Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 24, 1929, p. 7

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4sfmrnfitfs8unickvg alarm cloc f chew you need save only five 5 seta of poker hands to have this attractive alarm clock ticking away in your home keeping the right time all the time a poker hand is attached to every plug of big ben chewing tobacco all the time you are saving for the alarm clock you are enjoying a tobacco of exceptional quality richness of flavour and lasting satisfaction this alarm clock is one of many presents procurable in ex change for poker hands dealers everywhere have big ben by the plug and by the vacuum airtight tin and save poker hands bbetbggbhb3hbba3ehab3he when you quarreled today you let your husband have the last word that is not usual no but i want ed to give him a little pleasure as it is his birthday the above amount of money has been given away by us in cash prizes 5gqoo more will be given away as f allows lsl prize 2nd 3rd s100 s 75 s eo s so 5th prize 6th 7ih sth s40 s30 525 s20 making the most of furnace keat should be sealed wth putty and paint r 1- oli i or plaster of park j duce ogm photo filling in the crack for twins and triplets the surfaces of the outward walls rome triplets and twins have also act as coolers in frigid weather driven mussolini into taciturnity because wind and trost work intoj hitherto it lias been the duces cus- them this should be prevented as much as possible by filling the cracks tom send an autographed picture of and holes with putty and paint and himself to parents who present italy by nailing down tight all the loose with a pair or three of a kind in one sidings when new builulngs are montb however rome reported two erected care should be taken to make sets of triplets while brescia flor- the walls wnd and frost proof o every modern method j cbce au1 foggia announced one each old roofs with decayed shingles also twins have become so common that admit cold air and so do cracked ceil- la f score is kept of them lugs it pays well to reshingle the p m ordered a general roof of the residence when it becomes dilapidated and the cracks in the ceil- circular sent to all provinces setting luss can be filled with putt or plaster forth that requests tor his photograph of paris and then covered according could no longer be honored to taste with oil paint or muresco i the warm air in a room always ciril ifill lilitliili ill ascends to the ceiling and if any out- yiolavil klls i ullfcll lets exist there some of the heat is sure to escape through them i good advice from one vho every package of red rose tea is prepared with the same care as if our reputation were to stand or fall upon that single package 63 5 prize of sq each in cash 10 prize of s 5 each in cash solve this puule and win a cash prize there te 7 faces in the picture besides the canadian beaver can ou find ihemi ifsc mark each one with an x cutout the picture and write on a separate piece of paper these words i have found all ihefaccsand marked them and mail same to us with your name and ad dress incase of ties hand writinc and neatness will be considered factors if correct we will atlvisc you bv return mall of a simple condi tion to fulfill dontsendanymoney you can be n prize winner without spending one cent of your money send your reply to good hope manufacturing co 455 crii street writ wonteal cieji the greatest loss o heat units often takes place at the heating plant itself exclusive of the pipe system there is no heating plant manufactured which is 100 per cent efficient in de livering the heat it produces in the places whore it is wanted the plant in the average home is very seldom more than 50 per cent efficient and this means of course that onehalf or more of the heat generated by the fuel goes up the chimney or is lost in other ways directly from the plant the heat which escapes into the basement obviously does some good but what ascends the chimney is a total waste these losses cannot he helped but the other iio per cent of heat units can be prevented if one knows how from es caping out of the house until they have delivered their maximum of some heat is lost by the piping from the furnace to the radiators therefore attention must be given these pipes where they are long and exposed to much cold they should be covered with abestos even if they are steam or hot water conveyers all pipes in a hotair system must be care fully covered with asbestos paper which should be renewed as soon as the old material cracks or loosens from the metal this kind of heating system to be most effective also re quires a free air circulation so tha the cold air in every room can rapidly descend to the furnace of course a considerable amount of heat escapes at the windows and doors by conduction through the glass and the wood while some leaks out through cracks and illfitting sashes much of the heat lost through conduc tion can be retained by using well- fitting storm windows and heavy storm doors openings between the window and doorcasings and the walls the first floor in many a home the firststory floor is a regular cooling radiator during the winter the cracked and shatter ed foundation gives the icy winds free play under the floor and this must be very tight if it is not going to be drafty where there are holes in it or where the boards do not fit closely cold air is continually pumped into the house this trouble can be reme died in almost every home if the floor is in a bad condition it pays best to put in a new one constructed for warmth and for easy cleaning all defects in the foundation