stouffville october 10th 1929 whitchurch school fair below is list of winners at the annual fair held at vandorf on friday sept 27th colt bert smith frances starr beef calf walter pattenden bruce clarke elsie vannostrand gorden mackey lawrence hennes sey fred yoke dairy calf mabel carr chas wright clifford carr roy smith spring lamb market bob ledson everett mcxelly spring lamb breeding everett mcxelly harold ledson jack led son handling colt bert smith wit nine competing radios in one room n the evening of friday july 12th the test wis made nine competitive and leading makes side by side all hooked up to the same aerial same ground connection same room all in good working order all new models and then they were tuned in by means of a multiple switch one after the other to the same station before a dozen spectators careful record was made of the performance of each for volume for pickup sensitivity for clearness for tone and then they were put to an even more severe test each was given a turn of the dial to record the stations brought in their volume and clarity theretvasin that group one radio thai brought instationswithanunbelievably greater volume and clarity than any of the others that one radio was the rogers when the others were barely audible with their fall volume turned on the 1930 rogers in several instances could be cut down onefourth arid every word and note came in clearly the laboratory test is more severe than any home test it deals only with cold comparative results it asks not that allowances be made for conditions the time and the place affect all alike just a few hours test but one that means years of radio satisfaction to you the 1930 rogers is offered to you with the hope that you will expect much of it with the promise that you will not be disappointed the 1930 rogers allnew in construction but backed by a record of five years proven performance and with guaranteed ac tubes comes to you with the highest rating earned by any receiving set rogersmajestic corporation limited montreal toronto winnipeg tradl mark recjlstkileo in 1925 j m storey stouffville ontario dont forget that wet weather is coming so get prepared you will need rubbers mens light overs 100 boys light overs 85c youths light over 75c little gents light overs 70c womens light overs 80c misses light overs 70c childs 65c a g lehman at trivial expense gyproc will convert space now wasted into one or more extra rooms firepmf wallfooard for salo by stouffviue planing mills stouffville ont prances starr handling calf clifford carr walter pattenden gordon mackay mabel carrelsie vannostrand handling lamb everett mtnelly jack leadson harold leadsou chas wright cockerel barred rock elsie van nostrand mary ewart ate logau clifford carr mabel carr harold bothan pullet barred kock alex logan mabel oarr harold dotliangweueth moynihan cordon huntley olive bostwick cockerel white leghorn avroe ewart wilfred needier dorothy scott pullet white leghorn wilfred xeedleravroe ewart ina brillinger dorothy scott wheat sheaf alex logan ele anor atkinson chas wright howie wright lna brillinger wheat one quart eleanor atkinson alex logan leslie smith helen evans brucei wintersteiu dorothy scott oats o a c alex logan mervyn ewart hae mcclure harold bothan clarence mackey geo gilchrist oats sheaf rae mcclure clarence mackey orvil ewart audrey bell harold bothan jno banks barley oac orvil ewart chas wright harry stephenson barley sheaf chas wright betty green leslie smith arthur sheridan harold bothan orval i ewart f field corn six ears freddie gibson clifford carr olive carlisle orley mcclure koy smith field corn sheaf annie beek- ett edward willis clifford carr bryce reid olive carlisle mabel carr sweet corn mabel pattenden elmer proud phyllis jones law rence hennessy elsie van nostrand marion vannostrand potatoes dooieys alex logan geo garnbourne sam smith morley jones jack rundle harold bothan potatoes irish cobblers david beach ruby clark ina brillinger chas wright mabel carr clifford oarr mangels chas clubine annie beckett jack talbot clarence mackey orval jones douglas hope turnips jack clubine harold bothan bryce reid morley jones joyce ledson bert smith beets coppins david irene nesbitt leone lazenby rae mc clure grace mcdonald ruth willis parsnips elgin kisey harold bothan olive carlisle alex logan murray allan edwin fockler onions archie nesbitt reta atkinson harry stephenson marjorie stephenson lawrence hennessey ruby clark carrots tucker florence marjory stephenson elsie gil christ carrots floyd ratcliff john hennessey annie beckett asters myrtle ross joan py- cock helen weber dora mcclure elsie gilchrist kathleen connor cosmos betty green elsie vannostrand ruth clarke dorothy tauu mervyn ewart david coppins marigolds howard ratcliff clarence mackey harold ledson lawrence hennessey margaret richards vera beckett zinnias floyd ratcliff ina brillinger eleanor atkinson douglas hope kathleen radford edna gilchrist salpiglossis aileen cutler gladioli francis stickwood evert mcxelly leone lazenby kathleen connor living room bouquet clifford carr ruth willis edward willis annie beckett floyd ratcliff kath leen connor dining room bouquet ethel mcdonald ruby clark olive bos- wick everett mcxelly betty green harold bothan northern spy eleanor atkinson howard ratcliff floyd ratcliff freddie pike