Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 19, 1929, p. 1

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tetwttt vol xli no 29 stouffv1lle ontario thursday september 19th 1929 a v nolan publisher nyal i rheumatic treatment for the relief of rheuma tism whether muscur articular or gouty sciatica and rheumatic pains in feet and legs lumbago and lame back when due to rheumatism i price 100 j m storey druggist the home of quality drugs phone 1003 car jumps curb injures woman local farmer held on bail for mishap of housekeeper personal notes business cards medical dr s s ball phpslcian and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county drs ira herbert freel dr ira freel consultion hours 8 to 12 am mon wed fri 6 to 9 pm saturday tue tliur sat afternoons by appointments only dr herbert freel 9 to 12 ain tues sat 6 to 9 pm tues sat mon wed fri afternoons by appointment only a c kennedy chiropractor cburch st stouffvllle monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am phone 2204 dental e s barker lds dds l-noi- graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grublna block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block dr d c smith honor graduate of royal college ot dental surgeon and of the university ot toronto dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital office commerce bank up stairs phone office 1011 residence 1015 harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc offjcb silvesters block phone 18003 mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffvllle money to loan anne lehman a t c m teacher of pianoforte playing and theory studio lehmans block phone 4301 insurance pays the bills congestion pn our streets and high ways increases dally more cars are being purchased in canada and there is a growing influx ot tourists from across the border which will tend to multiply the already large number ot auto mobile accidents how does this affect you are you taking chances or playing safe with a policy of insurance t birkett general insurance agency phone 18201 stouffvllle sometimes the mostly highly res pected citizens become embroiled in serious difficulties innocently such is the situation in which one of our wellknown farmers mrjerry sibley of whitchurch township finds him self on wednesday last week mr sibley in company with his house keeper mrs aune lehman was on a motor trip near newmarket imrs lohinan was at tlu wheel learning to diive when she ran the car up on tha sidewalk in front of harrisons drug store to smiths hardware where mrs homer of kettleby was standing talking to friends mrs homer was struck down by the car and quite seriously injured sergt kirk and inspector smith were soon on the scene and found that mrs lehman in passing an other car struck a standing auto which probably caused her to lose her nerve when she ran up on the sidewalk mrsibley was taken into custody and landed up in the toronto jail where mr f l button found him the next day in more or less excited condition bail was arranged at 1000 and mr sibley is now at home again on monday the condition of mrs homer the injured woman was said to be none too good by the officials of the york county hospital where she was removed following the accident she is suffering from injuries to the back lucky friday 13 stouffville lodge no384 meetings every monday evening at 8 oclock in the oddfellows hall visiting brethren welcome jess cook w r sanders noble grand recsec tbos rae financial secretary boadways drug store stouffville henceforth david watson of good wood will be a more confirmed dis believer in unlucky fridays and un lucky thirteens on friday sept 13th mr watson held a more than a successful sale of dairy cattle at his farm south of goodcood which totalled 3347 a sum considerably in advance of his previous- hopes most of the cattle wont north to reach township and other places stanley evans and stanley mills ot reach each paid 160 a piece for a couple of choice animals the top notch price of the sale mr mills paid 10 extra also for a calf or 170 for cow and calf a 2-year- old heifer brought 148 while other young stock went equally as high thos bacon was one of t he big buyers taking home eight head he lives north of uxbridge only one animal came to markham township although several buyers were pre sent from south of stouffville and made various bids the farm was also offered for sale and this resulted in a deal being completed on monday whereby earl tlndall of goodwood purchased the property for 13500 mr watson may locate in stouffiville robert and dr norman dales are at home this week on holidays sirs w h shaw js spending a few days with friends in owen sound mrs margarete