Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 23, 1929, p. 8

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st0uffv1lle may 23rd 1929 special orders we have been filling many special orders for wall paper suddenly someone decides to paper a room if you are one just come to us we have a big assortment for any room in the house and can make prompt delivery we handle the famous sun- worthy wall papers none better dry goods a fine assortment of prints and ginghams- in wide range of colors pure silk full fashioned hose in all the many shades we invite you to see our stock f c rowbotham dry goods and groceries 7nancspate tieymay yd- your feet want to serve you as your friends not as downtrodden slaves our shoes will give them their freedom and a style that will make them proudly trod the boulevards we have shoes for the mrsand misses and shoes for the boy and they are all de pendably made and stylishly designed a g lehman the peoples shoe store stouffville progressive representative motor ists are being attracted by the thousand to the pontiac big six because it has a big sixcylinder engine with gmr highcompression cylinder head because its lineofdrive is accurately bal anced because it has big beautiful bodies by fisher because it has the comfort of lovejoy shock absorbers spring covers the security of big noiseless internal- expanding fourwheel brakes and an array of bigcar features never before combined ot anywhere near its price you should see pontiac big six before you decide on any car pissztc pontiac gober gober stouffvllle ontario phone 1511 product of genbral motors of canada umttbd fi mount albert win broad is making good pro gress in the building ot his new house- mrs gilbert of lenionville visited for a few days here last week with iriends miss jean hamilton spent the week end at the home of her mother j crowle mrs loche misses hilda and ruth davidson visited at their home here over the week end kenneth ross has leased the old methodist parsonage and moved in from toronto last week lovell stiver of toronto was in town afew days visiting his parents mr and mrs byron stiver mr and mrs f hutheson of rose- ville have moved to the farmhouse lately vacated by mrs r thirsk mr and mrs geo walker visited for the past two weeks with friends and relatives at gait and hamilton ben rowin who has been em ployed on the local telephone line for the past few years has gone to toronto where he has taken a position mr and mrs john leek are ex pected to return from their honey moon in a few days and will then take up their residence on their farm at headford earl grubin of stouffville has resumed his weekly visits her on tuesdays mr grubin is meeting with good success as an eyesight specialist and is giving good sat- satisfaction to his many patrons mrs w s robertson has been in the hospital undergoing a surgical oreration and we are pleased to learn that she is getting along nice ly and is expected home in the course of a week or ten days the building of the pavillion is being rushed and it is expected to have it finished before the annual field day june 3rd a new fence is also being built around the park it is expected that the field day will he bigger and better than ever this year business talk to the farmers changing conditions demand skilled yeomen claremont mr and mrs hutchinson o altona spent sunday with her sister mrs mann rev capt best returned to whit by on tuesday after a very success ful week of evangelistic services here he made many friends and his short stay will long be remembered mr fingold of toronto has pur chased the store and contents from mr tindall and commenced duties on saturday last mr fingold sold the business to mr tiiidall less than a year ago we are sorry to have mr tindall and family leave claremont they have moved to their property at altona mrs jewell passed away on tues day morning at 4 oclock at the home of her daughter mrs b forsyth mrs jewell lived at fenelon falls mrs jewell lived at fenelon falls and came a week ago to reside for the summer she contracted a severe cold which was followed by pneu monia she is survived by a stepson at fenelon falls and a stepdaught er mrs forsyth mrs jewell was in her eightyseventh year interment took place at prince albert cemetery on thursday farmers overcome wet spring setback special article written for stouff vllle tribune by professor w j squirrel ontario agricultural college peas and oats this mixture sown at the rate of 2 bushels of oats and 1 bushel of peas per acre makes an excellent annual hay crop varieties well suit ed for growing in the mixture are o a c no 144 or banner oats along with golden vine o a c no 181 mckay or prussian blue peas best hay from the mixture is prod uced if the crop is cut when the pea pods are about onehalf grown it is handled and cured like any other hay crop in addition to being an excell ent annual hay crop the above mix ture makes a firstclass soiling crop the best result from using this mix ture have been obtained when it was sown early in the season but with favorable weather following it can be sown as late asmay 24th with good results vetches are sometimes included in the above