donald harper snow annie beckett audrey switzer ina brillinger eleanor at kinson earnest atkinson iveddie pike wealthy leary jack elgin hisey olive carlisle donald harper helen evans allan pike any fall variety olive car lisle allan pike jack leary bruce wintersteiu ethel lowery leone lazenby variety eleanor leary mabel carr garnet atkinson gordon stephen- drawing map of sophie krochter sou second class york county myrtle rose glen boleuder pearl xtsbitt verna taun douglas hope annie opren fourth class drawing flower vase samuel smith gladys eiumersou clarksou playter bruce reid merlin graves john banks health poster samuel smith lavererie morwood audrey bell douglas richardson gwen moynihan aileen culler model bake board clifford carr model aeroplane brvie xesbitt geo gilchrist jack deary clifford carr graham mullins madeline hunt ley erla staley una martin audrey switzer marion vannostrand muriel proud tea biscuits elsie vannost rand ivy beach mable pattenden florence tucker vera beckett daisy jakeman light cake leone lazenby dorothy duncan ruby clark velma boleuder ruth oliver ruth willis four ways of serving apples pearl xesbitt ethel mcdonald elsie vanxostrand daisey jakeman velma boleuder gertrude clarke maple cream hazel pegg una martin ruth willis dorothy scott harriet starr kathleen steckley wash cloth madeline huntley olive bostwick marion vanxostrand doris dewsbury vera beach may fogal clother pin apron elsie van nostrand grace mcdonald dora beach kathleen connor boris dewsbury orma preston table cover velma boleuder gweneth moynihan leone lazenby cldro wideman betty green homemade stuffed toy animal kathleen connor marion van xostrand grace mcdonald elsie vanxostrand audrey bell mabel pattenden heinstiched handkerchief kathleen connoreleanor atkinson velma boleuder ruby clark elsie vanxostrand marion vannostrand recitation roy needier daisy jakeman elmer proud helen preston hazel cherry madeline bell senior public speaking helen evans ruth oliver olive carlisle norman fockler morley mcclure singing contest 1st s s g 2nd s s 11 3rd ss 2 4th ss 1 5th ss un 1 stock judging co 2nd ss g 1st ss g 3rd ss s 4th ss 4 5th ss 2 oth ss 11 harmonic contest preston s s 2 roy harper s s 3 olive carlish 3 ss strathcona drill 1st ss g 2nd ss 7 phillip fockler helen weber mabel carr cllf- any winter atkinson jack i minnie beckett fred clubine plate plums grade mcdonald francis stickwood ford carr disli ot assorted fruit olive bostwick marjory foster olive carlisle mabel carr harold bothan tomatoes betty green helen atkinson gweneth moynihan grace gould lota druery helen weber cuts live stock chas mackay edward willis marjorie foster marion vannostrand chas wright vorna taun weeds olive rostwick kathleen connor ruth willis ethel mcdonald edna gilchrist leone lazenby collection insects elsie van nostrand collection ot woods genevlene bruce kathleen connor myrtle rose charles wright eugene pals- ley george gilchrist fourth class fwrilfnl break break break annie kmot ruby clark ruth oliver velma boleuder helen weber eleanor atkinson third class writing the brook myrtle rose vera coppins grace mcdonald kathleen connor reesor steckley ruth willis second class writing dande lion irene hood glen boleuder velma gibson marjorie stephenson annie oprel clarence preston first class small and capital letters blaistcr graves marjorie holllday olive bostwick kathleen card gordon bolender bessie at kinson primer drawing apple and pear olive bostwick harry stephenson i glatstor graves grace wilkinson lloyd 3rd un 1 4th ss s th ss 5 jersey special chas wright holstein special mabel carr clifford carr high pupil t eaton trophy elsie vannostrand second high pupil t eaton book eleanor atkinson third high pupil t eaton book alex logan lemonville from the akotoks herald little mary king passed away in the hospital at calgary on wed nesday afternoon sept istb after an liness of a little over two weeks she first became sick at omaha nebraska on the way home from leniouville and other points in ontario she was thought to be suffering from indigestion in the morning she would improve and be ready to continue the homeward journey the family arrived at s pm on labor day when medical aid was at once secured two doctors from calgary attending her she grew worse and was taken to the hospital at calgary on saturday sept 7th peritonitis and double pneumonia developed and while there were slight changes for better at times the doctors of whom seven at one lime held out no hope one of them was the doctor who brught her into the world at consort on march 17tlf 1917 and who left the hospital finally a day or two before her death with tears in his eyes as he acknowledged the utter inability of medical science to save the sweet young life so swiftly nearing the veil that hides from mortal eyes the life eternal the funeral was held on friday sept 20th from the united church to the cemetery and seldom has such a concourse been gathered together testifying to the esteem respect and sympathy felt for the sorely stricken parents only a portion of those in atten dance could get inside the church which was packed to the doors the choir rendered appropriate music while a duet was sang in that beautiful land rev w j kidd gave a short but beautifully worded address taking as his text the verse from the