a feature for this page by prominent authority one of ontarios prominent garden authorities has written an exclusive series of articles for your paper which will cover gardening in all its phases clip for reference to- we are glad to be able to aniiounco of vegetables such as cucutnuers that we once more have been favored matoes com ami possibly potatoes a with a serle3 of articles on gardening full yard is not ioo wide when sp3c3 in all its aspects from the pen of one is limited as is the case in the aver- of ontarios leading authorities in this age city or town garden and the gar- iuterestiug field of endeavor the den is cultivated by hand distances writer for certain personal reasons can be cut down with the narrow- prefers to remain anonymous but that vegetables such as carrots and beets will not detract in any way frpm the twelve inches apart beans and peas value of the information he will give lifteen and the tailed and wider sorts tiie gardener experienced or inexpert- a couple of fee these rows will be onced in these columns the series j found rather narrow and one will starts with this week nsue and will have to be careful in working around be continued throughout the garedn- them to give more freedom plant ing season with timely suggestions alternate rows with quickly maturing and latest scientific information stuff like lettuce spinach and rad- we received many letters of com- ishes which will be used tip before mendation on a similar series we ran their later growing neighbors require last year th present series we full space wherever possible garden think will prove much more interest- 1 experts advise running the rows lug and instructive thau the former north and south of course in the we would suggest that our readers j smaller garden to conserve space all clip these articles and keep them in a j climbing vegetables such as cucum- scrapbook to be used for reference 1 bers squash melons and even pump the information is the last word and kins should be trained up along the will be of such a nature that it can fence and tomatoes staked even in be referred to from time to time occasion arises we trust you will enjoy it as article no 1 snow may still cover the ground but the seed catalogues have already j the vegatoble garden may been distributed and the days are get- more ting longer so the gardner must be- show gin to plan for the work ahead this planning is essential but is with a fen- tools a piece of land and a few pack ets of seed all that is necessary a beautiful display of lowers and prim rows of crisp vegetables are not hard to obtain there is no mystery about gardening only healthy exercise a small outlay of cash and the unlimited gardens the staking of tomatoes is strongly advised as in this case the fruit will mature much earlier will ripen more evenly and will be cleaner than where the plants are allowed to sprawl over the ground be made attractive by planting a few- flowers such as zinnias pop pies calliopsls and marigolds around the edges here also should be grown those flowers for cuttng pur- poses like sweet peas salpiglossis and j other plants the foliage of which is not particularly attractive the bright flowers will relieve the solid green of the vegetables and those grown for will do better under vegetable reforms czrried even to housing royal paiac avchitctue in atuianiji i am under construction at darvlaman afghanistan which will replace the primitive one at kabul a peaceveteran seeks repose after lons life of usefulness sir geoie e foster re tires from active service we have legions of veterans of war but few veterans of peace the former seem heroic the latter drab and undramatic but then there are exceptions sir george foster is one of them he is assuredly a veteran prophet of peace and a picturesque and popular prophet a politician a statesman who has transcended the bounds of party and even the limits j lawrence secretly reaches england grputiil from ten by ten upward being needed with reliable seed so easy to obtain fertilizer vheh will make tha most barren soil productive there is no longer excuse for the oldstyle backyard of chips and dust when it is so simple to replace with a sweep of vehlcat green grass ieiig up to gay bads of dowers plan garcci now much of the w i of gardening is carried out indoc s and incidentally one gets almost as much pleasure from this as from the other no one should think of going ahead with- oj a plan and an- evening may be iiilrsji off for this job any time it is remarkable what one can do in the i a few of the medium height flowers to- garden conditions planting the flower garden in the lower garden one must abandon the straight rows so neces sary for neatness and economy with the vegetables and lay out in irregu lar clumps formal rows of tulip and other stately flowers may be made attractive iu a very large layout but the amateur especially where space is limited is urged to adopt the in formal layout to et the best results plant in clumps of one variety and color with the smaller sorts along the front the medium type towards the centre and the taller plants at the rear to avoid rigid regularity move way of raising vegetables and flowers even in a little space if