must be re paired and banking up with earth or flax stiaw in the fall is also wise where one wishes to economize in fuel shoveling some snow about the foundation will sometime suffice the amount of fuel required for heating a home depends partly on the person who attend to the furnace there are different ways of firing and a man who has no experience with the kind of heating system he is using will burn more coal and obtain less heat than will an experienced person the manufacturers of the various heating systems on the market pre pare instructions which show how to fire them most efficiently and econom ically and the firt thing a purchaser should do is to study these instruc tions intelligently and then follow them until he has learned how to pro duce the maximum of fuel when one j knows how to handle the furnace so the fire does not go out but constantly t g erates intense heat the home can j more easily b kept comfortably- i warm thousands of mothers use other ikdiclje babys own tablefs are the ideal remedy for babies and young children canadian mothers are noted for the care they give their little ones the health of the baby is most jealously guarded and the mother is always on the lookout for a remedy which is effi cient and at the same time absolutely safe thousands of mothers have found such a remedy in babys own tablets and many of them use noth ing else for the ailments of their little ones among them is mrs howard king of truro xs who says i can strongly recommend babys own tablets to mothers of young children as i know- of nothing to eoual them for little ones babys own tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 5 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co eroekvilio out had suffered much discomfort after eating gas pains in the intestinal tract pains around the heart sour rising in the throat called heartburn are common symp toms of dyspepsia it is a condition often neglected until it has done per manent harm yet the treatment is simple the great contributing cause to this trouble is thin blood good blood and plenty of it is required by the stomach to function properly it the blood is thin the stomach becomes sluggish food lies undigested gas forms causing pains often around the heart instead of getting nourishment from the blood the system gets poison the proper treatment is to enrich the blood and there is no other medicine can do this as promptly or as effec tively as dr williams pink pills the sole mission of these pills is to make new rich red blood which reaches every organ and nerve in the body and thus not only banishes in digestion and dyspepsia hut also all other troubles having their origin in weak watery blood the splendid results following the use of dr williams pink pills is shown by the case of mrs lucy a cushing a former resident of kempt xs but now living with her son at west bethel me mrs dishing says i have no hesitation in strongly re commending dr williams pink pills for years i was a- great sufferer from indigestion always after eating i suffered from pains in my stomach and other distressing symptoms that accompany this ailment i tried dif ferent doctors while residing at my old home and also at west bethel but without getting relief i was advised by a friend to try dr williams pink pills i did so and i must say that i am feeling very- grateful ever since to the good friend who gave me the ad vice i soon found the pills helping me and by the time i had taken nine or ten boxes i was completely restored to good health though i am now- in my tcth year i am feeling as well and smart as i did at 25 and am enjoying life once more you can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville out is good tea red rose orange pekoe is extra good and the poor also classified advertisements poverty only key to newj club opened in slums of london london poverty is the only re quirement for membership in the citys newest club in contradistinc tion to the famous clubs of piccadilly j ittd pali mail kingsiey hail situated j yji d hogs devastate i1 f ilia ijior j5v1k oii and rare cax- 1 a11 coins dr courteau st que atbnti list or wanted inventions and full information sent free on request the bamsay co dept w 273 bank st ottawa ont british guiana farms ibanez monument for france mentor fiance a monument to the memory of blasco ibanez the spanish writer who passed the last six years of his life here will be erect ed in the citys public square despite the municipalitys 1efusto defray the cost the writers widow is pay ing the bill n 4 spying on limpets mans 17- year- job what most people call indigestion is one tasteless sikibiifiil usually excess held in the stomach the food has soured the instant remedy in an alkali which neutralizes acids but dont use crude helps use what vour doctor would advise the bct help is phillips milk of magnesia for the 50 years since its invention it has remained standard with physicians you will find nothing else so quick its effect to harmless ic clcieii gale wrecked raft just when success seemed assured london it is revealed in the jour nal of the marine biological associa tion just published that for 17 years scientists have been prying into the private life of the common limpet on the bottom of ships really interesting common limpets were marked wiih files and decorated with amifouling paint in one ease this was done on a wharf the other limpet world was observ ed on a wooden raft just when tho scientists were hoping to determine the sex of the limpets attached to it the raft was destroyed in a gale with a total loss of all common limpets