appalling death toll over fatal weekend twentytwo in ontario alone meet death in fatalities during the weeks rest period awful radial smash a summary of the weekend fatali ties including drownings radial crash automobile and other accidents drowned mary mcgarvey aged 11 kingston while swimming at collins lake marion mcgarvey aged 14 drowned at collin3 lake reginald storm aged 14 drowned whon boat upset near kingston milton storms aged 1g drowned when boat upset reginald storms aged 11 drowned near kingston when boat upset mi3s gertrude widncr aged 35 now york drowned near brockvillo when speedboats collided w c colborn 20 new canaan conn drowned in same fatality eddie godin aged eight fell into pool at timmlns gordon steinhotf aged 13 owen sound drowned while swimming near meaford ma montgomery crawford street toronto drowned in lake simcoo robert conrad port arthur lum berman fell from boat eleven lose lives duo to lack of swimming instruction which should be learned in tho primary classa sot public school other dead john cox sr agec 42 s51 glad stone avenue toronto killed in crash between ralial and car at cooksvlllo john cox jr aged 17 851 glad stone avenue toronto killed in samo accident kenneth cox aged 15 851 gladstone avenue toronto killed in same acci dent jack rigs aged 10 791 oladstono avenue toronto victim of same crash miss isobol hutchinson aged 17 of hamilton fatally burned when gaso line ignited mrs philip healy west haven conn killed in crash near cayuga edwin jarvls aged 81 west wawa- nom typ killed when car turned tur tle bruce mcaipine aged 37 glancoe killed when truck went into excava tion frank 3tul st catuariues taxi drlvor killed when car hit pole lluke kelly froderlckton njb killed in level crossing crash near thorold william gray aged 33 101 ken wood avenue toronto crushed in ex cavation cove in on yougo street freda logan aged 1gg sarnia killed when car is ditched death reaching out from a blue summor afternoon sky on sunday stole tho lives of four a toronto fath- or and hi3 two sons with a boy friend who met destruction at tho crossing of tho canadian national electric line and the burulmmtlioi po road a mils north of cooksvllle the car in which they wore travel ing east along the road which is an improved gravel highway was struck sldcon by a single electric car going west tho impact was such that the automobile was literally smashed to atoms piecei being tossed into tho ditch to either sldo of tho single track tho bodies ot tho four wore similarly hurled to tho side wreckage and bodies being found spread over a dis tance of about 300 feet from the cross ing all the way along tho track tho man and three youths were re turning from a camping ground on tho banks of credit river near credit- vale where they had been enjoying a weekend ashing jaunt they had camped out on the banks of tho river overnight had done a little angling in the morning and then left about noon for toronto tossed into the ditch and along the rails were found after the accident the spoils ot their day fish big and small tenting knives and forks plates blankets and all the campers paraphernalia each telling the story of the gay outing that ended in stark tragedy three double drownings in eastern ontario claimed the lives of 14-year- old twin sisters and two brothers aged 14 and 166 near kingston a toronto man met death in lake slm- coe while two american visitors a man and a woman came to their death as two speedboats crashed i headon in the st lawrence river diver bel fails to find whether men aboard living admiral convinced no pos sibility of crew re maining alive sank immediately stricken craft lies at depth of 55 fathoms or 330 feet pembroke wales tho british submarine lg9 recently dived in the vicinity of the stricken h47 and tried to communicate with the 21 men trap ped within her but without avail the lg9 tried to communicate with the h47 by sound telepathy using a bell with morse code but thero have been no answering signals diver bell reputed to be the best in the navy was taken from the cruiser renown and equipped with a special german diving suit in which ho will try to reach the missing men it was considered doubtful however that he would he able to descend to the 330foot depth in which the h47 lies the depth being far beyond that prac ticable for diving operations some may be alive an evening news dispatch from pembroke wales quoted an admiral ty official as saying there is a possi bility that some one may bo alivo on tho sunken submarine h47 wo shall carry on until wo have satisfied our selves a preliminary report on the sinking of the submarino h47 in st gcorgos channel revealed that tho submersible sank within a few seconds of being rammed by the l12 another under sea craft the admiralty announced that tho scaradmiral commanding submar ines had arrived at pembroke dock and proceeded to the position of the sunken vessel his preliminary report staled that both the h17 and l12 wero cruising on tho surface at 8 oclock in the morning when tho collision took place tho l12 struck tho h47 on tho port ide at right angles just abaft the foremost conniclo room the l12s bow penetrated about two feet and the h47 sank in a few seconds tho stricken craft went down con siderably by tho bow in a depth of b5 fathoms or 330 feet orders had been given to close watertight doors and abandon ship from tho evidence of lieut gardner tho commanding officer and of the telegraph operators who escaped from tho conning room it did not appear that the doors could have been closed at the time the l12 was carried down 10 