1 mffl ltgm3 i aoamsk and the hilltop gardens yield this fragrant tea fresh from the gardens qs red house mystery aamilne austrian threat to attack britain interesting data coming to light on conditions in the dangerous days of pre- i war europe ushered into marks office a shot was heard antony gillinghani a friend of 1511 beverley one of marks guests arriv- germauv ed al th t0 fin1 marks com panion matt cayley pounding n the locked door of the office and itcrhand- that action was taken struck at st petersburg the ijritish ambassador telegraph ed on march 3 1909 iswolsky is j admittance the two men enter- i aao o tia sreat alarm this afternoon 1 think office by a window and on the in 1908 a secretlsome tbreits have been made tos j j him by the german ambassador nowhere to be found investigation his surrender to the german ueby inspector birch showed that mark maud which was peremptory was so had learned with considerable disgust complete and sudden that i fee he has and annoyance of the coming of kob- been rudely shaken he will 1 think i erf cayley refused to believe that cede all along the line mark had deliberately murdered kob- what really happened was that london the latest volume of con- liussia was served with an ultimatum go on with the story fidential foreign office documents is- from germany threatening immediate i caylev was walking across the sued by the british government iejwar as iswolsky said afterwards ton toward them a bi heavy veals that iu marcli 1909 germany the british ambassador the german sr man with oneof those directly threatened britain with waf powst now considered that the mo- s cleanshaven ugly faces the threat was concealed from the ment had arrived for pushing russia can never quite be called plain british people m arenthal the aus- to the wall cavlev nodded as he came to them trian foreign minister by his hostility the military preparations m galieia i stood th j fr a momcn to m isvolsky hussian foreign mln- were on a scale that was ominous the can 1ake room m sad ister and areuthals continental in- immediate readiness of germany foigjjj r uu oh dont bother thanks i just came to say he went on to antony ported russia very feebly securing king edwards visit to the alone france even diplomatically sup- czar at reval in 1908 sported russia very feebly while on the way thither we read that the though britain was loyal throughout smart appearance of the whole ger- in support it was limited to diplo matic support there was no time for russia therefore surrendered to the threat that germany was ready for war appears from the words of kider- len and from the kaisers comments ou documents in the german foreign office papers after russia and great britain were treated with the sudden ultimatum ci march 25 metternich the german ambassador asked whether britain would follow russia in its act of giving unconditional as sent to the terms that austria wished to impose sir edward grey gave him a mem orandum showing that the british government was not disposed to give the assurance rcnuired whereupon the ambassador remarked that is a very grave decision which has im perilled peace count mettrnich impressed on me the grave position which we would be in when the other powers agreed to the austrian request we alone stood out man north sea fleet lying at anchor in kiel gave the king food for reflec tion upon the recent german naval program of construction while the in iricate evolutions of the torpedo flo tilla excited the admiration of naval officers on board the royal yacht and served a useful object lesson in tho efficiency of the german navy the volume entitled british docu ments on the origins of war also re veals that a turkobrltish war was imminent in 1906 czar cheered up what happened at the reval visit io already knownbut we are told that nie members of the russian em- rarors suite commented upon the marked difference in the emperor3 spirit and attitude during the british i kings visit to reval compared with what they were on the occasion of tha recent visit to the kaiser at swine- munde wlugre he felt anxiety all the time as to what might be unexpect edly sprung upon him threatened britain in the light of the information con tained in theso documents it seem certain that arenthal twice duped iswolsky no doubt with all the more satisfaction because iswolsky was a member of the liberal government in russia and arenthal was an extreme reactionary he lied freely to the ijritish government and threatened it to the british ambassador at vienna n december 1908 he talked in a rague manner of the meeting at reval as an austrian grievance against great britain he attributed the revolution at con- ttantinople and the beginning of all the