begin here today monica viney beautiful widow hws with her brother capt john hewitt commissioner of police at jesselton british north borneo peter penning ton is hired by the government to ap prehend chaihung leader of the yellow seven a gang of chinese ban dits i ionyin former agent of chai- hunp comes to captain hewitt with sho surveyed him for some mo ment her head on ono side why dont you send for n blnck- smith or somebodyand forco it open i should scarcely like to do that you see it wouldnt be iolicy to pro voke any further unpleasantness by deliberately committing sacrilege be sides its an uncommonly lino urn i wanted to soo what was inside she had recovered from tho surprise his sudden entry had given her her cheeks were flushed and the folds of tho kimono at her bosom rose- and fell in tun wieth her quick breathing pennington ran his lower lip along tho gummed edge of tho paper and looked across at tho commissioner what did you supposo was inside ho flung out tho words liko a chal lenge the ashes of our deeplylamented friend chai- ii u ng tho younger man surveyed him pityingly tho ashes of fiddlesticks chai- hung of all men starting out on a new line and arranging to be cre mated dresnt sound very probable poisoned said the commissioner hoarsely poor little devil it was playing with the gold stud declared the girl sorrowfully mr pennington you dont think i do i knew h before i came in ive been hanging around here all evening trying to give lienyin tho slip and prevent you both making fools of yourselves ho turned the jar with his foot and all three recoiled in horror there fluttered out on to the floor a strip of pasteboard by a freak of chance it fell face uppermost show ing seven black dots on a vivid yellow ground tho dread sign of tho yellow seven tho commissioner was the first to more ixxk here pennington ho shout- does it and yet i supposo oven i cdi whores this fellow lien-yin- might have been deceived by the de timo plausible story if they a great bronze jar which he declares i looked down at his watch jinw 1 v vi ti irrrf in lw1 i jenyin s cominir hadn t chosen mo to bo ono of the contains the ashes of baihung i get iiiniwis ranmiit -j- round in the morning and then we shall know all about it she clutched at his sleeve hewitt hungs doubts cath the report of chai- now go on with the story he placed the jar carefully on corner of the desk im sorry jack she said wearily i didnt want to disturb you but the sheer loneliness of the place is getting on my nervosa i just had to come in she slipped into the chair he had pushed forward and the kitten free ing itself with an effort began chas ing a giant cockroach across the floor youve got a touch of fever sug gested howitt sympathetically bet ter take a stiff dose of quinine and turn in sho smiled faintly i dont think its fever its this jack i cant sleep hero with that s forehead good lord hewitt passed a clammy hand over thing in tho house ive been feeling perfectly horribp ever since they suddenly monica uttered a littlo scream and pointed wildly to tho floor brought it here you call it nerves tho siamese kitten that had been 1 know but lvo seen things at tho window what sort of things playing with the bronzo urn was ly- ng on its back kicking spasmodically awful uncertainty im worried about j fiuerod ife kecn gaz0 foli upon no i cant quite cxplain just vague j before tho commissioner could reach shadowy objects that was what jit tho wretched creature was dead made mo como to you i could have more amazing still the bronze jar lay sworn i heard them breathing and open its gaping mouth dark and hol- onco for a fraction of a second two low liko a tunnel displaying no sign hands liko claws rested on the sill of the remains hewitt had expected to i should havo gone mad if i had see stayed in spite of himself the commis sionor glanced at the wide open aper turo through which the cool night air the other nodded toward tho door your mans got him out there dyou want to see him i want to make certain ho doesnt get away ho fumbled with something in the drawer again and mado for tho ver andah monica looked up at pennington and there wero tears in her eyes im heartbroken about peter sho said softly but im awfully orange pekoe is only the name given to a size of leaf some good many poor orange pekoes are sold the most economical and yet tho finest flavoured is salada orange pekoe sealed in metal pure fresh delicious 43c per lb peking now peiping as soon as the chinese nationalists tho movements ceased abruptly and grateful to you for what you did my dear mrs viney protested mr pennington hes been on the island too long tho natives must be getting to know him i havent slept for nights ive been picturing him wandering through the jungle on thi3 wiulgocsechase for that creatures thing but the rectangular patch of blackness she had expected to see he walked deliberately to it and tossed tho end of his cigar into tho garden there is nothing there you see he declared i tell you what it is tomb with the followers of chaihung ilonica y worr too much on his track the commissioner perched himself on the table holi conic back all right he de clared aware all the time of a certain unaccountable huskiness in his throat pennington always does her gaze traveled to the bronze jar is that the thing she demanded dully howitt nodded sho left her chair and crept for ward halffearfully