the thing is carefully thought out and planned aiiad of course out in the country witre there is pletny of room a full years supply may be easily produced and with rows wide enough to permit of horse cultivation the job is a simple one in the latter case there is no nacessftyfor inter row or double planting and make all rows wards the front and bring a few of the taller sorts a little away from the back along the edges of the beds lobelias ageratium alyssium tagetots and dwarf marigolds may be planted of medium height there are hundreds of specimeus from which to choose but the beginner would be well ad vised to include zinnias asters corn flowers calliopsis annual larkspur t is a good plan to j petunias and marigolds cosmos at least thirty inches dahlias and similar ones should go at of country in the broader cause of in ternationalism sir george koster has achieved the praiseworthy and almost remaikable feat of maintaining a posi- ition outstanding in national and world affairs from within the walls of our senate chamber he has since the close of the war been actively identi fied with the league of nations with imperial and with international af fairs and sine its inception he has been the moving spirit of the league of nations society in canada on the eve vi tu uinual meeting of this iiuential organisation to be held iiicrtyft ottawa he has announced hii retirement as president and throughout the country attention is drawn to this latter phase in the life of one of the truly irand old men of canadian politics of sir oeorge fosters political ad ventures little needs to be said they his part in afghan troubles great driving force has grown from an organization of less than one thou sand to one of upwards of lifteen thousand members a number that is likely to be considerably augmented on april l league of nations day j ordered back after stories of when a liation-wuk- drive will i conducted it is one of the most im portant and influential societies in the country as it includes so many dis tinguished canadians upon its active list it was probably responsible for the development of the public opinion last year that urged the prime minis ter to himself represent canada at geneva and it will continue to play a leading role in the affairs of lie coun try sir george foster is retiring as president of the league of nations society in canada but he will con tinue undoubtedly to aid in its work and wiil assuredly retain the affection and esteem of thoe who have been associat with him nations warned vll ii lig 1 i ll tivites of colonel laurence j v ot spreading sorts j the back britain refuses to interfere in afghan affairs kinds abdication said to make it hard to regard his as rightful claim lordbi in house of commons sir austen chamberlain the foreign secretary was asked for a statement regarding the attitude the govern ment proposed to adopt toward tho ptesent disturbances in afghanistan sir austen replied the govern ment lias no intention of interfering in the internal affairs of afghanistan by supporting or assisting nnyof the parties at present contending for power inthat country they earnest ly desire the establishment of a strong central government and will bo pre pared when that government is estab lished to show their friendship for the afghan people by giving such assistance as they enn in the recon struction and development of the country king amomillah has formally an nounced his abdication to the british government and in consequence till it is clear that despite that abdica tion ho is regarded as their king by the people of afghanistan generally the british government will be unable to regard his government as the rightful afghan government asked what had been the attitude of afghan factors toward british missions or consulate sir austen said tho various parties had all respected the sanctity of tho british legation at kabul although considerable material damage was done to the buildings last december when the legation lay in tho line 6f fire between tho forces of king amanullah and habibullih khan the similar iosition of the british consul at telalabad appeared to have been respected by all parties although thero had been a report not confirmed that the consulate had suffered dam- ago in tho course of the disturbances no disturbances had taken place in the area of tho british at kandahar in reply to a question regarding the rescue of german nationals from kabul by british aircraft sir austen suid he had received from the gorman ambaisador an expression of hi warm thanks for the services render ed the german government similar ly expressed its thanks to tho british ambassador in berlin saying they would take the opportunity of express ing to his majestys government their sincere thanks for the assistance ren dered by them pnd by the indian gov eminent in rescuing german women and children from kabul in most diffi cult circumstances the german gov ernment requests that their thanks may also be conveyed to the govern ment of india laugh aud the world laughs with you tell your aliments and itll run like the dickens every time it sees you coming mrs ballings vain man did you never observe that designers tako a womans head to adorn many