about your nerves headaches and other troubles follow when the nerves give way nerves are delicate ubres running from the brain to all parts of the body some of them give us the sense of touch and feeling others convey the will to our muscles and enable us to move when wo have an attack of nerves it means that the body is lu some way out of order and the ner have become oversen siuve so that wo get neuralgia ner vous headache sciatica or some other nerve trouble sometimes tho nerves get too weak to do the will of the brain and we get trembling bauds or limbs or perhaps st vitus dance the whole nervous system is fed and kept healthy by your blood if that is thin and poor nervous weakness follows in that case a tonic is needed to build up tho blood so that it may in turn feed the nerves spine aud brain the very best medicine for enriching tho blood is dr williams pink pills vou cannot take them without feeling the uplift they give iour appetite im proves your brain is clearer you gain strength in every way aud you feel full of new life ono sufferer miss margaret it macuouald catalone itoad ns tells what this medicine did for her she says 1 suffered for a long time from severe headache and nervous exhaustion 1 tried sev eral kinds of medicine but got no relief until 1 used dr williams pink pills and these before long gavo me complete relief from my own experi ence 1 feel that 1 can not praise dr williams pink pills toe highly and would advise anyone who is suffering from headaches or nervous exhaus tion to give them a fair trial as i feel sure the results cannot be any thing but satisfactory take these pills as a tonic it you are not 1- the best physical condition and cultivate a resistance that will keep you well and strong vou can set these pills through any medicine iealer or by mail at 50 cents a box trom tho dr williams medicine co brockville out indian wedding the ancient marriage rites of the stouey people were exemplified when chief bear paw and his minor chiefs united miss sylvia hanishtencate of hilversuui holland to mr louis lautzius of vancouver immediately after tho picturesque indian ceremony which took place on the bow river at banff tho couple were again married according to tho rites of their own church bear paw is seen placing the eagle feathers emblem of faithfulness on the grooms head and bracelet on tho wrist of the bride on with laughter tho talking movie wo dont want to miss is tho play which will givo us this memorable line thatth all there iththere ithnt nj more sue will you be iy companionate husband he well if youll let mo have enough companions ooilars sold t or worlds richest 40- acre patch is the mond ex- tension average grade 7vi aboui o jears ao the tlohdirood iiientiou claim 40 acres could have been bought lor s25uuu it was offer ed at that alalia nickel cumpuny bought it be fore tho war for siuuouu it is estimated now that this prop erty contains over luuutjuu0o worth of ore averaging 10 or 50 per ton liixtieniely high grade enrichments around the ioo horizon bnug the aver age ol all tile known ore to a grade of 7a per cent combined copper and nickel copper predominating the story or tbls claims wealth is uot half way unfolded it is expected that it will contain almost a solid sheet of ore lu places up to 200 feet in thickness dipping right across tho claim there seems every reason to be lieve that this jo acres is the worlds richest patch aud it was bought lor 5100000 six teen or seventeen years ago northern miner testing em out the boss called in his secretary put up a sign outside the oflice he said that no salesmen are allow ed to enter but you just advertised for a sales man thats just the leason if a nan can be stopped by a little sign like tbat we dont want him tho church that advertises no collection taken probably has its idea of whats keepiu folks away druggist yes miss youll lind most ladies like this lipstick young girl you couldntahtell me the kind that men like could you ive swallowed my collar button gasped tho grocer well rtsponded the wife you know where it is for once face the music found by wife returning from vacation a ladys brooch in the back of husbands car owner may have same by paying off this notice identi fying property and admitting owner ship alpine itex prper politicians are expert at passing laws a writer declares but thats nothing o vvtat they can do with tiie buck another prize dumbbell has been discovered she thought the mufller on a car was used to keep it from freezing up st lawrence murk windsor iiorder cities star libj friends of st lawrence development are naturally disappointed by the vir tual impasse tlfut now obtains they are hopeful however that out of all tho maze of doubt uncertainty sus picion and petty politics that exists at present order will finally come and the great improvement will go for ward its eventual consummation is certain of course the only question i3 to the length of the delay all that it requires is official leade ship and so far this has not been forthcoming the st lawrence infant is sitting on the doorstep at ottawa but both mr kinfr and mr bennett hesitate to take it in a girls idea of a sensible hat is ono