Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 21, 1929, p. 2

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all that shower and sun ean give in fragrance fresh from the gardens medhqu mystery ty aam1lne chaii er xii cenfd antony looked up at bill in sur prise didnt you hear what he said what particularly that it was cayleys idea to drag the pond oh oh i sa bill was rather excited again you mean that hes hidden something there some false clue which he wants the police to find i hope so said antony earnestly but im afraid he stopped short well whats thj safest place in which to hide anything very important somewhere where nobody will look theres a better place than that what somewhere where everybody has already looked by jove you mean that as soon as the pond has been dragged cayley will hide something there yes im afraid so no jumpy feeling now ivhen i drive through traffic nothing relieves tension so effectively as wrigleys the act of chewing as motorists have discov ered has a gentle soothing effect the healthful cleansing action of wrigleys refreshes the mouth and steadies the nerves rig1ey5 after every meal but why afraid because i think that it must be something very important somethin which couldnt easily be hidden any where else what asked bill eagerly antony shook his head no im not going to talk about it yet we can wait and see what the inspector finds he may find some thing that cayley has put there for him to find but if he doesnt then it will be because cayley is going to hide something there tonight what asked bill again you will see what bill said an tony because we shall be there are we going to watch him yes if the inspector finds nothing thats good said bill if it were a question of cayley or the law he was quite decided as to which side he was taking previous to the tragedy of yesterday he had got on well enough with both of the cou sins without being in the least inti mate with either yet though he had hesitated to de fine his position that morning in re gard to mark he did not hesitate to place himself on the side of the law against cayley mark after ail had done him no harm but cayley had committed an unforgivable offfcnee cayley had listened secretly to a pri vate conversation between himself and tony let cayley hang if the law- demanded it antony looked at his watch and stood up come along he said its time for that job i spoke about the passage said bill eagerly no the thing which i said that i had to do this afterroon without saying anything antony led the way indoors to tha office it was three oclock and at three oclock yesterday antony and cayley had found the body at a few min utes after three he had been looking out of the window of the adjoining room and had been surprised sudden ly to find the door open and cayley behind him he had vagjely wonder ed at the time why he had expected the door to be shut but he had no time then to worry the thing out and ho had promised himself to look into it at his leisure afterward he had decided that three oclock that after- w pveny bird lover nd9 brocks famous book on blrdb the accepted authority on too care find j treatment ol blrda explains the methods of breeding how to iced and care lor them in health and elcknwa 12 illustration 2s0 pages packed trora cover to cover with things you want to know noout your bird the rrcular prlco is 25c but to ihcco fuvwcrlnk this advertisement and sending 10c wo will send this book and 6ampc ol brocks famous bird eecd composed of seeds selected from all parts of tbo world and correctly blended to give your bird tha diet he fhould have losctherwlthaeamploot brocks bird treat a tonic every bird needs nicholson ci brock limited dcpt fid 123 george street toronto noon shoujd find him once more in the office as he went into the room followed by bill he felt it alnost as a shock that there was now no body of kohert lying there between the two doors but there was a dark stain which showed where the dead mans head had been and antony knelt down over it as ho had knelt twentyfour hours before i want to go through it ag tin he said- you must be cayley cayley said he would get some water now then bill just pretend your caylsy youve just said something about water and you get up keeling that it was all a little un canny bill who had been kneeling beside his friend got up anil walked out antony as he had done on the previous day looked up after him as lie went bill turned into the room on the right and came hack well he said wonderingly ai tony shook his head its all diirerei he aid for one thing you made a devil of a noise in there and cayley didnt perhaps you werent listening when cayley went in i wasnt but i should have heard him if i could have heard him and i should have remembered afterward perhaps cayley shut the door after him wait he pressed his hmd ovcr his eyes and thought it wasnt anything which he had heard but something which he had seen he tried desperately hard to see it igain he saw cay ley getting up opening the door from the office leaving it open and walking into the passage turning to the door on the right opening it going in and then what did hs cyis see after that if they would only tell him again suddenly he jumped up his face alight bill ive got it he cried what the shadow on the wall i was looking at the shadow on the wall oh ass and ten times ass bill looked uncomprehendingly at he tried desperately hard to see it again words wont dye a dress or coat or sweater it takes real anilines to do that thats why diamond dyes contain from three to five times more anilines than any other dye by actual test its the anilines in diamond dyes that do the work that give the colors such brilliance such depth and permanence its rest aniline that keeps them from giving things that re- dyed look from spotting or streaking next time you have dyeing to do try diamond dyes then compare results sec how soft bright newlooking the colors are observe how they keep their brilliance your dealer will refund your money if you dont agree diamond dyes are better dyes the ihtc package of diamond dyes is the original allpurpose dye for any and every kind of material it will dye or liiif silk wool cotton linen rayon or any mixture of materials the blue package is a special dye for silk or wool only with it you can dye your valuable articles of silk or wool with results equal to the finest pro fessional work when you buy remember this the wife- package dyta silk or wool only the white package will dye every kind of goods including silk and wool your dealer has both packages