fifth liapter of matthews blessed are they that mourn tor they shall be comforted one of the most promising of okotoks younger j genojratioh was till that great day when earth and quietly and reverently laid to rest sea shall both render up their dead there were 9 3 floral offerings those being present vere mr and mrs ii king who had driven 590 miles in 24 hours to be in time for the funeral mr hoice king and wife had only been home two hours from a trip to stouffville when they found the telegram awaiting them of the death of their niece farmers i am prepared to truck your live stock to market and handle same tor you harry well- man phone 6901 34 dressmaking and hand embroid ery work done at my home rea sonable prices olive pugh phono 2703 stouffville markkam real estate for sale or rent in stouiriil desirable 7 room brick house on church st north garage and all conveniences apply to a stoulter box 573 wes out 1100 acres of farm lands in markham and scarboro townships have up to the present been purch ased by andrew elder of toronto the well known subdivision operat or and over 1000 acres have been subdivided and resold this land specialist has unbounded faith in these two townships which lie so close to toronto and believes that during the next few years a sub stantial advance in values is bound to take place along the kennedy highway district between agincourt unionville and markham during the past two weeks mr elder has purchased two well known and historic farms n markham and scarboro one being the dr david forsythe farm on the corner of the 7th concession of markham and ilagerman sideline comprising 55 acres 101 years ago this property then virgin forest was conveyed by tlie crown of kings college now part of the university of toronto who held it until 1841 when it passed to the canning family in whoso name it remained for seventyeight years then passed to the lawrence family in 1922 to dr forsythe the property has already been surveyed in lots for market gardens poultry farms etc and is going on tne market under the name of spruce villa gardens the other farm is the oliver harding homestead in scarboro township on the kennedy highway at mllllken this property 117 years ago passed from the crown to kennedy sr and remained in his family until 1s71 when it passed to thainas harding father of the late o harding who retired to unionville many years ago and passed away in that village about six months ago mr elder has just purchased the old homestead from the executors of his estate the properly is being surveyed and will go on the market card of thanks we wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the neigh bors and friends both in the village and in the country for all their kmo- ness during the recent illness that has been in our home mr and mrs i in burkholder auction sale choice cattle horses farm stock etc as a restricted subdivision cider cider cider notice now is the time to get your cider made at our mill cider barrels on hand now for sale j it phone 7207 sideit stouffville the undersigned has received instruction to sell by public auction at lot 10 con 2 uxbridge tp on friday october 18th 1929 the property of j morrison horses pure bred clydesdale stallion atlantic ii enrolled age 10 years bay horse aged gp black mare aged gp black mare 10 yeairs supposed tobe in foal witli colt by side bay filly rising 2 years cattle red cow due in june red cow due jan 1930 milch cow with calf by side 30 yearlings and two yearolds 1 1 choice holstein heifers black cow due march 13 roan cow 3 years due may 23 1 year old heifer pigs pure bred tamworth sow pure bred berkshire sow white yorshire sow and 7 pigs young pure bred berkshire pigs ch links some iowl implements binder mii g ft mower mil mower mccormich horse rake cullvator single plow floury and wilkinson riding plow 4 sets harrows hay rake 2 scufflers 2 sets bobslelghs2 waggons light waggon double buggy gravel box lulper2 sets double harness set single harness 5 horse collars one table coal oil heater one cook stove standard separator de laval oparator separator viking churn mt butter bowl 23 rows turnips quantity of grain and hay and mmeroiis other articles tkitms hay grain fowl and all sums of j 15 dollars and under cash 12 months credit and approved joint notes f w sllversldcs auctioneer farmswanted shrewd farm owners never tie up their farms exclusively with any agency elder hie farm seller fears no competition and therefore asks no favors no options and no exclusive rights of any kind all he wants is a truthful description of the pro- peny free listing forms upon re- quest andrew elder farm agency established 1910 at s2- ss king st east toronto for sale g octave organ in good order priced right phone 3727 stouffville wanted by widow work prefer ably housekeeper or nursing in valid phone 6513 for interview for sale 7 ducks and 3 drakes good for breeding pekin ducks phone 6513 for sale fresh cow good milker also g pigs ross watson cider and apple bitter altona cider imlll reopened cider making every day apple butter by appointment only p nigs- wander phone 9021 33 for sale jersey cow due oct 20th good milker jos kirk phone g202 i for sale three wellbred fox i hound pups hm st john phone 1103 stouffville 32 i we sell farms listings solicited lockhart lockhart 319 bay st toronto phone elgin 