sunday school lesson july 7 lesson ezekiel ezeklel golden text at the prophets message is for hlsj own people who speak his own ian- guage whoso unwillingness to listen he contrasts with what he bolievcs would be the willingness of strangers that he may stand firm against their stubborn hardness the lord will give him strength and unyielding stead fastness ch 3 911 their suffering in captivity should have predisposed 3 411 24 1518 t0 jave been encouraged by f also hopes i live saith thet held out to them of a speedy return lord god i have no pleasure in tho gee jer 28 death of the wicked but that tlus the vision ends with the experience wicked turn from his way and liveof being mysteriously lifted up and ezeklel 33 11 i borne to tbo jewish captives at tel-a- analysis i bib to whom he was to minister and while he goes the whirring of the wings of the great beasts and the noise of the wheels which bore up the crystal stage and the enthroned majesty of god ch 1 428 overwhelmed with the citecta of tho vision he remains for seven days speechless and as though stupefied likct story told of the prophets ber- cavement in ch 24 io21 has to do with tho final destruction of jeru salem both city and temple in bc 58g news came to tho exiles that the city was besieged to ezekiel it sesios to have been known by a divine revela tion his own great sorrow he is made to feel is little n comparison with the calamity thit threatens hi gratitude an empire song of thanksgiving for returning health of his majesty the king tune suggested by dr e c macmillan principal toronto con of music farm notes eitj psaitir tjit- i the prophet and the people to whom he is sent chs 113 2 it the watchman under restraint ch 3 1027 iii the jeal0vsv of coo ch 8 11 11 2225 introduction ezekiel was a youn ger contemporary of jeremiah jeremiah he came of a priestly fam ily but of the socalled sons of za- dok who from tho time of solomon had charge of tho services of the temple the family of jeremiah were country priests jer 1 1 who seem t have had at th time no direct con nection with the temple when nebu chadnezzar king of babylon took jerusalem in b c 507 and carried i p u w thereiore make no into captivity tho king and many of i t r m for l the noblest and richest of the people i ved jead he is to the people a 2 kings 24 1110 ezekiel was onei of the captives no doubt ho had comel pl s utys while still at homo in jerusalem under w j tho influence of the personally an a f ml had fale ad teaching of jeremiah and had carried tyjl 1 with him to babylon much that he had j ss v learned from that great prophet hi thc lst w own call came five years later bci lovely song of one that lath a pleas- 592 and he tells us in chapters 1 to v0 th 1steod but sth the 8 of the impressions and of the visions neea which accompanied that experience his prophetic messages were delivered in babylon to his fellow exiles for ii 1 4 almighty goj in gratitude 0 grant that still increasing health wo now approach thy throne and years of service too and in one voice though many tongues may be vouchsafed our gracious king thy might thy power we own and his queen consort true 2 5 the east ami west the north and grant peace in all the empire lord south grant peace throughout the world and mansion cottage field may every people sing thy praise cathedral church and humble shrine with every flag unfurled amen their grateful message yield 3 tho sovereign lord of britain lives and health returns by grace of thy divine thy loaling hand men look upon his face tho tune st ann may also used foi singing gratitude be all are requested to stand reverent ly during the singing of this hymn the above hymn of gratitude for tho recovery of his majesty from his recent serious illness is being for- royal thanks the author has letters of acceptance from both king george and from the prince of wles as follows from buckingham palace the the watchman under restrunt ch 3 1627 r very appropriately in this passage their instruction and admonition but the prophet is compared with a watch- bome of them seem to have been in- man warning the people of the deadly tended by him to be carried to the peril of the wicked way but for a time people remaining in jerusalem chsjio is withdrawn from his task because j warded to all schools of the province 6 1 7 1 10 1 i of the hostility of the people only in through the departmer of education tho first half of the book of ezekiel his house to those who came to him queens park toronto chs 1 to 24 is made up almost on- privately will he speak while under tirely of denunciations and warnings this restraint i forms accompany the letters to all of his hymn of gratitude sent for the preceding the fall of jerusalem which iii the jealousy of cod ch 8 took placo in bc 580 the second 11 2225 cmml-n- xvh- half chs 25 to 48 in ddition to ezekiel know the temple well and scholai who memorize u jum v secretary is desired by the prince prophecies about foreign nations con- j knew tho idolatrous practices which singing this song of thanksgiving in 0 wales to thank mr we dver for tains later message of comfort and of were being carried on there which he sc may place their signatures the copies of his song gratitude hope culminating in a remarkable pic- describes inch 8 as though seen in a king all of the which he kindly sent for his roval turo of the city and tho restored vision and because of which the ma- k l0 cn0 mn a oi tnc acceptance temple of the future age jesty of the lord chs 1 and 10 de- copies then being returned to the f p parts