general is given supreme powers cost of tunnel under channel raises doubts kin alexander relies on i solcheds to enforce sir robert home questions whether traffic returns would meet interest air heroes to the rescue london the governments deci sion tc reopen the english channel r tunnel question u understood to in volve postponement of the debate up on it hi the house of commons but lord newton has given notice of his intention to discuss it in the house of lords the projects parliamentary supporters who now include 11- con servatives oi labor 11 liberal three independent members and 107 mem bers of the lords are to meet to pre pare the case for the proposed tri bunal ramsay maedonald on behalf of the labor party has already agreed to stanley baldwins proposal for a joint inquiry and the liberals are ex pected also to fall iuto hue though their decision is not to be taken formally until mr lloyd george re turns from the mediterranean where lie is now cruising baron derlang- er chairman of the existing channel tunnel company limited which in 1ss1 built 2000 yards entrance on the english side before being stopped by the government expresses confidence in his ability to raise in the open mar ket the necessary capital which is estimated at 30000000 of which half is to be found by collaborating with a french company sir robert home referred in the lower house to the necessity for looking fully into the economic side however and the doubt ho expressed is explained in a london journal the new statesman which has estimated the probable cost from 60000000 to 150000000 and the question is whether the passenger and goods traf fic likely to be available will be suf ficient to pay the interest on such a sum this will all be looked into if the military objections which hitherto have been the chief stumblingblock are overcome the question whether brewers dis tillers and tobacco manufacturers should be subsidized to the extent of about 500000 under the govern ments sefceme for reducing local taxation upon productive industry has brought theofliclal majority down to an unusually low level in the commons a number of conservatives including viscountess astor sir john marriott sir ellis humewilliams sir philip pilditcb sir philip richardson john j withers and west russell supported an amendment introduced by william briggs- a manchester member to the governments derat- ilng bill to exclude the drink and to bacco trades from benefit their case was supported by the opposition miss ellen wilkinson for labor pointing out tint the inclusion of beer and spirits in rating relief outraged the moral sense of the community neville chamberlain for the gov ernment however refused to accept llie amendment on the ground that it would not be possible in practice to make the distinction proposed the amendment was thus rejected 219 to 135 authority among serbs courageous soldier irak cabinet falls after failure to negotiate accord inability to find basis of agreement with britain precipitates crisis london the failure to find a basis for agreement with britain for ef fecting the military and financial ac cords now in course of negotiation is stated to be the underlying cause of the resignation of the irak cabinet which was handed to king feisal in bagdad on jan 21 the accords in question are sub sidiaries to the general treaty signed in london dec 1 1027 whereby britain undertook to support tlie can didature of irak for admission to the league of nations in 1932 in order to qualify for admission however tjirak maintained that she must nlso lie financially solvent in order to guard her own frontiers king foisal and ills advisers want to provide for his countrys defense by tho introduction of conscription but britain so far lias refused to agree en tho ground that compulsory mili tary servlco is not desired by the wholo of the shia community which constitutes tbrc3flfth3 of tfce mos- ieni section of the population the financial side of the dlsputo mainly ranges round payment for railways built by britain in irak ter ritory during tho war ownership of basra harbor lands and various other minor questions tho impasse nrrles just at a moment when britain is in process of changing- her high com missioner for the present incumbent sir henry dobhs is due to roiko way for sir gilbert clayton within tho poxt fortnight sir gilbert in addi tion to boing a friend of king felsa ts woll known throughout the arab world and is trusted by king ibn saud of tho nejd it is hoped that this fact will help to solva tha military sldo of tha difficulty as tho waham tribes of the nojd constitute the cmof danger from which irak now hoods to defend itself grandfather was swineherd headed revolt against turks london king alexander of yugo slavia who burst into the world news as the first king of modern times to proclaim himself an absolute dictator in these days of democracy is with the story of himself his family and his country a regular figure in a zenda romance about the balkans sir anthony hope in his most fertile moments of invention never excelled what has actually happened in the life of alexander and his forbears even hope and george ban- mc- cutcbeoii