combination but experiments at guelph and the experience of farmers in western ont indicate that a smaller yield per acre is obtained both hairy and common vetch seed is quite expensive court of revision municipality of the township of markham county of yopk public notice is hereby given that a court of revision of the assess ment roll for the township of mark- ham will be held in the township hall unlonville on monday june 3rd 1929 at 2 oclock pm to hear and adjudicate upon all com plaints against the assessment roll of the municipality of the township of mnrkhnm for the said year 1929 all parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly g- a m davison clerk of the said municipality unlonville may 6th 1929 14 hon duncan marshall who is quite well known to stouffville and district gave an address the other day before the lindsay kiwanian club he said many in teresting and true things of interest to all especially the farmer of which many were present at the gathering hon duncan marshall said in part these are changing days and conditions on the farm are changing just as they are in the cities and towns the farmers of today must know all about their work they must study they must be trained if they want to know the game of pro duction and marketing there was a lime when the large fat animal cap tured all the prizes the bigger the animal the better conditions have changed however and today well de veloped animals are necessary but the people are demanding baby beef and farmers must specialize in baby beef the contour of the bacon hog has been changed and the farmer who knows how to raise the best hogs today in order to get the best price must specialize on what is termed slab bacon and in this respect canada has captured the bacon market of the world farmers today are not breeding as many sheep as they should but de spite this fact the production of sheep is also on the increase to day- canadian farmers especially in some parts of ontario are going in strong er for dairy cattle and they do not like to see the sheep clipping off the good grass that the dairy cattle should have wool production how ever is still very profitable in the old days the speaker said it took the entire wool off of one sheep to clothe one woman while today one silk worm does the job business men have greatly help ed the farmers of late years in the matter of cooperation in organiza tion especially in the holding of fall fairs and live stock shows this branch of work has helped the farm ers more than anything else to take an interest in the production of the right kind of stock citizens of lind say should give their wholehearted support to the lindsay fair what agriculture lacks most in this country today is education young farmers are not bsing train- ed7 and the tendency is to get them off the farms into some other branch of professional life there are to day some ten thousand students in the universities and less than 1000 in the agricultural colleges there should be an effort to build so as to educate the farmers sons and daugh ters and to endeavour to help them like conditions on the farm by mak ing these conditions likeable and profitable the farmer himself is largely to blame for these conditions they in many cases pay little attention to the kind of cows or other animals they have and work on the farm be comes a drudgery instead of a pleas ure the farmers of the future must be trained in the past boys and girls of the farm have failed to recognize the great opportunities in farming in ontario in fact the farm ers of today have to have just a little better training than the boys in other occupations of life they must learn the difference between good and bad cows the condition of the soil they are cultivating the con dition of the markets they seek many a boy has quit the farm be cause his father gave him the worst or the hardest cows to milk life on the farm should not be from one piece of drudgery to an other farmers should endeavour to have real good stock especially if they wish to keep their boys on the farm the farm is in a sense a real chemical laboratory and the farmer must study the proper cultivation of the soil if the formers studied con ditions then there would he a more happy and contented lot of farmers farm work is fascinating and diffi cult south ontario football association league plants we are again prepared to sup ply you from our large number of garden plants of all varieties good healthy stock to select from percy brillinger phone 1s5 stouffvllle 15 court of revision municipality of the village of stouffville county of york for the year ij2 june 1 claremont vs cherry- wood whitby town vs goodwood brooklin vs green river whitby hospital bye june 5 whitby hospital vs whitby town june s green river vs clare mont goodwood vs brooklin cherrywood bye june 11 whitby vs green river june 12 cherrywood vs brook lin goodwood vs whitby hospital claremont bye june 22 cherrywood vswhit- by town claremont vs goodwood brooklin vs whitby hospital green river bye june 26 whitby hospital vs claremont june 29 whitby vs brooklin green river vs cherrywood good wood bye july 3 whitby hospital vs cherrywood july 6 