graham ot mount albert is spending a week with her niece imrs annie m baker mr and mrs r j davey ot pal- merstou are in town spending a few- days at the home of his brother e j davey mr and mrs gordon wetheral and baby bobby from richmond hill spent sunday with mr and mrs r curtis mrs chas perry has been quite ill with a weak heart her niece mrshall of toronto spent last week here miss ruth curtis mrs c curtis and daughter miss roma of toron to were with f crowbotham over sunday mrs thomas birkett nee i jean bell will receive at her home obrien ave friday sept 20th from half past three to half past five mrand mrs joseph kirk of mark ham township announce the en gagement ijpf their daughter eva hannah to william thomas paisley the marriage to take place the lat ter part of september mrsdnvid manuel and daughters nancy mdiia and dora and sons james and john of edinburgh scot land and miss t thomson mrs john thomson and douglas thom son of whitby visited mr and mrs james turner obrien ave miss elizabeth percy of westerly rhode island witli a party of friends made a brief visit on wednesday of last week while on a motor trip to other parts pf ontario miss percy keeps posted on the old home town through the columns of the tribune for she has many old friends here j- h hunt ot buffalo visited last week with mr and mrs ezra clu- bine with his hosts mr hunt took a trp to ottawa and montreal it was mr iclubines first visit to the capital where he took a keen delight in the dominion experimental farm and a visit to the parliament build ings coming to auditorium friday and saturday sept 20th and 21st bloomington mrs robt burnett was in hamil ton last week mr artur storry spent a couple ot days at detroit miss erina cornell spent the week end at her home in keswick mrs b conner spent a few days with mrs jarvis storry last week rev and mrs c e fockler of keswick called at mr jos burnetts on monday we are sorry to report mr joseph burnett not very much improved in health mr jason stouffer and family visited at mrs a laws on sunday last misses fockler and miss alllster of toronto were at w a focklers over sunday mr and mrs mckendry of tor onto were at her mothers mrs jones on sunday mr and mrs win heels of waubeshene spent last week with mrs wm storry our busy thresher mr wallace vaughan finds himself much in do- mand these days marvin lemon and bruce barnes and somebody else were toronto visitors one evening last week e a storry attended the monthly presbytery meeting in donlands ave united church toronto last week misshw gdiia and mildred lemon of toronto ilso miss elsio lemon of blrchcllffe were home over sun day messrs art smith clifford lemon and murray barnes took a trip to coldwater port severn and other points north over the week end misses merle fockler edna mil dred and elsie lemon also carl davis and leo wagg wcro visitors at their respective homes last week end those duck shooters should take a pair of magnifying glasses next time they go shooting so that they will be sure of the target eh boys lilac is not a war picture it is a picture of the effects of war and like all great pictures it is realistic simple we see miss moore as a pathetic little figure caught in the maelstrom of the conflict she loves a dashing young aviator who flies away each morning to gamble with death and returns in the evening to laugh and joke about it we know the war as somewhere in the back ground ominous and foreboding but- that is forgotten in the charm ing love story that unfolds before us jeannine loves her man and her man ioves jeannine nothing else matters lilac time was produced for first national pictures by john mc- cormlck and is splendidly directed by george fitzmaurjce it is based on the stage play by jane cowl and jane murfin and in its transfqrmai- tion has gained a poignant gripping realism that wjh long be remem bered lilac time is a splendid picture and establishes miss moore already recognized as the screens foremost comedienne in her proper niche as one of the films greatest dramatic actresses it is a credit to first na tional pictures and will undoubtedly make a barrel of money and be ranked among the finest specials of the year dont miss it sept 20th and 21st plowmen prepare f big event unusual interest is being aroused in the coming plowing match of the north york association to be held this year on the farm of anthony hoover at dixons hill the directors are now mostly busy in collecting funds tor the prize list and when this ig completed the names of the donors will all be printed therein it is intended to start the match this year at 930 a in and the time limit for contest ants will be until 3 oclock by ad hering to these hours thu