sal ada bas the finest flavour in the world and it costs only onequarter of a cent a cup green c japam tsa fresh from the gardens a u 899 899 slip on onepiece dress with flare section at left side waist front closing in surplice style and with shawl collar and inset vestee one- piece long dartfitted sleeves and turn back cuffs or short sleeves for ladies and misses z z z z years 16 18 20 bust 31 30 33 40 42 44 inches how to ordee patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully or each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto patterns sent by an early mail kill that corn with mlnards liniment closing the prisons london daily chronicle lib few symptoms of social progress aro more welcome than the closing of prisons warwick prison is advertised for sale built 70 years ago lor nearly 80000 how many tears have been shed how many groans uttered how many human hearts broken within this gloomy pile now its walls will hold captives no more many others have ended likewise in recent years so much fewer are the prisoners to be housed to what is the ehango due in part to several things less poverty bet ter police a better penal system but abovo all to popular education peo ple often grumble about the cost of schools they can tot up the outlay in figures they annot similarly mea sure tho results yet the results are there this is one of them fiscal imperialism glasgow herald cons a good deal of misunderstanding of the do minion position in this matter is due to the fact that many people at home fall to take account of the rise of over seas manufacturing interests they persist in viewing the new countries as almost exclusively ocupied in pri mary production they fail to se syd ney for sheep stations and toronto for wheat fields and apple trees they forget that manufacturers in australia and canada aro faced with competi tion from manufacturers at home and arc convinced that a measure of pro tection is essential to their salvation and survival we may consider them wrongheaded or we may not but we are compelled to take account of the attitude as a fact and not to advance ideal theories as if competition did not exist life and life is thorny and youtli is vain and to bo wroth with one we love doth work like madness in tilts brain s t coleridge an idea there i3 only one thing stronger than armies and that is an idea whose time has come victor hugo mad m he knowing hostess takes advantage of every oppor tunity to give individuality to her table she always makes her own salad dressings she prefers to create her own desserts and she makes her own mus tard pickles in this way she can develop her own combination of veg etable ingredients and be sure they arc firm and fresh she can use the purest of vinegars peppers and spices and most important of all she can give her pickles that superlative indispensable tang of flavour imparted only by a real old english mustard like keen si pickled beans string a qunrtct of a eeck of lender green eon throw them inti a kettle of boiling water odd 1 tapoon- ful ait and boll 23 minute when dono drain inn colander let land until cold tliert rut into jars sprlnklo fchtly wltb cayenne odd one tableepoonful of keena mustard 1 tableapoonful chop ped borae radib and cover the whole wltb atxoag cider vinegar free send jot a copy of our hook listing many recipes for really tconderful picklei and relishes keens mustaji aids digestion golmankccn canada limited n0 amhcrat st montreal ussat begin here today alden drake frmerly a sailor grown soft and flaby through a life of idle case ships aboard the clipper or- ontes as boy under the command of jake stevens whose enmity heincurs because of a mutual love for mary manning daughter of the owner who is a passenger on tho orontcs at cape town stevens is superseded as captain of the orontes by drake whose lawyers have purchased the vessel during its cruise drake and mary are enjoying an evening to gether in cape town while the de moted stevens is making the rounds of the barrooms drunk and furious stevens calls drake away from mary in order to fight with him stevens is whipped and now drake goes back to mary now go on with the story when drake returned to mary she stood up with a cry of dismay he had been gone about twenty minutes now ho camo back to her smiling bright eyed but with a threeinch strip of piaster down one cheek and a lumpy bruise as big as a purple passion fruit on the other temple his hands too looked as if ho had been breaking bricks with his fi3ts for a wager her big blue eyes wid ened dont look like that mary he laughed pressing her into her chair gently im not hurt little acci dent thats all lets see we were jake and fought for their own lives and his whatever the muse the crowd were apparently looking for blood the miner was battered fear fully but he had a grin or drake a whizzing stick tore the plaster from dralies cheek and he started bleeding as if his head was split theyre trying to murder us he panted whats it all about started with just tall talk gasped the miner poking his stick into a leering face and bringing a tooth back with it jake challenged all hands and some toughs followed him out thats one of cm now he darted forward and struck down a tough looking follow just as ho was putting the