Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 14, 1929, p. 3

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riieumalic fains due to thin blood v relief comes through the use of dr williams pink pills tle most a rheumatic sufferer can iiope for in rubbing something on tb swollen aching points is a little relief and all the while the trouble fa becoming more firmly rooted it la now known that rheumatism is rooted in the blood and that as the trouble goes on the blood becomes rtiil further thin and watery to get rid of rheumatism therefore you must go to the root of the trouble in iho blood that is why dr williams pink fills have proved so beneficial when taken for this trouble they make new rich blood which expels the poisonous acid and the rheuma- thm disappears there are thousands of former rheumatic sufferers in canada now well and strong who thank dr wil liams pink pills that they are now- free from the aches aud pains of this dieadeil trouble one of these mrs av f talt mckellaiv out who says i am one of the willing ones to tell you of the great benefits i receiv ed from tlie use of dr williams pink pills after lying in bed for seven weeks suffering untold agony lvith inflammatory rheumatism relief finally came through the use of this niedicine 1 could not move in bed chly as they lifted me and i could nly sleep when opiates were given me the medical treatment i was taking seemed of no avail then i was advised to try dr williams pink pills and soon f began to get relief taking six or eight boxes the rheumatism was banished and i have never felt better in my life it is ser- promotions in cnr legal dept with the approval of sis henry thornton chairman and president of the canadian national railways ger ard huel vicepresidentot legal af fairs has issued the following cireul- consequent upon the much re gretted demise of william craig chisholni formerly general couu- sel who was an officer of un usual ability of sterling tvorth and a universal favorite the fol lowing changes in staff are made taking effect immediately reginald h m temple form erly assistant general counsel is promoted to general counsel alistair fraser kc formerly commission counsel is promoted to assistant general counsel the position of commission counsel is abolished mr temple left joined the cana dian northern hallway twentythree years ago as a member of the ac- ral years since this happened and counts branch of the construction de- i have had no return of the trouble since i may add that i recommend ed the pills to two of my friends who were suffering with rheumatism and the pills were equally effective in both cases try dr williams pink pills for anaemia rheumatism neuralgia in digestion or nervousness take them as a tonic if you are not in the best physical condition and cultivate a re sistance that will keep you well and strong von can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a box from the dr wil liams medicine co brockville out partment later he became claims agent and from that position he was transferred- to the legal department subs6quehtly becoming general solici tor at toronto in april 1919 mr temple was appointed regional coun sel with headquarters at winnipeg in may 1926 mr temple was ap pointed assistant general counsel on the promotion of the late mr chis holni to the position of general coun sel mr temple is a native of toronto on the occasion of the outbreak of the south african war he enlisted with the first canadian contingent under the then col otter he served in various capacities and was afterward commissioner of the heidelberg dis trict mr temple has the south african medal with four bars major alistair fraser mc kc right was born at new- glasgow and is a son of hon d c fraser former lieutenantgovernor of nova scotia he was called to the bar in 1911 and created kings counsel in 1921 he enlisted at the outbreak of the war in 1914 and served with the 17th battalion the ppcli and the 15th battalion he was afterwards adc to general currie commander of the canadian corps in 1919 he was appointed general solicitor to the canadian national railways and commission counsel in 1923 mr fraser will continue to deal with rail way commission matters statues london mercery- tonce a etatue is erected let it remain a perpetual re vision means the gradual tupersossioii of antiquity the claims of queen anne to public commtnjoratiou arc not much higher than those of the duke of cambridge and logically iff tervice to the state is to be the sole test who can defend the fine posiion reserved to the fine roman thigy of james ii who fled the country after a reign of three years aud was a source cf cocstaut trouble afterwards no the tyrants the rogues the mugs are as much a part of our history as the others and it is a sure instinct which leads one to urge leaving their statues where they arc once anybody has felt impelled to tree them there are very few statues in london which do not symbolize and commemorate some important public movement or condition of things as we as a man whether genijs or fool red rose orange pekoe tea is truly economical a half pound makes almost as many cups as a full pound of cheap tea costing 50c to 60c eo for mothers of young children is good tea