judges will be able to give their decisions and reasons for the placing and spectators can look over the prize land before attending the evening banquet which will be held in stouffville another- feature this year is that judges will be spiled with score cards which will show how the one hundred points allotted to the winners is made up 20 points will be allowed for the crown 15 for straightness of furrow 10 for cover ing of grasg or stubble 10 for firmness and unifofltylof furrow 10 for shape of land and 20 for finish this allottment of points was recently decided on at a short course tor plowmen and is considered as about correct again tliig year mr a j eckardt of toronto who has proven such a warm friend of the society is giv ing a silver tea s valued at 35 and in addition mr eckardt has written the secretary a v nolan stating that he is giving in addition this year a handsome silver tray for the service to rest on making a prize valued at 50 mr nolan has already received the silverware which will be a highly prized win for somebody on october 25th local happenings mr hugh clark has taken a posi tion as travelling representative for toronto elevators limited covenug a territory in southwestern ontario school fair sept 23rd a re- freshment booth will be on t he grounds hot dogs lunch hot and cold drinks will be served at rea sonable prices benj rexlin 14 year old boy passed his entrance touniversity this last term he took eleven subjects and passed ten of them with first- class honors this remarkable youth is a nephew to ben rexlin of stouff ville the used implement dealer miss wahneita tauns school no 11 markham made a notable win at the school fair in unlonville on tues day by scoring the highest number of points of any school in the fair miss taun has only 20 pupils being one of the smallest schools in the fair area thus makirfg the win more notable water supply may be endangered the toronto gold fish 27 have created some twenty small ponds on their newly acquired property a mile north of rlngwood water for these ponds is being obtained from arte sian wells the sinking of which is said to have reduced the flowing well by 50 per cent on the sinclair farm just north of the gold fish pro perty we understand that more wells are to be located if this is correct is thee any likelihood of the stouff ville reservoirs being damaged our property lies another mile to the north and the water is said to run south which is favorable to the local supply not being affected notwith standing it is a matter of sufficient important for the local auhorltles to give immediate attention fo among the churches cowie wideman a lovely wedding took place in the united church markham saturday when vida wllhemena youngest daughter of mr and mrs albert wldeman was married to dr russel grant cowie youngest soh of t lie late mr and mrs john cowie by rev edward baker mrs woods played the wedding march and mrs wm cowie sang during the signing of the register the bride was given away by her father and looked charming in a gown or ivory shn with train and veil caught with orange blossoms and carrying a shower bouquet ot sweetheart roscg miss florence wldeman was brides maid and wore daffodil georgette with green hat and shoos and carried joanrea hill roseg the groom 1 was supported by mr kenneth devatt of toronto while imr norman wldeman and mr max reesor were ushers a reccptlo wag held at the home of the brides parents and the happy couple left amid showcrg of confetti and good wishes for a motor trip to the adrionackg ciiangk of business having disposed of my insurance agency to mr harry klinck i would bespeak for him the continued pat ronage of my client believing that he will give the same type of ser vice that i endeavored to give h w clark ringwood mr levii grove is on a trip to denver col mrs nancy lee was a goodwood visitor recently mrs hulda iraymer of usa js visiting with miss ada barkey mrs geo fockler spent a week with her nephew mr earl imiller of stoney creek the property and household effects of the late mrs wildgoose are being advertised for auction sale work on the gold fish ponds north of our village is progressing rapidly thirty ponds being nearly completed we cougralulate mr and mrs loveridge dog fanciers on securing so many prizes for their canines at the cne mr and mrs harry spang and daughters evelyn and jean were sunday evening visitors with mrand mrs d l stouffer cecil hightower had the misfor tune of havng a couple of his fingers mangled when lie got them caught jn tho gears of the binder one of our local hunters made a slight error the other d ay when he shot what he thought was a couple ot wild ducks on giibers pond at baker hill