present troubles to a royal inter view i am afraid added tho ambassa dor that in governing circles here thcro is very marked illwill against us and much suspicion of ouf policy the situation is complicated by aren- thals jealousy of sir edward grey becauso you succeeded in acquiring for england a preponderating position in deciding balkan affairs preparing for war at- this dato austria was preparing for war with serbia had been prom ised german assistance against rus sia the exact situation which pro duced the great war was anticipated years they button at back and may iswolsky was told by tho german begin 1iehe 1oiav jctoors and lock the doors when they within two minutes after robert o to bed he knocked the ashes abvtt neerdowoll brother oz mark lout of his pipe and added at least ablett bachelor proprietor of the j my mother always used to kcd house had arrived and been i you mean said bill excitedly that the key was on the outside of the door when mark went into the com well i was just wondering have you noticed the other rooms the billiardroom and library and so on said cayley ive only just thought about it while ive been sitting out here you live here havent ycu ever noticed them cayley sat considering with his head on one side it scens rather absuxd you know- but i cant say that i have he turn ed to bill have you good lord no i should never worry about a thing like that im sure you wouldnt laughed antony well we can have a look when we go in if the other keys are outside then this one was prob ably outside too and in that case- well it makes it more- interesting cayley said nothing bill chewed a piece of grass and then said does it make much difference it makes it more hard to unde-r- take no better winter breakfast than shredded warms- high in calorics and carbohydrates heakhfuleasy io digest a safe regulator delicious- heat in oven serve with hot milk made by the canadian shredded wheat company ltd raid cayley standing up toe ycu say that youre going up to the inn now about your bag cayley nodded and turned to go into the house antony took held of bills arm and walked off with him in the opposite direction that natural tne v7 rather 1 xrt their heads in the kitchen and dinner a hi tin iic n you get to no instinctive turning 01 wont be till halfpast eight do just as ypu like about dressing of course having said what he wanted to him to consult paris or london any delay would be misconstrued and might precipitate for a catastophe awk as not sure whether russia backed down j to g0 0l to stay antony wondered attractive rompers these cunning rompers of printed pique showing smart contrast in shaped waist band arc tho newest idea for small folk of 1 2 3 and 4 chancellor prince von bulow that owing to the present grouping of european powers germany would act with austria iu a perfect and close solidarity on evtry question angry outburst also bo made with short sleeves the collarless round neckline is comfort able fashion style no 370 is easily made at a substantial saving plain light blue shiny finish cotton broad cloth with deeper blue contrast print ed sateen pink chambrny tan ging- arenthal burst out in a passion of ham with white pitiue natural colored rage at the british ambassador in pongee white pique and wool jersey vienna accusing england of giving in light blue rhado are interesting rnpport to serbia you people in suggestions pattern prico 20c in england are incurring a great respon- stamps or coin coin is preferred nihility and the russians too the wrap coin carefully attitude of both powers is anything p how to order patterns but friendly all i can say is that if rursia wants war slio shall have it i wrt ame and plain- the british ambassador to berlin i giving umber and size o such wrotes in march 1909- i patterns as you want encloso 20c n while one minister of foreign af- ps or coin cein preferred wrap fairs is saying one thing e other it carefully for each number and two or three may be holding forth ini wzmgn quite a different language last week there was a fine example of this while schoen the foreign minister wan deploring to mo arenlhais un manageable character and of tho ktlffnetjb of the attitude of kiderlen the assistant foreign minister in the tory next room was drafting the norddmetti ho coirrminiejue to stiffen th- people as there had he said icon far too much criticism in the press nnd elsewhere with regard to area that plan cf attack austrian plan was to move service 73 west adelaide st toronto patterns sent by an early mail th lr jsw z4 uk- to serbia about march 29 ifter the ultimatum while with ir time limit a week before issue no 579 whether he wanted to talk about the afternoons happenings or whether it was the one subject