collision in the air results in death for five two detroit airplanes meet practically headon with fatal results three cremated biplane fights for chance for life as wing crumples detroit oct 7 five persons were killed instantly three of them being burned beyond recognition at ply mouth and telegraph roads shortly after 6 oclock this afternoon when two aeroplanes collided in midair and fell 300 feet hundreds of spectators witnessed the grim tragedy of the air at one of the local flying fields this afternoon in view of the ideal weather conditions many planes were aloft soaring grace fully against the blue of a cloudless sky one was a biplane piloted by captain clement v brown president of the brown aerocoupe manufactur ing company of this city he was ac companied by his fiancee miss mar garet uhle of gaylord michigan a detroit public school teacher another of the aircraft was a monoplane pil oted by russell paulger an 18-year- old youth who had taken up two pas sengers a young man and a young woman unidentified all were killed captain brown and his fiancee were circling in a small biplane manufac tured by the formers company when the accident occurred paulger pilot ing a large cabin monoplane in which the other two victims were passengers attempted to land by diving under the brown plane and the two ships col lided the monoplane with two wings rip ped off and her upper parts gone fell to the ground in fl mcs the underpinning of the biplane was sheared off and one wing crumpled but the pilot wa3 able to keep the craft aloft for several minutes he spiraled about a bit apparently attempting to straighten by wind pressure the dam aged wing which hung below the level of the wheelbase the manoeuvre was partly successful according to wit nesses and the ship attained an even keel then as it dropped slowly earth- ward for the attempt at landing the wing folded up and the piano nosed down the pilot quickly banked the ship and the wing straightened out as it was being jockeyed earthward a sec ond time the even keel was maintained an attraction to all canadian visitors to federal capitol new bridge at canadas capitol it spans the ottawa river connecting ottawa with hull part ot federal improvement scheme fascist foes liberty hinges chinese women on wedding of prince humbert insist on right rome the forthcoming marriage but even by certain classes of crir- ot prince humbert of piedmont heir inals apparent to the italian throne to prin- i those now in italian prisons as well i cess jose ot belgium is expected to as members of their families are for another 00 feet suddenly the produce important political repercus- 1 naturally awaiting the wedding ot wmg collapsed and this time the craft i in itaiy considercd virtu- prince humbert with keen interest coud not be righted it plowed nose certaiu tuat on tne weddillg day i it is torimently ejected that most first into the turf and the occupants tho xlai of whicu not yet bcen the enemic ot fa3cism now serv were dead when witnesses arrived at tho scene myth of the equinox storm seems disproved by charts popv ular belief that boisterous weather comes when sun crosses equator is refuted on sunday sept 23 when the sun crossed the celestial equator on its an- fixed most of those serving sentences for political offenses will be included in a rather general amnesty such an act of clemency moreover is customary with the reigning italian family particularly when tho crown prince or other important members of royalty are married it will bo re membered tfcat when victor emanuel ing exile sentences on the various islands in the southern mediterranean willbe freed moreover it is reported that many of the lesser important cases of those being tried for uttoring offensive remarks against premier mussolini or the king will- bo dis missed as regards those cases awaiting trial nual journey to southern latitudes the great hurricane that swept such a de vastating path of destruction from porto ttico through florida was scarcely a week old the precede or attend the autumnal equi nox old records of earthquakes in september 1844 after a dry spell of unusual duration slight shower on saturd which was succeeded yes moment settled rain from the northeast iii the present king was married in before the special fascist military 189c at that time the crown prince j tribunal nothing has yet been de- to princess elena of montenegro cided but it is believed that even the italian government granted am- they will be treated with leniency nesty not only by political prisoners market reports grain quotations grain dealers on tho toronto board of trade iro making the following quotations for car lots man wheat no 3 north 117 no 4 wheat 1084 no 5 wheat 1 cix