ti f ll will p ot most uroan centes enjoy wnat is wrong w1u1 the privilege ot a few years training j the rural schools focal music it is estimated that per cent of the students attend- r v ti tob secondary school iu urban centres ol vlitcuflo throughout ontario are technical commercial vocatioaal or industrial schools while the vast majority ot the students from country homes are restricted tothe course ot studies leading to the normal entrance or to the university rural parents na turally enquire why there cannot be equal educational advantages for their children with those of the children ot the towns and cities this leads to the consideration of secondary education for country chil- the public or elementary william morris por- out in- terestin weaknesses in our present system 1 with serious con sideration trustees problems by wm morris no body suggests that country peoj pie are not interested in the cduca- schools in the rural parts of ontario tion of their children it is a well are rendering very good service and known fact that the boys and girts j y jt were not for the necessity ot pro- who get their early training in the viding secondary or high school cduca- country schools are able to compete t 0 a moro varied type for eoun- suceessfully with their cousins oftry chitareii tlto lareier unit of school large urban centres in the battle of administration would not be a subject life there are some who maintain otsuchkeen interest it is estimated tliat the wood box and other chores tuat tuc rura people of ontario are around the barn and the home deserve contributing 50 per ceut of the cost considerable credit for the establish- j of maintaining high schools in the ment of sound character iu tie lives i towns and snrall cities while they of country youths whatevei the i uav0 no con over he administra- cause might bo there is a constant of tlles0 institutions county flow of intelligent healthy young peo- j are required by the high pie rrom the country to the city and schools act to appoint thrco trustees which constitutes a strong factor in to eacil lligh sc of the county two the maintaiuence of a high standard of morality and citizenship in urban life neither does anybody suggest that a change iu the system of the admin istration or the rural schools would secure a higher and a more intelligent type of school trustee th rural school boaid member compares very favorably with the members of boards of education anywhere alse and in deed with the mvmbers of councils and legislative assemblies generally he is not an otlice seeker nor does he receive any remuneration for his ser vices what is wrong then with education in rural ontario an agricultural committee was appointed by the pro vincial government a few years ugo to hold meetings in various parts of the province confer with representatives of rural organizations and receive sug gestions from people in all walks of life with a view to improving the con ditions oi covntry life having lranj many complaints with refer ence to education the committee re- coinmendd a larger unit in the ad ministration of the schools evident ly they obtained this information from the people ho reside in tbe country a great many resolutions have been submitted to the ontario school trustees and ratepayers associa tion by rural school boards and coun ty organizations since its inauguration nearly fortytwo years ago a purusal ot these resolutions gives substantial evidence that rural trustees are far from satisfied with the system of duc- ation in vogue iu rural ontario survey made out the minister of education through oflicials of the department made an extensive survey of rural educational conditions a few years ago and re ported through the press and direct to rural school boards that many rural schools were neither efficient nor economic iu their administration the report calls attention to the amazing inequality in the cost of education to ratepayers of adjoining communities tile revenue by which rural schools are maintained is obtained from three sourcs the local trustee levy the township grant and the provincial grant it is quite apparent that the attendance at a given rural school might vary from three pupils to twentylive pupils without affecting the tax rate of tho section but the question is whether tbo school board is justified in using tho money of the people of tho province as a whole and for tho township in maintaining a school that only has a few pupils in attendance if these pupils could re ceive a better education at less cost in an adjoining school the greatest problem however con fronting rural school boards today is the necessity of providing educational facilities for those pupils wit- have graduated from the public or elemen tary school when tho present three trustee system was established over eighty years ago tho people were satisfied with a much lower standard of education than parents demand to day for theii children the rural three trustee school board has not as a rule a sufficient number of pupils to warrant them in providing education al facilities beyond tho entrance ex amination to high school it would requiro cooperation anion rural schools over a larger rrea to get suf ficient funds and pupils to