Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 23, 1929, p. 5

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stouffville jiay 23rd 1929 tomorrow being victoria day all places of business will be closed a well kept lawn makes such a difference earl a grubin r o eyesight specialist at stouffville from wed nesday to saturday of each week mrs s w hastings is spending a couple of weeks in cleveland visit ing a former girl friend bowling club meeting on monday may 27th at s oclock in katcllffs hall all who intend to bowl this season are requested to see irwin gray or ben doten before that date 9 the vogue hat and novelty shop one door east of public library the very latest in summer hats also see nice line of girls middies boys sailor suits play suits itayon and broadcloth slips joday la enip e day in the schs excursion to niagara falls under auspices of iaoi xo ijxdsav a large psicentage of local gard- ens are being put in this week bu the ground in some parts of the town is quite wet when plowed keeve sanders is busy preparing to open his big summer hotel at jasksons point for another season this is one of the most popular summer homes on lake simcoe the annual district meeting of the ey womens institute will be held in stouffville on thursday june 20 tli attendance will likely be very- large a new cement bridge is now be ing constructed by the provincial highways at markham to replace the one destroyed by the recent floods on wellington street just west of the fair grounds while the bridge is under construction a detour has been provided which is very con venient citizens are getting anxious over the delay in commencing work on i the new roadway through town as the dust is very bad and the rough road is deplored by motorists no doubt a start will be made in a very quite a number of the men took short time now te races at the opening of the i woodbine last saturday it is a place the town is extremely quit these the writer has never visited but we fine afternoons most farmers are are told that the number of merry working overtime to get in their seed widows that infest the grounds are which has been delayed with the wet quite as attractive as the races this weather the change to better we- 1 isnt to be constructed as the reason ather on monday came as a welcome j so many young men from here took for another delay of six days would in the races have been very serious for a success ful harvest as it is now all is well the council might consider the matter of having the word stouffville printed on all the stop signs at the different intersections to alain street especially at the east and west entrance it might more radily advertise the name of the community than the big bill hoard signs which were put up a few years ago but have since become obsolete there is a much neater and more at tractive way of doing it today auditorium theatre stouffville friday and saturday may 24th and 25th afternoon evening 230 815 wings with complete sound effects regular prices 15 and 25c tuesday and wednesday may 28th and 29th the dove norma talmadge uomedy comedy the mayor of mount forest was paid for extra work in looking after the installation of sewers and pav ing there last yearthen was defeat ed in the january elections regain ed the seat on a technicality and then had to defend a court action against him a municipal mans lot like a policemans is not a happy one big men and big industries are looking to the smaller towns as ihey have never looked before in a re cent issue the american magazine henry ford said is it sufficient for business to pay high land prices and high taxes in congested cities where its workers must pay exorbitant rents by moving out business could get lower reuts and far better liv ing conditions for its people send the tribune to absent friends they will appreciate it the local chinese laundry has again changed hands leun kon of toronto is the new proprietor and he is now in possession on sunday june 2nd the local oddfellows will hold their annual parade and service of which more details will be given in the next issue of the tribune on monday mrs a e paisley left on the evening train for toronto en- route to garfield sask where she will spend the summer months at the home of her daughter stouffville citizens band have engaged lir dobney of the 4sth highlanders baud as their leader mr dobney won first prize for ont with his weston band in 1914 also with his overseas band in 191s we are glad to learn that the band will be in existance this summer again mr j e cober pontiac agent has found business so good that he has enlarged his show rooms in imarkham village by renting the old crosby store adjoining his present premises mr cober expects to secure the agency for the new marquette car advertised by general motors to be on the market june 1st friday and saturday may 31st june 1st good morning judge reginald denny s g schmidt prop groceries ginger snaps 2 lbs 19c soda biscuits 4 pkgs 25c sardines 4 tins 23c finnan haddie per tin 22c strawberry jam reg 60c 50c laundry soaps 6 cakes 25c maple butter 1 lb tin 30c candy special mixed per lb 23c a w scott the grocer a woman of fine christian char acter mrs jos nighswander succumbed to an illness of some months when she passed away on saturday may lsth at midday since coming to stouffville 22 years ago she had lived in the house where she died one door west