34eet9r sew t wisdom of m y emoh sk6u vrttbveu begin here today i he might if hed troubled to in- captain john hewitt is commisspect it with a ladder the yellow jer of police at jesselton british j seven if you remember was painted north borneo his sister monica ion the side of dombergs house and van daulen crossed the floor in hisj speed track vint is engaged to marry peter dombergs bungalow is built en piles reatly boarded recess under your own icnrington who is detailed by the f ahn 1ho house socks and poured himself out a stiff sksst up at yancej found by irishman or whittakers i because said pennington sweet- ly i had a notion chaihung had selected you for his next victim i made a most interesting discovery while you wero away this afternoon i succeeded in running to earth a pot of bright yellow paint a tin of black enamel and two brushes van daulen spun round on his heel where h edemanded thickly buried a couple of feet down in a t scott told malcolm campbell of mysterious flawless runway in sahara desert by government to apprehend chaihun leader of the yellow seven a gang of ten feet or more above the ground she caught both sides of his coat chinese bandits van daulen rides to andjerced him tojook at her jesselton with the news of the murder of dcmbcrg the dutch manager at kasih fiabatpilai chtefofstaff to pennington hates chaihung bit terly now go on with the story van daulen turned to the com missioner captain hewitt i must appeal to you ive come a long distance to night to inform you of the serious ness of the position in our territory not to answer absurd questions sorry i thought you two had possibly met before van daulen this is pennington hes responsible for any action taken against char hung and consequently entitled to ask what questions he chooses have you fixed up a room anywhere i expect theres room for me at the resthouse thanks well drop in any time after ten tomorrow and well talk things over im sorry about poor domberg good night he was barely out of earshot when hewitt swung round on pennington rather a blow to vour theory what not in the least youll never admit when youre wrong persisted tho commissioner sadly and youll never admit when im right by the way keep young van daulen in jesselton as long as you can i shall be running up to kasih- ayer tomorrow hewitt drained his glass and made off down the passageway to his room ill do my best he shouted back over his shoulder but van daulens inclined to be impetuous peter monica demanded when they were alone why do you go out of your way to quarrel i dont but you do dear the way you tackled that poor fellow whod ridden goodness knows how many miles made me feel positively uncomfort able he was dead beat you know i wonder who discovered the fine metal point in the penholder and decided it had been smeared with poison you havent been listening i dont believe you heard a word i said he drew her to him dear little woman ive been listen ing most patiently but you see its utterly impossible for you to under stand my motives im a queer jumbledup piece of machinery some times actuated by reason sometimes by a sort of sixth sense which nature gave to me when she presented me with chinese eyes thats why im here now its exactly why your brc- do be careful peter for my sake ho ran his lingers caressingly through her curls theres no need to be anxious he under my house van daulen leant heavily on the rail may i see those brushes he in quired suddenly im afraid thats impossible you said for i shant want to be so very ce s thcm dow to hewitt by a alone rabatpilai will be hovering its the shadows say have you the remotest idea what the time is she shook her head and there was a wistful look in her eyes special messenger over an hour ago theyve a fingerprint expert down there and paints a thing that can be easily rubbed off there followed a long period of it passes so quickly hen you are silence during- which a lithe brown- l and so slowly ween youre skinned scarecrow with an ear and away on these wretched expeditions eye missing and a mouth slit at eiuiehjhe spe e d rcodat come back soon peter deafest side so that its owner wore a pcr- promise me youll come back soonjpetual grin emerged from the living and peter penuinton promised room and hung a lighted oil lamp on a hook above the table the dutch man still leaning over the wooden rail filling his pipe from a bag of racer will fly to course london captain malcolm camp bell who gained the motor speed re cord on daytona beach in february only to lose it in april to ray kecch proposes to make a long journey to a remote and desolate place in his de termination to recapture the honor settiug out immediately in a moth airplane for a secret spot in the mid dle of the sahara captain campbell will inspect what is described by its discoverer as the worlds ideal speed track if he finds that it comes up to expectations he will not hesitate about taking his blue bird racing car and all the necessary equipment to that outoftheway place captain campbell has given up the idea of making another attempt on evening van daulen the dutchman started almost fall ing back down the steps of his own j tobacco observed the fall of darkness veranda curled in a chair a cigaret without turning his head the servant paused on his way out stared de liberately at pennington reciprocated the broad wink that he received and disappeared f that stuff couldnt have got under here without somebody knowing it said van daulen that is my contention whoever was responsible for the crime had an accomplice in the house the other grunted appears to lie between my boy and myself so i took the liberty of arresting the boy the devil you did to be continued van daulen half off caused with cne ceo between his lips and a halffilled tumbler resting in the cavity in the arm lay chinese pennington oh good evening thought id left you behind in