red rose orange pekoe ijextra good truly barren an irish private was called before the adjutant of his regiment who had received complaints that the irishman had not written home for years the common excuse cant write was of fered cant write said the officer seizing his pen weil just dictate while i write your letter we have tlie best commanding officer in the service declared pat hm mused the adjutant looking up well the sm is like a father to the men anything else asked the adjutant kindly excuse had writing and spell- ijig added tat canadian legion to bar sweepstakes mothers are quick to praise any thing which brings health and com fort to their little ones any medi cine tliat will make the baby well and keep him well will always receive hearty recommendation from the mother that is why babys own tablets are so popular thousands of mothers throughout the country not only use them for their own little ones but are always delighted to be able to recommend them to other mothers thousands of mothers have proved babys own tablets to be without an equal in relieving their little ones of any of the roany minor rilments which arise out of a derangement of the stomach and bowels baby 8 own tablets arc the ideal laxative easy jo take but thorough in action they banish constipation aud indigestion break up colds and simple fevers espo worms and make the teething period easy the tablets are sold by medi cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the dr williams redicsne co brockville oct gambling methods cf raising money banned by do minion headquarters mansfield husband she called me all the bad names she could think of and it took me all my time to compete with her why on with laughter the minister dropped into the vil lage barber shop for a shave at the close of which he proffered the usual ioeeiit price of the shop ill take it in preaching sir re plied the polite barber refusing the offered coin t my friend rejoined the minister with some dignity i havent i 10cent sermon wiiifolv ilwvi om i pohtfeai crime and conspiracy- presi- ilfitc ill viiriit km nniiliv iq i oi if ft 111 qui ilufcoiultfja 1 i rilu k i illl s ill 1 ij 111 ml ii hick j hi- rt o 1-1- n c if tn rim toiled ho bather then ill come undermine the higher moral stam cosgtave justified it on the twice iuxs of this veteran organization the members are reminded that there are lighthearted maidens often make man lo ptorm for ottawa sweepstakes and lotteries as a means of raising funds for units of the canadian legion are officially debarred by dominion headquarters where t is stated that illegal schemes and the maintenance of full power to succeed in the work wo rrc doing cannot go together a peaceful ireland if more evidence is wanted of the new atmosphere which is apparent in the irish rice state today it is to he found in the recent repeal of the public safety act by he dublin par liament this measure was passed in the summer of 1627 immediately after the assassination of kevin ohiggins the vicepresident and minister of justice it empowered the j after pointing oit that this form j gpvevnmenjt to deal summarily with ground that determined efforts must he made to stamp out organizations whose aim was to subvert the consti- one lone sea gull only crea ture seen by fliers in 250 miles over bad lands of the north edmonton alta the first air sight across the barren lands- in the northwest territories has leon aile by clennel dickins of edmonton and two companions who flew from win nipeg to chesterfield inlet via lort churchill a distance of npproximate- 1000 miles and an additional 700 miles from the inlet across the bar rens to fcrt smith otf the slave river this trip to the canadian sub- arctic was made for the purpose of discovering the conditions under which prospecting parties sent into the territories by dominion explor ers and western canada airways were working some of the territory covered in this flight so far as is known had never before been seen by men mr dickins flight is regarded as the most ambitious air trip made in canada up to this time richard pesrce editor of the northern miner who accompanfed mr dickins stated that the last trees were seen by the airmen when leaving fort churchill nd from then on along the arctic coast the land makes one of the bleak est pictures imaginable at the mouth of the churchill river scores of small white whales were seen which acted like the porpoises of warmer waters sometimes rising half out of tlie water at the mouth of streams still farther north these whales were noticed also on quiet bays large flocks of ducks and geese were seen crossing over the barren lands there was no lack f water at any time as possibly 00 per cent of the country is water in probably 100 miies flight over the barrens the rocks were totally bare and there seamed to be no vegetation whatever at the rakes the only liv ing thing observed in 250 miles was one lone sea gull the little soubrette just out of tho chorus was being interviewed for tho first time and was proving rather poor copy anyway persisted he jour nalistic nuisance since youve noth ing frightfully interesting to say about yourself can you tell me anything about your parents that is well amusing rather she cried brisk ly