Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 2, 1928, p. 2

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i9umbh seven- begin here today captain john hewitt comuisslon- er of police at jeselton british nprth borneo has a beautiful widow ed sstcr monica vrwyi she loves peter pennington who is detailed by the government to anprehend cliai- hung leader of the yellow seven a gang of chinese bandits pennington warns hydd and hydes daughter dora bateson against the bandits they receive tho yellow seven card and chase tho chinese houseboy and his companion only to have them dis appear when almost within their grasp now go on with the story pity you couldnt have thought all this out before he grumbled pres ently as tho tobacco caught his head came slowly round until his puzzled eyes fell upon those of his companion avurnuftf p by did not think it his place to question her the moon was well up when she left and he was under the impression she was looking for something she had lost its a queer business altogether he added helplessly the watchman told me she had both arms out stretched in front of her and that she choso a path of her own between the trees yes broko in hyde impatiently what then i found a hurricanelamp and started off in the direction he indi cnted at first her footsteps were ipretty clearly marked but after a hundred yards or so they petered out altogether it seemed as if the earth had been freshly raked over for an appreciable distance and then i ran across other tracks which when fol lowed only brought me back to the spot from which id started he why do you suppose they wanted to shuddered involuntarily penning- get us out of the way j ton whn on eartn oes it a mean chinese pennington rose wearily j i means that your wife has been i dont know he admitted but ive a queer feeling in my bones that the sooner were back again the bettor hyde glancing at his watch was amazed to discover that it was close upon one oclock he turned to pen nington 1 theres a shorter cut if we bear to the right we should strike the railway in under halfanhour twenty yards from the boundary wire a man on a pony almost rbde j them down both men stepped hastily from the track and the newcomer pulling up abruptly slid to the ground and confronted them it was bateson hatless his strawcolored halr stand- in galmost on end is that you hyde ho cried hoarsely you can mako yourself easy on that score the manager assured him pennington an uncomfortable sen sation passing down his spine inter- vened he dropped n heavy hand on to batosons shoulder whats wrong he demanded the assistant swallowed something in his throat its dora shos disappeared disappeared i upheld in third degree charge majority report finds miss irene savidges allega tions to be unjustified laborite attacks method dows but the substance held no ter- i rnr1rri prlif rors for her the harsh voice of the lo lhl j notorious bandit the trick he had of coatraetirg his pupils until they be came like points of fire inspired her with a certain inexplicable fear but she was by no means afraid of chat- hung himself how did you get me here she demanded presently chaihung smiled blandly it wa3 exceedingly simple mrs bateson if you are able to remem ber anything you will admit that you started out apparently of your own accord that is what we term the fan trick doras brow wrinkled tho fan trick her eyes spark led with the light of sudden knowl edge then i am on island n she exclaimed arent you a trifle on- wise mr chaihung in selecting a hidingplace so near to the mainland chaihung positively beamed not in the least my dear lady of all my enemies there is only one that i have any cause to fear they call him he who sees in the dark but you would recognize him more readily under his real name chinese pen- leessmith wins acclaim for minority opinion london clashing opinions over the anxiously awaited report of tho parliamentary commission on the al leged third degree methods of the london police arising out of the hyde park incident in which sir leo chlozza money the liberal econ omist and miss irene savldgo were involved remained unreconciled when the commission turned in con flicting majority and minority reports given out officially call charges unjustified tho commission of three went on only teas grown 4000 to 7000 feet above sea feyef are used in salada orange pekoe blend trw flavour is therefore richer more fragrant and much more delicious than other teas only 43c per lb buy it at any grocery store nington he paused to observe the record as far as two of its members eect of his words but the girl control- 1 sir john kldon former lord justice led her features admirably penning- of the appelate court and j j with- ton hounded me from jesselton and j ers conservative member of