wl onwithiaughter abo was troubled with a pain in foot and upon the advice of his fco saw a dentist and had his extracted the pain continued and his son then insisted that ho see doctor and have his tonsils taken at tho doctor advised that this be pone a few weeks later the ton rc- jtumed to tho city from a business rip and greeted his dad with hows tho foot father oh its fine jwould you believe it just yesterday i aound a nail in my thee t tourist in park looking at boul- r and just whero did you say happy are kraal folk of s africa their homes are little af fected by the culture of nearby whites and they retain the ancient cus toms of their tribes v tho rock camo from guide a glacier brought it down tourist whero did tho glacier 6 guide oh it went back after an other rock wo believe it is fairly safe to esti- mato that fully 85 per cent of the happy families eat breakfast in the kitchen poor man ejaculated the prison visitor i wish i could do something to get you out of here well mum suggested the convict hopefully if you wouldnt mind whanging clothes wit mo when de board aint lookin i could do de rest there are fakers who pretend to teach you how to get what you want but none so brazen as to pretend to teach you how to keep on wanting it after you get it who ever expected to see the day when a man would scold his wife for dropping ashes on ms office floor here rest the bones of emily bright she put out her left hand and turned to the right well sighed the job hunter as he surveyed the sixfoot questionnaire he was handed to fill out this firm cer tainly expects a lot of application she was only a poultrymans daugh ter but i learned about the chickens from her the happiest homes says a phil osopher are those in which the hus band wipes the dishes after dinner less happy homes are those in which the husband washes and wipes the dishes after dinner you marry my daughter you couldnt dress her who wants to dress her why passenger oh captain can you tell me what time the tide rises i want to close my portholes doves of peace will never be hatch ed from cannon balls legal holiday a nationally accepts ed excuse to quit work little girl asked to pray for warm weather so that her grandmothers rheumatism might pass away o lord please make it hot for grand ma what will you when your children ciy for it there is hardly a household that hasnt heard of castoria at least five million homes are never without it if thoro arc children in your fnmily theres almost daily need of its com fort and any night may find you very thankful theres a bottle in tho house just a few drops and that colic or constipation is relieved or diarrhoea checked a vegetable pro duct a baby remedy meant for young folks castoria is about the only thing you have fever heard doctors advise giving to infants stronger medicines nro dangerous to ji tipy baby however harmless they may be to rowwups good old castoria remember tho name and remember to buy it it may spare you a sleepless anxious night ji is always ready always safo to use in emergencies or for everyday ailments any hour of tho day or iright that baby becomes fretful or restless castoria was never more popular with mothers than it is today every druggist has it r- r v- istks castor i a on tho fringe of the white mans advance among tho primitive zulus and other tribes of south africa one finds tho strange spectacle of two dif ferent races within easy walking dis tance of each other living under total ly dissimilar conditions the whites with all their intrlcato modern con veniences the blacks with still only the rudo utensils and implements that havo been- handed down to them for centuries families of tho tribesmen dwell a few miles from white settlements in their isolated homesteads they are not a communal people like the whites but rather take small hold ings on tho grant of their chiefs and set up their own farms at some dls- tanco from their neighbors looking over a valley as far as the eye can reach one will seo scarcely more than halt a dozen kraals these consist of a small circle of huts surrounded by a thick growth of brush as in a stock ade and enclosing in tho centre a patch that serves as a stable for the cattle the father has a hut near the gate and after it around the ring come tho huts of the wives of which there are sometimes as many as twenty here and there among them will be small huts for the children outside the kraal the family will have a roughly laid out plot of ground which is farm ed as long as it remains fertile and then abandoned for a new holding stories of how the black man lives at home and how he is taking his contact with the whites are brought by alfred r martin an english artist mr martin was a pupil of augustus johns and is now senior lecturer in the school of art at durban natal and also lecturer at the university of south africa for eleven years he has spent much of his time going about among the natives with his sketchbook the result has been a striking collection of oil paintings a group of which he recently exhibited at the american museum of