when they went out for a hero made him of very princely birth and origin and very ancient lineage but the karageorgevltch dynasty to which alexander belongs is the veri est parveuu the uttermost utter new rich among all the royal lines of europe a fighting swineherd the founder of the house of kara- georgevitcb in the beginning of the nineteenth century was a simple serb ian peasant swineherd he knew a lot about hogs he was a twofisted fight ing lieman and he hated the turks who had lorded it over his country since the battle of kossovo in 1ss9 his name was george petrovitch but when he became a rebel against turkish tyranny both his countrymen and the turks labeled him black george because of his sullen and savage disposition in 1s04 black george gathered the peasants together and led them in re volt in four years lie almost freed his country from the turks and a native parliament elected him heredit ary chief and hospodar of the coun try sent head to sultan in 1s17 black george was assassi nated by turkish agents in the town of semendrla his bead being sent as a ghastly gift to the sultan in con stantinople a rival peasant clan that of milpsh obreuovitcli seized the power in 1s5s and peter karageorgevitch grandson of black george spent his time abroad as an exile his son alexander the present king was born in 1sss the boy was brought up with no expectation of ever holding a throne so alexander was sent to school in geneva and afterwards went to st petersburg where he studied law and was also in the corps of pages at the court of the czar in 1903 all the civilized world was startled by a deed of horrible barbar ity king alexander obreuovitcli and his queen draga were the monarchs of serbia but they were hated be cause in the game of political cross- purposes played in the balkans by the great powers they favored the aus trian side one night a band of army officers invaded the palace in belgrade and murdered the king and queen in their bed peter of the karageorge vitch houso was called to the throne ousted crown prince tho hand of russia was seen in this crime peter himself indignantly denied any knowledge or complicity ln it even with peter on the throne prince alexander did not expect to bo king but again fate intervened his brother prince george was ono of tho wildest wild men in europe his esca pades were so notorious that the serb- ian stomach revolted and he was com pelled in 1909 to abdicate all preten sions to the throno alexander was made crown prince and in 1912 during the war of tho balkan nations against turkey ho be came a national hero in command of tho first serb army he captured kumanovo being himself in the thick of the fighting in the following year when serbia had a war with her former ally bulgaria he again won notable victories hero of the war when the great war broke out ho i was in command of all tho serbian armies and four tlme drove the aus- trians out of his country it was only when bulgaria entered the war on tho side of the central powers- that he knew defeat his armies were attack ed from tho north by the austrians and from the east by the bulgarians tlioro then began the wonderful re treat tlfrough the mountain fastnesses of albania in which alexander suffer ed all the hardships of his men king alexanders main strength still lies with the soldiers and it is upon tho army tiiat he relies in his present bold step arctic flights by dirigible in 1930 planned made 60jmile flight below zero with serum for stricken town capt wilfrid may and lieut victor horner flew a little open avriou biplane from edmonton to fort ver milion where a diphtheria epidemic raged carrying sufficient serum for the whole community the flight took two days 35 below zero during most of the journey drives 20000 miles from rio to chicago j crosses and recrosses andes bucks jungle and swamp and laughs at texans who complain of rough roads cbicagovimagine a scenic railway 20000 miles long whose roller coaster is a touring- car imagine a course panama where roads extend but 10 miles inland on the pacific side and miles inland on the atlantic he forced to negotiate the 23mile stretch between these two points by driving on the ties of the panama railroad his car equipped with flag signals manned by a conductor and travelling on a schedule officially des ignated as an extra train on jan 4 barone drove over the bio grande and iuto laredo 19 months after he had left rio de janeiro said he when my car and i started rolling which winds 13000 feet high among j over those marvelous texas highways and i heard american motorists com menting on bad roads i had to smile trouble settled 21ic provision prices toronto wholesale dealers are quot- i l r ei 5c breakfast bacon 30 to 14c do irish rree dtate lomnromises fancy 37 to 40c backs poamealed 28 with britain on coins to 30e do smoked 30 to 38c cured mnts long clear bacon 50 london a free state deputation 70 lbs 21 70 to 90 lbs 19 90 including ernest blythe tile finance tr 100 lbs and up 18 lightweight minister and joseph brennan chair- rolls in barrels 1150 heavyweight man of the currency commission has ros 83850 per bb left london for dublin after