parlla- drove me as he still persists in be- j meat from cambridge university and lieving into the backwoods he sue- well known lawyer were concerned ceeded in one respect he made it that the charges put forth by miss necessary for me to resort to strange j savldge on her inquisition by scot- expedients to obtain money that is land yard officers were not justified here epitaph lover one who did not lies know that lovo is of the spirit one who dreamed of bodily loveliness that faintly gleamed through mists of passion when the lights were low spoke but man alive a glance kidnapped by tho yellow seven and that theres no sleep for any of us until we get her back you found nothing on tho path nothing that it washyde who could be of assistance bateson shook his head ho dived precisely why you are here tonight mrs bateson he gazed at her through halfclosed lids i shall send a messenger to your husband for money rasped chni- hungn between his teeth if the messenger docs not return i shall send another and still another for messengers are cheap and the lips of tho yellow seven are sealed i shall ask for ten thousand dollars one for each of your beautiful fingers but with each further messenger i shall send a finger tho girl had rijen to her feet her eyes blazing with fury you devil the great chaiiiung backed to ward tho opening bowing as he did so i do not anticipate that you will have to undergo the painful process of amputation very often mrs bate son he continued smoothly almost beside herself she caught the llackwood stool from the floor and swung it aloft but before she from pennington checked further ut- a hand lnto a sidepocket and produc- terance when did sho go out he said rolling a cigarette his eyos fixed on bateson all tho while about ten i was busy on tho verandah with a couplo of mandors figuring out some work i wanted to got through tomorrow i gathered that she was going to see you sho carried a small parcel in her hand and i remember expressing curiosity as to its contents she told mo it was something you had asked for peniington started something i had asked for ho echoed incredulously and then his face dropped what was it like bateson appeared to reect it was only a small thing ho raid and i couldnt see it very clear ly it looked to me like a fan pennington caught hydes arm and held it tightly dont jump at conclusions he whispered reassuringly seeing that deathly white the other had gone deathly white i have you been to hydes bungalow at tho waters edge ed a crumpled mass of cane and cloth nothing at all except this it was partly imbedded in the soil and i clung to it in sheer desperation ponningtons hand shot out and took it from him ho spread it out on the saddlo of tho assistants pony that stood quietly grazing hydo peered over his shoulder what is it ho inquired huskily i cant answer you yet i darent its nothing or everything striko a light ono of you i ca tell you whats on it jerked out baisson suddenly its a jap anese fan the thing i imagine that dora was bringing to you theres a photograph on it of island n thats all pennington gave a wild cry hyde ho shouted muster every watchman youve got sond out an urgent s 0 s to your assistants dont trust a soul that you have not tho utmost confidence in or wero lost theres a sooro of native fishermen commandeer the majority commissioners at the same time criticized adversely the de tective headquarters methods in carrying out tho investigation with possibly hostile witnesses laborite attacks method h b leessmith labor representa tive on the commission at the same tlmo came out with a slashing attack i on scotland yards methods in cou- i duoting tho inquiry charging that mls3 savidges replies were forced i from her by third degree methods a division more or less closely fol lowing normal party lines is develop ed in comment which morning news papers will carry with conservative organs opinion with some notable exceptions lining up behind tho ma jority report while the labor and liberal oppositions unite in backing up the minority report leessmith is praised leessmith deserves the gratitude of all lovers of liberty for a piece of judicial work which- commands intel lectual respect and restates with ad- force he has forgotten now that arms were white and warm and white a bosoms rlso and fall and all he loved is dead and rotten all surfeit attained light daphne mulr in london spectator canada to decide status of envoy question arises in british house regarding prece dence question london col l c m s amery h the house ofc commons replying to patrick j h hannan birmingham that it would be for tho canadian government to decide whether tho british high commissioner to canada and unattained de- would enjoy privileges similar to thoso of foreign diplomatists regarding