natural history they show the admiration he felt for the natives when they are living under their natural conditions he presents them as a happy people now making play of the simple bits of work by which they carry on their lives now held spellbound by the beauty of a vast stretch of landscape or again at tho height of their glory when decked out with primitive wea pons for a tribal war white clviliza ion he says is draw ing more and more of them because it offers convenient ways for them to make a livelihood as children they often work as herd boys on the white farms without fear they run among a herd of cows to drive them in the desired direction and when two bulls are lighting they will separate them by twisting and pulling their talis as older boys they plow the fields of white farmers cutting wattles to sell to the mines or fov use as fences women too do this work tall and powerful they are quite as good at manual labor as their brothers they are often seen tying up huge bundles of the castoff wattles such as a white man would find difficult even to lift and carrying them homo on their heads perhaps a walk of miles young men and girls work in the towns as servants the chief appeal that civilization has for tho primi ive youth is that it gives him a chance to earn the money for his marriage brides among the natives nre bought outright fatness being a virtue the price depends on the girls sleekness for a girl rea sonably plump the price is seven or elgh cows for a better one particu larly if sho is a chiefs daughter it runs up to as many as thirty even among the cultured natives this conception of tho solid worth of tho brldo still lingers mr martin tells how mrs martins maid an ad vanced girl who had been to college clung to the idea that a daughter must be held at a price consistent with her dignity she nskod mrs martin ono day how many cows she was going to get for her daughter and when mrs martin explained that she did hot expect to recclvo any at all the girl asked in amazement dont you lovo your daughter a youth about to set up his kraal must first acffulro tho nocessary num ber of cows for his bride and tho slmplcstmeans is to take a job with a white man until ho has saved the money about 10 for each cow the white omployers find this arrange ment highly satisfactory since tho youth usually applies himself persist ently to his job while ho is saving tho money and since the pay amounts in the country districts to not moro than 35 cents nday ho jjniuro to re main on hand for several months while living in the towns the na tives adopt many of thowhite mans ways mpoclally his notions about clothingt on sunday afternoons in the heavy hide apron white food is nmi n 1 mi nralmtm glveu up for the plain fare of mealies liki anil wllrflhil a kind of corn ground and boiled the attachment for the quiet hut in j the valley is not entirely sentimental the man though he may bo turning his back- on conveniences probably goes to a life of comparative ease thu lad found dr williams j since his wives do most of tho work pink pills a friend indeed they do the chores and most of the i t plowing and harvesting if there are jus tause she is a woman there enough cf them and are even sent off tm when every woman needs inventor honored need rich blood who m modern bhips rossible recalled was austrian vienna the shape of the v t ot screw was worked out by archimedes j to nearby farms to earn extra money fjp strength in tho form of a as far back as b c 2s7 but it was c when the beermaking season is on bloodbuilding tome to josef itessi more than 2000 open house is held by hllthe kraals tot of girls and women years lo app u a the drfvi these affairs aro always merry and dr w ilhams pink pills have proved power lof ships sometimes homicidal the beer-mak- a messing because they ennch the nes whose work was recently ing season comes when the mabells ood give strength and restore tone honoreii by tcchulcal 8tu here also a kind of corn is ready for har- the aching nerves the anaemc was born at cnruaim in j bohemla assam the native home of the tea bush produces teas which are famed the world over for their strength rich ness and flavor the superior and distinc tive quality of red rose orange pekoe is largely due ito these fine quality assam teas of which it is chiefly composed every package guaranteed 7 classified advertisements ot far from pardubice after study- vesting first the natives go aboutfc who is languid and pale the from one kraal to another reaping wife whose back feels like breaking ing at the linz cvmnasjini he passed gathering and flailing a week later matron whoso health fails as she to the university of vienna where he when the beer has been made the reaches middle age for all such suf- could 0illv rcma re owjn whole party returns and takes its ferers jr williams pink pills are to the poverty of his parents he was share of the fruits of its labor with invaluable because illhealth in girls abic however logo to the marlabrunn all the kraals entertaining each in its ani women is usually caused by poor