reach- if tl a tu ing a compromise with the british lfe p f government on the disputed question the controversy shortening tierces 144c tubs 14c coins pails i5ij t 1714c prints lfiic concernedj p 2 new york shoul- the disposal of 1000000 worth of ders 19c pork butts 21c pork hams th esnowcapped peaks of the andes dips through the bolivian jungles classes plateau and pampas wilder- ne3 and marshy waste wanders j through the wild reaches of the great isthmus that connects north and south america and finally emerges on the broad paved highway of texas and north to chicago such a setting furnishes tho back ground for a journey recently accom- j piisbed by jose mario barone in a i 1022 studebaker touring car senor barone says he is the first man to make the trip between the two conti nents by automobile and thus to indi cate the feasibility of a great inter continental motor highway starting from rio de janeiro in may 1927 senor barone rolled south- 1 ward through sao paulo and the plan tations of brazil to montevideo cap- 1 hal of uruguay then swinging around tho bay of buenos aires he headed north over the plains of the j argentine on june 21 eighteen days i later after driving through deep snow- arid crossing tiie andes near ties cruces chile he reached la paz j bolivia from the bolivian capital be con tinued northward through jungles deserts and mountains frequently having to build his own roads along the way again crossed the andes and j livered tor t 1 came at length to the western coast j hungary bans radical books millfced de montrcl feihts of south america near lima peru i budapest count stephen bethlen bags included bran per ton 33 25- then on through kcuador and colom- 1 premier of hungary lias ordered that shorts per ton 3525 middlings bid to panama and the canal zone all foreign books and periodicals of a 3825 costa rica nicaragua salvador gautej subversive or revolutionary character mala and mexico shall be banned from hungary ecuador colombia and central points barone savs he en- two old evening gowns sewed to- s m wheat fob ship- an excellent penfilj llx fvc market reports produce quotations j toronto wholesale doaiirs are pay ing the following prices delivered toronto eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 3c to 37c fresh firsts 32 to 33c seconds 25c pullet extras 25e butter crcamtv solids pasteur ized no i 3s to 40c no 2 3sv to 39c churning cream special 45c noj ap 11 a 1 44c no 2 41c am a sroup of 10 natural scien- chcese no 1 large colored parafl wou l required for the expe- finecl and government graded 2114 toi he said dr nansen to use graf zep pelin seeks aid of american govern ment new york an air expedition to- the arctic basin in the dirigible graf zeppelin is proposed by dr fridtjof nansen the norwegian explorer t completo the work which he started 35 years ago when he drifted across the icepacked polar sea in the now- famous vessel fram dr nansen has just come to the united states to obtain support for his expedition and to request the un ited states government to construct a dirigible mooring mast at nome the russian government he said u expected to build a mast at inin- grad these two places approximate ly 4350 miles apart by air line would form the bases for three flights he added the first flight according to dr nansen would be from leningrad to- nome by way of greenland the sec ond would be from nome over wran- gell island and to explore the unknown region where andrew land is pre sumed to be the third flight would be from nome to leningrad by way of the siberian quadrant seeks eckener as pilot arrangements for the use of the graf zeppelin for the expedition have already been concluded with hugo eckener its commander and decigner dr nansen said he added that he hoped to have dr eckener pilot the airship on the polar expedition which if it is finally undertaken will be among the most important tjiings which dr nansen hopes to accomplish through the aerial exploration is to ing the- following prices to tlie trade j determine the extent of the north 1 smoked meats hams nied 29 to polar deep sea and the size of tha 31c cooked hams 40c smoked rolls submarine coasts which he holds british silver and copper coins hith erto circulating in the free state which had become redundant there owing to dublin having now its own issues of these tokens the free state asked the british government to take hem over at their face value to make room for the new irish currency britain fared bullion value estimated at only 400000 the compromise reached is undaf- stood to be that britain will accept tlieni not in a lump but spread over a series of years grain quotations grain dealers on the toronto board of trade arc making the following quotations ior car lots man wheat no 2 north 13214 no 3 north 129 no 4 wheat 12334 no 5 wheat 11394 no c whcat84c feed wheat 92c cif 0 godcrich and bay ports price on tracks lc higher than above man oats extra no 1 feed ggc no 2 feed ci tic no 1 feed 62ic cif godcrich and bay ports am corn no 2 yellow kiln dried 115 no 3 yellow kilndried 112 no 4 yellow kilndried s110 de livered toronto ont oats good sound heavy oats cir lots 50 to 52e fob