precedence ho said in the analagous case of tho dominion high commis sioners here they rank immediately after cabinet ministers but not be fore foreign representatives j mr hannan who it is understood represents the federation ofbritish weddings in the air boston transscrlpt asked to go up in nn airplane and there marry a couple who were under tho delusion that romantic told them that they ought to be as- respecting british commercial inter- hamed of themselves for trying to te fo tho government of canada the turn a solemn occasion into a stunt brit high commissioner will have sensible folk will give him their tho full diplcnlnt su of his ma- approval weddings included as tart j government they would bo doing something j j the house of commons antic a new jersey magsltrato nso asked j proposals ot tho program of public fairs as advertising in show windows anj in balloons and airplanes do not tend to inspire respect for marriage and all who have studied the prevalence of divorce in this country agree that tho hasty and illconsidered marrlago is a principal causo marriages of that kind will not bo diminished in number if weddings aic u- bo nclud- ed among the stunts of the air clrcui could send it gashing into the leering mirabl8 force an clar th cagj face that mocked at her she saw the or the rl of the cm the form of a second clrnaman wrggc lttborit6 herald will declare noiselessly through the aperture tho 8umming up tne ofiicia opposltlon newcomer had a livid scar running tne odm length of one cheek he wore a bluej tho libera newg wlj stress that tho point is whether he wore jacket with voluminous tattered sleeves and as tho girl stood petrified her eyes wideopen iike saucers she cculd havo sworn that tho stranger winked at her good night mr bateson chni- ifung was saying i am going to dispatch my first messenger and then an arm like a steel wire encircled his neck and he fell to the floor with a thud it seemed an eternity before chi nese ponnington fixed one kneo firmly on tho bandits throat and groping in hs rags fired deliberately at the lit tle patch in the roof where the sago leaves had been torn away to be continued mlnards liniment for insect bites bateson i their canoes and got across to the is- yes ive only just come from land as soon as you can then take there there was a watchman on duty cover as soon as you hear me fire outside dora had been there had come is that quite clear waited for about an hour and had gono out on foot thats what i cant mako out i found her pony tethered where she had left it tho watchman mm thlwlmsweet here is a treat that cant be beat benefit and plea sure in generous measure ci 80 peppermint flavor the planter reached out for the reins of batcsons pony perfectly what about you hour aro you going to get across thats my affair but when you come dont look for chinese penning ton search around for he who sees in tho dark the chinaman with the scarred face whom i think you have already met he grinned lrordly and was gone the oil lamp flared up suddenly and dora bateson crouching in a corner of the hut saw the ponderous form of chaihung creeping through thj nar row aperture ho roso presently to his feet and sat heavily upon a mart vcod stool that was the only picco of furniture of which the hovel boasted good evening mrs bateson he began in a grating voice you are wondering no doubt why i have brought you hero and what i am go ing to do with you im not the least bit afraid of you mr chaihung retorted tho girl steadily sho shifted into a more comfortablo position on tho rotting bonrds and looking upward caught a glimpso of a starlit heaven through n spot in tho roof whero tho steps had fallen away dora bateson was afraid of sha- dog applies for own license and gets it patchoguc ny application by a dog to have his license renewed was received at the brookhaven town hall and gyp a collie owned by charles loa remarks but goes on record with driscoll received it i the declaration that with the appoint- gyp took his place in a long linej l a chiet as vl8c0unt of dog owners in his mouth was an there shall bo allowed to grow up in this country wo shall not say third degree methods but at any rate second degree methods as a recogn ized part of the police machinery chronicle backs laborite tho liberal dally chronicle scoring the result of the inquiry into police methods as disappointing says that any party concerned with the preservation- of the basic liberty of tho subject owes a considerable debt to leessmith for his minority report more significant however are tho comments of tho conservative morning post and dally tele graph the former says editorially the police are not to blame for fol lowing an established procedure but tho procedure is nevertheless to bo condemned it is evident that