Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 19, 1929, p. 3

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second worst aib tragedy iv history of canadian flying r 1 travelair cabin plane operated by skyways ltd crashed at st lrn k y ovcnin following opening ceremonies of tho new nk ih nf t p nnd p f panc met instant death shortly after ho plane took oft it was seen to glide toward tho ground when it cut its way through a marsh struck a bank and burst into flames tho photographs hero show 1 remains of engino of the piano following crash 2 tho actual rravelal- piano operated by skyways ltd that figured in the tragedy 3 remains of gas tank 4 tangled and burned pieces of fuselage 5 j hj wilson controller of civil aviation who opened st catharines airport andl who is conducting investigation into the crash 6 a travelair plane as secn at leasido aerodrome showing closeup of cabin arrangements and luxurious appointments 7 capt l crlpp who is in charge of flying at st catharines air service 8 general view of scattered pieces of wrecked framework of plane and cencral view of st catharines airpolt prison colony for doukhobors forest fires are worst in years mineral areas are threaten ed in manitoba and saskatchewan blinding smoke eastern canadas first big crash was worst of week end faltaitis s six lose their lives in fatal plane crash and fire at st catherines blame engine st catharines sept 15 six per sons were killed here saturday even ing near the close of tho niagara dis trict airport festivities when a pala tial travelair plane belonging to sky ways limited toronto careened down out of the sky crashed to the ground with terrific impact hounded 100 feet into a field then slowly rolled over ni burst into flames every ocupant was either instantly killed or almost immediately burned to death the death list frank bradfield aged 32 387 slier- bourne street toronto pilot j a mcdonald aged 42 offlclal government photographer on the wet land ship canal 229 geneva street st catharines mrs walter bennett 210 aberdeen avenue hamilton a widow john bond aged 35 employee of tho city dairy company s3 henry streot st catharines allan bond his son aged g louis bennett aged 23 assistant claims agent for tho canadian na tional railways of st catharines heights ho is no rolation of the hamilton woman victim of tho same name not one survivor with no survivors to tell the story of the mishap officials were reticent to comment on tho probable difficul ties that overtook tho pleasuro craft opinion among aviators at the field jiowover was that pilot bradfield found his motor suddenly losing power nnd made a desperate effort for a safe forced landing it wa3 7s0 last night when the travelair plane took tho air tho committee jn charge of the opening festivities had ordered the machine to remain on the ground while stunt flights and races were in progress no passenger planes were allowed in tho air for two hours the prospective pas sengers sat about and awaited the offi cial word to start little allan bond was particularly impatient it was his first flight tho other passengers be came impatient nnd those in charge of the flight finally refunded the money two leave plane a few minutes later permission was given for the machine to take the air all returned except two royal nu gent and his little son mrs j a mcdonald wife of one of the victims refused at the last minute to enter the plane she said jshe was tired and did not care to fly the plane soared away but to those on the ground it seemed that pilot bradfield was having trouble getting altitude his ship rose slowly and seemed barely to clear tree tops at the far end of the field as it sailed along in a southwester ly direction over the wolland canal it cleared its next obstfde hightension wires on lofty steel towers ther suddenly the craft planed sharply toward the groutrd it did not nose dive but appeared to bo making a forced landing with a crash it struck a knoll plow ed a furrow in the earth and then suddenly burst into flames with a loud explosion it catapulted nnd rolled over ib yards of marsh nnd came to rest on the far side of tho swamp a mass of flames crashed into marsh no house is near the end of tho fatal flight the banks of tho wet land canal at lock 10 roll down to a marsh spot and riso again in knolls that shape a gradually sloping hill to the west lock 15 is about two miles from the city limits of st catharines nnd also near merriton and thorold two miles further on is tho airport ottawa sept 15 aviatijn officials described tho flying tragedy at st catharines ont ia3t night as almost tho worst which has happened in can ada in only one other case wa thero a greater number of deaths when a seaplane crashed into tho sea near victoria bc a year ago and seven persons were killed frank bradfield pilot of the ma chine which crashed yostordn was one of tho mo3t experienced of can adian aviators according to officials of tho civil aviation branch ho vas a walimo flier and during the last ten years has engaged in various types of civil aviation last year he flew mail planes between rinuusk que and ottawa the finding ol tho board of inquiry investigating tho tragedy will it is ex pected be returned to the national de fence department tomorrow or tues day although no word has been re ceived here from the board as yet de partment aviators here are inclined to blame the crash on engine trouble members of the board of inquiry are inspector g b holmes of the civil aviation branch capt f g n sparks montreal and caplain j saunderson london ont j a wil son director of civil aviationbranch is also at the scene wheat of canada plugging the us canal carriers protest alleg ed conditions to sena tor nye washington