he wished to avoid to break the silence ho asked carelessly if the inspector had gone cayley nodded then he said abruptly hes getting a warrant for marks arrest bill made a suitably sympathetic noise and antony said with a shrug of the shoulders well he was bound to io that wasnt he it doesnt mean anything they naturally want to get hold of your cousin innocent or guilty which do you think he is mr gil- lingham said cayley looking at him steadily mark its absurd said bill im petuously bills loyal you see mr cayley and you owe no loyalty io anyone concerned exactly so perhaps i might le too frank bill had dropped down en the grass and cayley took his place on the seat and sat there heavily his elbows on his knees his chin on his hands gaz ing at the ground i want you to be quite frank he said at last naturally i am pre judiced where mark is concerned so i want to know how my suggestion strikes you whohave no prejudices either way your suggestion my theory that if mark killed his brother it was purely accidental as i told the inspector bill looked up with interest you mean that robert did the holdup business he said and there was a hit of a struggle and the re volver went off and then mark lost his head and bolted that sort of idea exactly well that teems ail right kc turned to antony theres nothing wrong with that is there its tho most natural explanation to anyone who knows mark antony pulled at his pipe i suppose it is he said slowly but theres one thing that worries me rather whats that bill and cayky asked the question simultaneously the key the key said bih cayley lifted his head and looked at antony what about the key he asked well there may he nothing in it i just wondered suppose robert was killed as you say and suppose mark lost his head and thought of nothing hut getting away before anyone could see hirn well very likely hed lock the door and put the key in his pocket hod do it without thinking just to gain a moments time ycf thats what i suggest yes thats all right if the key is there but suppose it isnt there the suggestion made as if it were already an established fact startled them both ou get the key now is there hes got to open the door to get it and opening the door means showing his head to anybody in the hall his cousin for instance whom he left there two min utes ago is a man in marks state of mind frightened to death lest he should he found with the bed going to do anything so foolhardy as that he neednt have ken afraid oi me said cayley then why didnt he call for you he knew you were about you could have advised him heaver knows he wanted advice but the whole theory of marks escape is that he was afraid of you and of everybody else yes i expect youie right said bill thoughtfully unless he- took the key in with him and letiefl the door at once exactly but in that ise ycu tell me something about mark said antony suddenly the latest bug yes mr dragon fly ban a fine eb now heh operating the eur- villo ilr inah lino have to build up a new theory en tirely you mean that it makes it seem more deliberate yes that certainly but ir also seems to make mark out an absolute idiot just suppose for a moment that for urgent reasons which neithei of you know anything about he had wished to get rid of his brother would he have done it like that jus killed him and then run away why thats practically suicide no if you really wanted to remove an undesir able brother you would do it little bit more cleverly than that cayley had been silent apparently- thinking ever this new idea with his eyes the ground he said now i hold to my opinion that it was purely accidental and that mark lost his head and ran away but what about the kev asked bill we dont know yet that the heys wetc outside oh well of course if they art inside then your original theory isj probably the correot ore having often seen them outsite j just wem- dored thats all even if the key was outside went on cayley stubbornly i still think it might have beer accidentah he might have taken it with him knowing that the interview would he an unpleasant one and not wishing te tie inter rupted because he- had just toid you what do you mean said cayley stand by in ee he wanted you so well its just a question of where why should he lock you ou besides people- happen to ieep their keys you 1 1 should think that if a man were go up to your bedroejm and perhaps j roing to havo an unpleasant inter- you like to lock your door in case any- view with a threatening relation the body comes wandering in when youve last thing he would do would ho to only jret one sock and a pair of braces barricade himself in with him he on well thats natural enough but would want to open ail the doors and dowrstaiis people dort