16g0 george storey local representative phone 3901 george baker realtor and valuator farm and city property a specialty exchanges and small acreages stouffville ont box 24 phone 179 good farm to rent conveni ent to stouffville apply to f e rue stouffville if for sale bed and springs in good condition mrs ed pennock phone 1c3 stouffville ioi lb ban white leghorn pullets j and also a police pup for sale phone 4g09 ross chapman ix mkmoriam in loving memory of essie boyd who passed away october 9th 192 1 five years have passed away since that sad day god called the one we loved away forget her no we never will for in our hearts she liveth still ever remembered by loved ones at home barley wanted ypples for sale spies and all other good varieties at 200 bar rel fall apples 150 charles barkey phone g60g 32 for sale 100 acres good build ings lot 7 con 3 whitchurch possession this fall priced right geo noble rri gormley 32 5000 at i wanted lis loan on 200 acre farm gilt edge security the buildings carrying 7000 in- surance apply at tribune ollice dry wood pine and hemlock slabs also all kinds of 4foot hardwood dry cut any length and delivered phone w ratcliff stouffville 990g tf arm for sale 100 acres being parts lots 1213 on 3rd con ux bridge tp mile south of goodwood good tillable soil for further particulars apply on pre mises to owner e morgason we want all kinds of live poul try for which top market price will be paid all open to buy large quantity of apples sam golden apply at e c pennock for sale frame house all con veniences including hydro power 3 va acres of land berry bushes apply wm bassett ringwood phone 9912 tf for rent comfortable sixroom ed brick house on main street opposite bakers garage modern conveniences and garage blinds and electric fixtures included immediate possession apply to edward walls stouffville 32 farm for sale or rent 100 acres at ringwood good buildings and excellent soil lowing water in stables pig pens hen house everything under cover including barn yard apply to alex mit chell ringwood 32 lolse for sale modern six rooms centrally located in stouff ville threepiece bath hardwood doors electric fixtures complete up to the minute in every detail- priced low for quick sale immedi ate possession full particulars a trbune ollice 27tf for sale church st stouffville new bungalow ideal home geor gian pine finish hardwood lloors 3 piece bath hot and cold water inset cupboards for every use electric apply mrs abram yake 281 coxwell ave phone margrave 40g3 toronto 34 we are in the market for cleau sound barley and ore prepared to pay highest going prices for same delivered at our new factory in toronto phone or write us for quotation mentioning quantity for sale canada malting co limited 1702 royal bank building toron to 2 ontario telephone elgin 9s9g notice to creditors notice js hereby given that all pep- sons having claims against the estate of albert randall late ot the township of uxbridge who died on or before the 11th day of july au 1929 are required to forward their claims duly proven to the under signed on or before the 5th day of november 1929 and notice is further given that after the said date the public trustee will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to such claims of which he shall then have had notice dated at toronto this 2nd day of october 1929 a n middleton acting public trustee osgoode hall toronto mccullough button solicitors herein stouffville out notice of application for divorce notice is hereby given that ell franklin irwin of the town of wes ton in the county of york and pro vince of ontario physician will apply to the parliament of canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorcement from iiis wife emma jean walker irwin of the town of weston in the county of york in the province of ontario on the ground of adultery dated at weston this 29th day of august 1929 e f irwin by wm penman his solicitor 36 1g main st x weston ont notice of application for divorce notice is hereby given that gertrude lockhart of the city of toronto in the county of york in the province of ontario married woman will apply to the parliament f canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her hus band louis sydney lockhart otherwise known as louis lock- atch of the city of toronto in the county of york and province of on tario student on the grounds of adultery desertion and cruelty dated at toronto province of on tario this tenth day of sept 1929 h howard shaver k c 502 temple building toronto solicitor for applicant timken bearings on the igupsswai lonto windmill n thousands of canadian farms the toronto selfoiling windmill has given a lifetime of efficient service with the least possible attention now further improvements make the toronto even better than ever before timken bearings the same as on your automobile allow it to run in the slightest breeze its famous long life is extended by ballbearing turntable the new adjustable stroke fits the toronto for any well ah the timcproven features are re tained selfoiling oil once a year all gears run in oil reducing fric tion and wear tower is heaviest and strongestbraced ever built the new toronto is worth the closest investigation come in when yon are in town or write for tree fullyillustrated literature 0j george j lawson slouffville ontario yni