tho chrrge that grain elevators in new york state arc crowded with canauan wheat held under bond for milling and that this condition prevents the free movement of mertcan wheat was made in a tele gram to senator nye rnd from the canal carriers association with headquarters in new york city nye ices in this condition and in- conditions reported to him from other sections a reason for repeal of the provision of the tariff laws according to dutyfree entry to canadian wheat for shilling in the united tsatcs with the privileges of holding it in bond for five years this telegram makes very appar ent the need for at least one lino of legislation senator nye said there must be alteration of the present priv ilege granted in the tariff law which admits canidian wheat duty free when it is held in bond for manufac ture and export nyo is alsointerested in the alleged discrepancy between wheat prices in the northwest and prices in contigu ous canadian provinces he cited a letter received fron a north dakota wheat producer tolling how tho sarao sample of wheat had been offered on tho same day to three american ele vators and two canadian the amer ican elevators offered to pay 107 108 and 106 per bushel tho letter stated while tho canadian elevators offered 137 and 138 thornton to stay as head of cnr cats and oogs tho dog days do not bother mo from canlno fear im always free but summer brings ono dismal blight 1 mean lh cats that growl at night prosperity tho bumper crops now bump the bumps and jumpor stocks now jump tho jump ottawa sir henry thornton whose second term as head of the can adian national railway system is about to expire will remain in his po sition this it is learned has been defi nitely arranged and therp was no foundation for any report of his going elsewhere the salary to be paid the president ir the new agreement has not been decided but it is said there no war rant what er for an- suggestion that tho president has applied for more money whatever his remuneration in future it will be on the initiative of the government sir henry at present draws 75000 a year comparisons with what is paid other big railway executives will be a factor in settling his future remun eration along with consideration of the results he has achieved in tho fin ancial ehabiliation of the national system producedincanada exhibi tion at montreal will help industries montreal the growing importance of industry in canada the correspond ing increase in tho interest ill pro- duccdiiicanada goods and tho effect of a more widespread uso of these goods on ho prosperity of tho individ ual will be emphasized in various ways during producedincanada week which will be held from november 4 to november 9 to correspond with the national exhibition in the stadium and buyers week it was announced by the quebec branch of tho cana dian manufacturers association thero will bo throe separate events but each will be corelated produced- incanada week arranged by the canadian manufacturers association quebec branch will call attention to tho advantages of buying articles pro duced in canada by canadians and buyers week arranged by tho mont real board of trade will stimulate the salo of goods by merchants and arms in the city in addition tho exhibi tion will afford manufacturers an op portunity to augment their sales throughout tho eaat it is stated the committees responsible for each event have arranged many attractions to emphasize the ideas they have created a film is now being made for dis tribution to various theatres in mont real which will show phases of cana dian industries gramophone records aro being prepared to give voico to tho importance of canadian industry and tho peoplo who aro engaged there in a window dressing contest has been arranged- and city merchants will bo invited to enter in addition it is planned to arrango demonstrations at some central point most probably at tho whero tho exhibition is hold by tho ontario research bureau tho industrial research bureau of tho dominion government and also tho bureau or tho pulp and paper as sociation federal establishment in gulf of georgia suggested by bc victoria bc fanatical doukho bors blamed for disturbances in saskatchewan and british colum bias interior may bo consigned to a prison colony probably on darcy is land in tho gulf of georgia sugges tion has been made to the dominion government by provincial authorities it was revealed recently the scheme has been placed beroro dr j h king dominion minister ot health he will discuss tbo matter with his colleague on his return to ottawa the proposal that doukhobors who refuse to obey canadian laws be re moved to a colony by themselves where tliey will have no contact wltb lawabiding members of their sect is advanced by the provincial govern ment in tho belief that the whole doukhobor problem is a federal is sue tho dounnobors it is cxpaln- ol were brought here under contract by the federal government darcy island is suggested as a suit able place tor tho proposed colony because it is isolated and escape from it is almost impossible 3 000 jews slowly dying wins piping laurels pipemajor donald e macpnerson toronto won honors in piping ovenls at banff highland gathering and scot tish music festival recently paris sept 11 after ijir weeks spent in soviet russia investigating the conditions of jews living under tho bolshevik regime rabbi simon glazor president of tie central coun- ci of rabbis of greater new york has returned to western europe con vinced that slowly bet surely the life is being snuffed out of more than 3- 000000 russian jews by tho ion rule and diabolical ingenuity of bolshe vism rabbi glnzcr is rabbi of temple bethel of borough park brooklyn ho told the associated