jesselton he blundered past pennington found a seat and began unlacing his boots dyou intend stopping here if i may certainly delighted of course no need to offer yon a drink i see two diagonal slits were all that was visible of the englishmans eyes no thanks i brought my own van daulen paused with one bootl half drawn off and stared hard at i his guest i you brought your own j whisky j the dutchman choked something ther sent for me and its why i some- 1 back in his throat and discarded the times talk as i do im not like that boot he vas evidently ill at ease for wile endeavoring to operato the with you i should hope not indeed nor with jack or dawson or even ihat prince of scarecrows rabat- pilai do you remember what i was saying before van daulen came in somebody at kasihayers in league with chaihung and ive got to put my finger on him and keep it there it might be vance whittaker their chief watchman their tamil another cary it might on the other hand be van daulen i jumped on him right away when as you say he was dead- beat why because at such a time he was less likely to be on his guard yo no earthly reason to sus pect him except said pennington dream ily that when he stooped to put that pot of yellow paint away a comer of his tunic dipped into it monicas brain reeled but he came away without bothering to change perhaps you didnt notice but tho bottom corners of his coat curled and the bulk of the stain was on the under side second pair of laces he got them hopelessly knotted my boy made you pretty comfort able i hope he jerked out without looking up brought my own van daulen sprang to his feet a ludicrous figure in one ridingboot and a gray sock confound it all pennington this is too much of a good thing and added the man with the chinese eyes in case i ihave occa sion to write anything ive taken the additional precaution of bringing a fountain pen tho dutchman stood for some mo ments clenching and unclenching his fists then dropped heavily back on to his seat if i thought for one moment you meant to imply anything by these ex traordinary breaches of etiquette id pitch you and your damned ser vant into the garden pennington moved a cushion to a more comfortable position i assume that you dont intend to he aims at reachiug 220 miles an hour and he says it would be impos sible to attain that speed on daytona or any other beach tho slightest wind would cause sand ripples which would play havoc with a car traveling at so fast a speed he declares a young irishman leonard t scott is the discoverer of this worlds ideal speed track the exact location ot which for some purpose is not being disclosed but it is stated to be near ly 1000 miles from the coast beyond the atlas mountains and hundreds of miles from the nearest town mr scott who is one ot the few- men who have trekked across the desert from aran to the niger says that it is a great plain of sand with surface as smooth as a billiard table except for some parts of it that are littered with tiny pebbles native labor would have to be employed for a number of days to clear a course twelve miles in length by 150 feet wide this plain stretches for 400 miles without even a shrub to break the monotony of the landscape says mr scott the place is so remote from civili sation that captain campbell would i have to transport his car his me chanics and his supplies of gasoline and oil by motor lorries and camels over hundreds of miles of desert water would have to be conveyed to the spot from an oasis on the north ern fringe ot this vast sterile stretch of sand this oasis would be cap tain campbells headquarters captain campbell intends it the preliminary survey is satisfactory to make his attack on the speed record late in december when according to mr scott the temperature at midday does not exceed 100 degrees fahren heit and the early morning air is even chilly the place is not windswept and the surface of the sand always smooth the racer says his test would be checked up by representatives from the french official motor organization the french military authorities also would be asked to provide special patrols to protect the camp against roving bands of brigands which over run f that part of the desert ny times firstcrop japan teas are admittedly the finest that come out of the land of blossoms salada japan green tea fs comprised only of firstcrop leaves jakju fresh rom the gardens i its still purely conjecture he take any particular precautions your might have gone right up to the sign i self to examine it and brushed his jacket against it hejntzman c piano when in toronto call at our ware- rooms to see these wonderful instruments uurlght player and grand pianos or write for illustrated catalogue and price list heintzman hall 195 yonge st toronto issue no 4728 the lace broke such as keeping a close watch on the cook house seeing that your razor isnt tampered with setting a reliable watch on the house at night question ing all strangers found wandering on tho estate it occurs to me retorted van daulen that if you were to leave estate affairs to those who understand them and occupy yourself solely with the rounding up of the yellow seven youd be rendering the island a better service you want me- to go out and find chaihung most certainly i prefer to wait for him here youll have to wait a long time dyou really think that i hap pen to know that kasihayer is the identical spot selected by the yellow- seven as offering a suitable stretch of coastline to aid them in their future plans they polished off poor dom berg that wont help them much while vane whittaker and yourself are alive truly practical a style that entirely covers the dress is shown in apron design no 417 the pattern for this attractive apron cuts all in one piece and can easily be made in a nhour or possibly less after it is cut out simply edges to be piped or trimmed with braid and