of the imennonite church and it was here that her husband also died a little more than 10 years ago mrs nighs wander was a daughter of pioneer parents to altona mr and mrs samuel hoover and it was in that section that she spent all her life until moving into town with her husband they farmed the present win lewis place no children were born to her marriage and she survived by an only sister mrs chris stouffer martin hoover of locust hill is an only brother mrs nighs wander was reared in the mennonuj faith and she followed religiously its teachings and passed away in the faith and hope of the true christian tiie funeral on monday afternoon to stouffville cemetery took place from the late home the divine service was in charge of rev s s shantz and the pall bearers were messrs n stouffer ab stouffer jacob boadway noah baker martin reesor and wm connor a traveller informs us that on monday this week he was in cobalt and there was good sleighing huge loads of pulpwood were being haul ed over the roads on sleighs this probably explains the reason for the cold north winds of the past week with so much snow within three hundred miles it is not surprising that we have cool weather monday june 3rd kxigs bikthijay making all stops between lindsay unfonville make up your party and come along good music will be pro vided ou boat for dancing two hours longer stay than last year arriving home about same time a stopover until june 4th in toronto if desired fare for hound trip from stouffville is only 310 advance tickets now on sale get your early train leaves stouffville at 1044 for further particulars see large bills god save the king the 117 liquor stores in the pro vince of ontario averaged nearly f 1000 per day in sales dr barker will be in attendance at the convention of the ontario dental society from tuesday to fri day next week on tuesday evening mrs herbert freel left hurriedly for winnipeg in response to a telegram announc ing the serious illness of her sister there although wednesday afternoon is a half holiday for the main street merchants farmers should note that barkeys foundry the planing mills and all garages will be open as usual all day each wednesday mr james elson has rented his mill pond at glasgow but just what the new tenants intend to use it for mr elson is not sure it may be made a fish preserve or perhaps a hatchery mr elson entered into the lease with a toronto organiza tion but it is rumored that the gov ernment are behind the project the premises are being fenced and tres passing signs erected this week in the locality about stouffville there are 20 english lads whowere brought to this country and placed in farm homes by ttie fegan home of england last thursday evening the head of this philantrophic move- nientmrs fegan came to stouffville and met all the lads at porters ice cream parlors where they enjoyed a brief reunion and picture views of the old home of their adoption across the seas the fegan home in eng land has a farm in connection with the work but many of the boys are brought to canada at 15 years of age where every effort is made to place them in good homes the anniversary services of lemon- ville united church will be held on sunday june 2nd morning service rev mr harden and file ringwood choir in the evening the pastor rev laycock and the local choir on monday evening a supper will be served to be followed by a good pro gram admission 35c and 20c everybody invited for three weeks mrslloyd turner has been ill in bed at the nome of her parents mr and mrs jos mbw- der mrs turner was able to be up for the first on monday and is now progressing favorably the youngest boy has also been at the home of his grandparents and is recovering if the theromometer is supposed to regulate the weather it certainly is doing a poor job of it the mecormickdeering no 2 little wonder tractor plow has a rigidflexible springtooth hitch a positive quickacting power lift a simple twolever control system a large amount of clearance under the beams and between the bottoms a heattreated rugged lightweight steel frame a number of other good features frank baker stouffville glorious spring is ever so much more wonderful when one has a garden or spacious lawn to care for to study nature first hand and watch the wonders of its growth having firstclass tools to work with of course lightens your task and those we can sup ply at very reasonable prices hoes rakes spades lawn mowers and every thing necessary to the care of the gardeh in stock at the lowest prices tractor owners will find our price on motor oils extra attractive f y w brath waite open tuesday thursday and saturday evening and will close wednesday noons a popular petition has been circulation the past week to present to the council at their next meeting in the hope of stimulating that body into action with respect to better street lighting in stouffville those who took the petition along mqin street tell us that not one man re fused to sign and some who were overlooked through absence from town went to the trouble to get on the list later it has been pointed out that stouffville is the only place of its size in york street lighting on only on one side of the main street the citizens desire better lighting and the council who often style themselves the servants of the people are called upon to carry out the wishes of the majority the old cry of too high tax rate