press cor respondent that not more than 10 per cent of the number of jews onco in russia were now attached to judaism there mong those who have survived tho troubles of the last ten years death nnd insanity are considered messengers of mercy goodwill message leading business men of canada send greetings to king george edmonton alta a message of greeting from the 300 leading business men fro mall provinces of tho domin ion and representatives of flvo of tho leading chambers of commerco of great britain was sent to king gcorgo at tho opening session of tho fourth annual convention ot tho canadian chamber of commerce tho message signed by tho president william birks conveyed to his majesty the rejollng of tho convention over tho improve ment of his health messages ot greeting from tho gov ernorgeneral right hon ramsay macdonald prime minister of great britain right hon w l mackenzio king premier of canada lord pass- field secrctayr of stato for tho do minions lord iveagh president of tho federation of chambors of com merco of the british empire and from tho premiers ot various canadian pro vinces woro read it is tho very earnest and confident hopo ot myself and of all my col leagues that the remarkable progress of canada may continue at a rapid rato an dthat tho free tho happy and tho mutually advantageous association which unites her with great brltata may bo strengthen said the premier ot great britain in his message reports from ontario and east and west are serious the pas man hauling their way over a fireswept and smokeridden couutry aviators who have com down from iho north bring direct news ot the flaming frontiers in iho mineral belts of saskatchewan and manil forest blazes aro more serious iin at any period in tho past few years airmen state numerous tires are be yond the control of the handful of men fighting them only heavy rains will halt tho red rush over miles of timhei and bush land w j dean pilotgeologist of con solidated smelters reached the pas after being lost in the smoke hazo near cross lake in the eastern sec tion of the mineral belt tho fires aro serious in the cross lake region tio said during most or his iligbt ho was unable to locato the blazing dis tricts on account of tho heavy smoko which hung over the land zooming dawn on the saskatchewan river here after a flight from lac la rouge in northern saskatchewan capt pat kelly of domiuion ex plorers aerial staff related an excit ing story of a trip through miles and miles of moke his entire trip was beset witli hazo and smoke ho declared obiazes were so numerous on the air line between lac la kongo and the pas that al most tho entire country is smokerid den the flier said at times ho was forced to fly as low as 50 feet in order to pick his course serious bush fires are raging in the vicinity of clearwater lake a sum mer resort situated 17 miles from tho pas on the hudson bay railway ontario situation kenora the forest fire situation throughout the kenora rainy river and patrica districts continues serious and no relief through rain is in pros pect in the kenora district in addi tion to a number of comparatively small fires there arc a couple of wide spread ones doing heavy damage one in tho southeastern section or tho lake of tho woods pulp concessions is destroying valuable limber while another is raging north of iteddilt on the english river pulp concessions it is at present burning in a section ot timber blown down three years ago but wnl likely spread to the standing timber unless rain comes quickly to the west tbo fires from manitoba aro breaking over the ontario border on extensive fronts and there is con siderable danger in that quarter the smoke lay like a pall over tho district and the visibility was so bad that the planes of the forestry branch found it almost impossible to take in supplies for tho various fire fighting gangs in new brunswick frcdericton a heavy pall of smoko from the southwest evidently from forest fires in tho new england states blew across new brunswick and set tled making visibility very low tho wind bringing the smoko was hot and tho temperature roso rapidly firefighter killed spokane ono forest firelighter was killed another seriously injured and scores of new fires were started it was indicated in reports received from tho firo lines ot soeral confla grations in eastern washington north- orn idaho and montana byng is retired by army reserve laconic announcement car ried in london official gazette london in laconic language con trasting strangely with the stirring career where o it refers the ixmdon official gazette announces the sever ance of lord byngs connection with the army as follows regrlai army reserve af officers the fallowing having attained tho ago limit of liability to recall ceases to belong to the reserve of officers general the viscount byng gcb gcmb mvo lld september u lord byngs record as londons commissioner of police promises to reflect equal honoi as his military career much better cincinnati enquirer if a man wants to remain singlo during his llto ho has a heap better chanco if ho is a flop at making money love to lovo for the sake ot being loved is human hut to lovo for iho sako of loving is angelic lamarllno toll of wild life is heavy nelson bc carcasses ot big gamo found in burned oft areas of british columbia mountain forests have revealed that tho toll of wild lito taken by this years forests fires was very heavy owing lo the long spell of hot dry weather many fires travelled at a rato of ono mile in five minutes along tho crowns of giant trees gamo on mountain sides had no chanco lo escapo and perished miser ably when tho red peril swept up tho slopes

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