ot your coins her husband meekly no but i have observed that design ers take many of my coins to adorn a womans head are sufficiently exciting to be remem bered vividly by canadians who have been alive to the progress of the na tion duryig the past forty odd years sir george is in his eighties and just fortyseven years ago entered parlia ment and forty years ago became minister of finance of the great political figures of his day whose names live as his will live iu cana dian history he alone remains he has served on the cabinets of seven prime ministers macdonald abbott thompson bowel topper borden and meighen and retains to this day a political perspiquily and an energy that make him one of the most inter esting and important personages in the senate the part sir george has taken in world affairs however is even more important praiseworthy and memor able than his brilliant political career he attended the historic peace con ference of ima and led tbe delega lions representing canada at geneva at the first assembly of the league of nations in 1920 and at the seventh assembly iu 1926 it was he waving a welcoming flag who was one of the most dramatic actors in the never-to- beforgotten scene when germany gained admittance to the league ot nations on these and other occa sions he represented canada with dig nity and ability less interesting perhaps at any rate less known has been his work iu canada in gaining support for the league movement throughout the country through the medium ot the league of nations society but it has been in reality no less significant the society of which he has beeu the i conferenc eat geneva place- emphasis on greater care in reports geneva the opium advisory com mittee of the league of xations con cluded its twelfth session feb 1 its report again emphasizing the serious extent of the illicit traffic tee gov ernments were reminded of their duty to supply accurate leports concern ing their production and manufacture j of narcotics turkey and persia two of the most important producers ot opium were exhorted to supply statistics the committee also notes with regret that half of the members of the league have not yet ratified the geneva con vention at the same time improvement was noted iu administrative measures taken by france and japan the j committee renews its instruction that j all discrepancies in reports be im- 1 mediately examined by the secretar- iat ot th league plymouth fug air craftsman shaw otherwise lawrence ot ara bia landed from the liner kajputaua feb 2 enveloped in the same veil of mystery that has pursued his move ments since the close of tus world war colonel lawrence traveled third class from india he ate his meals alone exercised at night and other wise lived up to his mysterious char acter it had been reported here lawrence now ssrvinrj in the british air korea iu india as private shaw had been sent home beeaute of sensa tional ami exaggerated rports about his activities in lii ail sorts of rumors have been com- the ac- some- j times he 1as been pictured as active iti india other times in arabia and his nania has even been mentioned in connection with the recent afghan troubls official disclaimers how- ever were made in london of the re ports that he was working in any way in the situation in afghanistan it j was stated that lawrence had been stationed on ete afghan border for eonie time but was then ordereu back to england because of the rumors in i circulation new crisis arises in greek politics opposition threatens to ab stain from elections on senatorial list issue to canada for ten pounds loudon morning post the new ten pounds ocean fare to canada is really a challenge to die spirit aud enterprise in the british stock the slogan of the anticipated army of ten pounds immigrants to canada should bo courage and a little cash more courage is needed than cash canada has let down the bar riers that restricted the reduced face to farmtrained workers and domestic helpers por certain specially select ed classes there are still lower fares than the x10 rate young women for instance who will work as cook- generals in canada can still go out for the tiny fare of 2 for certain se lected families for boys under nine teen and for wives rejoining well- settled husbands in canada specially low fares are available but for the great advance of britains bravest to wards better conditions of employ ment the watchword of 1929 will he to canada for ten pounds farms never had fewer horses or more horsepower athens the governments pro posal to include general plastiras and colonel gonatas in the list ot senatorial candidates to be elected by both chambers has provoked an out burst of criticism by antiyenizeiists who disapprove of both men on ac count of their previous political ac tivities panayoti tsaldaris ieacer of tho popular party in a letter of protest to mr venielos threatens to abstain from the elections and even with draw from parliament should the gov ernment insist on carrying its plan through it is hoped that a peaceful solution will be found tho republicans pro pose that the government abandon its initial proposal and place two can didates on the list to he elected by the people drect in which