boots to stevens as he lay prostrate drake had little time to look around sticks seemed as thick as rushes in a basket but he saw where the heart of the fight was the rest was simply gang sympathy come on he sai to tho valiant miner lets finish those three husk ies and the rest will run alto gether together they charged across jakos body their sticks going like flails one man went down only to rise up and ttip drake headlong sticks whacked down upon him as he lay defenceless his arms felt as if they were broken in a dozen places his head rang as if hammered with iron with that vital orontes orontes chatting about how we were to furnish the boudoir stop your jesting she cried we were talking of no such thing i wont hear a word until you have told me what has happonad was it 1 her eyes darkened and she frowned as the truth jr possible truth dawned upon her he broke in grinning it was mary jake stevens they prevented him coming here to see you so he tipped a waiter to bring me then tried to jamb me under a rhododen dron it looks as if he succeeded she retorted sharply let us go now be fore somebody else tries you look horrible a tiny chill fell over drake mary wanted to go back to the ship and her baffled escort led her to the car in silence it has been a bully evening any how he said heartily she said nothing taking her scat in the clec- impulse which drives a man on even after conscious volition fails he stum bled to his feet guarling his head with one arm and stabbiig fiercely at a blur before him with his shortgripped club vaguely he knew somebody fought beside him knew the blur be fore him thinned something stirred under his feet and he fought to keep his balance s orontes orontes that cry sounded strange it was near yet seemed far off drake fought doggedly there was that stirring under his feet he knew he wfs to be tripped again he could not see the man who still fough beside him something red and swaying rose from the ground and another stick flailed but at his foes now orontes orontes the cry was close the blur of foes hegan to van ish like mist aye orontes give em hell bab bled the red swaying figure and jake stevens rallied for another onslaught trie tram besido him as if resigned drakc savcd hle breath for fighting to something unpleasant ho peeped hls mlncr i t tottered and gasped at her once then with a loud sigh through the crowd stormed the settled down to a windowgazing ridei drlver and conductor with con- so thoy rolled along beside tho bay j roller and switch bar and with them through a suburb noted for its serene marched mary manning splendid loveliness it ought to have thawed her then abruptly tho car slowed down and stopped progress made im possible by tho outer fringe of a crowd that whooped roared and cursed drake stood up over the outer heads he saw tho milling centre of tho crowd and fists and sticks were flying there the car driver clanged his gong and the impeding crowd slowly made way for it but drake had caught sight of n head ho knew two heads in the very vortex of the mob and those two heads wero get ting hammered by far too many fists and sticks for fair play excuse me for a moment he mur mured as he stepped past mary go on to the boat dont worry ive got to see stevens safe ho leaped as the car started and fought his way into the mob it was something of a light too halfway through nc wrencnan a heavy stick from a swearing ruffian and prodded hh wap with it using it like a spear it was very efficient then in the middle he found jake stevens hor ribly cut and bruised trying blindly but with splendid brute courage to stand off the attack of half a dozen trintderous sticks right with him the affluent miner nttle j gloriously bleed ing and muddy but with the light of sheer fighting lust in his face orontes orontes yelled drake ringingly and laid about him heartily with his stick get a tick jake get a club i dont want no club gasped stevens blindly staggering ever for ward he went to his knees as drakc reached him a word of recognition then drake and the miner stood over daughter of old neptune smacking faces right and left and turning mur derous scowls to foolish grins whats the trouble demanded a policeman running up looking queer- ly into the bruised and bleeding faces and at mary gang setting about these two blokes this gent and we stopped off my car to help the under dog re plied the motorman hes my first mate explained drake im captain drake of the ship orontcs lying in table bay were all right thanks if we could get an automobile id be glad ill send one along sir said the officer and went off with his men drake glanced at mary she was all soft womanliness now examining hurts her eyes big and dark im afraid neither mr stevens nor i could be called respectable now said drako with a grimace the friendly miner grinned as mary fin ished cleaning n cut on his chin i dont care what you arc or what you look like i think you are both splendid she cried you too she added swift as a swallow she seem ed to dart forward and dabbled a kiss right between the miners eyes as the car drove up she was blushing fur iously as she ran into the auto the miner stared grinned ifnd stood rob bed of speech chapter xv a present from mary the few days required for discharg ing cargo in cape town