diamond ones easy to use perfect results f jlx all drug fltorefl c him antony took his arm and point ed to the wall of the passage look at the sunlight on it he said thats because youve left the door of that room open the sun comes straight in through the win dows now im going to shut the door look dyou see how the sha dow moves across thats what i saw the shadow moving across as the door shut behind him bill go in and shut the door behind you quite na turally quick bill went out and antony knelt watching eagerly i thought so he cried i knew it couldnt have been that what happened said bill com ing back just what you would expect the sunlight came and the shadow moved back again all in one movement and what happened yesterday the sunlight stayed there and then the shadow came very slowly back and there was no noise of the door being shut bill looked at him with startled eyes by jove you mean that cayley closed the door afterward as an afterthought and very quietly so that you couldnt hear antony nodded yes that explains why i was surprised afterward when i went into the room to find the door open behind me you know how those doors with springs on them close the sort which old gentlemen have to keep out draughts yes just at first they hardly move at all and then very very slow ly they swing to well that was the way the shadow moved and subcon sciously i must have associated it with the movement of that sort of door by jove lie got up and dusted his knees now bill just to make sure go in and clos the door like that as an afterthought you know and very quietly so that i dont hear the click of it bill did as he was told and then put his head out eagerly to hear what had happened that was it said antony with absolute conviction that was just what i saw yesterday ho came out of the office and joined bill in the littlo room and now he said lets try and find out what it was that mr cnylcy was doing in here and why ho had to be so very careful that his friend mr gillingham didnt overhear him chapter xu antonys first thought was that cayley had hidden something but that was absurd in the time at his disposal he could have done no moro than put it away in a drawer where llse baking powoeh j mall your baking ip assure success made in canada jjo jllucn ew gillett co ltd toronto cam it would be much more open to dis covery by antony than if he had kept it in his pocket bill pulled open a drawer in the chest and looked inside why did he keep clothes here at all antony asked did he ever change down here sly dear tony he had more clothes than anybody in the world he just kept them hero in case they might be useful i expect i see yes he was walking around the rotm as he answered and he lifted the top of the linen basket which stood near the wash basin and gltinced in he seems to have come in here for a collar lately bill peered in there was one col lar at the bottom of the basket yes i daresay ho would he agreed if he suddenly found that the ono he was wearing was uncom fortable or a little bit dirty or some thing he was very finickiig antony leaned over and picked it out it must have been uncomfortable this time he raid after examining it carefully it couldnt very well be cleaner he dropped it back again but what did cayley come in for so secretly what did he want to shut the door for said bill you couldnt have seen him anyhow no so it follows he was going to do something which he didnt want me to hear by jove thatr it said bill eagerly yes hut what bill frowned hopefully to himself but no inspiration came well lets have some air anyway h- said at last exhausted by the effort and he went to the window opened it and looked out then struck by an idea he turned back to antony and said do you think i had better go up to the pond to make sure that theyre still at it because he broke off suddenly at the sight of antonys face oh idiot idiot antony cried oh most superexcellent of watsons oh you lamb you blessing oh gil lingham you incomparable ass what on earth tho window the window cried antony pointing to it bill turned back to tho window ex pecting it to say something as it said nothing he looked at antony again he was opening the window cried atony who cayley of course very gravely and slowly he expounded he came in hero in order to open the window he shut the door so that i shouldnt hear him open the window he opened the window i came in here and found the window open i said this window- is open my amazing powers of anal ysis tell me that the murderer must have escaped by this window oh said cayley raising his eyebrows well said he i suppose you must be right said i proudly i am for the window is open i said oh you incomparable ass to be continued minards liniment for grippe and flu freedom of the seas william k borah in current his tory new york the term com mand of the seas has become obso lete or it not obsolete obsolescent no nation is going to bo permitted to enjoy tho command of tho seas tho united states will not consent to its commerce being subject to the whim of some other power and great britain herself will soon bo ahlo to seo that tho old theory ot the com mand of tho seas will work to her detriment quite as much an that of any other nation there is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste no honors too distant to the man who prepares him self for them with patience la bruycre 25c in stamps or coins will bring you five hlghciats toilet preparations trial sizes by return mail 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of special prob lems arising from the development of the natural resources of canada use minards liniment for the flu i intend to marry a rich man or none aid the american heiress re cently commendable moderation most of them decide to marry a rich man or two twenty thousand square miles of timberland in northern and eastern ontario are to be set aside as pro vincial forests five tracts will bo mapped out one will be in eastern ontario one near georgian bay an- other on the north shore cast of blind river one on the temagami reserve and the other on the mississauga re serve believe nothing against another but on good authority nor report what may hurt anotler unless it h a greater hurt to some other to concealj it william penn our machines are works of geniua but our social and humanitarian at- tempts are more or lesr bungling j d beresford is w dont you think an old lady like me avould he happy to be rid of her deafness and catarrh restored hearing and catarrhal relief brings 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