mako it worth while establishing a secondary ecliool for the pupils who pass tho en trance examination this necessity for co operation lee to the i roposal of a school board for a larger area tho advocates of this system claim that they are not wedded to tho township school board as tho only system by which this cooperation may he secured if rural school board can suggest any other means by which they can work together in the interests of the rural child tho de partment of education would be glad to consider any plans suggested there are many educational fea tures that rural people desire to havo of whom may reside outside the high school district as a matter of practise however very few of those appointees reside outside the high school district the money is simply paid over by the county council to help build and maintain schools in urban centres and these schools are owned and controlled by the school boards ot the urban centres to sum up the advantages that are offered by the larger unit of admin istration 1st it provides for cooperation among rural school board over a larg er area witl a view to securing the advantages ot secondary education that country people desire for their children 2nd such a larger board would be in a position to cooperate with the agricultural representative in the holding ot short courses for the young people- of the community 3rd the public school inspector could meet regularly with such a board and thus provide for coopera tion hetween the professional and the practical sides of our educational sys tem no industrial or commercial institution that engages an expert to direct its affairs would ever think jf excluding him from meetings of the board of directors here in the larger unit of administration provi sion is made whereby the expert or public school inspector may meet in conference with the board of direc tors 4th a larger board ivoulcl be in a better position to employ tho services of a teacher of music a health nurse and a director in manual training or agriculture next week some ot tbe disadvant ages will be considered iu the mean time school boards are reminded that this whole question will be debated at the annual convention of the pro vincial school trustees association in toronto april 3rd smallest plane 550 pounds is being built in germany berlin what is believed to be the worlds smallest airplane is now un der construction at tho phoenix air- piano works in duesseldorf it weighs only 550 pounds it is fitted with a 34horsepower sklon motor which gives it an average speed of eighty miles an hour and it is able to carry two passengers and fuel for a fivehour flight its total radius is 400 miles tho plane is twenty- five feet in width can speedily be as sembled or demounted and needs only the smallest barn for a hangar early start for garden indoor planting assures a good start for plants requiring longer season visabla evidence of a hard winter freedoms friends meet in death fatal clash between fascists and communitst in germany berlin strike between the extreme right and left elements in this coun try resulted in bloody clashes be tween fascist and communist fol- lwoers in the village of woehrden near ileido schleswigiiolsteln re cently when three were killed and eight seriously wounded as recent fascist and communist meetings in woehrden bad been broken up re peatedly by- the opposing party dis trict authorities forbade tin fascist meeting scheduled here woehrden fascist therefore form ed a demonstrative procession of about 150 members who were attack ed by bout 130 comiruyiists street lighting followed in which fascisti otto streibe ot roest and hermann schmidt ot annen and communist stuerzonberg of silesia were killed it is reported that the communist at tack was organized by former mem bers of ho party holstein is considered the chief field of activities of agitators of tho radical right party who repeatedly have succeeded in inciting the rural incorporated in the program of their district to sabotage if taxes schools country parents demand equal educational advantages for their willing to tdmlt that you children with those or tho youth jfl ar0 dependent on your wife in your tho towns- and cities every child public career perfectly willing that attends a city school has the ad- answered senator sorghum i have vantage o medical and dental inspec- n0 cjr for muslc an an compelled hon so that his parents may bo in- l depend on marian to nudgo me so formed of nil physical condition tho lhal will be among the drat to stand healthy pastime article no 3 growing plants indoors one can get he garden off to an early start and also grow thoso ten der plants which requires a longer season than our climate allows by- starting many flowers and vegetables indoors supplies for the window box or hangg basket ian also be produced in this way among the flowers zinnias petunias cosmos marigolds in fact practically any thing except popples which do not transplant readily can bo started under glass in march or april and will benefit from being moved around a few tiiies before they are placed in their permanent locations in the vegetable line tomatoes cabbage head lettuce cucumbers melons and even a few early beets carrots and corn