claremont vs whitby town green river vs goodwood brooklin 13 green river vs whitby hospital brooklin vs clare mont goodwood vs cherrywood whitby town bye july 20 cherrywood vs clare mont goodwood vs whitby town green river vs brooklin whitby hospital bye july 23 avhitby town vs whit by hospital july 27 claremont vs green river brooklin vs goodwood cherrywood bye aug 3 brooklin vs cherry- wood whitby hospital vs good wood green river vs whitby town claremont bye aug 7 hospital vs brooklin whitby town vs cherrywood green river bye aug 10 goodwood vs clare mont aug 17 claremont vs hospit al brooklin vs whitby town cherrywood vs green river good wood bye aug 24 cherrywood vs hos pital whitby town vs claremont goodwood vs green river brooklin bye aug 2s whitby hospital vs green river claremont vs brook lin whitby town bye played on the ground of the first mentioned club may 24 whitby town vs brooklin brooklin fair do not miss this officers of whitby town team jock dare leneman sam mayne trainer j scott manager chief herbert gunson secretuary tnd treasures notick on saturday june 1 1929 the undersigned will otfer for sale by public auction at the ringwood garage one ford touring belong ing to h carroll as provided for in the statutes of ontario to cover repairs and storage amounting to 2195 on the above car 2 pm standard time f w silversides auctioneer ringwood may 22 1929 fori coupe 11kj3 model for sale good running order ber nard uuruell phone 0710 13 hoisk to uknt ok sell norman m maclean po box 234 stouffvllle is choice tomatoe and flower plants for sale at half price- robert stewart 15 waxteii a few settings of white wyandotte eggs chas barkey phone 6606 340o used bricks in good condi tion suitable for inside work also 125 cedar posts for sale tele phone 3709 for sale happy thought cosy home stove slightly used steel top 5 holes water front a g lehman for sale barred rocks and white leghorn baby chicks ready june 6th ross brown phone 176 13 s5oo used bricks in good condi tion suitable for inside work also 125 cedar posts for sale tele phone 3709 12 live stock shipping every monday by stouffville ufo intending shippers should phone n rae shipper stouffville 8403 tf pasture would take a number of catlj to pasture on the farm of w d parker lot 31 concession 8 pickering 1 v4 miles south of altona apply by phone to arthur carruthers house for sale one of the most complete homes in the town brick dry cellar 6 bright rooms all modern conveniences of city home very warm and centrally located if you want this act promptly apply w m mcguire 7 thornburn ave toronto phone lakeside 3964 stallion register clydesdale stallion golden west king 23g75 enrolment form 1 the property of abner baker will stand for season of 1929 at his own stable lot 7 con s whit church to insure foal 12 two mares or more s10 payable feby 1st 1930 owners of mares when bred will be held responsible tf j edwin smith radio service sets repaired and rebuilt also sets built to order obrien ave stouffville phone 3306 court of revision municipality of the twp of whitchurch county of york public notice is hereby given that a court of revision of the assess ment roll for the township of whit church will be held in the township hall vatidorf on friday may slsr t29 at 2 oclock pm to hear and adjusticate upon all complaints against the assessment roll of the municipality of the twp of whitchurch for the said year 1929 all parties interested are re quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly wm crawford clerk of the said municipality sh77is5 w 33ob0 83moio galvanized shingles for the roof handsome fireproof last the life of the building use no other get prices sheet steel ceilings for schools halls stores hotels kitchens etc beautiful fireproof economical put up in a day many handsome patterns easy to handle nailed in place over old plaster no dust or dirt no muss and litter easy to clean and paint get the facts and save your money see your local tinsmith or carpenter galvanizbd siding for outride wiu choice of brick rockfaco or clapboard patterns good ioolonsr weatherproof eos lk to paint easy to put on y getthefacts public notice is hereby given that a court of revision of the assess ment roll for the municipality of stouffvllle will be held in the clerks office stouffvllle on friday evening june 7th at 7 oclock pm to hear and adjusticate upon all complaints against the assessment roll of the municipality of stouffville for the said year 1929 all parties interested are requested to take no tice and govern themslvcs accord- ingly i j s dougherty clerk i 4 supreme building advantages t when building a new home or mak ing over an old one use this greatest of all wallboards vou will get these four supreme building advantages full thickness giving greater struc tural strength and rigidity easier application goes up quickly without muss saving time labor and money fireproof nonwarping gyproc walls are fire barriers cannot crack warp or shrink takes any decoration including ala- bastinc wallpaper paint and panels j19 nr lj fire proofvlloai for sale by stouffville planing mills stouffville ont

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