stouffville october 17th 1929 home town store you pay less for more at the home town store 25c 22c 25e 35c 22c 6 bars p g soap 3 of lux cracked wheat 4 lbs quick quaker oats with china thompson seedless raisins 2 lbs for marshmallow apple blossom and jam biscuits at 25c per lb also a limited quantity of fancy we have again secured a quantity of these fancy green giant peas the last word in canned peas domestic shortening 1 lb 19c our own baking powder with many years of unbroken satisfaction 1 lb tin only 22c why pay more ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 marvel at this lew sparton development facet0 alsike the alsike crop being about threshed we will be in the market for it highest prices will be paid by us according to quality leave your order now for fertilizer for fall wheat sowing s w hastings phone 169 stouffville once more sparton presents an astounding radio development facetoface realism 1 c is as great as sparcorts other innova tions the revolutionary uoua- sonse circuit and radios richest voice to hear the new sparton in struments is to hear humanized zadio reception so amazing that you almost feel the living presence of your entertainers and almost she them in studio or auditorium we want you to experience this new thrill for yourself call hear the new spar tons cober cober phone 1511 stouffville illlsfisphi lit lp ililiilllli 99el 1 new sparton eiustsolvlxe mttl soi sparton radio radios richest voice the fight is on there is to bo a threecornered contest in the coming provincial election in north ontario of which goodwood and township of uxbridge is in the most extreme southern end george voale of beaverton a native of the section will carry the liberal banner j v widdifield will represent the progressive group and james blanchard of scott township the conservatives all three men are natives of the riding and have spent all their days therein they are all comparatively young men and the outcome of the battle to be waged is a puzzle for several years the liberals have withdrawn their candidate but this time they are determined to take their place in the fighting line al though several advances have been made to get mr veale out of the way for mr widdifield the sitting member to investigate stock frauds federal authorities find classified names j raided office drive continues special bargains at liberal savings oitp are the patcftps bdynd qp pictures u if you use sunworthy wallpaper modern papers that are dif ferent but not lacking in warmth and good and they are sunfast the other group of sunworthy papers includes lovely tap estries on plaster ground with touches of bronze pastel tracey patterns on grounds of sand greytaupe and many other decorative effects all papers reduced linoleum congoleum and oil cloth rugs all sizes and de signs suitable sizes for any room various prices special purchase of crepe dresses lovely frocks em bodying all the new fall style notes you will find in this collection the dress you have dreamed of beautiful colors 695 to 1750 sunworthy wallpapers do not fade 50 only bundles a clearance of a great variety of odd ines in bedroom hall and diningroom papers a big range of colorings special 98c silk panels swiss lace cur tains fancy frilled curtains with floral patterns of blue gold and rose 2i yds long special 189 and 195 a good weight tapestry for covers and over drapes 50 wide special 100 25 only bundles of wall paper this group offers such shades as sand green pink yellow very special per bundle 59c the shaw store phono 9512 stouffville the wall street journal sucker list houses which sell the names of prospective victims to fraudulent stock promoters or quest ionable brokerage houses are to receive their sh are of attention in the drive being conducted by united states attorney charles h tuttle on tiiis type of swindle it has long been known by federal officers that ettablishments exist which make a business of supplying lists of names of persons particu larly vulnerable developments in the stock fraud drive now convince mr tuttle that there may be some kind of connivance between the list sellers although many of them may serve legitimate lines of busi ness and the swindlers who pat ronize them these lists vary in price from one cent to one dollar per name in some cases addressed envelopes ready for insertion of selling com panys literature are supplied professional lvople preferred professional typos are known to be considered choicest prospects for stock swindlers this is no doubt due to the fact that men and women en gaged in professional work are generally prosperous and at the same time removed from the source of information which make the practical business man wary of getrichquiek schemes consequently it was not surpris ing that when the drive of the federal authorities got under way j sucker lists found in the raided es tablishments contained a generous assortment of doctors dentists schools teachers and the like what was surprising however was that in many wises the lists were compos ed entirely of persons in one parti cular profession one case revealed that clergymen alone were approached by high- pressure salesmen of n almost valueless security there were l000 names on this list origin of lisls xnkuotvn firms which devoted their talents to the sale of stock exclusively to nurses chiropractors dentists and even janitors have been discovered the one selling to nurses had 20- 000 names on its list it was offer ing them a practically worthless security at 1250 ft snare at the same time soiling it to a selected few clients at 200 a share whore those lists of names are obtained by the agencies that trade in them is for the moment a matter ot conjecture since they contain only a small proportion of the names of persons practicing a given profession in the country it is con sidered unlikely that ofllelal directories are used it seems en tirely probable that a list developed by some successful house is passed on to others when no longer of value to the original owner lists of creditors