her hands out stretched in front of her presently sho stood before the jar looking wist fully down at it and to think that everything de pends on that everything at least that matters the commissioner jerked up his head and stared hard at the wall in front of him he did not want to discover how monica knew but the very fact that she did know startled him in the silence that followed he caught tho measured tread of tho sen try on duty outside the insistent hum of nocturnal insects the pattering of tho absurd kitten across tho boards on a tray by tho bookshelf there re posed a decanter and glasses ho went over to it and poured out a stiff tot she took it unquestionably making a wry face as the spirit burnt her throat so pennington does matter ho said quietly n tho warm blood mounted to her cheeks j of course im glad of that ho was placing the glass back on tho tray when he realized that his sister had followed him across the room must we keep that wretched jar here cant you just look in to make euro and send it back to them again ho shook his head and laughed to dfepcl a certain uncomfortable inward feeling that monicas present mood inspired thats the devil of it he told her i cant find out how it works about young pennington and you want a holiday if you take my ad vice youll get mavried as oon as he comes back and get him to take you for a long sea trip arent you looking rather far ahead said monica demurely you forget ho hasnt asked me yet tho commissioner tapped the bronzo jar with his finger naid no but he will as soon as i show him that he was only waiting for proof that our enemy was dead sho came slowly back toward the um proof sho echoed in a voice so tow that it was scarcely audible i pennington screwing up his eyes for tho love of heaven call her monica bawled the commissioner over his shoulder he went out slam ming tho door after him to be continued would smell in a sizzling pan of bacontat ho put up a gallant fight but at length came rolling his pink sides to ward the boat whero tho missus j completed their conquest of tho torrl- awalted him holding tho wire broiler itory north of the yangtze it becamo down into the water its sides gaping evident that drastic changes would bo and both her hands gripping tho made all vestiges of the old reglmo handles firmly i slid the big trout in peking it was doclded should bo carefully along the surface holding swept away and the last trace of tho hard on the rodbutt to keep his headmanchu dynasty obliterated it is out of water and the lady brought therefore not surprising that peking i that blessed broiler up ever so gently is to be renamed pclping and that tho clamped tho handles together and province in which it is situated chlhll without a net by kenneth f lee tho bronze jar lay open ilpikov chewing sweet wonder if this clumsy thing proves anything for all wo know it may be empty in which case smiled her bro ther theres nothing on earth to pre vent us going to bed but monica was not listening she was passing her fingers over the metal surface i fancy that band has something to do with it the band with the four little gold studs sho held her thumb poised over the nearest of the four gold knobs it hov ered for a second atare halfinch from tho metal and then a form plunged wildly through the open win dow landed in a crouching attitude on tho bare boards and extending a lean arm thrust her bodily into a corner the bronzo jar toppled awkwardly the missus and i had enjoyed a halrralslng downhill rldo on a rail road gasbuggy that morning tho section crew from icennebago taking us down to tho trail that led in to johns pond a distance of three miles in much less than the samo number of minutes wo had supplies for a couple of days in our light packs and both carried flyrods for johns pond has a repu tation in that part of tho country for harboring largo and succulent trout with fierce appetites and wo were bound to investigate the re ports the trail after it left the railroad rightofway led up through a denso alder run and before we got fairly started a heavy thunderstorm came up and the alder leaves displayed a very unpleasant capability for catch ing and holding water that is they held it until wo brushed against them and then showed a decided tendency to freely baptlzo both of us we were soaked to our hides long before wo came out into the littlo clearing at tho foot of the pond i found an old tin rowboat partly hidden in tho underbrush and a pair of oars that had quito obviously been serving as a lunch for tho porcupines the handles wero chewed nearly through but wo decided that maybe they could bo used so wo stowed our packs in the bow of tho craft and started up toward tho head of tho pond where i had been told wo should find a log camp didja over row a tin boat that has been in use for upwards of thirty years a tin boat with collapsible ribs that havo been collapsed over since tho spanishamerican war if you havent it is of very littlo uso to try and convey any real idea of what this experience was like every time i so much as wiggled an oar that cockeyed boat let out a scries of walls that reminded mo of the time squarehead oleson wont on a drunk accompanied by an accor dion that ho swiped from tho cook at the lumbercamp whero ho was om- ployed i would take a little pull at tho oars eeonk ecnwnk eeonk would go the blessed boat and tho missus would