can be planted a box a couple of inches deep with holes bored iu the bottom for drainage and filled with sand mixed with a little loam makes the best material for indoor planting if such material is not available tho nearest greenhouse man will be abo to supply some moisten the earth then maik off the rows which need only be an inch apart sow the seed and cover the box tightly with apiece of sacking or burlap this covering will has ten germniation and prevent the seeds from being washed out it is best to get tho plants started in a dark warm cellar and after they have pushed up through the soil re move the covering and place them in full sunlight at least a foot away from the glass if it is single or closer if a storm window has been provided make sure that they are protected on nights when the ther mometer threatens to go to zero where a large quantity of plants is desired it is advisable tc provide a hot bed this is simply a glass- tected bed placed on a pile of horse manure which should be fresh at least eightee lies deep the bed should face the south with the glass sloping a few inches that way so that water will run off and the sun rays caught fully and should not be planted until the manure is heated up and cooled down again to about seven ty degrees in cold weather water very sparingly and only on bright days ventilate a little by raising the sash and keep this open longer as the weather gets warmer plants grown n a hot ded should be trans planted to a cold frame that is a glass protected bed without the heat ing manure underneath where they are hardened off before transplanting outside can place no value on a garden there will always be many critics who will maintain that it the labor involved in gardening was valued at so much an hour it would be cheaper to buy vegetables and flowers such a calculation however neglects to take into consideration tho exercise and pleasure dtrived from the grow ing of vegetables and flowers upon which no proper value can bo placed no money could purchase the quality of vegetables grown within a few yards of the kitchen or tho flowers fresh picked from the beds at tho door best vegetable varieties the following list of vegetables suitable for planting in eastern can ada is recommended by the govern ment authorities at ottawa as paragus washington satisfactory from tho standpoint ot disease resis tance and a good cropper beans pencil pod wax round wondor gol den pod as polo sorts beets flat egyptian early and detroit dark red later cabbage golden acre as a roundheaded first early followed by copenhagen market enkuizen glory- as midseason with short stem dark ish ballhead for winter storage cauliflower early snowball and early dwarf erfurt carrots chan- tcnay and danvcrs cornextra early- cory golden bantam and for later use stowells evergreen cucum hers perfection celery golden plume and paris golden lettuce grand rapids nonpareil and iceberg muskmclons hearts of cold or hoo doo miller cream or osage bender surprise and emerald green onion yellow globe danvcrs prize taker yellow globe red globe peas- thomas iaxton biuo bantam hun drcdfold stratagem parsnip hol low crown radish scarlet turnip white tip french breakfast spin acli bloomsdale and new zealand tomatoes canadian as first early followed by earliana with john baer and bonny best as tho main crop it is well to remember that the qual ity ot the seeds is even more impor tant than variety and that vegetables to havo the highest quality must be grown quickly to get this result beds must be thoroughly worked be fore and after seeding and a quickly available fertilizer 6uch as nitrate ot soda should bo applied every two weeks during tho early part of the season tho easiest way to apply this is to dissolve about a tablcspoonful i i na gallon and soak the ground about j the plants with a watering can a biologist has decided that the ape is not mans ancestor and that ought to be comforting to the ape indianapolis news markets if winter comes can spring be far behind with recent cold snaps in europe winter came to england with a venge ance with the result that this firescarred building in bath took on the appear ance of a canadian icepalace prince to assume serious duties suggestion that royal heir should dissolve parlia ment is made question not decided london tho mail monday morn ing says that the possibility of ap pointing the prince of wales regent to act for his father is being discussed the complicated constitutiona posi tion resulting from the long illness of king george was said to be the reason the newspaper says thrt it is non- clear that his majesty although his progress is mmritainctl will not be able to undr ke duties of state until after the general election which is cpected during may he will there fore bo unable to dissolve parliament himself the council of state which was ap pointed to act for the king during his illness cannot perform this function the proclamation which constituted that body declare- the counsellors shall not dissolve parliament other difficulties arise from the fact that prime minister stanley baldwin and the lord chancellor lord hail- sham are among tho counsellors the mail understands that the situ ation is under consideration and