flew on magic pinions drakc rode high upon the issue no 38 29 tide of triumph showing mary the sights finding new charms in her every hour once she elctted to meet him on common ground and jake stevens seemed to accept the new situation quite meekly to be continued g herd of reindeer makes long trek big step towards raising food supply in mac kenzie basin vancouver canadas reindeer in dustry takes a big forward step this year with the trek of 3000 northern animals from alaska into tho domin ion in november this herd secur ed by canada from the united states herds in alaska will begin a trek which will take is months and will land the animals in 1931 on the arctic coast cast of the mackenzie river a e porsild botanist frr the northwest territories branch de partment of tho interior at ottawa is on liis way to nome whence ho will go by ship or airplane to kotze- bue for the start rf the movement porsild went from here to seattle to meet ralph lomen head of lie lo- men reindeer corporation which has tho contract of delivery to the do minion the deer will bo driven by easy stages to kattigazuit which l the destination where corrals and build ings will be built it is estimated the herd will double itself in three years the deer it is hoped will take the placo of cattle in supplying eskimos with food a reindeer is worth about 25 and canadas now herd is declared to bo a profitable investment cost of the animals and their lsmonth migration will be about 200000 from a berd of 12s0 siberian rein deer brought into alaska at a cost ot 300000 the united states has de veloped a stock of a million animals canada it is believed can duplicate that the egyptian settlement london telegraph cons more than once in recent years a british government has been sharply re minded that it is responsible under the declaration of 1922 for the lives and property of foreigners in egypt it is hardly live years since british and other foreign nationals were be ing murdered in the streets of alex andria it is now proposed that bri tish protection shall be withdrawn without reserve and mr henderson tells- us that there is no change of policy while mr macdonald pledges himself that- there is to be no de parture in principle from the declara tion ot 1922 this immense and dis astrous concession having been offer ed the proposal that the occupation of egypt by british forces shall he terminated follows naturally and com pletes the picture of insecurity held up for tho contemplation of washing ton and rome whence the strongest of the reminders already referred to have come good men nature seem to exist for the excel lent the world is upheld by the veracity of good men they make the oarth wholesome they who lived with them found life glad and nutriti ous life is sweet and tolerable only in our belief in such society and ac tually or ideally we manage to live with superiors we call our children and our lands by their names their names are wrought into the verbs of language their works and cfhgies aro in our houses and every circumstance of the day recalls an anecdote of them r w emerson a high calling the highest ocupation of genius is to diffuse useful information to fur ther intellectual refinement a sure forerunner of moral improvement to hasten the omlng of that bright day when the dawn of general knowledge shall chase away the lazy lingering mists even from the base of the great social pyramid this indeed is a high calling in which the most splendid talents and consummate virtues may well press forward to bear a part brougham prof howe tells em mlnards liniment the king of pain st george and the dragon liverpool post it has no doubt been exhilarating to most people in this country to watch mr snowdcn stand- up so sturdily for our almost for gotten rights wo had beome so ac customed to the meaningless words of diplomacy and to see our statesmen so tenderly considerate of overy in terest but ours that it is singularly re freshing to observe mr snowdens downrlghtness at the hague he has struck a good oldfashioned john bull note anil we naturally respond to the sound of it moreover we aro acutely conscious that ho has hen in the right difficult customer you stupid girl that isnt what i want 1 want j muslin shop assistant i quite agree madam toronto forestry expert tells the united states a few plain solid truths hanover nh criticism of tho rapid depletion of united slates for est reserves as compared with cana das careful husbandry of her timber was made in a candid paper read by dr c d howe director of forestry school of the university of toronto before the annual new england for estry conference here canadians said dr howe are a very conservative people they cannot be stampeded into hasty ac tion by economic pressure they build slowly because they arc more in terested in the character of the foun dation than in the size ot the struc ture they do not worship bigness simply because it is big this leads to a misunderstanding of us in trade relations by the people of the united states and the united states is open to the charge that having depleted her own natural resources neatly to the point of exhaustion she believes she has the right to go to other countries and repeat the process j it is not ray intention to criticize the united