pollco methods need overhauling to adapt them to the requirements of tho tlmo this organ of ultraconservative opln- sunburn use mlnarcrt liniment col amery replied it is of eoursee contemplated that ho will be author ized to mako representations on com mercial questions to tho canadian government where instructed to do so by his majestys government in great britain tho president of tho board of trade answering percy a hurd cons devizes supplied details of the direct help canada had given british employment since the war ho said the canadian pacific had spent 70000000 on new tonnage in british after a dinner party when all tho guosts were gathered in the drawing- shipyards and also 5000000 on ma- room it was suggested that every chinery and the conversion of ships woman should state the gift sho most while a further new ship was under coveted promptly each woman an- consideration lloyds register re nounced her choice mrs johnson ported that since the war the can- wished for exquisite jewels mrs wil- ndian steamship lines had built here hams desired to be tho bestdressed 15 vessels of a gross tonnage of 31- woman in town whilo mrs smith 000 torts he had no official figures cravod for popularity suddenly how- to show what these orders represented ever a tactless husband exclaimed jin british wages in the shipbuilding i bay ddnt any of you caro for iron steel engineering coal mining beauty mrs carrie chapman catt seeks a million dollar fund to combat what she terms tho cigarette evil cash and carrie woman shopper to assistant i say young man theres a ladder in these stockings exasperated as sistant well what do you expect for 211 a marblo staircase envelope containing a message to wal ter i jones town clerk from his mas ter it included a properly filled out notice for a renewal of gyps license and a cheque for the required fee gyp waited whilo mr jones made out the new license and placed it byng whose nomination to the post was bitterly criticized by tho opposl- tlon this readaptatlon will best be assured see peril t liberty the dally telegraph voicing tho middle class conservative opinion sums up thus the moral of this along with a metal tag in an envelope affalr concerning miss savldgo has which gyp took in his mouth he hardly been put too strongly by lees- wagged thank you and started smith grave perils to private obediently for home eltlens and to civil liberty have been i revealed by her experience tho canada and the american i of tlle p ar stem and if tariff ihey are to detect crlmo must remain great but the security of thot in dividual depends upon the fact that they do not use these powers harsh ly or unfairly ottawa journal cons tho first duty of a government is to its own citizens and jf the united states government feols that it owes it to amoiican producers to protect them boston fisherman opened the stom- from canadian competition hint is its nch of a largo cod and found a can ot right and prlvllogc whore tho fault condensed milk inside probably an llos in canada is that wo lako such ocean flying fish things lying down wo soo amor cans excluding us from tholr markets yet wo go right on buying frcm thorn at tho rate of about two million dol lars a day and other industries i- a woman files from newfoundland to europe nnd thon telephones back about it if that doesnt opltomlzo tho prcsont orn what docs chris tian science monitor when in toronto stay at the royal cecil hotel cor jarvls and dundas sts every room with prlvato bath rates 150 up garage at hotel 3 minutes walk to shopping district there is nothing that has ever taken aspirins place as an antidote for pain it is safe or physicians wouldnt use it and endorse its use by others sure or several million users would have turned to something else but get the real aspirin at any drugstore with bayer on the box and the word genuine printed in red aspirin la tb trada nark ttttulwta in canada ssivisl factore whlla it li wen known that aspirin means rarer raann- k8li v ou aralnat imitations tho tableu will t stamped with their uajor coa itada mart the firestone gumdipping process streng- thens the tire to meet the demands of h i 1 1 c i i m b i n g- quick stops sudden turns and high speeds the fire stone tread is scien tifically designed to grip the road in emergencies you can have this extra saf ety on your car ask your local fire stone dealer he will save you money and serve you better always put a firestone steam welded leaproof tube in your firestone lire firestone tire u robber co of canada limited hamilton ontario builds the only gumdipped tires isc us ne 30 28 i best for all your baking jflbea i rtairtl pies cakes buns and bread does all your baking best iss ssgbi sscassg zsssb b5 ii-t- r i a avrrniwa j

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