feet nt an nngle of approximately 50 de grees bow down after the collision the captain officers and men on deck were thrown into the water and a considerable amount of water enter- el the submarino before the hatch ways could bo closd the admiral in hi3 report added i am coninced that thero is no possibility of any of the crew of the 1147 having remained alive more than a very few minutes the weather at tho moment is against the successful location of tho sunken vessel impetus to disarmament thero was somo talk in political circles that the disaster coupled with 16 other british submarino accidents since 1021 with a total loss of 319 officers and men would serve to give fresh impetus to pleas for abolition of submarines tho parliamentary expert of the liberal newspaper the star asserted today that tho consensus of the cab inet favors dropping the plan to build six submarines the disaster of the h47 is likely to strengthen tho determination to build no more of this type of craft as long as tho labor government is in office he said liberal opinion in tho house of commons will reinforce the government the stars expert declares the gov ernment originally had planned pro visionally to abandon completely the conservatives program of naval con struction of a number of destroyers a sloop six submarines a submarine parent ship and other craft only tho consideration of the ex tensive unemployment that immediate ly would follow the entire abandon ment of this program decided the gov ernment to revise its first intention he writes tho stars expert understand the cabinet yesterday discussed abandon ment of tho construction of submar ines and that it is likely to announce its decision in a few days if tho cabinet definitely decides to abandon submarine construction ho adds it will be a disarmament ges ture hound to be of considerable moral influence on other powers king george v sent a message to tho first lord of tho admiralty a v alexander deploring tho disisater and asking him to extend his ma jestys sympathy to tho relatives of all thoso whoso lives wore given in the discharge of their duty to their coun try halifax ns never before in the history of tho annapolis valley has thero been greater activity towards tho development and improvement of tho fruit industry as is in evidence this season salc3 of spraying and dust ing outfits fertilizers spray ind dust materials have up to tho present sur passed all prvious records dealers in nursery stock also report n unpre cedented demand during the last few months it is understood 12000 trees have been planted this spring and then theres tho flapper who thought master and man a book on the modern marrlago relationship san francisco chronicle the upandcoming young man is pretty likely to succeed unless ho is up at four and just coming home american lumberman chicago a splendid view of the plane in the public eye markets the untin bowler refuels at remi lake ou its way to open up unoharted route over the root of the world to berllngermauy tho uutla bowlor chicago tribune amphibian stop3 to refuol at ronil lake northern ontario while the air mail must go through surely some cooperation is indicated last week we told of our flight to montreal this week we tell of some side lights and the return air ports needed after lauding at st hubert air port near montreal we repaired to tho airport canteen for a sandwich and a cup of coffee seated there was a mili tary figure of forbidding face and an objectionably superior manner it turned out he was a prussian flying officer who had done well curing the war and was now trying to secure a place in canadian commercial avia tion it was interesting to hear pilots hatton and cooler both with envi- ablo war records and their confreres suggesting places the hun should go to achieve hi3 purpose everything friendly and gracious except the high hat hun who rather appeared to ex pect even more attention after leav ing the canteen on questioning the flyers said no we dont like to see these huns get jobs here with so many british wanting them but we have to be decent to them dont you know oh yes likely hell land a job just for that very reaso the editor isnt so good a sport and re sents the employment of our late en emy flyers in h canadian air ser- o what of air ports the talk drifted to shop as we waited the tender and ths fact came out that with the exception of one mediocre air port at kingston these birds carrying his majestys mail for nearly a year and a half havent had a perch upon which to light be tween toronto and montreal time for action you know readcr in tin words of tho flyers that is a bit thick the owner of a boat expects and gets a government harbor and dockage the owner of a motor car or truck has millions spent on roads but tho air pioneer has so far only tho st hu bert air port in montreal supplied by the government as to more he must await the taruy action of the unwinding of locnl red tape and per sonal selfinterest before airports will he built since writing the above pilot wal lace made a forcedjandlng in a field near cornwall with his piano on fire an airport at cornwall would havo simplified matters for wallace and ex pedited the forwarding of the mails air transport is here established dependable and of rapidly growing importance every reader ot thi3 page can help tho cause of safer saner aviation by discussing a local air port in the states air lines have beacons every 25 miles and land ing fields every 50 mile3 from coast to coast we in canada lag behind in supplying decent facilities while our airmen and our air services