stouffville february 21st 1929 lake s1mc0e white fish aunt jemima buckwheat flour no 3 pail honey soc i j quick quaker oats china pkg 3e fresh corn ileal 5 lbs 25c i finest seedless raisins 2 lbs 22c i sumnaid puffed raisins 2 lbs 25c j finest patras currants per lb isc choice prunes pel lb 10c castile soap 7 bars 25c maple lent haking powder 1g oz tins 22e oxbridge twp council lux soap 3 cakes iux powder 3 pkg lettuce celery and fancy cooking onions ratcliff co celery lettuce bulk oysters and fish agent for 57 mccormickdeering lines of farm machinery also international trucks peter hamilton machinery and r a lister engines letz alfalfa grinders and melotte cream separators mount buggies and cutters repairs carried in stock second hand buggy no 7 wilkinson plow cutter coekshutt tractor plow good 1 hp gasoline engine real estate handled at reasonable commission phone bakers garage or 15204 frank baker phone 15201 stouffville the first robin new cooperative pack ing plant i2m fiiriiiois asked to lni in a nrv experiment that peeps his cherry song of spring flowers and pleasant roads at you from fence corner or tree top will make you won der if the old bus is all ok for a spin through the country weve been playing robin all winter and ouite a number have brought their cars in to be tuned up for spring have you dont wait until spring is here and then expect to get it done in a hurry there are too many folk who do that and a real rush is the result do it now youll be glad you did when the first robin greets you drive in and see for your self a swift phoxk garaok 1w stoptfvii lk piles 10 or bloney back piles or hemorrhoids ccin beremovd wither an operation or any inconvemenccsirnply by correctinc the cause of tbis dread tiisfasc ior over 20 years the old herbal compound natures pile remedy has been re- lievinkandhealingcverytypeofplc3manyof them from persons who had tried other treat ments in vain u should do the same for you no matter how hopeless your case may seem get a box of these harmless vekctablecjpiules from yourdruiifiist today if they dont bnnn relief when taken according to direction you can gladly have your money back natures pile remedy nono genuine without name a w merrill j boadway stouffville notice sanu golden is back in stouff- villo buying fowl it will pay you to call before you sell apply nt ikxxock livery herbs are best for ailing kidneys natural safe and wonderfully healing itcrbs and herbs only nro used in gal laghers kidney remedy which is one of the old proved iiorbil household remedies that tho noted herbalist james gallagher compounded himself more than 50 years ago and these good herbs natures gift have great healing power even acute kidney ailments liko rheumatism nro relieved by gal laghers bad backaches dizzy spells end bladder miseries soon stop try this trustworthy herbal remedy it is remarkable and safe sold by u j m storey stouffville what farmer has not heard of d-n- hiart and tneir famous bac n hogs in that country tile marketing is done much different than it is here in ontario and w3 notice an effort being made over iiy simcoe county to organize the fanners along danish lines tiie efforts of the new organ ization in our neigiiuoring county may well be watched with interest and suspicion for r successful it could soon be worked out here in york county barrie papers report an unusual function in that town last week when provisional directors or the first co operative packers of ontario were hosts to fifty representative farmers of simcoe and adjacent counties at a dinner at the american hotel bar rio where the opening efun ot a mem bership drive was fired and the pro position to establish a packing plant in barrie explained and reviewed in detail at the conclusion of the meet ing which followed tne dinner the project was given unanimous endor- sation over a score- of agreements between the company and the farm ers were executed the latter pledging 150 stock subscription and their en tire output of hogs for ten years money advanced bears 7 per cent in terest speakers explained that the pro spectus of the new company had al ready been approvea oy the depart ment of agriculture and the return of the charter from the provincial secretary was expected any day the intention of the company is to break ground april 1st and be ready to operate october 1st but no move will be made until 2000 eon- tracts are signed directors stated two meetings a day have been arrang ed for the balance ot this week and next and will be continued until the entire territory is covered taking in three counties dufferin peel and simcoe farmers without exception stated they were losing money on their at present market prices tile com pany aims to convert the greater part ot a spread ot approximately 600 a iiog between the producer and consumer into the pocket of tho farmer with a packing house located- in barrie the district would be divided into twelve zones or clubs and each zone would elect a member to ths board of representatives the board of twelve representatives selects soven members to the board of dir ectors the directors are responsi ble to individual cooperative mem bers for supervision and successful operation of the packing house the directors select the manager eack week the board of directors in conference with the manager sets a price according to the open market the basis of settlement is 75 per cent at time of delivery with the balance forwarded as soon as the hogs are slaughtered and carsass graded many other features were review ed tho provincial directors claim their undertaking is tne first ot its kind on tho north american contin ent and say fortytwo such plants are successfully operating in den mark today ixbridge township council met on saturday feb 16th with the members all present and reeve