theyre still living together j a barrister was met b a friend tlie other day in the street with a number of lawbooks pointing to the books his friend said why i thought you carried all that stuff in your head i do replied the lawyer with a wink hese are for he judges lawyer well if you want my honest opinion client no no i want your professional advice cr wj an fcd tt r t lv ab4otw butfc mfeokh ifefoirlbgwnwlilrtwrmjaa- 1 j nd up 100 l ddhtrr nioa wri tod hr tare chick book schweftlirjs mrchery 26 northampton buffalo 1ty bbidqebubo out caw free book about cancer the indianapolis cancer hospital in dianapolis indiana lias published a booklet which eives interesting tacts about the cause or cancer alo tells what to do for pain bleeding odor etc a valuable guide in the innimtjemetu of any ease write for it tuday mention ing this naner dcnt neglect q bronchial colds pneumonia flu and other ttsngcr- cu maladies develop from corcuic- i folds to prevent trouble take bttekliya mixture it quickly relieves the cough nd removes tha cause different from cidfafhioned tyrpj its a scientific combination rf proven virtues sold by ti druggists xnil guaranteed w k bncklry limited 142 mutual st toronto 2 s29 heavyhearted men iking and country an that work and strict adherence to the letter and so long is there are boys there wihp7t of f expressed ideals is the be iio friendless dogs on ay open to us if we are to complete what we have undertaken drug store clerk excitedlv oh tho statement is signed by the do- bir theres a seotchmau out there who minion first vicepresident i-ieut- wants to buy ten cents worth of j co1 r lafieche in the absence of poison to commit suicide how can presidentgeneral sir arthur i save him currie the boss tell him itll cost twenty cents mtnsrds liniment prevents flu president faunce of the world peace foundation raid in an address providence the people who will like albskta coal alberta coal will save money on your fuel bill heats quicker is more lasting ss ash clean tohandlc per fect for furnace range or grate and you villi like the idea ot using coal from our own canadian mines hundreds ot voluntary testimonial letters prove that alberta coal is your guarantee of coin- yleto heat satisfaction at last alberta coal is avail- abln to the people ot ontario and large shipments have already ar- rivc ready for delivery to your fiome your dealer either has it or can get it for you if you insist upon it coal dealers note ask for list of operators supply ing guaranteed coal and other particulars from gamut some curves a curl a tilted nose thats you a startled rapidheating heart that me a look a smile a kiss or two thats we a ring a hook some mumbled tones thats us some flying pots and pans words let fall a court a judge a crisp decree thats all i tution by violence there eonld scarcely be more striking testimony also to mr cosgraves desire to rule j wont work for peace on the ground by consent and not by force than this i that they are too busy with more im- repal four years sooner than had poitant things now nothing could be been expected i more important than world peace the return to the normal has be- 1 well siioh people remind me of uncle come possible only because pubiic j ned a stranger stopped to watch opinion will no lonjrer tolerate politi- j uncle ned fishing at smiths dam jcal violence the nation is intent nplfor half an hour he watched the old on living a peaceful orderly existence i man and not once did uncle ned get 75c and 40c parents happy when baby sleeps soundly keep your health tonight try minards liniment for that cold and tired fueling get well keep well kill flu by using the old reliable uinrrds inizficat co d yars ke riving its authority from the elect qrt- fish there the stranger asked xo i ithis became possible the moment jsah ah knows dey haint said uncle j jj- 1 r eamon de valert and his republican jc rut youre fishing fishing vlney disease ui heres a way to soothe crying wake- j irreconcilable policy the moderate engagement that ring is only plated sir said the jeweler oh well returned the customer airily i dare say it will last as long as the engagement revenge is one fruit that sours as noon as plucked to err is hiiman to persist in error is devilish a girl lias to be old enough to dis cover she has pretty legs before she aspires for the follies or to bo circus acrobat ful babies to sleep quickly and easily its the way doctors endorse and mil lions of mother have proved is safe and harmless a few drops of purely- vegetable pleasanttasting fletchers tastoria lias tile most fretful rest less baby or child asleep in a few minutes and for colic constipation colds and upset spells theres nothing like cisloria the chas h fletcher signature is the mark of genuine castorin avoid imitations and he safe followers determined to pursue a less for fish where there arent any fish j vvheii they took what is your object asked the j the oath and entered the diil thus stranger de object ot mall fishin fo beginning to fulfill the functions of a j fi whar dey haint no fish said constitutional opposition none of sn war 11 llieir side could any longer justify dis order on principle diorder has in fact subsided new interests normal political in terests have