impossible to dogmatize the watch on wharf limpets how ever is still providing interesting in formation about the lives of these in dividuals as they are described in the report it is impossible to dogmatise on the age of any limpet to within a few i months but in scottish limpets russell tloc cit 1 105 estimates the lengths at one year old as 0 to 25 ram at two years 3s mm about s3 mm in the water third act 154 nnn at the euil of the j neutralizes many times its volume in fourth year wheicas it has been acid the results are immdiate with fhown above that at plymouth aj no bad after effects once you icsru length of 53 mm was attained at an amid the noise and squalor of tlie streets of bow in the kast end slums asks for- neither inflation fees nori bartica british guiana great pedigrees droves of wild hogs have been devast- it has come into being as tho result of a longcherished desire of miss mu- j veil lester a london welfare worker ating this region destroying crops and attacking the natives joseph to establish a club for poor people j robey fought a baud of forty hogs where they might find entertainment with a shovel and aided by his two and opportunity for improvement at nominal cost so that its members shall not feel exploited or pauperized she and some of her friends who are interested in her voluntary poverty dogs drove the animals back into the bush a drove of 500 tried to swim the essequibo river and being discov ered by the natives boats were sent out and more than sixtv hogs were movement undertake to lead a life of kllle wih sorts ot weap01ls and almost monastic simplicity during tlleil carcasses i ashore their term of service as workers at kingsiey hall in conformity with her belief in voluntary poverty miss lester last year refused a legacy of 52000 a year j left by her father i we felt that it was up to us one day to open a public house for the poor which would not smell of beer f a dry pub whose attraction would be fellowship and frankness said miss l lester our members want to read j study debate write play games practice arts and crafts act and sing kingsiey hall will give them an op- 1 portunity to do these things it will he an educational as well as a social center use minards liniment for the fit belgian heir to study rule in dutch indies brussels prince leopold heir to the- belgian throne will shortly visit the netherlands indies to study tho economic and social problems of this rich dutch possession he is interested in colonial affairs and dealt with the welfare of colored populations in his first speech in the belgian senate the date of his trip to the indies has not been fixed nor lias it been decided whether princess astrid will accompany him r10rritnjv wjka 1u m i ipc in ihlixrr txwrnnlrnl mxuv fr imc oi1ck hook schwf1rs hjcherv buffalo ny bri15geeurg ont can ifyiif tolerate ximpfcs jfflfirftcafts unt manirtttn cuticuva ssoap and ciiticma ointment will quickly ami inohiiihy nurify prencre your liin and hnlr k stoys sharp longer cuts easier saws faster a 6im0n33 canada saw co ltd momtrcal vancouvcrr st john no 7ckomto d buckleys for throat health a tip night and morning rcl totcnofs and hoarseness and vents more terlous developments a bottle of buckloyo 40 doses s cents is an economical st nteo of healthy throats for whole family pleasant to tak instant in action positive in lie all druggists sell it w k buckley limited hi mutual st toronto 2 mixture ads like a flath a linjle tin proves it free book about cancer the indianapolis cancer hospiial in- ulnnapolis indiana has published a booklet which gives iriferesthuc facts about ti cause of cancer also tells what to tic- for pain meodlng odor etc a valuable ti in tbt- marmgrenient of any oe write fr it today mention ing i v im castoria is a comfort when baby is fretful xo sccmer taken than tho little one is at ease if rosvus a few drops soon brings contentment no i harm done for cascoria is a baby remedy meant for babies perfectly jsafe to give the youngest infant you have the doctors word for that it is a vegetable product and you could use it every day but its in an emer gency that castoria means most somo right when constipation must be re lieved or colic pains or other suf fering never be without it some mothers keep an extra bottle un opened to make sure there will always be castoria in the house itis effec tive for older children too read tho book that conies with it 75c and 10c this fact you will never deal with excess acid in the crude ways to learn now why this method is supreme be sure lo get the genuine phillip- milk of magnesia prescribed by physi cians for 50 years in correcting exeefi acids each hotlle contains full direc tions any drugstore go certainty not more than two years ovuerovding among limpets is ap- pauiii- it was soon found that in ny rtiiaihccl maturity at tiie c- it a few mortii so that nck a jroon in tar to overlap the tno lioirnsrit for grippe and flu a health saving reminder dont wait until you st the influenza use a friend to women if lydia e pinkham were alive today she would be one hundred and nine years old her descen dants continue to manu facture her famous vege table compound and the integrity of four genera tions is behind the prod uct in many families today mothers are teach ing their thirteen year old daughters to depend upon the same medicine h their grandmothers praised back in 1870 qet a bottle from your druggist today at the firt iign of it its healing qulities are amazing the old reliable issue no 4 29 xifcii tgb fems j ccbocrj qtitzzle crsd

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