Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 12, 1928, p. 8

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stouffville july 12th 1928 the stouffville tribune published every thursday bate 200 per year j250 to the united states business cards medical dr ss ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and ilaln phone 190 bra hta herbert freel consultation hours dr xra freel 3 to 12 am mon wad frl fi to 9 pm saturday tuee tours sat afternoons by appointment only dr herbert frenj v- 8 to 12 am tues thure sat 6 to 9 pm tues sal won wed frl afternoons by appointment ery a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffvjjje monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am the worlds tnst economical 7 ranspontation unit chevrolet j r mckenzie ringwood nt phone 167 stockfville dental dr patterson dentist best worlt lowest fees stouffyijlle ontario telephone no 200 j e s barker lds dds honor graduate pf royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block pb j01 markham every tuesday office in wear block dr d c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital office standard bank upstalrs phone office 1011 residence 1015 legal harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc office silvesters block phono 18003 mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffville tbt money to loan anne lehman a t c m teacher of pianoforte playing and theory studio lehmans block phone 4301 carrying no insurance is unwise you are taking great chances experience is bought with cheap in- surance and costs dearly proper protection is what a fully qualified agent recommends and good insurance is what he sells you will couozll jj2 n he longrun 1 why not today j ja-i-rr- t birkett general insurance agency phone 18201 stouffville ji mrs stadlebar hair dresser main street stouffville phone 8000 for appointments summer chopping notice chopping and crushing 7 am to 12 noon during june july and aug wet days 700 am to s00 pm dicksons htll mills w a jones boadways drug store stouffville altona altona womens institute at home of mrs m harris on thursday after noon july 19th at 230 pm dr nell smith will give a talk on the care of teeth prizes for cake mak ing contest by school children fol lowed by a lawn social bloojnxgtqn we want one more bee at the bloomlngton christian cemetery so we announce through the tribune a bee for friday afternoon july 13th bring along your shovel and hoe and come early everybody who can situations guaranteed all young people who acquire a busi ness education through the can ada business college college and spadlna toronto are absol utely guaranteed positions it costs no moro to attend this school of strength and character and university brained staff than in ferior schools miss e sandusky ba viceprincipal miss g mc- eachern ba registrar a h sncllgrove late professor of al bert college bellovillo principle george spotton mp president enter anytime individual in struction open entire year mall courses write today to canada business college torontos great est school of business for particu lars and names of successful grad uates from your district 20 markham tp cousiql markham twp buys two jiw road graders markham township council met in regular session at unionville on tuesday afternoon with reeve gohn presiding and all the members pre sent the matter of the construction of cujverts and bridges was consider ed at some length and it was decided that the engineer should call for ten ders for the construction work of cer tain bridges and that the same pro cedure should be followed in the matter of cujyerts the need of more machinery was carefully considered and on motion of deputyreeve stiver and council lor smith it was decided to purchase two no 3 boss graders from the canada ingot co of guelph for im mediate delivery the machine chosen is very adaptable for the township work it can readily be used for maintenance or can be util ized for construction work it weighs 1400 lbs and will be drawn by four horses when doing heavy work or for maintenance can be handled by a team or three horses the price fob guelph is 185 mr scott appeared before the council asking that some work be done between lots eight and nine on concession 7 deputyreeve stiver complained of the manner in which the work was being carried out on the fifth concession he said it was his un derstanding when the council went over the road that the ditch was to be cleaned out and now he found stakes out which would mean that a new ditch would be made and the road be twenty four feet wide ad dressing the reeve he said you know im opposed to a twenty four foot road and now youre bound to build one right in front of my own place hz reeve fi loh you want to iorget that im not the only one in favor of a twentyfour foot road mr mcvicar tells us to make the twenty- four foot road mr stiver he doesnt say that all roads must be twentyfour feet deputyreeve padget my view ol the matter is that all main arteries should be twentyfour foot roadsbut then again there are roads for which a twenty foot width is sufficient reeve gohn said that in