forestry academy being granted a turn tho social season is long and weed or insufficient blood these pills scholarship at that institution by the active have proved a blessing to thousands emper0 francis as a reward for a f othe not t at various pe sketch of baule lei stages of life mrs g r lake walton which the later considcre1 as a p k- c- c ns has proved the value of dr wil- work f one so young for fashion in shoes hams pmk pills she saysi first j atter tnls training he became a as a result of the fashion of wo- 1 used these pills whei a young gn for forester in kraiu formerly an aus- meus shoes made of alligator skin it is during the teen age when nature tr province but now part of jugo- the killing of these reptiles for their i calls upon every bit of the reserve s at a salary of boo gulden hides has become a profitable busi- 1 strength we have that we need their about 1000 per annum in 1821 he rejuvenating help it was then i found alligators profitable ness in the swamps and sluggish streams of southeast texas aud west ern louisiana it is a vocation that is fraught with danger and many stories are told of thrilling encounters by hunters with enraged saurians doots fairchilds of orange texas bears the reputation of being the most daring alligator hunter in all this re gion he had an unusual experience recently he found a big alligator in a den in birdeye bayou near here and crawled into the hole to rout the saurian from its iair he caught hold of it by its lower jaw and pulled it into the open to his astonishment there was a seventyfivepound logger head turtle clinging to the alligators tall with the usual commotion that goes with the killing of an alligator the turtle did not relinquish the hold that had brought it out of the den the turtles head was severed and yet its jaws seemed to clinch the tighter on the alligators tail in addition to the price he obtain ed for the alligators hide fairchilds said that there was meat enough in the turtle to last himself and family for a week dr williams pink pils a friend in deed and again now that the girl hood stage is past and i am a mother of four children subject to all the cares and- worries of the home dr williams pink pills is the only tonic i take to keep up my health and strength and they have never failed me should any ailing girl or weary mother due to my advice try these pills i know they will find them as equally good as i have done you can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medi cine co brockville ont many mothers recommend them babys own tablets are fine for nervous sleepless children from canada tho fame of babys own tablets is spreading over the world mothers recommend them to other mothers and wherever they are tried nothing but words of praise aro heard for these pleasant tasting little tablets that promptly relieve the minor ailments of young children babys own tablets are one of the best remedies for childrens ailments i have ever used says mrs arthur t allen of auburn me my little girl was nervous and could not sleep i tried tho tablets and she was re lieved at once she was also troubled with constipation and nothing seemed great britains and arab states the extent and the variety of great britains interests in the arab world are illustrated by the fact that she is or has lately been engaged in important negotiations with the rulers of no less than four araba states says leonard stein political secre tary of the world zionist organiza tion in an article on great britains relations with the arab world in the august current history these rulers are king peisul of iraq his brother the emir abdullah of transjordan both placed on the throne by great britain the wahabi sultan iba saud king of the hedjaz and the imam yehia of the yemen a treaty between great britain and iraq signed n dec 4 1927 and now awaiting ratification declares that iraq is an independent sovereign state and though great britain re tains certain advisory and supervisory powers inmatters affecting the for eign relations of iraq they are defined with scrupulous regard of iraq sus ceptibilities the agreement between the british and transjordan govern ments signed in february 192s de fines in detail the matters in which emir abdullah agrees to bo guided by british advice relating to the foreign relations of transjordan its financial and fiscal policy the grant of con cessions and the maintenance of armed forces to help her i had used tho tablets the treaty of jeddah between but a short time before her bowels great britain and the wahabi king- were regular all mothers should dom was signed in may 1927 and was transferred to trieste while thero a little paddle steamer in diffi culties in the harbor made him think of the necessity for other means of propulsion and ultimately he fixed upon the method of the screw the first trial was made with a canoo in which the screw at the back was worked by two men and in february 1s27 he took out a patent to exploit his new invention at first little could be done as a british subject named morgan already held the right