stouffville june 20th 1929 home town store you pay less for more at the home town store fresh trout and white fish these fish are a direct shipment from the cold waters of lake nipigon and are the finest fish obtain able special special comfort soap deal 15 bars and rust proof and leak proof galvanized pail extra value 99c pg soap c bars 25c cross blacwells catsup the finest thing in cat sup 8 oz bottle 20c 14 oz bottle 30c extra quality thompson seedless raisins 2 lbs 22c maple leaf baking powder none better 1 lb tin only 22c campbells tomatoe soup 2 tins for 25c fresh cabbage california new carrots ratcliff co lettuce celery spinnach and seasonable fruits town delivery phone 7112 what can happen in one eye wink feeds seeds buckwheat we have a quantity of no 1 buckwheat seed left also turnip seed ask for prices on cement delivered also tile on hand all sizes fertilizer for cauliflower no 587 all kinds of coal and coke on hand off car or delivered s w hastings phone 169 stouffville the fastest thing that any man cam do is to wink his eye the in distinctive reaction of winking when a cinder blows into the eye is about onetenth of a second for most people in that flash of time an automobile speeding sixty miles an hour will move nearly ten feet a fast airplane will move more than twentyfive feet thus the pilot can run into a small bird after he lias first seen it before he can wink his eye against the expected shock writes e e free in popular science monthly some months ago a workman fell out of the fifteenth floor of a build ing in course of construction in new- york city on the thirteenth floor lie grabbed a rope hanging from a scaffold and swung himself in on the twelfth floor saving his life he aftei wards confessed tiat he was as much astonished by ms act as any one who saw him the explanation is that the fall of twentyfive feet before ho grabbed the rope occupied about one second and a quarter which was time enough for his thinking ranch inery to issue the orders which made his muscles take hold of the rope be low at the proper instant had he been placed in equal danger while driving mi automobile at sixty miles an hour he would have been killed tests with a group of typical auto mobile drivers have shown that the average time needed to see a danger signal realize its meaning and be gin to press the brake lever is a little more than half a second in that time a car travelling forty miles an hour would move thirty feet that distance represents the minimum margin of safety the driver must maintain to avoid accident as speeds increase no remedy for the advancing number of accidents will ib found in stricter driving tests or improved warning signals de vices will have to be found speedier than the human nervous system send the tribune to absent friends stouffville lodge no384 meetings every monday evening at 8 oclock in the oddfellows hall visiting brethren welcome jess cook w it sanders noble grand recsec thos rae financial secretary jyuiiwmiyiyjummm special for week end i mens fancy lisle sox in all shades sizes 10 to special 2 pr for 25c seasonable merchandise -at- popular prices large assortment of straw hats in sailors leghorns milans panama and hats for every day wear at very low prices garden hats 25c fine hats 75c and up childrens 1 and 1 ribbed hose colors sand brown and black sizes 5 to j 0 special while they last 15c pair a nice clear glass tumblers plain and bell shape special 6 for 25c a large assortment of fancy bowls specials at 5 10 15 20 25 and 35c each w h shaw open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings close each wednesday at noon during the summer months phone 9512 school results foiol i and ii the examinations for the srst two forms of stouffville contin uation school were tried last week and the results are given below the outiccme of the examinations are very gratifying especially when one remembers the difficulty encounter ed in securing u staff when mr stouffer resigned last christmas which necessitated the school being closed for ten days owing to in ability to secure a teacher at that time in form one it will be noticed that nine pupils missed one or more of the eight subjects totalling 17 papers missed in all in form two there were also nine giupils who did not obtain their pass in all subjects and between them they lost 24 papers the papers in these forms were set by the teachers and corrected by them form iii exams were tried this week but the results will not be known for some weeks these exams are set by the department of kducation and the papers are cor rected in toronto and it is on them that the real morlts of the fsdhool in comparison with other schools can be judged form 1 the following passed uncondition ally or without a failiro in any of the eight subjects from form i to form ii baker merlyn baker norman barker betty burkitt jsdra burkitt mildred button john chapman alma churfy helen cockerill edna fleischer audrey foote sam green jbdnia green evelyn hill jack hoover louie lehman viola little norma martin floyd meyers dorothy nolan charles paisley grace pughe edna sinclair edna slack ejjia slmith albert 9pofford muriel the following must repjeat the subjects in brackets bryan wm lat uurnett melvln eng lat fr jakeman elsie lat ramer reginald fr lat irjatclifc charles bot ajlg sanders ethel fr lat alg slatek stanley lit lat smith george lat vanzant garnet eng fr report ii the following passed uncondition ally from form ii to form iii atkinson blanolie byer mary cutler bernice cutler wilfred harris james holden ermia kirby david murchison gordon paisley luella reesor billiard slack feme stmilli edward jsnenceloy lack stoufter luella thomas hugh thorn murray wildgoose irene the following must repeat the subjects in brackets barkerj gertiljde lfr jlat physiog geom barkey willie fr lat zoo ratcliff glenn fr lat lltsanders jackfr lit gram smith eldon lit gram stover harry geom guam lat todd helen fr lat physiog tranmer walter lat gram warren reg fr lat markham industry makes stock offering our many hundreds of readers in the township of markham and in fact those in stouffville and all surrounding country aro especial ly directed to the advertisement in this issue of prospectus of reosors marmill a local industry which has grown from a small concern to one of considerable importance in this section stock in this co has met with so much demand already that the provisional directors have decided to start work on the new plant just as soon os the plans can be completed which will he almost immediately on a turnover of 22309294 the books as audited by messrs henry barber mapp ft mapp chartered accounts of toronto show a net profit for the year