from his city and his temple ihor mr w e dvcr fa obort falconer kcmg and abandons them to their enemies vv ucr 4 l writes i have read no other verses ch 11 22 23 j avenue toronto who will place these which i my opinion arc more suit- special leatherbound volume able for group singing in schools meat supply safeguarded practically all of the meats sold in tho better shops of canada come from abattoirs operated under the pro visions of tho meat and canned foods act administered by the department of agriculture at ottawa there are approximately sixty of these abattoirs the majority of them being in full op eration throughout the year the3e establishments erected and equipped so as to ensure the utmost in sanita tion are each provided with a staff of federal inspectors who see to it that only healthy animals are used and thoroughly sound meat turned out during the past fiscal year there were slaughtered in theso abattoirs 110s- s33 cattle 215301 hogs and c 19991 sheep live stock protection canada is fortunate ia having es caped many of the diseases of live stock which in other lands have in flicted great losses and ever rendered this part of agriculture precarious threo diseases quite common lu other countries that are dreaded by live stock men have never invaded cana dian herds and flocks theso diseases are cattle plague contagious pleuro pneumonia and foot and mouth dis ease two outbreaks of the last- named of these occurring in the united states during the past decade or so cost many millions of dollars in losses and in measures taken for its eradication these and other opl- zootic diseases are kept out of can ada through the vigilance of the de partment of agriculture at ottawa in the administration of the animal con tagions diseases act which permits tho admission of live stock from out side countries only when accompanied by oflicial certificates of health in the case of cattle sheep and hogs its the prize model cheruits paris prize summer modol is this picturesque formal frock j of printed purple rayon velvet principals and teachers on which alij a from st james palace the pri- and jor i the prophet and the people to whom he is sent chs 113 2 1 to 3 15 24 1524 33 3033 tho first verses of ch 1 contain two introductory passages one by the pro phet himself vs 1 to 4 and the other probably by the hand of an editor vs 2 3 what is meant by the thir tieth year is unknown but it may have been the thirtieth year of prophets life it was tho fifth yearjries drained and chopped or shredded of his captivity bc 592 the fourth aimond3 am 0110 teaspoonful of al- parfait flavorings caramel use yellow parfalt and before cooking carmalize half sugar cherry and almond white parfalt the with one cupful each of chopped cher- tho kings copy of gratitude ichurches and patriotic gatherings this volume will then be forwarded copies of the hymn with music also the to the canadian high commissioner in forms for signatures complete 20c london and will be presented to the each set of 3 for 25c may be secured king and queen at some convenient from the author w c dyer 4 fair- date to be arranged ilawn ave toronto private secretary is commanded to the animals arc held under super- thank mr w e tlyer for the copies vision at quarantine stations for a suf ficient length of time to giro assur ance of heir freedom from disease building up sheep flock beginners in sheep raising are recommended by the department of agriculture at ottawa to practice ju dicious care in the initial selection of foundation stock and the subsequent breeding operations while every breeder would do well to aspire to produce a distinctive type it should be remembered that the ultimate destina tion of the lamb and wool crops is a profitable market and this should in- during tho summer also losses fre quently occur much time is saved here too by the beekeeper who rears his own queen3 and who has spare queens in hi3 matingboxes on which ho can draw to replace theso losses for methods of requeening see bul letin no 33 issued by the bee di vision central experimental farm ottawa out month according to tho babylonian calendar began some time in june ezekiol was among the captives that is in a community of captive jews by the river of chebar probably the mond extract chocolate melt two squares of chocolate in the hot syrup for yellow parfalt and add a dash of cinnamon greatcanat now called shatennh j cook the egg mixture over the fire a some distance south of babylon thi southern part of the babylonian coun try was the land of the chaldeans the first divine messages came to the prophet in the form of visions in which he saw tho majesty and glory of god reveved and felt the hand of tho lord upon him compelling him to bear them to ilia people in chs 2 and 3 ezekiel tells u3 of his call and commission and like isaiah and jeremiah something of the obstinate and unrepentant character of thepeople to whom he had to speak ho had fallen upon his face on the ground prostrate before tho majesty of god revealed in a vision ch 1 28 now while still in tho vision dream or trance ho is set upon his feet and bidden to go upon his mission to a re bollious nation hardfaced and stub bornhearted he must speak to such people tho words of truth and righteousness given him to god whe ther they will hear or whether the will forbear moftatt renders v 0 son of man fear them not fear not what they say although they cut and wound you although they strike and sting you fear not what they say dread not their scowls for they arc a rebellious folk the message