case it is hoped they would he returned with a majority thus giving furtlir proof ot greeces loss of appetles for encour aging persons aspiring to a revival of the monarchy market reports produce quotation toronto wholesale dealers are pay ing the following prices dvlivered toronto eggs ungraded casts returned fresh extras 38 to 89c fresh first 35 to 36c second 25 to 27c pulleti extras 26 to 27c butter creamerv soiids paseur- ized no 1 41 c no 2 40kc churning cream special no 1 41c no 2 lie cheese no 1 large colored paraf fined and government graded 21c provision prices toronto wholesale dealers are quot ing the following prices to the trade smoked meats hams nicd 29 to 31c cooked hams 40c smoked rolls 25c breakfast bacon 30 to 31c do fancy 37 to 10c backs peaiueaud 28 to 30c do smoked 30 to 33c cured raats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 21 70 to 90 lbs 19 90 to 100 lbs and up 18 lightweight rolls in barrels 1150 heavyweight rolls 3850 per bbi lard pure tierces lcc tubs iclic pails 17c prints isi to ijc shortening tierces 14uc tubs 1 15ic pails 15ic tins 17ic prints lgic pork loins 26c new york shoul ders 19c pork butts 21c uork hams 23c grain quotations grain dealers on the toronto board of trade are making the following quotations r car lots man wheat no 2 north 130i no 3 north 127 no 1 wheat 123 no 5 wheat 12351 no 6 wheat 93i4c no 0 wheat 89ic cif goderich and bay ports prices on track lc higher than above man oats no 1 feed 62ric no 2 feed 60c cif goderich and bay ports am corn no 2 vellow kiln driod lliy no 3 yellow- kilndried 108 no 4 yellow kilndred 106 that i delivered toronto j miiitccd del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 3125 shorts per ton 3425 middlings 3925 out oats good sound heavy oats in car lots 50 to 55c fob shipping points out good milting wheat fob ship ping points according to freights 130 to 132 barlcv malting 76 to tq buckwheat ss to 90c rye no 2 5105 man ilur first pats ir jute 40 toronto second pats in juic 680 ont flour truck montreal car lots 90 per cu pats per bbl 570 hay and straw local wholesale hay and straw dealers are making the following quo tations to farmers delivered at to ronto no 1 timothy loose per ton 1s to 19 no 1 timothy baled nominal no 2 do do 14 no 3 do do 13 lower grades 8 to 12 wheat straw 10 oat straw 9 livestock heavy beef steers choice 950 to 975 butcher steers choice 9 to 950 do fair to gooo 850 to 875 7 do com 750 to 8 butcher heifers choice 9 to 950 do fair to good 850 to 9 do com 750 to 8 butchers cows good to choice 7 to 775 do com to med 550 to 650 do canners and cutters 4 to 5 butcher bulls good to choice 7 to 8 do com to nied 6 to 7 do bol ognas 6 to 675 babv beef 1050 to 1300 feeders choice 900 do fair to good 8 to s75 dockers choice 825 to 350 do fair to good 750 to 855 calves choice 16 to 1060 do med 10 to 11 do grass es 750 to 8 springers 100 to 130 milkers 75 to 100 lambs per cwt 14 to 1450 do culls per cwt 9 to 13 buck lambs 11 to 1150 sheep choice 650 to 750 do med 525 to 6 do culls 3 to 1 hogs selects vvoc 1175 to 12 do fob selects 1075 to 11 do fed and watered 1145 to 1170 do thick smooths fob 1025 to 1050 but may be the scientist who said hero is a limit- to space was talking about parking space magistrate hav you anything to say prisoner yes sir a good deal if you give me time to say it ma gistrate bight six months reminiscent of old time stories the immigration ruling toronto globe lib sir henry thornton and mr beatty have jointly protested iu emphatic terms at tho actiou of the government iu setting a quota on immigrants from uonpf ferred countries the railway pregi dents undoubtedly know that the ac tion of the department was taken under pressure of public opinion and this was prompted by the fact thai too irftfiiy farmers of foreign racial origin were taking up western lands that loo many of these and of farm laborers were storming the employ ment offices in the towns and cities in the winter and that too many of the immigrants found heir way with out delay into industrial occupations not only in the west but in tho east if 99 per cent ot the european farm- era stayed on he land this accounts for one of the complaints if they didnt in accounts for another in any event the government had to do some thing to adjust a situation rapidly bo- coming intolerable what it did was admittedly not sufficient but it was something the river teve3e has overflowed its bank mich ot the couulrjrjld ut itiifc js luyuutei duriut the recent ttoodj tii1 picture show how tht water had risen at the nomenuna bridge the real imperialism loudon observer iiid general smuts speaks of the british empire he greatest force for good tho world has ever seen and probably over will see those are the words of a man who has opposed that km- ilrfl illarms and has printed his char- lwr8ms ra ter uion jtot hi eiyitr lie hiighsn urlnoi butch langusgo is spoken sonuv phases of south african development aro discouraging and especially th33 reluctance in certain quarters to roj shin old enmities which havo lojjr tjjelr meaning but such a faith3 r and generous as genera muui arows can ha trusted to oiihlvo and defeat all culls of mcr animosity and negation juu 1 mm 1