Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 24, 1929, p. 2

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cog house y5tery begin herk tolay please within two minutes after robert all that interested inpcetor birch abitt neerdowell brother ci mark was that elsie was passing through ablett bachelor proprietor of the the hall and heard voices in the red house had arrived and been 0 ushered into marks office a shot was- i- heard and stopped to listen antony gillingham a friend of iiill certainly not said elsie with beverley one of marks guests arriv- dignity i was just passing through ed at that moment to find marks com- the hall just as vou might have been pariion matt cayley pounding tii the yourself and not supposing they was locked door of the office and demand- tnlkink sec didnt think to stop ng admittance the two men enter- i t ft t- hva d the office by a window and on the nywrs as no doubt i ought to have por found the tody of robert with a lionc and sho snlffed slightly brjlet through the head mark wast come come said the inspector nowhere to be found investigation soothingly now then wi at was it by inspector birch showed that mark i vou heard try to remember the had learned with considerable disgust nd annoyance of the coming of rob- 1 ert cayley refused to believe that i something about wonting in a pas mar ert that 1k c had deliberately murdered rob go ox with the story chapter v the housekeepers room had heard something of the news by this time and audrey had had a busy time ex- ikiyodrt own hasi ys rt it- whatever antony gillinghams other qualifications for his new pro fession he had at any rate a brain w hich worked clearly and quickly and this clear brain of his bad j- ready told him that rt was the only rerton in the house at that moment who was uithandieapped in the search for truth the inspector had arrived in it io find a man dead and a man missing it was exrtemely probable j no doubt that the missing man had shot the dead man but it was more jthan extremely probable it was al most certain that the inspector would start with the idea that this extreme ly probable solution was the one true solution ami that in consequence he would be less disposed to consider without prejudice any other solution inspector birch was certainly pre pared to believe that mark had shot his brother robert had been shown into the office witness audrey mark had gone in to robert witness cayley mark and robert had been heard talking witness elsie there was a shot witness everybody get away and again why run he did want to give him time antony went out of the house again to the lawns at the back and sat down would have interested antony sage thought elsie hm working a passage over could that have been it thats right sir said elsie eagerly hed worked his passage over well plaining to other members of the stair and then mr mark said loudly exactly what he had said and whatrt of triumphantlike its my the had said the details were not j turn new you wait quite established yet but this much triumphantly at least was certain that mr marks as much as to say his chance had brother had shot himself and spirited come mr mark away and that- audrey had i and thats all you heard seen at once that he was that son of i thats all sir not standing t down the stairs warns cayley man when she opened the door to him i listening but just passing through to stan by in case he is wanted and 1 contribution of her own the hall as it might be any time kces f mc his brother what does this unquestionably is the finest green tea sapah tea fresh from the gardens s italy has raised the duty on wheat to aid her farmers now the farmers are expected to make it their duty to raise plenty of wheat still another instance ot beating spears into plowshares is found in tho introduction of army gas masks which have been especially adapted woman witness her the frightened of her that he went off for household husband was onions use when peeling work minards liniment for coughs colds body had been found witness cayley and gillingham and mark was missing obviously then mark had killed his brother accidentally as cayley believed or deliberately as elsies evidence seemed to suggest but there were other possibilities to on the bench in view of tho office win- 1 know that just at the time when he dovvs j was feeling rather superior to the now then he said lets go through cayleys mind carefully and see what we get cayley had been in the hall when robrt was shown into the office the servant goes off to look for mark and cayley goes on with his book mark elsie had to make she had actually heard mr mark in the office threatening his brother he said i heard him say it with my own ears its my turn now he said triumphantlike well if you think thats a threat dear youre very particular i must say but audrey remembered elsies words when she was in front of in spector birch she gave her own evi dence with the readiness of one who had already repeated it several times then you didnt see mr mark at all no sir he must have come in before and gone up to his room well i think thats all that i want to knew now whar about the other servants elsie heard the master and mr robert talking together said audrey eagerly he was saying mr mark i mean ah who is elsie by the way one of the housemaids shall i send her to vou sir yes well thats really very im portant elsie thank you elsie gave him a smile and return- ed eagerly to the kitchen meanwhile antony had been explor- ling a little on his own there wasjj 1 a point which was puzzling him went throuh the hall to the front of i the house and stood at the open door he and cayley had run round the house to the kit surely it would have been quicker to have run round io the right undoubtedly they went iho longest way round why he asked himself was it to give mark more time in which to escape only in that case why run also how did cayley know then that it was mark who was trying to escape if he had guessed that one had shot the other it was much more likely that hobert had shot mark in deed he had admitted that this was what he thought the first thing he had said when he turned the body over was thank god i was afraid it was mark but why should he want to give robert- time in which to cayley expect possibly that he wont be wanted after all possibly that his advice may be wanted in the matter say of paying roberts debts or getting him a passage back to australia possibly that his physical assistance may be wanted to get an obstreperous robert out of the house well he sits there for a moment and then goes into the library suddenly he hears a pistol- prejudiced inspector the inspector himself was letting his mind dwell lovingly upon the possibilities in con nection with mr