which ho is to bear comes to him as a roll f a book a parchment or papyrus roll written on both sides the eating of the roll in tho vision symbolizes the re ception of the meaning and value of it into his own mind and heart though bearing hard words of denunciation and warning yet the message has in it the unspoiled sweetness of truth or as one writer on this passago chs 2 9 to 3 3 says it is as sweet as honey in his mouth for it is sweet to do the will of god and to be trusted with tasks for him with ezekiels experience compare jer 1 79 and for tho promise of strength and cour age sea also je 1 17 19 tew minutes until it thickens tutti frutti add to yellow parfalt one to ivj citpfuls of chopped candled fruit maple substitute one cupful of hot maple syrup for sugar and water in yellow parfait cook with tho egg yolks iu the double boiler until thick about five minutes bed raspbery or strawberry mash one pint of ripo washed berries and add to white parfait i am sir a brother of the angle izaak walton mousses mousses are composed of whipped cream or thin cream with gelatine added to give a velvety texture over ono tablespoonful of granulated gela- tine pour onequarter of a cupful of water and leavo thirty minutes then set the bowl over hot water until tho goistlne is dissolved add one cupful of sugar and tho flavoring and stlr over cold water until tho mixture thlc kens about twelve minutes add one quart of cream whipped and freezo without stirring in one part ice to ono part salt this makes about two quarts bugs as tho summer park pools open oh gee theso bumpybumps are fun spire an effort to buil dup a flock of high utility type beginners are ad vised in pamphlet no 10g issued from the department of agriculture to call upon the assistance of the sheep promoters established at different points finding desirable foundation ewes and when buying rams to take advautagge of the work that has been done by the department graders in classifying tho rams that are offered for sale according to their quality requeening colonies and why a most important operation in the beeyard is the giving of a new queen to a colony or the requeening of a colony it3 importance lies in the fact that the queen is the greatest fac tor in the production of the honey crop that is she produces all the bees of the colony which in turn pro duce tho crop usually considered as being proportional in size to tho num ber of honey gatherers present the queen therefore must bo vigor ous to secure this quality of vigor some heekcepei3 mako a practice of requeening their colonies each year while others who think that a queen 13 at her best iu her second year re queen every second year whichever of these methods is used the practice in most common uso in rolllu kirby famous cartoonist of the new york world and twice canada is to requeen the colonies to- wlnner of the pulitzer prize of 300 for the best cartoon of the yearho y a ia par t o m i during the last week in july or flrst was tho winner tor 19281 not only a great cartoonist hut an ardent flshor- 1 fc algst tn gvj a v man as well no man can loso what he never had said izaak walton and en arapio timc o increaso tho thats what kirby tells the fisherman who says he caught tho biggest one strength of the colony in young bees but it got away kirby has fished in many rivers and lakes of canada before the winter sets in and does and declares that no better flshiug exist3 anywhoro hi3 cartoon indicates not affect the honey crop that the fisherman is happy far from business cares and that ho is sorryj besides this wholesale method of requeening there aro times through out the season when necessity de mands the giving of a new queen im mediately in tho spring ono somo- tiino finds a colony qucenless or headed by a drone layer at such a time tho beekeeper who has wintered a fow sparo queons for such an emerg ency can immediately requeen his colony which others les3 provident must send to the south for a queen tho first feed of a nursing sow should be a warm slop of middlings uring the first ten days gradually increaso the ration to the maximum seeing that from the very start the little pigs have exercise ground oats of good quality bran shorts and mid dlings equal parts is a good ration and may be fed diluted with milk pro ducts such as equal part3 of skim milk and water so advises mr g b rothwell the dominion animal hus bandman in pamphlet no 74 of the dominion dept of agriculture dealing with breeding and feeding the mar- j ket hog mr rothwell doubts the ad visability of the unlimited use of dairy products with the brood sow in good condition many poordoing litters re sulting from overfeeding from a deep- milking sow see that the sow gets exercise as that means more perfect scavenging and more natural function ing of her excretory organs in the spring and in the winter a few roots some clover hay and bran will help to keep the blood cool mr rothwell further advises the emptying of a pailful of earth and wood ashes in a corner of the pen every few days and noting how soon the little pigs gravi tato toward this corner exerciso of both dam and litter is an absolute necessity tho boys in tho ofllce are not having such a good time cold or iron thou art either gold or iron it thou aro gold trial will chasten thco it thou art iron it will ru3t thee intuition is what warns a bride that if sho doesnt make a doormat of the groom ho will start right intrying to mako a hired girl of her american reporter a guess you havent had timo to see our city but a guess youve been