regard to the work on the fifth as far as be knew there was no intention of mak ing a new ditch it was merely a case of widening the ditch to a suffi cient width to ensure the proper flow at the culvert deputy reeve stiver wanted the whole council to inspect the road and decide what was to be done as if the work was gone on with laid out nowjtmeant the dirt from the ditch wouidabe banking the water up on a mansfarm and he wouldnt stand for that reeve gohn said that the council decided how the ditich was to be fixed and he thought if deputyreeve stiver and the road superintendent- got together the matter could be set tled without a visit of the whole council the contract for the construction of the new bridge on church street was let to mr h patterson for a consideration of 1250 other ten ders were 1390 1446 and 1575 the contract was also let for tho construction of a watorbound maca dam roadway on helen avenue as a local improvement this vyork will be done by the a e jupp construc tion company and tho estimated cost will be between four and llvo thou sand dollars the cost will be borne by the owners of property on the street served with the exception of certain flankagos which must be tak en care of by tho municipality as a whole deputyreeve stiver asked what it was going to cost to patch the sixth concession he said he thought that work should have been let by con tract he thought it rather poor business to get a bunch of men to work and say there go to it the townllne is your limit reeve gohn well it has to bo patched mr stiver no matter what the cost reeve gohn yes the work must be done mr stiver well i think its ra ther a poor way of doing business we let the other work on the sixth by contract and i think the patching should have been done the same way i understand when mr rudkin was appointed foreman that he would not be expected to do patching reeve gohn mr rudkin was ap pointed exactly the same way as all other foremen and you didnt men tion patching although you did men tion the construction work and we agreed with you it the work is go ing along satisfactorily i dont think theres anything we can do now un less you think the work 1b not being done properly mr stiver was afraid it was going to run into a big soim of money he said theyd been at it about two weeks now and were not near the top yet road supt mlddleton stated that there had been a great deal of lost time on account ot rain but he could not say definitely how much had been spent to date but the time would not be near two weeks one week would be uearer lo it someone suggested that the work would proceed mush faster at the upper end as there werent so many boles councillor smith ventured the opinion that as near as he could make out it was all holes there was considerable discussion on the advisability of crushing stone it was pointed out that the stone cost fifty cents per yard and the eost of crushing was approximately j100 jjer yard to which would be added the cost of putting it on the road deputyreeve padget said if it could be crushed at 100 per yard by all means go ahead and crush it deputyreeve stiver thought that the gravel at prevailingprices was a far better proposition were getting more for less money he said as it was decided that there was some work for which stone would be needed a certain amount of crush ing will be done the bridge question was consider- i whitchurch tp council cakd of thanks mr and mrs robt burnett wish to thank the neighbors and friends who came to their assistance when their home was in danger of fire on tuesday july 3rd an afprecution the undersigned desire to thank the neighbors and other friends for their kind help and sympathy ex tended to us during our recent ber eavement mr and mrs j r hod- glns mi v hodgins the regular meeting of whitchurch township council was held at van- dorf on saturday juy 7th mem bers all present reeve m baker presiding communications received from provincial treasurer advising of re mittance to township of its share of railway tax for 1927 amounting to 10103 from ont dept public highways advising remittance of road grant on 1927 work amounting to 6953 from h vandweld tor onto complaining of work being done on road allowance running be hind subdivision 163 near wilcox lake as this roadway is not a town ship road no action was taken by the council from r w phillips county clerk stating that whit church townships share of county taxes for year 1928 is 2420844 for sale 11 pigs 7 months old tenders were received from david henry mcmuen stouftville hartford and w dillane for erection f s a s pigs two collie pups phone 6003 for sale 2 acre of standing hay crop mostly timothy mrs stewart mill street stouffvilie for sale deering mower 5ft cut will sell cheap m chapman lotl con 4 uxbrldge east end fruit gardens quick service order now quality products strawberries raspberries prune plums clapps favorite bartlett pears flemish beauty red and black currants sweet and sur cherries mcintosh red apples many other varieties of these fruits w e barkey prop arthur f sinclair painting and paper hanging stouffville phone 6508 for sale