goderich and bay ports man oats no 1 feed 69c cifj goderich and bay ports am corn no 2 yellow 109 no 3 yellow 10s toronto freights r miilfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 3225 shorts per ton 3425 middlings 4425 ont oats good sound heavy oats in car lots 47 to 50c fob shipping points ont gcod milling wheat fob ship ping points according to freights 115 to 118 barley malting 05 to 70c buckwheat not quoted rye no 2 98c to 103 man lour first pats in jute 750 toronto second pats in jute g90 ont flou- track toronto car lots 90 per cent pats per barrel not quot ed seaboard in bulk 525 hay and straw wholesale hay and straw dealers are making the following quotations to farmers delivered at toronto no 1 loose 18 to 19 no 2 15 to 1550 no 3 13 to 14 lower i grades s10 to 13 wheat straw 10 they declare equality must oat straw 950 to 10 extend into colleges to j oyision prices 0 j j r o 1 toronto wholesale dealer arc quot- katse standard tor ex j the following prices to the trade shanghaichinese womanhood has smoked meatshams mod 30 to 32c cooked hams 4oe smoked rolls taken a united stand in favor of co- broakflst bac 33 to 43c do education in tho colleges tho naf i0 to 4sc backs peamcaled tlonalist governments oducauonal 30c do smoked 37 to 39c conference regards tho idoa as a i cured meats ixng clear bacon 50 shocking departure from old custom to 70 lbs 21 70 to 00 lbs 19 90 the- amalgamated committee tortc 100 and up s18 lightweight womens rights however launched r j r heavyweight hrmrfl fnrfh 11 hll latlnf r0 ssb0 peivbbl of coeducation boldly forth with a declaration stating on we had a fallacy but so far as it relates to the 1 1rcre shown by canada ay night last occurrence of such stormsvin septemi fxnort of auto produ jsterday by a der aio the atlantic coast of tho in export ot auto rroau united states it has a grain of truth ot crossing is the autumnal equinox genuine equinoctial in september in u september 1s the month in which on an average west india hur- these tempests with their strong winds and torrential rains sweep up and any spell of windy or rainy wea- 1853 it was remarked wednesday ther occurring within a week or- ten nights gale may be considered as a are most frequent when days ft that event is the equinoctial prelude of the equinoctial storms storm otherwise known as the line which are generally attended with storm because its date is elastic more or less disastrous effects in andstorms of wind or rain are fairly i8s2 under the headline the equi- frequent at all seasons of the year noctlal storm was printed the follow- in our climate the equinoctial storm s if the storm of the past few never disappoints tne people who look days was not the traditional line forward to it as an inevitable event in storm which scientists inform us the autumn calendar and so the does not exist but which nevertheless deadly storm this year will doubtless appears just about this portion of the be pointed to by many as proof ot tho month it resembled the genuine products montreal canada exported freight automobiles one ton or less to the value of 1028282 during august as compared with 472408 in july and 020007 in august 1927 those autos went to almost every country in the that in oducatlon as in all other oq xlirenba oq pnoqs ejaq s2nin tween men and women the committees announcement says since the may movement there has been a general demand for equality between men and women this being a subject which has been approved by all the people at a meeting of the national educational conference a resolution was passed opposing co education in colleges and middle schools and recommending the stap- page of the coeducational movement in china in all institutions in which the system has been introduced lard pure tierces 17c tubs x8c pails 18c prints 19 to 19 shortening tierces 15c tubs 15 wc pails 15c tins 17ic prints 16ic froduce quotations toronto wholesale dealers are pay ing the following prices delivered eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 42 to 43c frsh firsts 39 to 40c seends 29 to 30c butter creamery solids pasteur ized no 1 399ic no 2 38 to 38vic churning cream no 1 39 to 40c cheese no 1 large colored par- aifined and government graded 23 mic live stock heavy beef steers choice 10 to j 11 do fair 950 to 975 but- chcr steers choice 10 to 1025 but- article as closely as was desirable the reference in the last of these extracts i to the skeptical attitude of line storm belief popular belief that the equinoxes of both spring and fall are particularly stormy periods of the year rose at a science on the subject is interesting time when astrology passed for sound because it antedates by two year3 a science and all things terrestrial