jramsay macdonald britains premier makes peace visit to the us prepared statement handed to the press when premier ramsay macdonald lands ishbels message dents request but he wished to have the misunderstanding completely cleared up before the invitations went out news that the unique example of facctofaci diplomacy in the wilds of the viiginia blue ridge has yielded this first fruit overshadowed other de velopments of the day canada and us conclude treaty land for legation site is exempted from taxes ottawa a treaty of reciprocity be tween canada and the united stales ha3 just been concluded but it does not touch the tariff and iis appltca- you almost make me afraid by the j tion is localized anticipating a barrage of questions from the large delegation of news papermen which greeted him on board the berergaria premier ramsay mac donald gave out a prepared statement n his arrival at new york the statement follows at the moment of arrival i greet my hosts his majesty has honored me by teelegraphing his good wishes for the success of a mission which i feel instinctively i3 to have benefits far beyond the boundaries of our two countries the united states and our selves are really making an appeal by example to all nations to gather round council board of peace so that whilst cherishing their historical past and engaging in all the healthy rival ries of genius skill and work they will remember the wider unities of human civilization canada improves her shipping facilities boundless hospitality you seem to be preparing for me i hope i shall be equal to your kindness the problem of armaments is full of hidden diffi culties and a patient working at de tails in an atmosphere of mutual con fidence is required to overcome them and i crave a judgment from you as generously sympathetic as your wel come is to be generously lavish when i return and it is all over i pray i shall leave behind me some memories which will make it easier for you to think well of great britain aid be a veason for close competition between your country and mine in the great causes of democracy and liberty which inspire the peoples on both sides of the atlantic humorous incident the official announcer at the cere- inonies at city hall new york in read ing the scroll presented to right hon ramsay macdonald by the city of new york refeired to great britains premier as the prime minister of the united states there was a ripple of laughter and the announcer hector fuller turned to mr macdonald and said i beg your pardon i was merely expressing a hope i norman thomas socialist candidate for mayor and presidential candidate last fall who was on the platform then remarked i second that thats high treason isnt it mr macdonald asked mayor walker with a smile heard in england london rebroadcast of mr mac- donalds reception in new york was heard clearly in london the noise of boat whistles and airplanes sometimes drowned out the words of the announcer but london ers were assured that the premier and his daughter ishbel had arrived in excellent spirits and seemed to be en joying themselves immensely the lebroadcast was arranged by the british broadcasting corporation ishbels message new york ishbel macdonald smiling daughter of the british prime minister gave this message of peace to american women as she landed tiere children should be brought up to believe it is better to live as good citizens than to die in a war to fight against war womens chief power is to impress on their children what they went through in the last war so they may understand the horrors tho united states government is going to orect a legation in ottawa it last year purchased a site on wel lington street but the building con struction lias not started meanwhile a lew thousand dollars of taxes have accumulated all dominion govern ment property in ottawa i3 exempt from taxation though there are gen erous srants to the city in lieu there of no arrangement exists respecting legations several ot which are in the markets produce quotations toronto wholesale dealers are buy ing from country shippers at the fol lowing prices eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 41e fresh firsts 39c seconds 29c butter no 1 4014 to toc no 2 3s14 to s9c churning creanifspecial 43c no 1 42c no 2 39c cheese no 1 large colored paraf fined and government graded 20 to 20c provision prices toronto wholesale dealers are quot- ing the following prices to the trade smoked meats hams med 32 to j37c cooked loins 50 to 55c smoked rolls 2sc breakfast bacon 20 to 37c back peamealed 38 to 40c do smok ed 45 to 17c cured meat ixmg clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 21c 70 to 90 lbs 22c 90 unique revolution is seen in britain minister of v0rk3 comments on labor conference at brighton london right hon george lans bury minister of works in comment ing on the labor party conference as brighton expressed his belief that britain is undergoing a remarkable revolution this he said as certainly true and best demonstrated in the field of or der affairs the evacuation of lha rhinchimi the signing of the optional clause in the haguo covenant tho resumption of relation with the un ion of soviet socialist republics tho naval negotiations with the united stales the settlement ot the vexl to 110 lbs 21c heavyweight roll reparations question and the attempt 10c lightweight roils 25c to reach an agreement with egypt ho drydock under shadow of an old fortress sizo or lauzon drydoek levis acicss river from quebec city is seen by comparison farther end with steamer berthed in secure control nonagenarian husband b of airways firm beside heroine of long point prospoct with the united states plans drury co montreal take furthest advanced as the canadian legation at wash ington is exempted from taxation tho government