lock them- say get out ef it selves in its really rovtr done at all j cayley ws silent but his mouth bill for instance has never locked looked obstinate- antony gave a lit- himself into the diningroom in order tie apologetic laugh and stood up io be alone with the sherry on the well come on bill ho said we other hand all women and particular- ought to he stepping he held out ly servant have a horror of burglars a hand and pulled his friend up j and if a burglar gets in by the win- then turning to cayley he went on dow they like to limit his activities vou must forgive me if i have iet- jy 1 to that particular room so they my thoughts run on rather uc mijrdo ljnlnent for tho flu keej th keys ms the outbids of the thats al right mr gillingmun illi chapter vii they walked in silence fcr a- until they had left the heuse arm gar dens well behind them tell me something about mark said antony suddenly what sort f things well never mind about his heirg your host about your being a per fect gentleman or anything like that cut out the manners for men ad tell me what you think of mark and how you like staying with him and how many rows your little house- party has hactthis week and how you get on with caviey and all the rest of it bill locked at him eagerly i say are you leirg the- complete detective well i wanted a new profession smiled the other whtt fun i mear he corrected himself apologetically one oughtnt to say that when theres a man dead in the house and ones host he broke cff a litte uncertainly well said antony iry on mayk 7- be continued says bodv is found of solomons wife cairo paper reports discov ery of mummy in peru- saleni of kings favorite mirrc liniment tor grippe and flu heres to heres to more of i vi r i im of i cant more of ill help mytetr and less of please help me more of nothing is good enough which can le better and lest o wlat is goodl enough for my grandfather is good enough for me i heres to the making of 3s29 as great a year cf progress as bapj7 earnest ellort and iimii work can make it and heres to the throwing over our shoulders all pessimism fnd downhtartedness and filling their places with good cheer asd enthusi asm mr h gordon selfiidge in the sun day dispatch we ate told that egyptian cigarettes need not come from egypt and we long ago learned that all the swiss cheese did not come frcin switzerland more recently large numbers in vol- steadia have discovered to their sor row that ail the scotch whisky floes not come fiom scotland boston transcript speeding around ceuxers straight rord to the hospltfil scroti relates sacrifice cairo the cairo newspaper mokat- tain publishes a remarkable story re porting the fiisccvery in jerusalem of the njumioy of king solomons fav orite wife the body is said to havo beesn found in the ccairse of eicava- tiens on the mount of the temple in an underground chamber filled with wonderful objects the most marvel ous being a gold coffin in which the mummy lay wrapped in richest cev- erings set with precious stones buried with the body it is said was a parchment scroll in hebicw said to have been written by solomon extolling the virtues of my favoritu wife moti manv of memphis who sacrificed herself fer husband and kng 3u recognition of my deep iovo for her and my boundless apprecia tion of her loyal and sellsvrifue 1 with my own hands have placed on he forehead my magrilficejit crews presented to me by my people on lie twentyfilth anniversary of nj ne-ces- nion the scroll it said c recount iow three months previously ainefto the womans father cam from fegypt his bands ladel with valuable gifts but his heart full of malice i i in an endeavor to see the c j on behalf of pharaoh of egypt ordsied his daiigiter f pc son fci iomons wine it reads- when moti pcuie- the vine into the cups z notice i merrc did not extend his hand nevi nheless 1 on- bbkpectiiigjy raised by cur to my lips thereupon moti who was stand ing by my side snatched the onp and drank the wine horse she died m solomons arms tail the scroll does het relate what bjifticd u anierto headaches may be swiftly and safely relieved by an aspirin tablet a most efficient remedy arid theres no after effect its use avoids much needless suffering try it next time see how soon its soothing influence is felt just as helpful when you have a cold neuralgia neuritis rlisumatism lumbago just be ccrlain you get real aspirin the genuine fcas bayer on the box and on every tablet all druggists with proves directions physicians prescribe aspirin it does not affect the heart ithlrln tlo milt iurk ittcmitiit ti csmu inaictllnc kijtr uuirhlm mik l j wjl fciini hat ri nrnh hjr mftiibfiirlun- r cnrr if ngmir miaul unll trot tt ttwhi ill itnn nut iti bijrr cwv irsivmiil