ending sept 30 192s of 1058238 as the now company will he under the same mangagement it is only reasonable to assume that it will be equally well run- those in this section and neighborhood having money to in vest may well put some of it in reesors imarmill limited 7 pre ferred shares which aro being sold at par value 100 a share and for every two shares of preferred a bonus of one share of common stock of no par value is given hundreds of customers in our locality are numbered among the small and largo users of marmlll hence it is but natural that the stock should be offered to them and we would sup pose that any farmers having a htlp spare money to invest would appreciate an opportunity to ihe- como a shareholder in tills est ablished industry read over the prospectus carefully application forms may be secured from the head office in markham vlllare and mr alvln reesor the president will be pleased to give any additional in formation in his power call for united action special article written for stouffville tribune by irofessor j k lluwltt the weed uieuance in ontario has markedly increased during the past few years it is not an exagger ation to say that in certain parts of the province weeds like the perennial sow thistle are driving men off their farms the tax levied by weeds on the agriculture of the province has been mounting yearly one of the chief reasons why the weed uieuance has increased with cavh suceedlng year is the undeni able fact that in the past vast quant ities of weeds have been allowed to ripen seeds on roadsides in school yards on waste and vacant lands along our lanes and headlands and lu our fence corners and odd spots here and there on the farm the following are the number of seeds produced by single or yellow dock- 17000 common ragweed 5000 chicory 3000 perennial sow thistle 2000 wild lettuce 8- 000 stinkweed 20000 every weed that is allowed to mature pro duce at least 1000 seeds and most of them ripen several thousand seeds in the pust weeds by millions have been allowed to mature in this province and scatter their billions of seeds far and wide is it any won der that the weed menace has in creased in ontario are we going to tolerate this state of affairs any longer in ontario no the farmers of the province have raised voices in protest an act has been passed by the legislature to enable them to meet the situation united action is what is required now every municipalityevery farm er every land owner in town or country must unite in the wiar against weeds and see that they are cut early and often enough to prev ent them from seeding when the weed inspectors send out notice that it is time to cut weeds let no one lag lieliiml or neglect his duty promptness is necessary to i revent all weeds from seeding many weeds if cut after they have passed full bloom will mature their seeds in order therefore to secure the great est results from the time and labour expended everyone concerned should see that weeds are cut just as soon as possible after the inspector gives notice protruding mail boxes in driving along a rural road one is struck by the number of mall boxes with long protruding arms which in some cases are actually overhanging the line of traftie ex tremely dangerous we would say and the wonder is that accidents have not already been reported the new style boxes being issued are fastened to the post without any arms and are a decided improve ment but why not convert the old originals by sawing off those dan gerous looking arms that are con stantly swinging out into the road way we venture the opinion that if an accident should result at any time from a carelessly erected or protruding box the owner of the same would be considered respons ible weekly newspaper publishers to sleet at london ontario see hero if you have a friend at a dlartanco you can save yourself the trouble of willing him letters by sending the tribune for the remainder of the year for 1 try it the annual convention of the can adian weekly newspapers associa tion is to be held at london ont on july 4th and 5th weekly publishers from every province in the domin ion will foregather for the purpose of renewing friendships and discuss- i ing business methods j since 1859 there has been an asso- elation of weekly publishers the strength of the association has grown with the years and the im provement in the printing and pub lishing business has kept up with the advancement in other professions and business due in part to the act ivity of the association and in part to the willingness of its members to progress the meeting at london is to be addressed iy some outstanding men in the editorial printing mid pub lishing departments and as is usual somo delightful social events for the delegates is being provided the newspapers association conventions haive been held in vancouvor tor onto edmonton winnipeg ottawa halifax bigwln inn with attend ances around three hundred in 1921 the members toured the west in a special train the east in 1923 while 170 of the association toured british isles and the continent in 1924 the tribune is a member of the canadian weekly newspapers association the presiding officer for the com ing convention is mr ii b anslow of the graphic caanpbellton nb w d d i n g bouquets and funerad designs muston sons wholesale florists stouffville ontario phone 7001 new and used cars for sale 1928 ford coach only run 5000 miles 1927 chevrolet coach 1927 ford touring 1926 ford touring 1926 essex coach 1924 ford coupe 1924 ford fordson 1924 ford touring 21923 ford coaches 1923 ford couiw 1921 ford coupe 1922 ford touring 1921 ford coach terms co per cent cash credit on balance over 1 year we are wrecking a number of used ford and chevrolet cars delbert holden ford dealer phone 184 let delcolight do your work separating churning pumping washing these are just a few of the things you can do electrically with delcolight the dependable individual electric plant and in addition you can have bright electric lights wherever you want them in the home or outbuildings let me demonstrate delcolight for you victor thomposn delco light co 262 van home street toronto the new improved gyproc greater structural strength takes any decoration full 3 thickness fireproof f fjreproor wdllboard for sale by stouffville planing mills stouffville ont budge should include provision for the regular saving of a percentage of your income whether the amount is large or small how ever regular depositing is most important this bank invites your savings account interest compounded half yearly the bank of nova scotia established 1832 capital 10000000 reserve 20000000 total assets over 265000000 j a mcleod general majufer teroat