cas- sle in thechair a communication was read from out prohibition union requesting council to pass a resolution and sub mit copies of same to the senate and parliament of canada to effect such legislation as to effectively prevent clearance being given to any vsssel or vehicle of any kina carrying a cargo of intoxicating liquor to the united states contrary to the laws of that country miss j mckerrell of the globe indemnity co waited on the council and gave them explanation of the working of said co and answering any questions pertaining to same and stating that for an extra pre mium of 1095 the policy would be changed from 5000 10000 1- 000 to 10000 for injuries or death to oue person the result of onj ac cident 20000 for injuries or death to more than one person the result of oneaccideut 2000 for damage lo property of the publie the result of one accident after due considera tion council decided to increase policy to said amount the clerk was instructed by coun cil to write o m alger supt of childrens aid society oshawa re two families in townsnip mr russell feasby one of the township auditors presented their report for year 192s and on motion of messrs davies and pichard it was adopted and clerk instructed to have 75 copies printed in pamphlet form an account of 1159 having been received from w flumerfelt for goods supplied to philip tugwell pichard lewis that tne clerk be instructed to write mr flumerfelt that this council feel that this ac count should not be paid until it be investigated and that we will not be responsible for suppues unless in structions are given by council in such cases daviesiewis mat the road and bridge committee of this town ship have full jurisdiction over all roads in township and according to the plans and specifications laid down by the dept ot highways that t lie township road superinten dent is an officer of the township and shall be under tne direction of said committee ana with whom he shall consult and from whom speci fic instructions may rrom time to time be received the twp road supt under the committee shall lay out and supervise all work and in spect all roads within the jurisdic tion of the township council that ail roads foriuen appoiited by the committee and supt shall complete and mail to the supt eacii month at least three days previous to council meeting all pay rolls and accounts for all work jlone and certify that same are correct the twp road supt must report tit the said com mittee on all work proposed to be done and estimate of cost except in case of an emergency the twp supt shall be employed and paid for such work and time as the commit tee may direct for the days actually engaged on the work any work which is not authorized by the supt or committee the person or dering same shall be held responsi ble for the payment of same all construction work must be com pleted by the first day of october the matter of changing the town ship treasurer was taken up and a vote taken on the question of intro ducing a bylaw for the appointment of a treasurer the yeas and nays were taken thus for introducing bylaw davies for allowing present bylaw to stand lewis pickard catherwood the above vote virtually means that the present treasurer welling ton smalley willretain his position harold harper of goodwood applied for the job last meeting a bylaw was passed making appro priation for road expenditures for year 1929 a bylaw was also passed making the following appointment of officers for tho township for year 1929 poundkeepers kenneth wallace w chapman w ii fiss roy coppins jos norton jesse davis alfred haynes frank beach edgar storry john whalen isaac catherwood w redshaw sheep valuators russell blue- man r flewell jos jones e w evans albert hockley henry slack david watson frank beach jos cooper isaac tompkins robt pick ard win redshaw fence viewers alt haynes orval roach albert hockley w f st john frank nokcs w smalley j w widdifield jos norton erastus smalley isaac catherwood frank hardy j a hlngston e storry wmhacknow berton tindall chris manley henry slack j j carmody a small number of accounts were passed and council adjourned to meet again on saturday mar icth missionary givings in- east presbytery roooo pensioners missionary contributions aggregat ing 179903 1j have been made for the year just closed by churches in the toronto east presbytery thirty- one united churches in the eastern section of toronto ana twentytwo charges in east york and ontario county are included in the con gregational totals for missionary and toronto churches berkeley st 120s bellefair ls0c carlton street 1064 daniorth avenue 9255 donlandf avenue2300 fred victor mission 105 gerrard street 603 clonmount 1063 hope 4000 kew beach 6000 kingston road 3200 king street 700 mcphersou 172 metropol ian 35011 north broadview 2s1 old st andrews 25574 ai lament street 150 rhodes ave 1291 riverdale 1736 st enochs 609 st giles 930 si james square 3s0- st stephens 175 simpson aenue 57s4 sherbourne street 13560 wood bine 600 woodgreen tabernacle 1713 wanstead s3 warden park 10 agineourt 2055 bethesda 127 is birchcliff first 400 lirehcliff heights is12s box grove 19110 dawes road and zion 320 dunharton s3350 epson 300 goodwood 12175 lemonville 26363 markham 2- libel 3 means laf barn burned 20 sandford 1100 more than seventy thousand canadians are in receipt of disabil ity and dependent persons accord ing to a return tabled in the house of commons by hon j h king minister of pensions disability pensioners number 50635 and de pendent pensions are paid to 19975 canadas liability for them is 35- 5s3s53 an increase of 1353204 over the preceding fiscal year new claims considered totalled 3956 of the pensioners ontario has by- far the greatest number 16211 british columbia 6 25 alberta 3914 manitoba 4927 saskatche wan 3116 