pockets attached think of it printed sateen blocked gingham cretonne striped percale and pongee are appropriate serviceable and inexpensive pattern in sizes 36 40 and 44 inches bust mea sure tho 3cinch size requires 2 yards of 30inch material with 94 yards of binding price 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap coin carefully how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and addrcs your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto patterns sent by return mail his favorite course coif enthusiast at dinner what js your favorite course gourmet all of cm from soup to nuts how did muriel get tanned so she was out in a spanking breeze minards liniment for asthma millions killed in this war ottawa canada another victory in the war against insect pests is claimed by the entomological branch ot tho canadian federal department of agriculture the location of the latest victory is the prairie provinces manitoba saskatchewan and alber ta recent official roports state that there is just now a general freedom from insect pests in western canada grasshoppers which in former years have done a share of damage to the crops have been found scarce this year tho red backed cut worm which has a predilection for the sugar beet crops grown extensively in southern alberta has been smitten hip and thigh by the entomologists who aro constantly engaged in war to the death the bertha army worm which feeds on western alfalfa crops has been attacked relentlessly with a resultant casualty list totalling mil lions the scenes of battles in this war are not limited to western canada but extend throughout the dominion thcro havo been engagements with the peach moth with tho corn borer and with insect pests of many varie ties no quarter is given by the scientists in the fight it is a war which the kellogg treaty docs not af fect and one in which poisonous gases and lethal powders are used without regard to whatever objections may bo laid down by the hague or any other tribunals mike was an irish inborer earning good money in yorkshire and not car ing to spend bis monoy on beer ho bought a watch and guard though ho could not tell the time it was amus ing to watch iiih frequent glances of pride as he wah wheeling tho barrow one day hiu workmates saw him com ing on tho street and for a lark told a newcomer to ask michael tho time can you tell me the time he asked with courtesy michael pulled out bis watch looked at it then turning it round with fare to the questioner ho exclaimed would yer believe it making broadfronted advance ottawa canada the record wheat harvest ot canada aggregating moro than five hundred million bushels draws attention to the fact that agri culture is still the dominions leading industry hut tho remarkable progress which has been mado in recent years in the development of her forest min eral waterpower and other re sources shows that canada instead of confining her energies to a few ex tractive industries is making a broad- fronted advance in many fields of ac tivity ranking second to agriculture in value of productsthe forest indus tries loom large in canadas economic structure the growth of pulp and paper production in recent years has been rapid and spectacular and since 192g the dominion has been the worlds greatest newsprint producer tho erection of new mills and addi tions to present producers indicate that the dominions total will be fur ther increased in the immediate fu ture the effect of expansion in this as in most of the other industries en gaged in the development of the do minions natural resources is seen in the growth ot towns and cities and in the springing up of new communities an increasing demand for lumber for export and a slight increase in price have brought about a general improvement in the lumber industry the mining industry is thriving exploratory and prospecting opera tions are being carried on in practical ly every province of the dominion the development of canadas water power resources continues apace not- withstanding the gigantic undertak- ings which have been completed in recent years new projjects are adding to the total installations year by year i the expansion of the forest and min- jiug industries in which hydropower is playing a large and increasing part has contributed to the demand for more electrical energy i the year 192s marks a period of j rapid growth in the economic struc ture of the dominion and on every hand there is evidence of tho progres being made in exploration develop ment and production mlnards liniment for grippe poet you said in your paper the other day that poverty is no crime editor well and yet you decline my verses simply cause you say theyre poor schoolmaster give me a good ex ample of coincidence bright boy my father and mother were married on the same dav toronto hotels elliott and victoria church shuter sts 56 yonge st in the shopping district 4 this winter sunny land of fruit and flowers where living is a joy the whole year round s varietyandbeautyr milehighmountains smooth beaches orange proves pepper trees and palms world cities quiet retreats every sport h every day california midwinter escorted tours 21 days all expemc on the viay indiandetour qrand canyon phoenix california and yoscmitc return through feather river canyon royal qorge colorado springs and denver heave chicago saturdays january 519 february 216 march 216 1929 ask for details f t hendry gm astdt santn fc ry 604 irauuponallon bide detroit mlcb lliouc itanilolpli st18 the nurse tells you to take aspirin because she knows that it is safe doctors have told her so it has no effect on the heart so lake it to stop a headache or check a cold for almost instant relief of neuralgia neuritis rheumatism even lumbago but txi sure its bayer the genuine aspirin at druggists with proven directions for its many uses aifirin i a ttaivnuilt rculcrl in canada