here has decided to pay tb taxes rn the united states lega tion property until an arrangement covering all such property of outside governments is concluded with the municipal corporation ot ottawa over canadian trans- continental epic story of abigail becker who saved lives of eight recalled princess bereft viscount lascelles suc ceeds to title simcoe out- the epic exploit of abigail becker heroine of long point was recalled when her nonogenarian husband was buried in oakwood ceme tery thursday afternoon last the heroine died in 1905 and it is 75 years since her gallant efforts re sulted in the saving of the lives of iight men from the ship conductor drury co of montreal have ac quired controlling interest in canadian transcontinental airways limited the head office of the canadian transcontinental airways limited is in the city of quebe and the com panys airdrome is situated about four miles west of quebec the company has several airmail j which foundered during the great fc c 1 contracts including ottawamontreal storm of november 1s51 jt r atneriniaw montealrimuski quebec seven listed as one of the early heroines islands monctonmagdalen islands of ontario her deed commemorated r- l c i i j r j j monctoncharlottetown bv a poem in the old fifth reader it earl of harewood dead and co r h mulock has appoint c a surprise to peopie even ed general manager of the company j simcoe to learn that her husbaiu had and robert cannon who was formerly just died in vancouver the couple general manager has become vice- j were married in 1809 and lived on a harewood england oct s the pre3ident fam wa ham csnl karl of harewood fatherinlaw of in purcha5i contro of tms h d with irt b t lh f b princess mary died at ins ancestral a j 1 l estate here today he was 83 4 n queen victoria the parliament of canada and the merchants of buffalo in recognition of her bravery here her 19 children were born there were also two adopted children and six stepchildren miss eleanor rohrer who accom panied the remains of her father to simcoe announced that she intends to present to the norfolk historical so ciety thj gold medal presented to her mother by the american humane so ciety mi which is inscribed the story of her heroism the rocking chair scd by her mother and the family bible will also fine a place in the mu seum a crayon portrait will be hung in the abigail becker room at the simcoe hospital- mail empire half of aviation corporation of can- a limited a company recently in- both sons and his daughter were corporatcdr which j jn i years old with the earl when ho died princess mary was at lier home goldshorough hall knaresborough viscount lascelles husband ot princess mary will now succeed to the title ot earl of harewood created in 1312 the earl possessed 20700 acres he held tho title since 1392 ho was at tached to a special diplomatic mis sion to spain in 1s7s and was a re tired captain of the grenadier guards he married lady florence brldgo man daughter ot the marquis of clan- ricarde in 13s1 and there were two sons and a daughter ternational airwas of canada lim ited intelprovincial airwas limited i canada will move slowly in matter successor to fairchild aviation lim ited and canadian airwas limited the traffic toll ellon joyce green 5 si madeline avenue was killed by a car near the east york market thomas morris 15 101 montrose helps preferring the natural complcx- ishhel doesnt use makeup not even powder for her nose on the other hand shevnot miss ishbel macdonald hralthy and engaging 2gyearold daughter of bri tains scottish premier uses no make up on her face does not even powder her nose in a conversation with correspond ents aboard the bcrengaria she com mented that she never used complexion avenue was killed while riding his bicyclo along the lake shore road mrs arthus hepburn 41 712 lans- downe avenue killed when a car in wonwn should do thisboth in the j she wa3 ml p into a ditch mrs kemp anderson 21 killed in united states and great britain english women are thinking more hi politics and the power of the ballot than ever before she said adding that for her own part politics had become almost a habit asked what the english women thought about the macdonald peace mission she said i am wondering f the women in this country are as interested in the mission as tho english women the latter are more inteiested than the english men because the feel more deeply the need of peace it was then she announced that her hobby was child education and ad vised american women to train the children toward peace to call powers in washington oct 0 president hoover and prime minister macdon ald authorized official announcement by the white house today that invita tions for tho fivepower naval confer ence to start tho third week of janu ary in london will go forward from the british foreign office tomorrow to tho united states france italy and japan the announcement telephoned back by the president from tho remoteness of the rnpidan camp where tho two heads of governments have found time and isolation to talk freely signalizing tho settlement of a serious difficulty which has delayed issuance of the invi tations for ten days or until tho british prime minister could talk pri vately with the president the obstacle isbclieved though not on official authority to have arisen from mr mncdonalds misunderstand ing of the american cruiser offer which had led him to give it as 315- 000 tons whereas tho total was but 285000 tons all rcferenco to tho figures had been eliminated from the text of the invitations at the presi- car accident four hours after marriage not a housekeeper she said adding near montreal she had been greatly misrepresented injured m domestic leanings mr and mrs james maynard unlouvillc mrs taylor ottawa j h doylo mr and mrs chris new