were meeting of the royal meteorological supposed to jie governed by tho move- society in london at which for the the eastern border of the country they world with india taking the largest j purd0s0 ot ratrouuction ot co her hcifers choice 59 to u make an impression on popular mem- proportion 309413 australia m- eiucation in china is t0 affora bettor do com 775 to 825 butcher cows z l rwio t educational facilities to women and good to choice 8 v 850 do fair to i ss p3 esy to place their standard ot education rood 650 to 750 do com c to ory that is not soon effaced let us add that the name line- storm used as a synonym of equi noctial storm is sometimes confound ed with the term line squall applied to a wellrecognized meteorological phenomenon viz a narrow trough of law barometric pressure attended by squally weather moving broadside over the country the name refers to the linear shape of the disturbance ments of the heavenly bodies there first time statistics were presented classical literature catullus for ex ample refers to the caell furor aequt- noctialis the raging of the equinoc tial sky the storm in literature the notion flourishes today in west ern europe particularly in the british isles several references to it in english literature are cited in the new english dictionary the earliest dating from the middle of the eighteenth cen tury a variant of the belief is found in western england where people talk ot michaelriggs strong winds supposed to prevail about michaelmas sept 29 the american conception ot equi noctial storms differs from that pre vailing abroad in this country we rarely hear of such stor fl occurring at the time of the vernal equinox though the month of march british isles there is no special prev alence of stormy weather about the time of either the vernal or the au tumnal equinox the statistics were embodied in a paper read by the head of the british meteorological office dr robert h scott professor hazens conclusion a tew years later a similar analysis of weather records was made in this country by professor h a hazen of the united states signal service and a similar conclusion was reached hazens report on this subject is pub lished in the monthly weather re view for novombor 18s9 it includes curves basedon tho records of several representative stations in different parts of the country showing the aver age march of wind force rainfall and storm frequency during tho equinoc tial months and onds with tho state- i still call myself herbert hoover a young man 47761 chile 70291 and venezuela i 55454 the axport of passenger cars valued at 500 or less was also increased during august the figure being 2240- 058 as compared with 1954713 in july and only 5812025 til august last year on a higher basis empire trade so long as there is any business to be done i shall never tire of the fun of doing it otto h kahn navys big radio towers get supreme test in hurricane 650 canner and cutters 425 to 550 butcher bulls good to choice 750 to8 do mod 7 to 750 bolognas 650 to 7 babj beef s12 to 15 feeders choice 9 to 1025 edinburgh scotsman cons tho do fair 8 50 to 875 rtockers vicepresident ot one of tho largest cno s to iy l 8 tifllrt tv dom holso to cac mnot canada states that ignorance of ch0 15 to 16 do m canada s requirements by home manu- to s14 rfo krass 650 to 7 facturers is responsible for the los3 of i 1250 bucks 950 sheep an enormous volume of trade sent- choice 6 to 650 do heavies 5 to ment is important he declares but 550 do culls 2 to 3 hogs selects what is more important is personal woc 1150 do fed 1110 do thick knowledge of market conditions in smooth woc 11 do fed 1003 canada and personal intercourse with canadian business men tho personal touch goes a long way in the promotion of business and it our whole has an undeserved reputation ment the conclusion la novltablo for windiness hue there is here a that the observations do not show a wellsettled conviction that a single preponderance of storm action during stormy period invariably occurs some the equinoxes time around the equinox in september this tradition has been accepted at face value by our poets longfellow wrote when descends on the atlantic the gigantic stormwind of the equinox landward in i1i3 wrath ho scourges the toiling surges laden with seaweed from tho rocks whittler sang along their foamwhite curves ot shore they heard the line storm rave and roar in contemporary american verse the same notion crops up thus robert frost in a boys will wrote the ilnestorm clouds fly tattered and swift the road is forlorn all day m the history of tho belief in this country was traced some years ago by j ii morrison who collected ref erences to it in tho newspapers of new york from