumatism has completely left me 1 am much brighter in spirits and both cat and sleep well when life begins to get you down when you liegin to feci the results of modern artificial conditions errors of diet worry overwork lack of eacrcisc then you should turn to kruschen salts they possess a wonderful power of giving new life and vitality to tho countless millions of cells of which tho human body is composed the way to keep smiling is to take kruschen salta every morning just a pinch in yous first morning cup of coffeo or tea i issue no 4229