ton john doyle nurse miss b mc gregor fred rourke aged 15 nel son gage aged 1g john nelson ham ilton mrs c l sheldon tnft placo buffalo stanley lawton aged 5 oshawa hugh watson mrs eva ferguson mrs jean tynes ahara benvenan v dimitroff aged 1 fran cis lowls wife to husband tinkering with car whats causing tho trouble dear novice i dont know exactly but i think its the exasperator policy towards russia will be decided following canvass ottawa news that the british government is concluding pour parlers with the russian govern ment for the renewal of diplomatic relations lias not produced any imme diate reaction here it is likely that the canadian government will proceed slowly in tho formation of its policy towards the soviet republic until the sentiment of the whole dominion can bo canvassed on the subject cabinet doe3 not meet until next week and several important members of the cabinet are absent since government recognition of the russian trado commission was with drawn several years ago a number of trade agencies of the soviet republic have been established in canada the attitude of the canadian government has been that while it cannot recognize the russian soviet officially until pub lic opinion in canada has been clari fied on the subject there is nothing to prevent the establishment of trade relations between the private citizens of this country and russia canadas exports to russia have fallen off in the last few years in the fiscal year ended 1926 canadians sold to russia goods to the value of 3- 7882cfi in the following year this figure dropped to 2407200 in 1928 canadas exports to russia were val ued at 2224430 and in 1929 they in- hensley i say jones can you creased to 2983029 imports which dofine a pessimist jones vos hes8re increasing slightly totalled in the a man who when given tho choice of last 12 months only 373331 two ovlls takes both ot them these figures are taken from official records it has been pointed out within its limits the royal win- 1 however that they may bo incomplete tor fair is a national medium for because many shipments to and from ion given her by years in the scotch highlands makoup she answered a ques tion no i dont even powdei my nose although i sometimes have been urged to do so im not fond of knitting and i am protecting our game resources fair minded spcrtsmen are realiz ing that it is high tlmo to pursue a lollcy ot careful conservation and proper protection if canadas gamo is to bo saved labor members in convention slang the chair called filthy cur kirk- wood resents his ex clusion from pro gram brighton eng an uproar resulted at the labor party convention thurs day when the chairman hon herbert morrison endeavored to apply closure after limiting discussion on rt hon philip snowdcns address tc only two speeches kirkwood glasgow member of par liament loudly protested this is twico you have deliberately kept me out he shouted you have no right to make a state inent like that the chairman rcturn- ca neither kirkwood nor anyone else has any privileges here he was cheered moro disorder ensued as the chair man said he had chosen those speak ers he believed most likely to make a useful contribution to the discussion you have no right to say that kirkwood returned heatedly my record in the labor movement will bear tho fullest investigation kirkwood need have no worry that he would not be in the headlines the chairman declared you filthy cur another delegate shouted at the chairman why do you say a thing like that a formal protest against what he called the studied offensiveness of tho chairman was here entered by james maxton chairmtn of labors left wing the independent labor party and the incident closed for the moment lard pure tierces 10c tubs i5ic pails 16ic prints 18 to 19c shortening iferces il to 15c tubs llic pails i5c tins 17c prints jlgc pork loins 33c ew york shout- iders 23c ork butts 27c pork hams 27ie grain quotations f grain dealers on thetorouto board of trade are making the following quo tationsfor car lots man wheat no 1 north 118m- no 2 north 145 no 3 north 142 no 4 137 no 5 120 no g stog feed 93c cif goder- ich and bay ports mail oats no 1 feed g8c no 2 feed g5c kan oats no 1 feed gsc no 2 feed g5c am corn no 2 yellow 112 all rail del toronto freight millfccd del montreal freights bags incuded bran per ton 3425 shorts per ton 3125 middlings syilla ont grain wheat 430 to 132 oats 55 to 5sc barley 70 to 75c livestock quotations heavy beef steers 850 to 950 butcher steers choice 925 to 950 do fair to good 8 to 825 do com 575 to 750 butcher heifers choice 925 to 950 do fair to good 8 to 873 do com g to 750 butcher cows good to choice g50 to 725 do com to med 5 to 0 do canners and cutters 350 to 450 butcher bulls good to choice 050 to 725 do med 0 to g25 do bolognas 525 to 575 bab beef 10 to 1450 feeders good s to 850 do fair 7 to 775 stockers good 750 to 8 do fair 6 to 7 calves good 15 to 1g do med 10 to 1450 do grassers g to 7 springers 110 to 125 milkers 75 to 100 lambs choice 11 do bucks 8 sheep choice 0 to g50 do med 5 to 550 hogs bacon woc 1275 do selects 1 per hog premium do but cher 75c per hog discount do truck ed in 50c cwt under woc do fob price 125 cwt under woc pointed out had all been achieved since the labor government got into power and now efforts are being di rected to secure satisfaction for in dian aspirations there are rumors that the govern ment intends granting dominion sta tus to jndia an announcement con cerning which will be made when par liament reassembles no confirmation of this can be obtained and it is un likely that the government will do anything until the simon commission makes its report in the opinion of ministers however dominion slatus for india must come and india must take her place among the other do minions of the empire