cutting box international iew sold awiy below cost appl7 l brllllnge phone 8514 for sale medium sized brick residence on obrien avenue all conveniences and splendid lot levi forsyth 21 ed in some detail in conference with of culverts on 5th and 7th conces sion lines on motion of deputyreeve kidd and councillor crawford the written tender of mr lillane for culvert on 5th concession was accepted it was decided not to award con tract for culvert on 7th at present time mr a j stuart presented peti tion asking to have lake wilcox road and lake avenue oiled from yonge st to sideroad on north in j second concession line petitioners agreeing to pay a portion of cost no action taken wm webber approached council re prospective leasing of gravel pit on his farm for 12 years revised deed was received from j h c durham for widening of wilcox lake road geo druery presented claim for 4 sheep killed by dogs unknown to him and also for bonus for having shot one of the dogs on motion of councillors ratcliff and deputy- reeve kidd the treasurer was in structed to pay mr druery the sum ot 4000 several ratepayers approached the council asking for wire fence bonus along the road allowance these were referred to road supt on motion of councillor ratcliff also harvey moyer for sale 2 milch cows and 7 pigs chunks elwood elson sth con pickering chinchilla rabbits for sale 7 female 2 males at 400 and 11 young over 1 month at 100 each fred hisey unionville r r 1 for sale good house and lot barn and drivlcg shed in stouff ville corner harold ave and al bert st apply on premises or phone 1206 fob rent house and lot on the townllne near old gormley apply to thos l white 6th con mark ham or unionville rr l phone 608 21 for sale raleighs silver king- handsome purebred jersey bull calf imported sire high producing dam of the edgeley family 2 months old price reasonable phone 2404 claremont for sale 100 acres of choice farm lands at lot 4 con 6 whitchurch all under cultivation large barn runing water in stables good dwelling well fenced apply owner on premises or at tribune office for sale 105 acres near new market hiproof barn 110 feet brick house other buildings run ning stream close to school and church this is one of the best grain and dairy farms in york county price 100 per acre box 102 newmarket 21 engineer babcock plans will be i and deputyreeve kidd the clerk prepared and tenders called for the construction of the alcombrack bridge the walker bridge and the miller bridge an effort will be made to repair the deacon bridge at an estimated cost of about 400 there was some difference of opinion as to the advisiability of spending money on it or building a new one in many respects the bridge is in good shape but certain important parts need urgent repair deputy reeve padget said that the cost of a new one would be about 4000 five per cent interest on this money would be 200 per year and if it could be repaired and put in good shape for two or three years for 400 and may be for less it would be good business to repair it the following accounts were passed united states fidety guarantee co per win keith treasurers bond 40 cnr freight 2912 s mcquay 185 hours at40c 7400 ray sut ton 117 houii 4095 l middleton salary hrjua j3i shartlock 6940 w 0 mcdonald gravel 63s75 g hoover gravel 21187 w rudkin repairs to sixth 26157 philip forsyth 7740 d graham 4405 c moynihan 13598 rj cunningham 20785 f r mann 113 s5 alex duncan 9775 geo h bennett 26385 p petch con stable salary and mileage 3210 w j clayton constable salary and mlleage3430 g a m davison stamps 2 langstaff supply co stone etc 17672 j w perkins hardware 1694 j g ralney gas etc 925 d scott gas 775 h johnson 1085 a hawkins 2229 a h harnett 160 l stoutenburg 1590 m boynton 3743 aclen- denning 150 w j payne 75c j b gillies repairs to grader 25c j f minton repairs to grader 1900 canada ingot co culverts 26463 a mllroy gravel 2 a booth gravel 2650 f clark dragging 1087 mr mcelwaln gravel 75c h park inson repairs to tractor 1162 altona haying is on here crop is good frank wagg and sons motored to toronto on sunday tho old swlmln ole is very much appreciated these warm days mr and mrs melvln tindall and family spent sunday at aglncourt mr and mrs charles barkey and family motored to sunnyslde on sunday mr and mrs honry slack mr and mrs o m madlll and family motor- od to port bolster on sunday d nlghswander and family also mr and mrs lovl grove motored to cayuga spending the week end with friends there arthur lehman and lady frlond william heaps and lady friends motored to kitchener on sunday to attend tho camp meeting in that place mrs frank wagg left last week for the wostorn provinces of canada with vancouver as her destination returning by way of the us mrs wagg intends stopping off for a few weeks with her brother in manitoba the ladles in and about altona arc attending the sewing class under the leadership of miss baggs of to ronto was instructed to have township con stables collect license fees for year 1928 from proprietors of summer booths on motion of councillor wcraw ford and deputyreeve kidd the clerk was instructed to have