of plying paddle boats between trieste and venice and there were 15 more years to run before his contract expired the license to build his machinery was only granted by tho austrian government in septem ber 1828 on condition that the whole of the plant was made in austria tho austrian machine industry was but little developed in those days and the first experiments with the new machinery failed because it was not sufficiently strong gnu of the steam pipes burst and tho authorities im mediately forbado any further tests but during the next few years ressls experiments became known outside austria and in 183c tiie trials were resumed abroad and proved to be quite successful from that time on ward the use of the ships propeller spread rapidly s a monument was erected in honr of ressl in the ressl park in front of the vienna technical high school some years ago agents either sex take rdcrs for christmas cards high est commission xo xiritnce neces- nry saople book free manufactur- rs dipt c io hox 931 montreal we pay ten to fifteen loi- jaks weekly for spare time at home write knitter hobi pa it mem for particulars the auto ry company toronto de- h1ll the moveu 1ioneeit dis tance movers of canada largest fpeedy padded vans new equipment latest methods two experienced men every trip all loads insured ueyonl compare for skill and care llefore yon move write us or wiro and reverse thj charces head office- hamlltoa ontario canada hill the mover 25 xuncs telescopes 3 araw 1200 lost paid other telescopes field glasses rtiid microscopes to choose from handy to have anywhere send for list alberta optical co ltd 123 8th ave west dept 16 calgary alta it aint life will james in thebookman i wonder why when a feller picks up a western novel nowadays thero has to be so much smoke and dust smoke from sixshooters and dust from one man cheating another it seems liko theres no rest for the good any mode than there is for the wicked and a feller wonders how come all the characters aint killed in he first round of the first chapter but if that was the case there wouldnt be no story much so the characters have got to suffer on through and live any how only the bad bbys are relieved at the end by sudden death or by a term in the pen thats propar anil as it should be sure enough but that aint life 1 dont object to tho guns as long as they aint pointed towards me what i object at by making tlint big fuss over em is that so much thats good in the western life is cov ered up by enh keep babys own tablets in the house for they are a valuable remedy babys own tablets are sold by all druggists or will be mailed on receipt of price 25 cents per box by tho dr williams medicine co brockville ont the british burden ottawa journal cons since 1914 through the war and since britain has counted her gold as dust to pay her bhare in the war unable to collect from her own debtors and willing to let them go scotfree if that could have been arranged with justice t6 her own people sho has been tax ing herself white to pay every cent of her own debts nnd to pay for poli cies of reconstruction it is the sort of thing that has made england what she is tho word of an english man means something to tho world and one of the things that it means is that british character is accepted at 100 per cent and reflected in tho stability of british credit all over tho face of the globo recognizes the complete and absolute independence of the wahabi kingdom including both nejd and the hedlaz this treaty lias been violated how ever by raiders crossing the frontier nnd new negotiations are pending negotiations between great britain truths a mulo can not pull while he is kicking nnd he can not kick while ho is pulling neither can you god will not look you over for diplomas and medals but for scars some folks make their joys mero incidents and their sorrows great events what we are not up on we aro gen erally down on tho only motto some people seem to have is if something aint wrong the fact that great britain insists on tho imams unconditional renunciation of any rights whatever within the bor ders of the aden protectorate s treaty between italy nnd the yemen which gives a privileged position in tho yemen and a treaty between great britain and the buffer saud however is on terms of close friend ship with asir nnd negotiations be tween ibn saud and the imam have been reopened indicating that the in tentions of both rulers are pacific seasons nightgowns offer new trimmings night dress this summer comes in many distinct styles there are the daintily feminine gowns made in more fascinating models than ever before because they are more artistic and more simple the designs are of great variety with a general effect of flat treatment in the manner of trim ming the neck cut round square or in a deep v has invariably a flat edge ot lace or hand embroidery and the armhole is wide and finished with the lace some of the gowns of sheer cotton and tub silks are made with a kimono shoulder which covers the up per arm and some of the latest have sleeves of the material cut