but upon bagging his game found them to be a couple of snips we wish him better luck next time dawson hare met willi a narrow eicapj from belli injured when hli car crushed through the north rail ing of the bridge by mckenzie gar age and landed nose down in the creek what wo would llko to know is it this is the latest way of filling the radiator thos vague suffered severe injur ies to his head when he was struck down by a car last sunday evening while walking along the highway south of rlngwood the driver of the car failed to stop continuing north the make ot car was obtain ed but not the number the resi dents of this district think it about time that a motor cop was stationed here to check up on the reckless driving and the sneak who runs away from a helpless victim minister struck down alighting from bus dr william daniels former meth odist minister was seriously injured last thursday morning when he was struck down by a car on yonge 3l just opposite the jefferson post office dr daniels was alighting from a bus when the accident occurred ha walked behind the bns and was knocked down by a southbound motor driven by mark ciilungton byng avenue toronto he suffered cuts about the head and also was badly bruised and was removed to toronto western hospital where his condition is said to be serious dr daniels preached in stouffvllle unit ed church one bsnday in july while mr warren was on holidays con stable sid barraclough placed cul- llngton under arrest and at present he is awaiting trial on 1000 ball gormley an offering of 119 was lifted sunday morning for mr and mrs cecil cullin who are leaving shortly for mission work 111 central africa we are glad to see mrs s n doner out of the hospital again looking none the worse for her oper ation mr geo cober youngest son of mr and mrs ben cober is now in a toronto hospital having his tonsils removed the latest report states that he is progressing favorably many of our local farmers have sown their wheat while others state that the ground being so dry it is difficult to get the soil in shape for sowing quite a- large number of delegates from different parts of ontario were present at the brethren in christ annual joint council which conven ed at gormley this past week the ministerial conference which was held thursday evening was well at tended also the sunday school con ference which was held on friday the love feast exercises were also well attended on sunday morning the commodious meeting house was filled to capacity when dr p j wiebe of orland florida addressed the congregation very touchingly dr wiebe until a couple of years ago was acting dean of beulah col lege a brethren in christ institution of upland california claremont a number of the young friends of miss rowena cooper gathered at the home of her parents fjm and mrs cooper on friday evening of last week and treated her to a mlscell- anous shower on the eve of her marriage to frank barclay she was made the recipient of a large number of handsome and useful presents dr russell cowie of markham and formerly of claremont was married on saturday to miss wide- man daughter of albert and mrgi wldeman of markham they were made the recipients of many beauti- fill and useful presents dr cowie who is a veterinary surgeon has a good government position as stock inspector in quebec province w g scotts sale on saturday afternoon was well attended and good prices were realized mr scott is retiring from farming and may come to claremont to reside if a suitable house can be secured mr scott we undertand has sold his farm to mr wellman ot the 8th concession who is now busy plow ing on the place but will not take full possession until spring g o oi w o o j geo todd has received a car of stock and poultry food mr isaac wagg is visiting friends in hamilton and beamsville roy reld wife and family visited with j f reld on sunday the league of the united church spent a very enjoyable evening at kellinglons pond last friday by having a corn roast the potato market has been ex ceptional good this last week going up everyday the present price being 135 a bag the football game between good wood and claremont played here sat urday night was a tie neither team scoring this gave the onlookers a good exhibition and at times the cheering was wild mr david watson has disposed ot his farm to mr jess tlndall this weak this tarsi has been in the watson name for nearly a century mr watson was born on this farm so he will shortly have his first ex perience at moving the regular nioasbly meeting of the ladles aid was held at mr r storrys on wednesday evening a good program was given and much enjoyed by all arrangements have been made for the thanksgiving ser vices