taken the place of the uncle ned is to let mall ole woman sec dat ah haint no lime fo tcr hoe de potato patch strikes when least expected ward it otf in timj with warnerssafe kidney and liver rcmecy m trade commissioners j branch province of alberta 323 brock building 200 bay st toronto 2 ontario telephone adelaide o20 throughyear resolution to order my fresh air direct from nature and leave the window open for delivery every woman knows which man she would snub first if she should be come rich on the coif course lady listening to gentleman trying to 2 ont of a sandtrap oh horrors i never heard sue5 swearing since i was born gvntleman looking her over carefully replies well madam i dont blame them for cussing when you were horn the trouble with waiting for some thing to turn up is that some other fel low is busy heading it off the club bore the club bore was in his deadliest form for two solid hours lie had been boasting of his escapes from death while shooting ill the jungle at last he paused and gazed around the room you fellows have never known ex periences like those have you he asked to his surprise one man nodded i was once strardcd in a forest with a gun and only one bullet this member said v really commented the bore and ii3y did you manage to get away with your liier j tjje other man smiled i while i was wondering whether 1 1 should starve or not he said eight ducks hew past i fired and the gul let passed through all their heads in fallinif io ducks hit the branch of a tree this came down and caught a moose on ihe head t in its death throes the moose kicked a rabbit this came sailing through the air and knocked me into the stream and i came up with my pockets full of fish percy out old absorption in the quarrel over the treaty tlie peaceful asperities of parliamentary debate arc affording a congenial arena for tell expression of i legitimate party sentiment abroad j representatives of the tree state find a new relish to public activity in giv ing disinterested advice to the british at geneva- and an example to the do- mnions at empire conferences at home the broadening field of donicsti controversy affords ample scope for hany i have a fishing boat and a chauffeur that arc both in the same reggie how do you mean i i am always bailing them the protective association of canada xltumifhtd 1907 tucli 2891 5700 cnrplti to policyholders over 815000000 4 the oltly p08e1v oait- hdiflrc compaky iuming slcklieib ana accident insur ance to members of tne ma sonic fraternity exclusively r jagcnts in all principal cities end towns the irishman s common tense his i canada idealism and his ready wit chrir- e e omasoir j o whib tian science monitor at forty and after la tlio critical tiuio for men if yon slow aown you let yonnsrer men blooming with health step np ahead they take iho pronoion the wtr money yon take tholr orders health clear brain a sonnd cody hnto what you need v gently stir up your liver ana kidneys to do their proper work with warntra safe kidney and liver kemedy this safe herbal remedy with the pleasant taste has been famous for more than 60 years orsrinally a doctors prescription it is dolus- untold rood save your health man any druggist will soli you a bottle of warners safe kidney and liver kenn edy at small cost bntiret it theres the only way to enjoy its benefits war ners safe bemodlec co toronto out warners safe kidney and liver remedy rrt tc den mgr secy 4 mffr head office qbahtby one our helped during middle age i woman praises lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound first young thing what h the difference between learning golf and motoring second young thing in golf you hit nothing and in motoring you hit everything she how kind you are to your wife sending her away for a rest minards liniment vrgrtpe and flu he yes heaven knows i need one litigant to barrister i certainly am indebted to you for winning my case barrister you are mistaken i sir i represented your opponent just a tasteless dose of riir milk of magnesia in water that is an alkali effective yet harmless it has been the standard antacid for do years among physicians everywhere one spoonful will neutralize at once many times its volumo in acid it is the right way the fpiick pleasant and y isppy again in five ii part minutes- dont depend on crude methods employ the best way yet evolved in j alt the years of searching that is phillips milk of magnesia be sure to get the genuine phillips mlik of magnesia prescribed by physj- fans tor 00 years in conecling excess i ffficient way to hill the excess acid acidv each bottle contain fullclircc- tiit stomach become sweet tic pain tjonsany uraestore i sarnia ont i am willing to answer letters from other women to i tell them the won- derful good lydia epinkhams voge- table compound did me i cannot be thankful enoughfor the benefits i re ceived during the change of life i do housework and my troubles made mc unfit to work a friend advised mc to try tlie veg etable compound i felt great relief at once began to regain my appetite and iny nerves got better 1 will recom mend your medicine to all with trou- meslike i had mrs jons besson 162 n chstina st sarnia ontario issue no- 7 29

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