circular and reaching almost to the elbow an extreme model brought from paris is a gown cut high in the neck and with fulllength sleeves gathered into a band at the wrist a pretentious night gown which has an appeal for travelers is made of pale yollow glove silk trimmed with heavy lace dyed a deeper shade tho joke was on him and the yemen are complicated byf flnishert wltll a narrow turn over collar the sleeves are long and open at the hand and a cord of bluo silk is tied about tho waist giving the form the appearance of a negligee another night gown that is quite out of the ordinary is made with definite waist and skirt that are joined at tho belt line with narrow ribbon run through a slip of lace insertion empire settlement commissioner lamb in tho empire review london an active nnd per manent empire settlement board of experienced business men is required tho business of empire migration and settlement calls for initiative and drive and the spirit of adventure rather than the fine and cautious spirit characteristic of the old type of civil servant tho board must bo given adequate financial appropria tions it will soon be found that tho 3000000 per annum will have to bo substantially increased mlnards liniment unrversal remedy the writers of the new book about the us national parks oh rang er tell a story about a sagebrudher or motorcamper who left his car a new limousine of expensive make on the rim of a crater lake along with a dozen other cars without properly setting his brakes while lie walked down the trail to the lake shore a thousand feet below while returnln- ho heard a crash and looked rip to catch but a fleeting glimpe of an automobile eatupuitlug past him are crashing through the trees it camo to rest a total wreck far below liim returning to the rim the sngebrusher met a party of dudes to whom he nar rated excitedly tho fearful and won derful story of the car that just miss ed him and had crashed on the rocks below glancing about as lie noared tho end of his story he said it smashed into a big tree and and and my lord it was mine mr henpeck is my wife rolng out maid yes sir do you know if i am going with her tftlnt right if somd sermons were as broad as durban thoy havo what amounts to j they arc long wo would all be better a fashion parade off i wlthjus jhatch- j you cant awn any more than yorrl association etl5of and its pounded dfrt floors arc worth sjfcjiuffv rvv torv p for bs tire costs are lower the average motorists tire bill at presenilis costing him but 622 per calls them back tho urge comes up on them after thoy havo been nwny about a year and thoy will quit their jobs nnd go back for several months off como tho fow bits of european clothing nnd in their placo is worn tho nlmplo covering at the waist and somo peoplo grow with responsi bility others swell somo people aro absolutely punc tual in being late tho moro wo possess tho moro wo aro possessed by our possessions h m stansifer cenf of what ho paid for tiros ono year ago according to a survoy just announced by the american motor- the average fac- balloon tires in juno was 1138- compared with 14045 in june a year ago tho factory prico of cord tires was 8306 in juno of this year compared with 10943 in june 1927 fabric tires in june sold for 531 compared with 71ss in june of last year paris music halls keep war sentiments alive paris france the war doesnt seem to be over in the music halls of paris all sorts of french and german political and artistic organiz ations aro telling each other how nice the peoplo are on tho other side of tho rhino but francogerman hostil ity continues to crop out on tbo stage scenes and songs between german and french characters nro produced and the german invariably gets the worst of the exchange these scenes says oscar du- frennc prcsldtnt of tho theatre owners association- are unfortun ate and usoless i have urged my colleagues to drop them tho police recently ordored ono such scene about tho execution of mmc dubarry cither censored or dis continued and the censorship was so heavy thesceno was taken off last winter when tho gorman theatre managers association visit ed paris there was talk of an agree ment to abolish nil such numbers but nothing was dono about it falling hair mlnards rubbed into the scalp four times a wsek rr- rests falling hnir removes dandruff and promotes growth 66 is wonderful read this letter from a j grateful woman these nre nwkward times tho lea- shop waitress approached a customer from behind and said brightly any thing more sir i mean madam i beg pour pardon sir let mlnards liniment relieve pain vanessa ont i think lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound is wonderful i have had six children of which four are liv ing and my young est is a bonnie baby boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds i have taken your medi cine before each of them was horn and have certainly re ceived great benefit from it i urge my friends to take it as i am sure they will receive the sac help i did mrs milton mr mullen vanessa ontario issue no 33 28