that permits her to see with ono eye the grass widow is one of natures loveliest evergreens theres nothing like forestalling trouble here is some diplomacy in a nutshell and it works two ways on employer aud wife alike employer ah brown ive decid ed to laise your salary 2 a week brown will you give me that in writing sir employer isnt my word good en ough for you brown oh yes sir but i want evidence to sliow my wife shes ex pecting me to get a 5 raise to him that hath shall be given the experience of losing you cant keep the upper hand by dealing from the bottom patient showing bill whats the extra 55 for deutist for squeezing the arms of my chair out of shape well tommy did you behave in school todaj asked tommys fath er of his young sou who bad not been going to school very long behave exclaimed tommy in a tone of amazement of course 1 did why tho teacher said she never saw a pupil who behaved so philly philosopher meditates statistics show tbat women live longer than men paint is certainly a great preservative youngsters of today aeldora die ii a broken heart more often it is a broken neck visiting minister ah my dear unfortunate friend this world is full of trials liardbbiud liari t aint the trials that worry me sir its tne i cruicts any yjutig man wj rofers to a girl as a jane will scct in bis under wear is praise next to a soro thumb tho niosi useless thing in the world is a man at his own wedding little willie was sent to bring 111 tho kittens his mother heard a shrill meowing and called out dont hurt tho kittens willio oh no replied willie im car rying tbem very carefully by the stems what most people call indigestion is usually excess acid in tho stomach tho food has soured tho instant remedy is an alkali which neutralizes acids but dont uso crudo helps uso what your doctor would advise the best help is phillips milk of magnesia for tho 60 year slnco its invention it has remained standard with physicians you will and no thing else so quick in us effect so harmless ao efficient- ono tasteless iiiinifil lu water neu tralizes man limes its volume in acid the results are immediate with no bad after eiieets onco you learn this fact you will never deal with excess acid in tho cruds ways go learn now why this method is supreme bo suro o gel tho genulnj phillips milk of magnesia prescribed by physi cians for 50 yars in correcting excess acids each bottle contains full direc tions any drugstore many mothers always keep them in the house thousands of mothers state that they know of no other medicine for little ones to equal babys own tab lets that they always keep tho tab lets in the homo as a preventive of childtioud ailments or if sickness does suddenly grip tieir little ones they ititil sale with such a remedy at hand concerning the uso of the tablets mrs donai ploudre tingwick que writes i liavo nothing but praise for babys own i ablets they are the only modicum 1 have ever given my two little ones and 1 am glad to stale tbat tho tablets have always kept them in perfect health 1 feel so safo with tho tablets that 1 al ways keep a box in the house babys own tablets are a mild but thorouguly laxative they regulate tho bowels sweeten the stomach aud thus banish constipation and indi gestion break up colds and simple fever and make tho cutting of teeth painless the tablets are absolutely safe being guaraiqced free from all injurious drugs they are sold by all medcino dealers or by mail at 2b cents a box from tho dr williams mediciuo co brockville ont liquor smuggling hamilton specttiwr ilnd cons tho government is urged to refuse clearances to vessels or vehicles of all kinds carrying a cargo of liquor o the uiiiid states contrary to the laws f that country it is not a matter cf assisting our neighbors to onfoice thejr laws within their own territories all that canada is concerned in is that the lawbreakers shall not be permitted u establish bases in this dominion for the conduct of their shameful busi ness that such a condition of things should bo tolerated is obviousj in jurious to public morals smuggling is smuggling however else it may be iiamcd and all wh help to make it possible are cilpable the whole business tills one with shame and dis gust a now seed catalog just received brings gratifying assuranco tbat ho who docs tho pictures has lost no whit of bis talent for achieving tri umphs of imaginative art use mlnards liniment for the flu canada too has a weapon canadian statesmen are noting with illconcealed anxiety the tendency of the american congress if it yields to onetenth f the demands being made upon it for hiherduties to exclude byprohibitive tariff rates practically all food and raw products of dominion origin as a government canada is in no position to protest against the imposition of duties espcialiy design ed to bar her products but her farm ers are under no such diplomatic rcs- straint and it is not surprising that a- reported by the new york world and repeated in our own columns re cently plans are in the making the other side of the line to retaliate in kind the canadian administrative system is very flexible and where in the united states the authorities must await a general tariff