are com parable with the best across the border the return trip but to get on with our delightful experience next day the sun shone fitfully word was received that the boat mail would not arrive until the morrow so sharp at 1115 cfaax our plane with pilot cooper at the controls and your editor the only passenger took the air again for the return flight to toronto in a glor ious blazing sun we viewed the for bidding intrusion of the laurcntian rocks of the rideau area north of kingston over which we flew the day before in dense fog barely skimming tho trees wo approclated how fortunate we wero in having a good pilot in hatton and a good plane tho unfolding of the landscape from lake ontario to the kawartha lakes plainly showed why outarlo is so popu lar to the tourist from over the way with its network of splendid road3 and the innumerable spots for cnips and fishing which were all revealed from the air home again in three and a quarter hours after leaving montreal we wero back in toronto with a new outlook on life a broader understanding of this won derful period of progress in which we live and a firm resolve to be air- minded and to preach airmindedness on every and all occasions for which awakening wo owa a deep debt of gratitude to tho canada airways limited next week you will ho told a few interesting tilings about what mora he died for humanity dr paul a lowl3 who died in brazil ot yellow fever which lio was studying tha nflying the mail is taking place in the air new postal service before this story reaches our read ers thoso who live near toronto ham ilton london or windsor will have had an opportunity to use tha new air mail services which started on mon day july 15 by which chicago on the west and father poiut and now york oil the east are hooked up by new threads in the warp and woof advan cing civilization as exemplified in air transportation we certainly are liv ing in a time of speeding thought and action canadian railway rates vancouver sun lib the whole railway rate structure wa3 built on an inandout movement from tha atlan tic that conception must be chang ed tho future commerce of this dominion depends upon an inanout movement from the pacific does tho railway board understand tho tremendous import ot that change somo of our prominent politicians are said to havo been very dull as schoolboys porhapa thoy didnt re ceive enough corporal punishment to make them smart grain quotations grain dealers on the toronto board of trade aro making tho following quotations for car lots man wheat no 2 north 14414 no 3 north 140 no 4 wheat 1331- no 5 wheat 123 no 6 wheat 108 feed wheat 9cc clf goderich and bay ports prico on track lc higher than above man oats no 1 feed 5g14c no 2 feed 5214c cif goderich and bay pores am corn no 2 yellow 1141 no 3 yellow 110 all rail deliver ed toronto freights millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 2725 shorts per ton 2923 middlings 3525 ont oats good sound heavy oats in car lots 45 to 4sc fob shipping points ort good milling wheat fob ship ping points according to freights 115 to 118 oats 42 to 45c barley malting c 5to c5c buckv heat ssc rye no 2 95c man flour first patents in jute 840 toronto second patents in jtte 7s0 provisions toronto wholesale dealers aro quot ing tho following prices to tho trade smoked meats hams mod 32 to 34c eooked hams 50 to 51c smoked rolls 28c breakfast bacon 2g to 38c backs peamealed 37 to 39c do smok ed 45 to 47c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 21 70 to 90 lbs 19 90 to 100 lbs and up 18 lightweight rolls in barrels 1150 heavyweight rolls 3850 per barrel lard pure tierces lcc tubs 15 to iguc pails 16ic prints 1811 to 18c shortening tierces 1314 to 1414 tubs 14c pails 1414c tins lg14c prints 1514c pork loins 3414c new york shoul ders 25e pork butts 30c pork hams 2914c produce quotations toronto wholesale dealers are pay ing the following prices eggs ungraded case3 returned fresh extras 27 to 28c fresh firsts 25c seconds 21c butter creamery solids pasteur ized no 1 3714 to 37i no 2 36 to 3g14c churning cream special 39c no 1 38c no 2 35c cheese no 1 large colored par affined and government graded is- to 19c livestock heavv beef steers 11 to 12 but cher steers choice 1125 to 1175 do fair to good 1025 to 11 do com 850 to 950 butcher heifers choice 11 to 1125 do fair to good 10 to 1075 do com 825 to 925 butcher cows good to choice 850 to 950 do com to med 050 to 775 do canners and cutters 450 to g butcher bulls good to choice 850 to 9 do med 750 to 8 do bolognas 725 to 775 baby beef 1075 to 1450 feeders good 975 to 10 do fair 9 to 950 stockers good 925 to 975 do fair 0 to 9 calves good 1450 to 15 do med 1150 to 1350 do grassers 750 to 9 springers 85 to 120 milkers 75 to 100 lambs choice 1g25 do culls 13 to 14 sheeps choice g to g50 do mod 5 to 550 hogs selects woc 1425 do do fed 1370 do fob 13 do thick smooths woc 1375 do do off trucks 1 t king to suffer by surgeons knife minor operation necessary to drain abcess remain ing after serious illness stone wau wind defeats french a stately old aristocrat on being requested by a rich anl vulgar young fellow for permission to marry one of his girls replied certainly which would you prefer the house maid or tho cook italy is as airminded as any recent air meet at romes flying field tliin interesting picture shows the interest taken in aviation in italys capital while small planes do stunts eioc overhead not alarming loudon the operation on king george v on monday morning at buckingham palace is not re garded as serious in character it is hoped in court