gillingham was it only a coincidence that mr gilling ham had turned up just wher he did and mr beverleys curious answers when asked for some account of his friend an assistant in a tobaccon ists ajj odd man mr gillingham evidently it might be as well to keep an eye on him chapter vi guests had said goodbye to ceording to their different ar had write a limerick win a prize her another opportunity for readers or this paper to show limericks one dollar will be paid for every be in the well known limeiick style and must lly advertised articles announcement of which h in cempdsir verses musl the nation paper quite a number of entries in the last contest were ilisqu verses were not limericks the following examples taker recent winners canbe used as gtides sittl opted jry real perbp fl after a sriomen th cayley manner pill had seen them into taken his own farewells with a spe cial squeeze of the hand for betty and had wandered out to join antony on his garden sett weil this is a rum shew said bill as he sat down very rum william and you actually walked right into it right into it said antony and proceeded to tell all that he had al ready told the inspector ill interrupt ing him here and there with appro priate good ixirds and whistles i say its a bit of a business isnt it where do i come in exactly antony smiled at him weil theres nothing to worry about you know besides 1 need you things are goirg to happen here soon t tc le continued electrical survey planned arrangements are now being made b windsor mines with the schlum- berger prospecting company to carry oqt a survey of their property near quebec ore bodies i lined from the3 was an old lady named hood who wanted her tea extra good c range red rose said she is the tea that suits me eiid the venerable dante madam hood mrs h fowler clinton out there was a youn who contracted a bad case of flu when she felt the cough tightening she tried vinos lightning and relief came without more ado mrs george paddick glcncoe ont the moment he would hard- what it was he listens wasnt a pistolshot after or two he goes j lasarrc station library door again the pro- have been opened up parallel to a dyke which cuts northwest through the property the latest find is said to be a massive sulphide vein with an width of five feet it is said to show i 1908 per cent copper on the north of the dyke there is strong stringer mineralization for a length of 000 j feet with widths of 5 feet said tol up u 10 per cent copper there is nothing io do but write the limeii your name and address and the name of this paper limerick editor associated publishers room west toronto ont ks and to 421tv found silence makes him uneasy now i no harm in going into the office just i to reassure himself so he tries the lady named lc- door and finds it locked what are his emotions now alarm uncertainty something is happen ing incredible truugh it seems- it must have been a pistolshot he is banging at the door and calling out to assay mark and there is no answer alarm yes but alarm for whose safety marks obviously robert is a stran ger mark is an intimate friend rob- i ert had written a letter that morning ice t fh letter of a man in a dangerous temper robert is the tough custom er mark tho highly civilized gentle man if here has been a quarrel it is robert who has shot mark he bangs at the door again of course to antony coming sud denly upon the scene cayleys con- j minards linimentpreventc flu had seemed rather absurd but send them 73 adela in which the m a wound in an accident case patient was suffering from the head was recently brought to a local hospital after taking the usual particulars as to age and next of kin the official said now dont worry i shall take immediate steps to ensure your wife being advised of your de tention here and so save her from anxiety to which the patient re signedly replied she did it miss irany people you know who end their colds with aspirin a vwciften youve heard of its prompt relief of sore throat or tonsililis no wonder millions take it for colds neuralgia rheumatism and the aches and pains that go with them the won der is tfiat anyone still worries tlirough a winter without these have so effect whatever en the you aspirin i4 marvelous doctors druggist has it with proven direc- vmm it to the test apirio a ttsttaiil riprtutd io ciiada ouct had seemed rat then just for the moment cayley had lost his head but as soon as antony suggested trying the windows cayley saw that that was- the obvious thing to do so he leads the way to the windows the longest way why to give the murdered time to escape if he had thought then that mark was the murdered per haps yes but he thinks that robert is the murderer if he is not hiding anything he must think so indeed he says so when he sees the body i was afraid it was mark he says when he finds that it is robert who is killed no reason then- for wish ing to gain time or ho contrary every instinct would urge him to get into the room as quickly as possible and seize tho wicked robert yet he- goes the longest way round why and then why run thats the question said anthony i to himself as he rilled his pipe and bless roc- if i know the answer he sat there with his unlit pipe in his hand thinking there were one or two other things in the back of his brain waiting to be taken out and locked at for the moment he left i then undisturbed they would come i backto him l-tc- wher he wanted balloon as the name of the mont- golfier predecessor of dirigibles came from the large round sliortnecked bottle then used in chemistry when in toronto eat and sleep at scholes hotel cafeteria yonge hotel rates nd short order service st opposite eatons 1 per day and up p 3 verage we recommend purchase at the market of the common stock of a holding company 40c earned on average capital invested dividends paid regularly for past year large earned surplus 4 this company with others has recently acquired control of a new york bank 5 other developments under way point to greatly increased earnings and appreci ation in stock i without any obligation on my part kindly send further particulars regarding the above investment name address the insurance investments ltd insurance bank and trust cos stocks phones adelaide 812728 347 bay st toronto v heir he laughed tudc pipe- i was wasting he thought ard r antony gillirgrfam cniy it his i new profession ow ive found it cur own private kuthround i shall begin today issue no 429 north of noranda recent discovery 6106 per ton copper j 33 adelaide 9 toronto st w cut and mail this coupon witroj obligation nail me pf fticulars c windsor mines limited name address inquiries invited from brokers and sales representatives for this issue

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