need not apply in this instance as the expense of putting up the necessary lamps will come out of hydro electric funds earned and now in the bank the next regular meeting night of the council is friday june 7th congratulations are due miss edna hoover ted daughter of mraud mrs lud hoover on passing her second year examinations at the on tario college of art on every sub ject and in addition she received honor standing in the commercial class on which she was taking a specialists course this is a splendid accomplishment and the many friend of this stouffville girl will be delighted to learn of her progress somebody has removed the stop signs at the 10th concession the action of which nearly caused an accident and altercation between two motorists at the intersection lead ing north one evening last week a driver coming around the corner from the north made the- turn at a lively clip and narrowly averted colliding with another car about to turn north the vision at this point is obscured by an old building on the corner both cars pulled into the ditch in the effort to avert the threatened collision the chap going north commenced to arraign the other driver for not obeying the stop sign as the speed with which he made the turn indicated he hadnt so much as slowed down the man from the north didnt take kindly to tlm criticism and declared he always obeyed stop signs in order to prove this statement to be one only comparable to an annanals the gentry walked around the corner in tending to point out the sign when lo there was nothing there but a post hole someone had taken down the sign both men saw the joke anj parted smiling a new sign should be put up at this point without delar there is a local bylaw which pro hibits the setlng off of fire crackers on the main street am act which some lads were guilty of last satur day night constable pennock was after them hut they eluded him although he held the names of the offenders the boys should observe the law in this regard as the crack ers are liable to cause injury in dif ferent ways in fact someone threw one in fun at the feet of one of the town girls it exploded and burned the young ladys stockings ladles hosiery these days runs jnto big sums and the damage therefore may not have been small card of thanks we hereby wish to express our deep and heartfelt thanks to all the friends who in our recent time of sickness and sad bereavement have helped us so willingly those who brought flowers and fruit in the time of sickness those who helped in the time of death in the home or by use of automobile others who sent flowers those who sang for us and the words of sympathy sent to us and all who helped in any way we heartly appreciate m s hise and famil iv memorial fockler in fond memory ot jacob fockler who passed away may 24 192s lovingly remembered by wife and family to live in the hearts of those we love is not to die pearson in fond and loving mem ory of feme saunders pearson who posed away may 26th 192s sadly missed by mother and children and brother norman m maclean local agent comodervrlon life assurance office over shaws store call at office and let mo explain lo you the benefits derived from a life insurance contract in this old established canadian co 1000 to 5000 policies without medical exam ination up to 45 years of age automobile insurance sick and accident insurance old coins and stamps bring your old coin3 and stamps and turn them into profit quality service selected seed corn for a number of years we have made a specialty of our seed corn business this year we have the same selected seed adapted to our climate and showing a govt standard of xo 1 for germination mangold g turnip seed royal giant sugar beet giant white sugar mangold yellow leviathan mangold jurbo sugar beet durham canadian gem derby jumbo stiver bros awmimvmfrrfr8 new and used cars for sale 11926 ford fordor 11926 essex coach 1 1925ford tudor 11924 ford coach 11924 ford fordor 11923 ford coach 11924 ford touring 11924 ford touring 11923 ford ton truck 11922 ford touring 11921 studebaker touring 11921 ford tudor terms one half cash credit on balance your old car taken in as cash payment care are all guaranteed as represented or your money refunded delbert holden ford dealer phone 184 hobbs batteries best by test sold exclusively by central garage stouffville ont 6 volt 11 plate heavy duty 1400 6 volt 13 plate thin 1400 hw69 radio heavy plate 1550 a 2 years unconditional guarantee 130 amp hours radio battery batteries charged r strong proprietor used implements two tractors 2 seed drills quebec riding plow tractor plow and other imple ments we have 2 used tractors for sale we have just taken an agency for fleury farm imple ments and repairs two used seed drills for sale real estate handled at reasonable commission phone bakers garage or 15204 frank baker phone 15204 stouffville vvhen you wish to send money away- to a relative or friend to pay for goods from an outside point to pay an outoftown account for any purpose call at any branch of this bank and secure a draft for the amount sold over the counter with no delay or formality bank of nova scotia drafts offer a safe and convenient method of sending money away the bank of nova scotia established 1831 capital si 0000000 reserve 20000000 total assets over 265000000 j a mcleod general manager toronto

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