revision or a long and tiresome investigation by the tariff commission before any actual changes in the rates can be made canada possesses machinery of very swift effectiveness canadian farmers are represented as very much surprised to lind am erican agriculturists in the west hand ir glove with the industrialists of the east iistead of stoutly opposing them as is the canadian hebit how ever this is no new development a large part of the stock in trade of western politicians is their abhorrence of the manufacturing east but when it comes to writing tariff rates the two editorial from the boston transcript wings lind that neither can get along without the other that if the rates on raw wool are to be high those on wool ens must go up correspondingly or nothing happens now however the western agricultural demand isfcrpro- hibitive rates all along the line and should these carry as they may not we might find ourselves engaged in a tariff war with canada to which all its ptedecessors would seem mere skirm ishes nor would the fighting be confined to the rates already canada has flatly turned down the american re quest for closer cooperation in the enforcement of the prohibition laws and it is more than hinted as first suggested by premier mackenzie king that camdas point of view as to the proposed st lawrencecanalmay be appreciably affected by the pros pective increases in thcdutiei on farm products the threat now comes from canada that if the new tariff law bear too onerously uj on her products her provincial government without await ing parliamentary action may exclude american fruits and other commodi ties by a system of inspections which would operate as fatally as a tariff barrier in fact it is being said open ly in british columbia that if we place a luty on canadian lumber the mar kets of that country will bo virtually closed against the fruits and vege tables of our northwestern states here again would the vicious circle continue for section 317 of the ad ministrative provisions of the ford- neymccumber tariff act introduces a new principle in authorizing the president to eralize by a 50 per cent increase in duty and even to exclude the products of any country which dis criminates against american exports in fact the possibilities of unfriendly relations with canada over a too rigid legislative policy on our part would seem to be excellent this in itself would not deter the american con gress from enacting any tariff bill it might please to write it might how ever suggest to the tariffmakers at washington that they have some other considerations to ponder besides the blanket requests for rate increases with which they are being hooded just now among them those of the am erican consumer new england is vit ally interested in as liberal as ex change of american and canadian products as may be consistent with the revenue necessities of both countries canadian honey sherbrooke tribune lib a dis patch from london informs us that england has just sent canada an order for honey to tho value of 50- u00 the fact that great britain is placing with us so large an order proves that canadian honey is highly thought of in the european mark t ard that our beekeepers can easily disposo of their production so long as it is of first rate quality and well put up for tho consumer our farmers have in beekeeping an agree able and profitable side industry they should devote to it a part of their leisure time left to them after the cultivation of the soil and the care of their cattk- lindy will be ono bridegroom who is not ignored at his own wedding red rose tea comes direct to us from tiiefinest tea gardens then straight to your grocer brimful of flavor and freshness every package guaranteed 70 is rfoo 1 red rose orange pekoe is extra g picture lectures proving popular a uumberot sets of excellent lan tern slides have been prepared by the dominion experimental farms on matters pertaining to poultry hus bandry planting and caro of the homo grounds origination of new varieties of grains and selection il live stock for breeding purposes these slides are proving very help ful and popular where shown at agri- cultura laud horticultural meetings attendance of from 400 to as high as 750 having been reetided at a num ber of places an explanatory mauu- j script accompanies the slides which may be read as tliey aro projected ou the screen the slides are loan ed without rental charge to agricul tural aud horticultural organizations schools churches womens institutes etc and are obtainable upon applica tion to the division of extension aud publicity central experimental farm ottawa classified advertisements bykhku kuuiv wcufcjkild luou ijualiiicu fttcord or performance una isegisteral lireeders canadas old est mkji laylnu strain uniicdlgrecd s3 s4 peoikieeil 55 su 25 years a breeder hatching kk chicks clark cedar kami calnsvllle ont uow i i uah chicks vvk hatch lour varieties price yc up vnio ior lice catalogue a 11 swilzer viiaiiion ontario luicu isucks ieuiukkku and l registered cockerels at mouerat ks hatching ckks from pens head- i u- registered ceekerela luuo per loe l- aldeluiee beamsvillc settlement of the north windsor border