glare at mo just as tho sho plum know i was doin it apurpose our trip up tho pond was a sort of triumphal march tho boat furnishing tho music and by tho tlmo wo got to tho landing in front of tho camp we both know that eoonk tuno by heart i havo no doubt all tho wild things within five miles of tho pond were in a state of nervous prostra tion i nearly was anyway but tho little log cabin with its shlnglod porch and rustic furniture did much to dis pel tho gathering gloom after wo up at the dropper and came clear of the water the littlo barbless hook bit ing deep into his jaw as ho fell back with a splash- then we had a circus which lasted maybe three busy min utes after which tho big boy was ready for the net but damnlt there was no net in our hurry to get started that morning we had come away without it so i tried lifting tho trout into the boat by tho deli cate tapered leader ho gave a coupla swirt shimmyln wriggles which lifted his weight of the barb- porc and started gnawing the wooden boosted mr trout right up into the boat in one smooth swoop hot dlg- gety dawg we both let out coman che whoops and nearly upset the boat in our joy after we had recovered our usual pose i whacked the big trout over the head with tho hilt of my belt- knife and then settled down to fish in earnest we got all the trout we needed in short order and after i had a dozen or so the missus took her turn and let me assure you brothers sho slings a mean fly and can handle a big fish as well or maybe a little better than tho nominal boss of the lee family we quit at dark and that night we sat by tho little stovo and gloaed over the string of trout and listened to a pair of bobcats cussln each other out in the swamp behind the cabin after we had turned in for the night big porcupine climbed up on tho is to become hopeh which means north of the yellow river tho change is significant of tho gradual disappearance of old chinese con servatism which began to go with tho abandonment of the pigtail peking like st petersburg later petrograd and ultimately leningrad was destined to take a subordinato place in the affairs of the country it had been losing prestige in proportion to tho rise of the southerners regret its disappearance as the northerners may they will find consolation in tho step which it may bo hoped it marks toward a unified china and toward the establishment of a single responsible government lack of which has consti tuted a serious drawback to progress in china less probably put a derisive fin to his nose an went away from there silently and swiftly not so good we mourned to make a bad matter even more so i lost three big fat trout ono after tfco other and we wero getting hungrier all the time of course wo had bacon and beans and similar fod der in our packs but we had como to johns pond to eat trout and trout we wero going to eat well we tried slipping a hand over the trouts heads and clutching till dawn em around the neck but that proved to be a lot like trying to catch the greased pig at tho county fair next wo tried tipping tho tin boat over un til its gunwale was nearly in tho water and sliding the trout in over tlho side but about the first crack out of the box a big iunker changed his mind at tho crucial moment and dived under tho boat twisting tho tip of my pot cross rod until i had mysteries for fear it would break right thoro i quit well eat ba con i declared there isnt a trout in this part of llbertylovln canada that id bust that rod for my heart felt sentiments didnt make the least bit of a hit with tho missus and sho said so right out loud well go back and mako a net or a gaff or something but wero going to havo trout for supper i didnt walk way in here and get nearly drowned just to eat bacon sho declared firmly it has not taken mo ten years to learn that arguing with ones better threefourths is lost motion so back wo went eo onkln to beat tho band all the way to camp there wo rummaged around for upwards of half an hour in search of materials from which to improvise a net just as i was about to quit cold tho missus got her eye on one o those wire broilers with two handles the kind that aro used to scorch steak with ovor open coals thats just what wo want she piped up en thusiastically waving tho brollor triumphantly over hor head i couldnt see that her discovery had mado much dlffcronco in ourt chances for a trout supper then box that held our catch and i had to take the flashlight and a chunk of stovewood and go out and arguo with him briefly after whtch i chased him into the brush at the end of the porch and went back to bed in about twenty minutes or perhaps half an hour two more porkys made tholr appearance on the porch and took up tho good work where their dear de parted had left off i chased that pair too and after that we went to sleep and slept like a pair of wooden injuns the laborer and his hire manitoba free press lib there are indications that the government is learning albeit with great reluctance that the glory of holding a govern ment job is not sufficient compensa- i tion for men whose talents command good salaries in the industrial world j when an indispensable scientific work- er la lost by the government to a busl- ness concern usually in the united states so that the loss is both govern mental and national it is ridiculous that tho defence should be made that tho government was powerless in the