crash at holland landing five people narrowly escaped in- jury on tuesday of this week near holland landing when an automo bile owned by fred milne of north bay and driven by mrs harold chambers ot walkervllle was com pletely destroyed by fire following a highway crash sale register thursday sept 19 extensive sale ot farm stotek implements etc 60 head choice dairy cattle ot ayrshire and holstelns 29 cowes and 31 young cattle hogs grain- etc belonging to james and harr d wellman lot 6 con 2 ux bridge glasgow no reserve saleat 1230 oclock fw silver- sides auctioneer saturday sept 2lst valuable household goods the property of mrs stadlebauer on main street stouffville no reserve sale at 130 f w silversides auct wednesday sept 25th house hold furniture and valuable resl- dental property at rlngwood be longing to estate late e a wild- goose sale at 1 oclock f w silversides auctioneer thursday sept 26th entire herd of dairy cattle belonging to john spetfce at lot 4 con 6whit- church no reserve sale at one f w silversides auctioneer friday sept 27th at lot- 6 con 2 whitchurch farm stock implements and j real estate be longing to j t whitty no re serve ideal poultry farm sale at 1 oclock f w silversides- auctioneer friday sept 27th valuable household furniture mostly new will be sold at my residence old gormley without reserve at one w henderson prop asfarmer auctioneer tuesday oct 1st at lot 32 con 6 uxbridge quaker him exten sive sale farm stock- etc includ ing flock oxford sheep property of newton dike sale at 1 f w silversides auctioneer thursday oct 3rd at lot 23 con 7 whitchurch sale of horses cattle implements etc also farm of 150 acres belonging to f gray ballantrae sale at 1 sharp f w silversides auctioneer tuesday oct 29th extensive sale of milking shorthorns shrop shire sheep yorkshire hogs horses farm implements liay grain etc household effects at lot 11 con 2 uxbridge the property of w e meredith no reserve sale at 1230 geo keays auctioneer christian church k morton and f e hyde pastors sunday sept 22nd all candidates for baptism next sunday afternoon 230 at dixons hill are asked to come to the stouff vllle christian church friday night ept 20th at s oclock the public also is invited there will be short all on baptism and prayer service presbyterian church rev w h fuller pastor sunday sept 22nd 2 pm sunday school 3 pm evening worship the sacrament ot the lords supper will be celebrated on sundaysept 29th at 300 pm mennonite church j rev s s shantz pastor sunday sept 22nd morning service at 11 pm in charge of young people evening service at 7 pm in charge of arthur lehman altona evening service in charge of the pastor baker hell and sixth link baptist churches w s whltcombe pastor sunday sept 22nd sixth line morning service j baker hill evening service faith and truth templb d mcdonald worker in charge thursday evening s pm prayer servicer with- preaching 011 divlnd healing this is my last servlca here usual services will be carried on by another worker from toronto united church of canada rev h s warren ba pastor sunday sept 22nd 10 am sunday school 11 am reports of laymens con ference at whitby 7 pm behold thedreamer nb sunday school anniversary next sunday sept 29th the womans association will meet at 8 pm on tuesday next at the home of mrs k g tarr baptist church w w fleischer pastor on thursday sept 19 th ah ordina tion service will take place in the stouffville baptist church for the purpose of setting apart to the gos pel ministry mr john knight you are invited to the service which commences at 230 in the afternoon if you are unable to attend the after noon session come for the evening service beginning at 730 iwe ex pect a large representation from out side churches which will include great preachers and speakers sunday sept 22nd 10 am bible school 11 am the pastor will preach 7 pm a good road to a bad place remember the prayer services sun day 615 pm wednesday 8 pm j edwin smith radio service sets repaired and rebuilt also sets built to order obrien ave stouffville phone s306 1 gray icoach change of time table effective september 10th 1929 stouffville toronto leaves stouffville eastern standard time 625 am daily 1040 am 240 pm and 725 saturdays sundays and holidays only leaves toronto eastern standard time 430 pm daily 900 am 100 pm and 915 pm saturdays sundays and holidays only all coaches to stouffville via eighth line coach connections at toronto for oahawa montreal newmarket barrie orillia midland cookstawn shelburne hamilton brantfard st catharines niagara falls buffalo and intermedfate points coach connections at buffalo for all usa pints gray coach lines i

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