states tariff regulations as applied to canada said dr howe canada is the united states best customer but she is being alienated by what seems to be shortsighted tariff regulations these restrictions will in the long run be ot benefit to- the canadians because thoy are devel oping our home industries and lead ing to greater trade with other parts of the empire dr howe said that canada had al ready been compelled to prevent the exportation of pulp wood which had made it necessary for american capi tal to move into canada and that in- a short time the new england hard wood manufacturers would also be- compelled to move across the border canada has its virgin forests and it intends to preserve them he said it will use proper forestry methods- in ontario alone we havo set aside- four townships for experimental pur poses we plant 10000 acres of white- pine annually and we are greatly in terested in the regeneration of spruce- on our cutover areas the forestry conference which was largely attended by foresters and edu cators from the new- england states and canada met to consider new eng lands timber supply especially with relation to canadian resources papers were read on state taxation regional zoning the problem of preserving the scenic beauty of highways reforesta tion and allied topics fvtever wait to see if a headache lnw1 wear off why suiter when theres always aspirin the millions of men and women who use it in increasing quantities every year prove that it does relieve such pain the medical profession pro nounces it without effect on the heart so use it as often as it can spare you any pain every druggist always has tannine aspirin tablets for the prompt relief of a headache colds neuralgia lumbago etc fa miliarize yourself with the proven- directions in every package spirsn aspirin la rraikraarli hcjtslerea in canada jjvlost beautiful biackyou have ever seen t he most beautiful black youve ever seen i ah my friends admire my new black silk i the coat i thought was hopelessly spotted is now a new beautiful black i ithcse are typical comments from women who have used these true jet black dyes diamond dyes black never gives cloth a greenish or bronzy look as so many black dyes do like diamond dyes red and all the oilier diamond colors it is easy to use and gives such beautiful results because it is rich in pure anilines its the anilines in dyes that give them brilliance depth and fastness make them go on smoothly and evenly without diamond dyes sun proof easy to usebetten besu1ts streaking or spotting and diamond dyes contain the highest quality anilines that money can buy the wn7r package of diamond dyes is the highest quality dye prepared for general use it will dye or tint silk wool cotton linen rayon or any mixture of materials the blue package is a special dye for silk and wool only with it you can dye your valuable articles of silk or wool with results equal to the finest professional work when you buy remember this the blue package dyes silk or wool only the white package will dye every kind of goods including silk and wool your dealer has both packages diamonds found in namaqualand outlaws from port nolloth strike rich south african field johannesburg a group of outlaws driven from port nolloth have stum bled upon diamond fields along tho soutliern coast and reports reaching here are that the finds are fabul ous this area lies in namaqualand where diamond prospecting is forbid den but prospecting for lase mental allowed recently police activities at port nolloth cleared tho port of several hundred persons engaged in illicit buying many of them moved south ob tained permits for prospecting for base metal ince there is no close supervision of tho district they havo been able to prospect secretly for dia monds it has been profitable the discovery that the coast for 200 miles south of port nolloth was immense ly rich in diamonds resulted the gems are said to he ir pot holes dotted in the greatest profu sion alont tho shore 1a outlaws according to thoso who havo ven tured into tho district have left im mensely rich potholes for others still rieiier the government is considering in stituting a system of airplano patrols along the whole coast to check these illegal activities usefulness we sometimes wonder ot what uso we are and why wo are put on earth one day is added to another and wo seem to be no farther advanced on tho pathway or our lives as mark twain would have put it wo do not appear ilo be gaining on the scenery yet there is room in the world and need in tho world for each and every ono of us and therefore we must keep on going to the end emerson has a ipocm in which the squirrel takes to the mountain and says if i cannot carry forests on my back neither can you rack a nut you can do some thing nobody clso can do namely live your life you havo your chance if you will only tako it and i havo mine it we can do nothing else wo can at least be someones friend and there is nothing that the world moro keenly wants and moro sadly needs i the earths crust is 2000 miles thick a fact it would bo well for tho j college graduate to remember when ho starts out to make an impression on the world i a little boy at his scripture lesson said please teacher was pontius pilate of an airship or a liner