that the possibility of a bill under which the prince would become regent was being discussed no decision has been reached as yet 01 he paper recills that there arc complete precedents for the proposed course tho peace pact allows the countries to carry warships in their budgets and friendships in their agreements atlanta constitution japanese doctor wins cancer prize receives 1000 award for experimental research munich germany profeso vama- giva of the university of tokio is the recipient of this years dr sophia a nordhoff jung cancer prize for the best work in cancer research the prize which is worth 51000 was awarded yaniagiva by a unani mous decision of the committee for his experimental production of can cer in animals painted and injected with tar and for his investigations of cancerous growths in their promo tion and retardation the prize was founded by dr nor- hoff a woman physician of washing ton dc the committee was com posed of tour wellknown german scientists professors dorst doeder- lin von romberg and sauerbruch scottish nationalism new statesman london no nationalist movement can hope to succeed without a touch of tho in spiration of anger in the scottish movement this wholesale irritant is supplied by the hugo influx of irish labor into the west and the industrial belt of scotland already in glasgow with its presbyterian motto let glasgow flourish by the preaching of the word tho largest religious com munion is the roman catholic and apart from tho fresh arrivals the irish are displacing tho scots by their greater fertility the irish in scot land do not become scottish they re main irish an dit is largely the fear that their country is being taken from them which inspires what there is ot a native feeling of revolt in the scottish nationalist movement hay and straw local wholesale ay and straw tal s are making the following nota tions to ivraers delivered al to ronto no 1 timothy loose sif to 20 dc baled nominal no 2 do io 13 to 14 no 3do do 11 to 13 lower grades 8 to 9 wheat straw 1150 oats straw 9 grain quotations grain dealers o the toronto board of trade are making the following- quotations for ca- lots man wheat no 2 north 152 no 3 north 128 no 4 wheat 5124 no 5 wheat 114 no g wheat 07 vic feed wheat s7e cif goderich and bay ports price on track lc higher than above man oats no 1 feed oic no 2 feed 6554c cif goderich and bay ports am corn no 2 yellow kilndried 110 no 3 yellow kilndried 5107 no 4 yellow kilndried 105 del toronto millfeed del montreal freights bugs included bran per ton 3125 shorts per ton 3025 middlings 4125 out oats good sound heavy oats in car lots 52 to 55c fob shipping points ont good milling wheat fob ship- poing points according to freights p30 to 132 barlev malting 7c to 79c buckwheat 88 to 90c rye no 2 105 man iloli- first pals in jute 7g0 toronto second pats in jute 660 ont lour track montreal car lots 90 per cent pats per bbl 570 seed price quotations the following rang- of prices fob shipping points in ontario is being offered alsike no 1 97 per cri purity per bus 10 no 2 96 per cent pur ity per bus 9 no 3 95 per cent purity per bus 5750 no 4 90 per cent purity per bus c red clover no 1 grade per bus h no 2 grade er bus 95u no 3 grade per bus 8 alfalfa no 1 grade per bus 14 no 2 grade per bus 12 no 3 grade per bus 9 sweet clover no 1 brigiit quality from machine per bus 180 no 2 off color from machine per bus 125 livestock hevy beef steers 50 to 10 butchers steers choice 950 to 10 do fair to good 850 to 875 do com 750 to 8 outcher heifers choice 9 to 9i5 co fail to good 850 to 9 oo com 750 to 8 butcher cows good to choice 725 to 8 do com to med 6 to 675 do canners and cutters 4 to 5 butcher jbulls good to choice 50 to jv5 do com to med 5 to 625 uc uiog- ras 5 to 6 baby beef to 1250 feeders choice 850 to i do fair to good 8 to 850 stocks choice 8 to 850 do fair to good 750 to so0 calves choice 15 to 1650 do mod 10 to 11 do grats- ers 750 to 3s springers 90 to 110 milkers 75 to 90 lambs per cwt 15 to 1550 buck- lambs 1150 to 12 sheep hoice 750 to 850 do mod 525 to 6 do culls 3 to- 4 hogs selects woc 51175 to 12 do do fed 1145 to 1170 do do fob 1075 to 11 do thick- smooths woc 51125 to 1150 produce quotations torcvto wholesale deale are pay ing the following prices delivered to ronto eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 42c fresh firsts 40c seconds 32c pullet extras 3ce butter creamery solids pasteur ized no 1 42ic no 2 41c churning cream special 46c no 1 45c no 2 42c cheese no 1 large colored para- affined and government graded 21c husband but really darling we must try to live within our income wife live within our income dont bo so mean dear were not so poor as that before man made us citizens great nature made u3 men james russel lowell winter will soon be past start now to season horses shoulders s steeds strain with mellowing furrows turning from the plow anilrew overends team competing in the mullshoad plowing match at portadown uistcr when itey loal first prize for style and appearance of turnout spring work will soon be here washing horses shoulders with strong tea or salt solution will harden the skin for the busy season look over collars to see the fit and bar good clean smooth surfaces