and medical cir cles that ho will ho well enough by the end of this week to leave lon don to spend the rest of the sum mer at sandringham tho monarchs general health is good and tho operation is intended merely to drain a secondary abscess which lias formed in the right sldo of tho chest whore the acutely critical operation was performed at the crlclo of his critical illness last december at that time part of a rib was re moved and there is said to bo a small portion of diseased bono at tho spot no further bulletin will be issued till oftcr the operation as was to have been expected news of tho operation to bo performod coining on the heels of the thanks giving service for the kfiig3 recovj ery gavo rise to rumors that the sovereign is more ill than is admit ted these reports appoar to bai baseless the king pursued his normal ac tivities sunday attending divine sor- vice in buckingham palaco in the morning and spending most of tho day afterwards in tho gardens sur rounding the palace the french debt la patrlo cons tho revision of tho dawos plan tho lighter burdens unable to fight the high head winds french transat lantic aviators wisely return to base vlllacoublay franco dejected but undaunted captain dieudouue coste frances premier airman re turned to his homo land landing here at 937 am 327 am eastern stand ard time after a brave but futile at tempt to spaa tha atlantic to new york although tho morale ot tho con- quoror of the south atlantlo visibly was shaken he slnved not the slight est trace of physical fatigue from hi nearly 2s hours battle with the ele ments aloft during which lime hi wes not able to take his hands from liu planes controls for a single see- olid a stonewall westerly wind which ho mot just west of the azores caus ing an excessivo consumption ot gaso lino and slow progress wero tin determining factors in his decision to turn back when it was almost at near to the american atlantic soa- board as to france wo will try again captain costi said as bo stepped from hi3 plane but we will pick our own time wa must have a maximu mot chances in our favor on this side it is a colossal bono to chow he turned to the small group which warned by radio reports he would land at villacoublay had gathered dont cheer boys there is nothing to cheer about we just missed out thats all hig remonstrance did not deter the hand ful ot newspapermen mechanics and spectators at the airfield which u tour miles south of versailles front their applause however asked after tho poles where are tho polos he asked them he was given information reachina here in the shapo of rumors later ta be negatived by other reports ot dis aster through a forced landing in thi azores his face darkened and he remark ed they met the same stono wall we did it was exactly 61s pm apparently gmt 118 pm est coste said when ho ran into the stone wall and had to turn tail and run he had traveled nearly 1500 miles from lo bourget we found our gas consumption mounting terribly he said while we were behind both in kilometres and gas young envoys canadian boy scouts in eng land will distribute do minion literature montreal officials in charge of ar rangements for canadas- contingent of nearly 200 boy scouts who will at tend the international jamboree ot 1500 delegates to be held in birken head in the north midlands ot eng land early in august havo complotod plans whereby the visit will cause young britons to bo much more familiar with canada one ot tho first things the boys will do when they arrive in england aboard the cunrad llnor antonia which sails with tho delegation july 19 from montreal will he to distri bute qulotly and without ostenta tion booklets describing tho attrac tions of tho dominion they will hand the literature to those likely to be interested in reading it and will in every way conduct themselves as young ambassadors of the dominion they will in a sense be repaying in this way the call which the original young ambassadors ot empire paid canada a year ago when they toured the dominion as gue3ts ot tho cunard line and the cnr the scouts will also ba responsible- for tho showing of a motion picture film in great brltalu depleting canadian ufa in the which germany has to pay tho pay ment ot annuities to thoso who lost tho- war wo no longer talk ot tho conquered help tho cnuso of ono to tho detriment of liother to on- euro thoir economic recovery and to guarantee their credit tho allies must count with certainty on tho principles ot solldailty and international co- operation tho future will tell it is tho love of other peoples money which li the root of all evil ice spells doom of untin bowler berlinbound plane lost near port bunnell crew all safe i ottawa july 14 tho amphibian untin bowler attempting a flight from chicago across tho top of the world was lost near port burwoll last night when it drifted out to sea no lives wero lost a message received this afternoon by the radio branch of the department of marino hero from their station at port burwell in the hudson straits was as follows weather july 14 barometer 2927 wind south eight miles per hour plana untin bowler was lost last night in moderate southeast gale when ico to which she was moored broke up and drifted out to sea piano when last seen from shoro was surrounded bj closely packed ice with bow in the air- no lives were lost the message then refers to the posi tion of the schooner morse bound for hudson bay as 75 miles osutheast of burwell hove to in the fog one ot iho oddities of wail street is that it is tho dealer and not tho customer who ij called broker dallas news