quite a whilo in tho states guess you find amurrica all right english celebrity i dont see how america can help being right sometimes anyway becauso tho americans are always guessing canada and the usa halifax herald cons it our nearest neighbors do not want to use our products whilo wo use theirs in vast quantities then canada should turn her attention moro and more to trade between british countriosx no ono in this country objects to tho ac tion of the united states in raising prohibitive tariff walls against us all canadians ask is the right and op portunity to attend to their own af fairs in a manner befitting such a situation buy british how to wage battle on bugs garden service gives good advice to beginners ard others now that the garden ia up and growing one must mobilize sprayers and spraying material to fight tho mil lion3 ot insects and other pests which prey on flovver3 and vegetables roughly speaking these p03ts aro di vided into two group those that cat holo3 in tho foliage and those that suck out the juices in the first case poison u applied while the suckers the daniago from which is apparent by tho plants wilting and dying ara destroyed with a spray which will buru them for eating insects for eating insects spray with parls green arsenic of lead hollebore or somo patent poisonous preparation paris green is usually applied at the rate ot ono ounce dissolved in ten gallons of water it is well to add a couple of ounces of freshlyslaked linio to make this mixture stick and to preveut burning arsenate ot lead in powdered form is applied at ths rate ot ono scant ounce to a full gal lon of water as helleuore rapidly weakens when exposed to the air a fresh supply ot this poison must ba secured overy year and applied at th rate of one ounce to a gallon ot warn water it may be dusted on dry whet tho foliagle is damp cut vfrmi which eat through the stems tianti close to the surface of the soil requiri special treatment theso grubs ar about threequarters of an inch long gray iu colour and about onethird ol au inch in diameter if tho tomato oi other plant withers and topples over cut worms aro generally responsible cultivate thoroughly and spread a lit- tlo poisoned bran around the plants mix ono quart ot bran with ono tea- spoonful ot paris green add ono table- spoonful of molasses with enough water to moisten tho bran paper col lars around the stems ot tomato and similar plants will also protect from theso pests for sucking pests for sucking pests chief ot which are tho aphids or plant lice spray with whale oil soap one pouud of soap to six gallons ot water nicotine sul phate of black leaf 40 or anyotuer repellent advised by seedsmen cold water from a fino nozzle under high pressure will sometimes wash off the pests fungus diseases when a fungus attacks the plants tho foliage usually turns yellow or brown or white spots like mildew cover tho leaves careful examina tion will usually reveal the presence ot tiny spores on the under sldo ot leaves attacks of this kind may ba oxpected during warm murky wea ther spraying with bordeaux mois ture or dusting with flowers ot sul phur when tho plants aro moist will usually bo found effective sulphur dust will also protect hollyhocks aud other plants from rust apply with a largo shaker madb of a tin can pierced with holes adding a dry poi son such as arsenate ot lead or tobac co dust will mako tho mixture effec tive against fuugus and insect pests as well 1st circus man whos that mook little follow whos so plainly afraid of his wife going into the dressing tont 2nd circus man thatf oh thats the wild man of borneo in the side show mutt and jeff- by bud fisher the little fellow collects an earful of sage advice in hobolcen international english new york sun development ot talking motion pictures has led to the prophecy that english will become the international language but which brand ot english is to be adopted english english or american eng lish john maxwell chairman of british international pictures who re cently arrived in this country is suro that tho english spoken in the tight little island will win out in support ot his opinion ho points out that many english actors aro being engaged to make talkies in hollywood on tltf other hand tho prevalence ot so called americanisms in england is frequently remarked commonly with regret a hydo tark orator using such expressions as pussyfoot or got away with it js easily under stood by his audience it seems prob- ahlo that a battle will be fought be- twoen the two varieties ot english and it so numerous compromises wilt be necessary it a settlement ia to bs arrived at shall it he for instance derby or howlor crackor or biscuit street car or tram din ner jacket or tuxedo canada for canadians london free press cons there is no roason why canadian beet should not be as choice as british beef we have the stock wo hava the fodder and wo have the men all that seems necessary is to apply mora care and thoroughness to the finish ing ot tho cattle for the tablo it we do not it is hopoloss to expect brit ishers to buy canadian beof in th quantities which our cattlomon would jjko to supply for thore is nothing that the britisher insists upon mor emphatically than a tasty sunda joint of beef penitence btory possible consideration should be given to tho man or woman who having made a mistake acknowledge wrong conduct and honestly de3lres to do better it is however oubsorsivs ot all good government to pardon ot- fonders who aro impenltont and who go cut to repeat their transgression