simon report how this can be achieved only tho simon report will show but it is understood that labor is anxious to jidd a settlement wjth india to its catalogue oj aflueyments to present to tiiecsiny at the appropriate mo ment meanwhile laborites are warning the cabinet that while success in tho field of foreign afiairs is gratifying the acid test is unemployment on wednesday next right lion j ii thomas will again meet the coal own ers in an endeavor to learn from them how they are going to copeto in tha canadi n market with american coal he hopes to have also some results in tho mixing of british and nova scotia coal experiments in which at now taking place mr thomas brought back quantities of nova scotiar coal from his recent trip to canada for i his purpose and ho believes that if proper mixing can be achieved not only will british coal exports to canada increase but also consumption of nova scotian coal will rise in opposition to american coal air mail letter makes fast time an established policy of tho royal agricultural winter fair association drawing tlio nine provinces more russia are reshipped in london andl ls t0 mako tn0 r fair representa- closely together tbrvugli thor com- orders are sometimes placed through i tlv0 ot evor subdivision of the do- munlty of interest in agriculture london ageifcies j minion package posted in british guiana sept 23 reaches montreal oct 3 wonderfully quick time compared with the ordinary ship borne mail has been made by a letter from british guiana carried by the first air mail via new york to montreal the letter was posted september 25 and arrived in new york october 2 and the following day eric grant of g7gs park avenue received it in montreal ordinarily the mail from british guiana takes more than three weeks to reach montreal tho envelope received by mr grant bears stamps to the value of four cents representing tho usual fato and an additional 55 cents for tho special air mail delivery across tho top ot the envelope appears the words by first air mail via new york and be low is a border announcing that the package has como from british guiana by air mail is months ago mr grant was work ing lu the diamond fields of british guiana and his father androw grant is engaged in the colony today as superintendent engineer of the colon ial transport department even the bootleggers sometimes get into navigation troubles mps ps i ft- t the press cameraman catches rumrunners during hardluck salvage party on beach although rumrunners warned cameraman not to try to take pictures wo here see operations underway to salvage one of the hrgeil lake eru um- running craft which sank in twelvo feet of water vhllo otitli und from the docks at klngsvillo shortage of milk facing montreal montreal oct g unless buyers in montreal como to terms and pay the increase demanded by milk produc ers montreal may be a little short ot milk this week was the opinion ox- pressed by ernest chartrand presi dent of the associated milk producers of tho province ot quebec tho striking producers about 3000 of them were keeping approximately 8000 gallons of milk from being shipped to montreal mr chartrand said tho product was being turned into butter ho added and unless tho four cents increase a gallon demand by the farmers was forthcoming mont real would mest certainly feel a shortage of milk this week traffic officer found injured picked up unconscious be side wreck of motor cycle hamilton found lying on tho roadside inured fatally it is feared traffic officer fred bingley of hag- ersville as brough to st josephs hospital thursday night last his motorcycle was wrecked against a tree what occurred the officials are at a loss to know binglcy is still uncon scious and suffered a fracture of tin skull it is believed j mcdougall hamilton was driv ing two miles south of caledonia on tho provincial highway about 730 oclock when he saw the prostrate form just at the edge of the cement a few feet away lay the motorcycle smashed beyond repair mcdougall hurried into caledonia with the injured man and after medical attention he was brought on to the local hospital ilii left leg was badly crushed and then is a long deep lacerat on the scalp binglcy suffered also from loss ol blood but it is not known what tinn elapsed between the time of the acci dent and the discovery french flyer makes new record kings intentions for winter in doubt londfn it is authoritatively stat ed that no arrangements whatever have yet been made concerning the place where his majesty will spend the coming winter statements he would spend the winter months on the south coast of england again aro without foundation it is also un true that ills majesty has been out on horseback lately costes covers 5000 miles from paris to his land ing in manchuria 1 paris oct c tho french air mill istry sunday night announced thai dicudoime costes who took off from lebourget airdrome just outside paris on friday morning septembor 27 iu his plane the question mark accompanied hy jacques bcllontc his mechanic had established a new worlds record tor airplane dislanco flight lu a straight line tho air ministrys announcement followed receipt by tho foreign odlco of official despatches from moscow stating that costes and his flight com panion landed safely last sunday af ternoon at tsitslhar northeast of har bin manchuria tho news taking a wcok to reach the world this is in round figures 5000 miles from paris the previous worlds re cord of 1175 was established by the italian aviators arluro fcrrarln and carlo del proto on a flight in july 192s from a field near rome to a beach ten miles north ot natal brazil the north magnoio pole is located in boothia peninsula on tho arctio coast of canada and the south magne tic pale in south victoria land south from new zealand a m