the early part of tho last century onward a severe storm in september 1815 which appears to have extended ovor tho whole longth of our eastern seaboard is rcforrod to as tho equinoctial galo an horn published in september 1838 reads we had yesterday ono ot the steady soaking northeast rains which usually belief in equinoctial storms is a with tho 000foot towers at the naval radio station at el caney near- san juan withstanding the 145-miie- anhour onslaught of the porto rlcan hurricane navy officials are convinced that these steel supports of the an tenna aro virtually storm proof the towers likethoso at tho navys other high power stations were built to weather a 150mlle gale and thoy just about got it in the west indle3 storm says captain s c hooper director of naval communications s at noon of tho day the hurricane struck snn juan the antenna and root of the navy station wero blown away and tho wireless apparatus country would seek to secure some- increase in fur production ottawa can total value ot the raw fur production ot canada for tho amateur frequency and soon was in thing of her prewar holdings in tho season 192027 was 1886412s corn- communication with amateur station 9so of the school of engineering at milwaukee twoway communication between washington and el caney was established the following morn ing navy radio men connect the anten na wires to the towers by safety links made strong enough to resist a heavy gale but designed to give way markets of the world our manufac turers must not hold aloof naval defence london referee cons tho battleship is as obsolete as the knight in armour we have no money to waste on useless defences let us concentrate on those which are offlcl- p i 1420817 coyote or prairie wolf with undent to puui the aeroplane is not the only the wires cap- ode is the n as s iutl u pared with 15072244 in 192520 the increase in tota value of raw fur pro duction is due to a general advance in the prices of furs muskrat oc cupies first place in order of valuo with a total of 3341446 followed by i beaver with 2292871 while fox with 2237070 silver fox with 1c74342 red fox with 1511891 mink with tain hooper says the navy has never lost any of its big towers designed and constructed by naval engineers the strength in thoso groat masts of drenched disrupting communication i steol is distributed to retain the prop- on the night of tho next day tho sta- or balance and power of resistance hon with improved eqiilpmont started spare antenna is kept at the stations transmitting on 7500 kilocycles an ready for hoisting in emergency before the force is sufficient to pull trrz i s u13453 and marten with 1046- down the towers with the wires cap- one nor is the navy as such obsolete j yauc rf j egh or obsolescent the cruiser the des troyer and the subarlno are still vital to tho safety of the empire and in all probability always will be it is the ono typo that gigantic reproduc tion of tho armourod knight which wo know as the battleship which has be come obsolete western girls uphold canadas honor 3 kinds in 192627 amounted to 14044- 712 or 78 per cent of the total value of tlie raw fur production for the sea son if the pelts of all of the differ ent kinds ot fox are taken together then the fox leads all other kinds of fiirbearlng animals in valuo of raw fur production having a total valua in 19272s of 6252503 ontario is tho premier province with respect to value of raw fur production having a total in 192027 of 3919491 followed by queboc with 3005323 tho northwest territories with 2- 981829 and alberta with 2250353 british colubmla askatchewan and manitoba wore next in tho order nam ed each with a production valued at over a million dollars the total for prince edward island nova scotia and now brunswick was 1221039 while tho production of the yukon territory was valued at 3s22g1 canaoian q1rls met a defeat t a stirring moment in tho polo game betweon the alberta ladlos representing canada and tho wcstcheater team at rye ny won by the latter 62 1 plied separately canada sets standard for brake performance in accordance with an act passed at tho last session of the ontario legislature the department of high ways issued regulations governing motor vehicle brakes in class a which includes all pas senger car3 and some trucks foot brakes must stop the car within fifty foot at twenty mllos an hour on a dry level road under tho same con ditions handbrakes must stop the car within 8evcntyflvo fcot class b inctudos vohlcles over 6000 pounds gross woight designed for transportation of goods and all cars not in class a foot and hand brakos whon oppllod simultaneously to this class of car must stop it within fifty i feet or within sovontyllvo feet if ap