shipping in america senor countered the most his journey says he enj arduous part of tether in wiper evening will make bo unselfish that is the first and tho final commandment for those who would bo useful and happy in their usefulness dr charles w ehoi the author who speaks about his own books is almost as bad as a moth er who talks about her own children benjamin disraeli peck is happ7 when his wlfo take3 him to an auction sale why then its tho only timo when sho doesnt want him to do her bidding extend the land masses several hun dred miles- out under the surface of the polar sea where they end sudden ly leaving a se- f gat depth sounding could be successfully made from the air by lowering a new sonic depthfinding apparatus which is now being perfected in eur ope he said the apparatus is lower ed to the surface of the water and it electrically times the period required for sound to reach the bottom and to come back as an echo to study depths of sea studies of samples of the water and a detailed investigation of tem peratures at varying depths of the polar seas would add greatly to the knowledge needed for accurate me teorological forecasts dr nansen be lieves the expedition also would cover parts of the arctic basin which have never been- mapped but would not attempt to make a journey to the north pole he said dr nansen in his expedition of 18936 made observations which added important data to the store of arctic knowledge with one companion he left the ves sel and attempted to reach the north pole he achieved the farthest north of any explorer up to that time progressing to within 272 miles of the pole dr nansen who is league of na tions high commissioner for refugee problems will lecture in canada he- fore leaving this side of the atlantic strikers at works of barcelona fair barlev malting 70 to 72c buckwheat 87 to 90c ryeno 2 110 i f man flour first pats ir jute snaill to llcport 720 toronto second pats in jute i ftw i sfigo ont flour- track montreal car lots 90 per cent pats per bbl 570 hay and straw local wholesale hay and straw dealers are making the following quo tations to farmers delivered at to ronto no 1 timothy loose per ton 18 to 19 no 1 timothy haled nominal no 2 do do 1350 to 14 no 3 do do 12 to 13 lower grades 10 to 12 wheat straw 10 oat straw 950 livestock heavy beef steers choice 950 to 1025 butcher steers choice 9 to j 950 do fair to good 850 to 875 do com 750 to 8 mardrld deportation to other parts of spain was the remedy which gen primo de rivera proposed to apply when a strike threatened the buildings now in course of construction at the forthcoming barcelona international exhibition a communiqne issued de clared the heattof the government has learned with displeasure and in dignation of a strike which has been engineered without justification and without proper advice or concrete de- butcher heifers i mantis by the workers lie feels that choice s9 to 950 do fair to good a step of this kind in a country where 850 to 9 do com 750 to 8 j there is nof only suitable legislation butchers cows good to choice 7 to hut also labor organisms and author- 8 do com to med 550 to sg50 ti l0 w they can refer their corn- do dinners and cutters 4 to 6 i butcher bulls good to choice 7 to 8 do com to nied 0 to 7 do bol ognas 6 to 075 baby beef 1050 to 13 feeders choice 9 to 950 do fair to good 8 to 875 rtockers choice 825 to 850 do fair to good 750 to 865 calves choice 1g to plaints and claims is revolutionary and he has decided to intervene to root up the evil pointing out that barcelona pro vides abundant opportunities for well- remunerated work the premier stated that the government decided to aid ilv cf i i the local authorities bylnstitutlns a 750 to 8 springers 100 to 125 milkers 75 to 100 lambs spring per cwt 1350 to 14 do culls per cwt 9 to 1175 buck lambs 1050 to 11 sheep choice 050 k 750 do med 525 to g do culls 3 to 4 hogs selects woc 11 do fob selects 10 do fed and watered 1070 do thick smooths fob 950 alberta saskatchewan and ontario contributed considerably more hogs than were marketed within tho pro- j vince and manitoba and quebec con siderably less ontario contributes aboui 55 per cent of all the hogs marketed alive i in canada and alberla about 20 per southward to tho city of new york open spaces of antarctic ice flagship of tee byrd expedition to the south j cent roll call in order to ascertain tho names of the workmen not arriving at work and to dismiss tlieni immediate ly the delinquents will be transport ed the following day by special trains to the distant provinces of burgos leon zamora salamanca and valen cia for barcelona cannot in presont circumstances affor dto becoma tho homo of vagrants and disturbers o the peace tho deporteos he added cannol bo nllowed to return to work nny- whero in barcelona they must seo maintenance in whatever offers in thl provlneos where they may be aent if i had only one sernjon to preach there a lot of difference between polo leaving dunedln new zealand ihelr last touch with civilization forlt would bo n sermon against pride woman arohltect and a doslgnlnf two yoars of exploration at the bottom of the world lc k chesterton i female