quebec 3601 nova scotia and pei 727 and new- brunswick 1375 pensions for war disabilities are sent to every quarter of the globe there are 12 pensioners in russia of tlie disability pensions 367 are pel nianent a total of s62 of the disabilities or 33663 originated in france 91 or 1576 in england 42 or 2124 in canada and 05 or 272 in other theatres during the fiscal year 671 pension crs of the great war ited and ignited the straw round it the flume shot up the blower and imme diately the dust in the barn was all on fire a rush was made to the stable below and all the stock turn ed ont and most of the equipment saved the barn up son years was a very substantial structure 40 feet by co it was completely de stroyed together with feed for stock considerable grain a wagon aud some other implements alliston herald scarboro bluffs st pauls 254 scarboro circuit 1300 stouffville 1313 sunderland 1010 unionville 1- 306 uxbridge 2100 vroomahton 644 whitevale s 20 limst and ignited straw and dust in instant claremont thos sanderson of ashburn has purchased stanley slacks farm on the townline and will take posses sion in april tlie stouffville choral class intend giving their concert here in the near future watch for date and full particulars later a splash of molten babbit a ton gue of flame and a second later the whole interior of mr d mcknlghts barn on the 13th concession of te- cuinseth was a mass of flame mr mcknight and three or four neigh bors were cutting feed last thurs day and a few minutes after five one of the journals of the cutter was detected to have heated mr mc knight went for a pail of water to pour on it but just as he came into the barn the babbit boxing burst gormley mr jos cobcr uas sold his 50 acre or more famron the 5th con cession to jos wfdeman who will embark on a farm career we wish the budding young yeoman every success mr cober will jiold an auct ion sale in march and may move to stouffville but this is not definately decided on it is estimated that about two car loads of potatoes are in storage in the vicinity of gormley with the price flattened to 50c a bag or lower our people are about to drop some money for the tubers cannot be pro duced for such prices some farmers vill feed the potatoes rather than sell at 45c or 50 a bag good sleighing ana fairlf- good heeling prevails here on the main road forced to sleep in ch air gas so bad nights i sat up in a chair i had such stomach gas i took adlerika and nothing i cat hurts me now i sleep fine mrs glenn butler even the first spoonful of ad lerika relieves gas on the stomach and removes astonishing amount ot old waste matter from the system makes you enjoy your meals and sleep better no matter what you have tried for your stomach and bowels adlerika will surprise you j m storey druggist iimmiim our big anniversary sale all this week is going strong hun dreds of farmers are visiting this store from long distances securing a share of the bargains you have a chance until sat urday night to get your share making a mistake duluth charges 225 for a marri age license so superior wis has cut the rate to 50c to get the busi ness duluth with its superior rate frowns on the inferior price at sup erior but the ow rale cs getting the business would a cut in rates here in ontario be of help in stimulating what is otherwise a sluggish busi ness here in stouffville a remark passed by catherine booth daughter of general bram- well bpoth head of tho salvation army is interpreted as meaning that her father will nave recourse to the courts if tlie effort to have him deposed is pressed the troubles in the army seem to become more deep seated than be fore when the courts appear in the case at the solicitation of cither party it can be taken for granted that hope liasdled of mutual under standing and amicable agreement tlie salvation army is doing what many churches have chine cone to law and we doubt if any good over came of it the world is not impressed when a church goes to law- it is not im pressed when tho salvation army leaders goes to law the world is impressed when a kjhurch regards its spiritual work of gratcr importance than the place of brick and mdrtar where this work is carried on mens silk hose mens silk and wool and cash mere v2 hose in fancy checks and stripe a good range of shades anniversary sale 59c pr boys sweaters boys heavy sweater coats heavy rib in plain brown as sorted sizes anniversary sale 59c work shirts mens heavy work shirts regu lar 150 anniversary sale 100 fine shirts mens fine shirts in fancy broadcloth stripes and checks all sizes anniversary sale 100 caps mens heavy winter caps anniversary sale 59c mens sweaters mens heavy allwool sweaters and wind breakers anniversary sale 298 cut glass tumblers cut glass glass tumblers in a nice fine clear anniversary sale 7c each a special rummage table 100 for anyone piece fancy bowls a nest of fancy bowls 3 and 4 in a set anniversary set 69c set odd lots of wall paper at very low prices 1 in every department 50 only mens allwool worsted suits in plain bue fancv stripes light blues greys and fawn assorted sizes reg 3000 and 3500 suits anniversary sale 2250 15 only mens and young mens winter overcoats in blues greys and heather mixtures sizes 33 to 42 anniversary sale 995 mens and boys medium weight combination underwear fine weight for spring odd sizes anniversary sale 100 garment silk and wool hose 49c 6 doz ladies pure silk hose assorted shades and sizes si to 10 regular 150 anniversary sale 100 pr ladies silk and wool and cashmere hose assorted hades and sizes substandards and first quality a regular dollar hose anniversary sale 19c pr ladies allwool and silk and wool underwear with short and longsleeves vests and bloomers odd sizes anniversary sale 100 a garment odd lots of wall paper at very low prices