the solicitor prepare a bylaw to be pass ed at next regular meeting of coun cil for appointment of a permanent clerk and treasurer for township of whitchurch the following regular accounts were presented and ordered paid geo druery killing dog caught at sheep 5 banner press aurora ad vertising 1 municipal world sup ples 1603 dr s s ball medical services frank basset family 3650 treasurers bond 4 clerks office postage 1763 attridge son lum ber 1920 w g thurston deed 5 freight on culvert 255 j adams road grader co for leaning wheel grader 1171 on motion the treasurer was in structed to pay the following road accounts a n widdifield 1315 l l peterson 14s17 s mccormack 22230 g l bingham 19930 j h widdifield 14ss0 geo paradine 2825 herb pegg 15125 w h sproxton 3969 abram skinner 790 geo e cook 24242 john mclauglln 13135 c badgerow 1250 b dennis 2850 c pres ton 16650 chas howlett 31255 w weber 2525 w beach 14325 h guthrie 8505 w h botham 44330 geo dreury 37 so e madlll 49 so geo dreury 18190 w weber 5950 canada ingot iron co 22750 metallic roofing co 30 9 john mclauglin 707 c preston 1360 f monkman 905 a robinson 5476 russel gray 16325 j h widdifield jos winterstein 1005 alonzo allln 24785 frank widdifield 8750 w cockerlll 31062 a topper 2800 ed mcnelly 950 gewilliams 446 a hiese 19530 h bishop 19605 t moorehead 34795 john fry 525 metallic roofing co 14464 newmarket era paid by widdifield 414 a j stuart 17335 harry legge 62 so j empringham 225 s2 i pike 5375 john carroll 22150 t ayre 2100 i scott 2750 e n penrose 28835 g o wright 25c geo winn 3s5 j brown 2500 h burkholder 100 w f bell 4360 ray huntley 4620 w a fockler 1200 geo baker 16628 l w hoover 2400 e steckley 1500 w beach 2400 james cronln 2160 j h widdifield 25393 w j pattenden 29540 f mantle 1200 g staley 21255 mrs vj cave 2555 f monkman 30970 w h chapman 28510 i scott 4700 s p evans 22s65 garnet evans 4825 for sale by tender tenders will be received by the undersigned up to august 1st 192s for the purchase of thirtyfour acres of timbered lands being the east part of lot number sixteen 16 in the ninth concession of the town ship of whitchurch in the county of york about three miles from stouffville station on the cnr tim ber consists of hemlock pine beech and maple no tender necessarily accepted mccullough button solicitors for vendor stouffville ont bloomington mr and mrs e a storry and family visited relatives in mt albert on sunday mr and mrs english and family motored to niagara falls one day last week on wednesday afternoon the wo mens association of the united church met at tho home of mr f winn to show their esteem and appreciation to her mother mrs curtis who has lately moved from our midst an appropriate address was read by mrs n e fairies the presentation of a wicker fernery was made by mrs a elson refresh ments were served tenders for decorating sealed tenders are being called for decorating the walls and ceiling of six class rooms in the upper part of stouffville school building the specifications call for a three- coatipb and all check plaster to be properly stopped work must be done to the satis faction of the property committee and completed before aug 15th for specifications and fuller detail apply to property committee j w mcmulien or edw baker and ad dress tenders to j- w mcmulien on or before july 5th 20 farm fob sale 100 acres more or less of well equipped dairy farm excellent buildings with flowing water in stables good orchard all ideally located at lot 4 on 9th con whitchurch p e ferguson owner on premises 20 tenders will be received up to july 15th 192s for painting out side of school 2 coats work to be completed by august 31st lowest or any tender not necess arily accepted r j allan secy treas ss no 10 markham unionville ontr farmers we want all your live fowl best market price paid dont sell until you consult us phone sam golden at pennocks livery stouffville 10000 hens wanted at once highest market price paid dont part with your hens until you phone us sam golden pennock livery horse register golden west king 23075 clydes dale stallion enrolment form 1 the property of abner baker will stand at his own stable lot 7 con 8 whitchurch to insure a foal 12 single mare 2 or more 10 each payable feby 1 1929 own ers of mares at time of service held responsible tf dont throw away old tires bring in your tires and get them repaired we have the latest uptodate vulcanizing plant we use only- firestone gum dipped cord in our repairs every repair guaranteed to last as long as the tire the repair is put in a full line of firestone tiresand tubes phone 195 swifts garage when opportunity comes your savings account will soon give you a fund for business investments or for an emergency or it will pro vide a surplus that will help to keep you in comfort in your old age the regular saving habit is the most profitable one you can form this bank invites your savings account inurttt compounded half yearly the bank of nova scotia established 1832 capital 10000000 reserve 20000000 total aaeta over 260000000 j a mcleod general manager toronto

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