of bankrupt buckctshopts are also known to have been combed for the names of prospective victims for the stock fraud racketeer is convinced by experience of the truth of the proverb once a sucker always a sucker will wheat touch 200 montreal financial times it is a remarkable anomaly that there should be a tieup iu the movement of grain in a season which produced only halt a crop the congestlou to the terminals and elevators is affected not only the gross earnings of the transportation companies but also the general trade transacted with farmers those who were fortunate enough to have a fair yield anticipated reapitg a high reward in the better prices which prospects market indi cated there is a firm estimate in well formed grain circles that wheat is bound to go as high as 2 before july possibly much earlier in the crop year this view pre vails not only in pooi circles but also in the regular grain trade it is said canada as a whole will bene fit from the present policy it is realized however that the contest between north american grain holders and british and con tinental buyers has a peculiar signi ficance for tlie pools they have all along been credited with the power to control the market here is a season when crops in all ex porting countries have been light and witli the outlook for light liar- vests in australia and the argen tine importing countries are bound to have to come to canada and the united states tor wheat just how long they can hold out is the ques tion logically the pool members look for results to justify their course the united states depart ment of agriculture reiterates a former statement that wheat may be considered worth 175 33 a key price the pool therefore is in good company the reward of years of toil if you contemplate an auction sale the clos ing out of your years of effort in building up a complete farm equipment the bank of com merce is splendidly equipped to cater to your financial needs our local manager and his staff will gladly make all arrangements for the collection and discounting of all stile notes and for furnishing an extension of credit where necessary a successful sale is entirely depen dent upon sound financial arrangements the canadian bank of commerce the standard bank of canada farmers we have a big supply of slightly used but perfectly good plows cockshutt footlift riding plow oliver same kind interna tional sulky nearly new 2furrow massey riding plow footlift also corn binder massey and interna tional a good dessel engine 8 hp for sale all kinds repairs for bin ders and mowers highest prices for fat fowl wool and hides ben rextln phone 102 stouffville used cars for sale 1 192g ford coupe 1 192s ford truck 11924 chew coach 1- 1925 ford roadster 1 192h mclaughlin touring 2 1923 ford coupe 1 192g ford touring 1 192 ford coach 1 192 oakland touring 1 1921 ford coupe 1 fordson tractor these are guaranteed as represented terms one half cash balance spread over 1 year delbert holden ford dealer phone 184 an open challenge to geo s henry in 1926 the leader of your party promis ed to give to the people of ontario a liquor control act that would keep ontarios con sumption of liquor below 5000000 a year yet in 1928 the total sales of liquor beer and wine by the liquor control board amounted to 4899559119 and permit holders spent 89339033 more for their permits a total of almost 50000000 yet mr ferguson speaking at brant- ford on october 9 1929 predicted that in ten years the consumption of liquor in on tario will have decreased by 50 i hereby challenge you as a minister of the crown to tell the voters of east york the total volume of sales of the liquor control board for the first eleven months of the present financial year these figures will clearly show that liquor consumption is not decreasing in on tario i wel know that the financial year of the liquor control board does not end until the day after the election but you can easily ob tain the sales figures for eleven months from the chairman of the liquor control board have you enough courage to place the figures squarely before the electors while you are seeking their votes and thus permit them to judge how consumption is controlled by the l c a on the basis of cold facts your party denies the public informa tion with regard to the total sales of the in dividual liquor stores i claim that this is done so that you can locate unprofitabe stores in areas where these government stores will gain votes for your party thus using a government department for party gain i challenge you to tell the electors of east york the locations of the liquor stores that are paying their way and those that are losing money come on mr henry cviv jlsfti sit m harold a sanders liberal candidate in east york he is a lifelong resident of this riding representation the present representation act is pure ly ferguson production it is a gerrymander with a definite aim to deprive the rural peo ple of proper representation the people are entitled to arid should have a fair repre sentation act allowing rural ontario a larger representation rural ridings should not have city wards added to nullify the rural vote as at present old age pensions the old age pensions legislation of the ferguson government imposes a tax on the municipalities of 40 of the provincial con tribution the province should and will assume the whole cost of their 50 of the pensions and thus relieve the municipalities of this burden when the liberal party comes into power local autonomy vs central autocracy harold a sanders maintains that school boards and county councils should control the administration of educational matters in their own municipalities he will not allow nor uphold dictation from the department of education with regard to school sites nor other questions properly in the control of the local authorities vote sanders md te satisfied attend the official nomination meeting at markiiam saturday october 19th 1929 at 2 oclock hear all three candidates election day wednesday october 30 1929 8 am to 7 pm