cities star lib not so many years ago there were people who laughed to scorn the idea that tlie canadian prairies would ever be of national value the answer to that doubt has aheady been given carada is the greatest wheat export ing nation in the vorld today the grain is grown on those oncedespised prairies of thu west the peace reiver u a count that is considered remote by many but botli the canadian pa cific and canadian nationa hallways are planning to bring adequate trans portation to the district fertile lands and good railways mean wondrous de velopments the people are all that is lacking to mak the peace hiver of great signincance as the other ureas of the west with then arrival big things lie aheao for canada minards liniment prevents flu byproducts vancouver province lad cons the country which skims the cream off its natural resources and expects to keep on doing that indefinitely will of course have no interest in bypro ducts but the country which pur sues a course so blindly fatuous will in time have no inteiest in anything for it will presently be bankrupt if not quite dead the principles or taste the art of criticism are not acquired amidst tho hurlyburly of living authors and tho hast judgment thereupon of hasty critics but the study careful and reverential of the immortal dead augustiuo birrell no wonder mussolini can handle tangled affairs he was raised on spaghetti vr fcijn j ft u ta ijurtion wli ivoro nj buff irjk nj nl wvm rotu bfforrinetcnvwhi vnjnt lie j up irot lic umiic vwoutd wrj tod f rrle chick book schvvffl lrs hatchery ut uiunpluii buitalu mv ww uav caw in jtamps or coins bring you five highclass toilet preparations trial sizes ay return mail dept w chamberlain laboratories toronto 3 tree uoon muut cancer ilie illuiuuupuiis vitivli liva lie uiuiiupuiiu inaiana tiub uuisiisiiuu a luoklut whcti sixes mitiuiik iuclti about the cu e of cunctf uim itila wha to do for pain bufjii iiw uc a valuable cuiiie in hie imniut utini of rv case will t iii ir- this imwr gki m head noises wss ear oil rub tin backofafs fnserttn vosrfiila raice 2si ml onuocisrs beware hu may ateect licmeysl warners sate kidney and liver hemcdy old herbal remedy tones system how oltc people uay i uover had kiuuwy iroublu mi uncr vho tml vvibo kulmtt ryiujf i boc rid ol poiiiuiiu uiiiuu uicul to iciuueu auu iiver xmt tnec ortfuna weajttueu uy liiucss cant stand cut strain lue yvuquid ai rmaiiitiu m xuj uyaiqiu rncu conic o uamu ajiib saliowncss louu oi apatite uebuny lassnuue what- a pity when a stimuianc uuruuc lutw n ii- jiuffiu jiavc helpea roi ovtoi- 60 ycers thousands have do- peuued ou warners saie iiiduey and xuver kemcay a physician prescrip tion maua ox jnavures hcrcs a genue stuauiant for jtiunoys and liver it- urges perspiratory sriauas to action and thus helptf shitt the excess load irom the kidneys warners sufo kidnoy and liver ucu- ody contains no harmiul uruga costs lit tle thousands have written telling how it helped them ttet your bottle today warners aie jtceuct co toronto ontario warners suy uiitney and liver ueiuedy or money 13a ce everywhere men women ana children nre findinit instant relief from coughs and coldd of all kinds by takins buck leys mixture everywhere drujwtista are selling buckleys under positive suar- antce the first doae proves how dif- ferent it is and there are 40 doies in a 75ccnt bottle i never be without thli proven conqueror of colds w k buckley limited 142 mutual st toronto 2 c 5c and 10c parents understood this babys language wo thought wo were so tt lose our hahyteethlng says a kentucky mother ho couldnt digest any thing and va3 getting thinner every day after ono of his fretful crying nights i thought of castoria and got some a few drops mado him com fortable and after c few doses he seemed liko a different baby doe- tors everywhere recommend purely- vegetable harmless fletchers cas toria for colds constipation colic and other ills of babies and children and millions of mothers know its gentle influence is best avoid imitations tho fletcher signature is tho mark of genuino castoria flashing eyes j laughing eye downcast eyes eyes tell you churactet brown eyes for strength blue for generosity gray eyes for jealousy- sparkling yes in dicate beauty yes and qootl health too i do your eyes sparkle arc the whites clear or are they tinged with yellow indicating an outofsorts condition due co constipa tion if so you need keep your health tonight try fvtinartisunimnt for that cold and tired feeling get well keep well kill flu by using the old ueliable minards llnlmtn iu varmowtlitrs gould not work for months restored to health by lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound period yourwkii vk til u y ptotul iii reed cicul citntla htm hi eyn la imturt bttemen ijvtrtitimtntt still if nut hueld f riichlr co i lifflltcd toronto ii ii j i l i i ii wj port eltrfn n b for three months i was oervotis and weak with tired eclings and could hot do my work a friend ad- ivfecd mc to take lydin e fink rmm9 vegetable cospmmd and i have got good re- isalts from it and ncmirni5nd it to fthers uu iayk3 p el gin n s tliy djocioao mmicine b sold bj drvsutj every where issue no i i 29