matter because under the civil service classification this indispensable work er was in receipt of the maximum sal ary permitted research is more nec essary to the government of canada than to any business concern inside 01 outside the country the government has far more money than the business and educational institutions that aro constantly raiding tho service and carrying off its best men and it can stop this practice at will one of the seasons smart- est frocks the charming frock shown here is an unusually attractive style tho bodice is slightly gathered at the lower edge and joined to the twopiece skirt graceful jabots are arranged at the left side and flared cuffs finish the long sleeves buttons adorn tho shoul here is a treat that cant be beat benefit and plea sure in generous measure cifo peppermint flavor jasje no 27 28 and rolled to tho floor where the si ameso kitten fell upon it in a frenzy had started a crackling blnzo tn tlio of dolrght hewitt wrenched open tho rusted stovo nnd ascertained that thero drawer in which his automatic lay was plonty of dry bedding for ono of nnd monica her eyes wide open with tho bunks wo bogan to fool corafort- torror leant helplessly against tho nblo wall gazing into the scarred swart i if tho trout aro hero were all faco of a chinaman tho intruders set i announced hastily stringing greasy coat was torn and weather- up my light flyrod and selecting a stained his feet were swathed in san- silver doctor a royal coachman and dais of plaited straw and his features wore an expression that did not altogether understand put them up said the commis sioner coldly and tho celestial com plying readily bestowed on the as tonished hewitt a broad boyish grin dont keep mo liko thte for long came tho familiar measured drawl of chincso pennington ive got lion- yin trussed liko a cldccn outside and im as hungry 43 a hunter i tho commissioner tossed his wea pon back into tho drawer in disgust look here old son he complained what tho dcuco dyou mean by giv ing us shocks liko this tho scarecrow produced a tubbor pouch and began rolling himself a clgarct im sorry if i hurt you mrs viney ionly i didnt liko to sw you fiddling about witlfcthat jar royal coachman and a brown hacklo with which formid able trio it was my intontlon to pry tho lid off that pond lmmodjatoly listen brother flbhorman whon an ontario trout rofusos to do business with at least ono of tho throo fllos mentlonod its tlmo to got busy with worms if you wanta oat hah wo climbed aboard tho hnlloluja ferry and eoonkod our way across a littlo covo over to whoro a big stream ontcred tho lako hoxo illy- pads dotted tio surface of tho calm water and now and again wo would eoo a quick splash followed by slow- wldoning clrclos that told a talo of feeding trout it suro lookod prom- isln about tho second cast my fllos dropplnggontly into a cloar apaco amongst tho pads a big trout sutgod dors and the side of the wide belt no not 1 1g81 is in sizes 34 3c 38 40 nnd 42 but wo got into tho tin mualo inches bust size 30 requires 3i yds box and went back to tho trout pool 39inch or 2v4 yds 54inch material and sorted in casting all ovor again view a requires yard additional it was nearly dark and tho big trout 39inch contrasting material cut woro coming up into tho shallows crosswiso for linng the jabots and the level crossing danger toronto globe lib with tho evergrowing congestion of traffic upon the highways of tho country the tlmo must como when better protection will have to bo provided at many level crossings than is at present to bo found this work should bo begun now sunburn uo mlnards liniment from tho cool depths of tho pond tho lilypads boiled with them tjioy had tholr roputed appetites right along too my first rlso was a daisy an active hoavy flsh that slashed out of tho water with my dropor fly solidly in his jaw no flsh was ovor handled more painstakingly than that gontlo- man for i could nntlclpato tho way ho mlnards liniment for insect bltca slccvo frills price 20c the pattern how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns ns you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number nnd address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto patterns sent by return mail tm nova scotia halifax herald cons this prov- lnco has turned tho cornor bottor days aro ahoad thoro is a now spirit abroad in tho land it is impossible to go about nova scotia today and not rocognlzo on ovory hand tho ovl- doncos of this nwakonlng this forward surge nova scotia is a different provlnco today our people havo a froah hopo and courngo a groat deal has boon accomplished a groat doal romalna to bo accomplished it can not bo dono in a wook or a month a yoar it will take tlmo but it la going to bo dono and in tho gon- oral prosporlty tho minora and tholr families will nlinro the tire that gives the most mileage has ex tra miles builtin at the factory fire stone uses the best materials purchased economically in the primary markets special processes including gum- dipping add to quality yet cost is reasonable due to modern factories and facilities your local firestone dealer saves you money and serves you better let him handle your tire requirements always put a firestone steam- melded uakprocf luhe in iour firestone tire firestone tire rubber co of canada limited hamilton ontario ttretotte builds the only gum dippeli tires