rheumatic pains due to tun blood relief comes through the use of dr williams pink pills too meat a rheumatto sufferer can lvope for in rubbing something on the swollen aching joint is a little relief atid all the wh tho rouble j becoming mor flrmjy rootftft it 9 now known that rceunautem is looted in the blood and that so the rouble goes on the blood becomes suh further thin and watery to get rid of rheumatism tjterefore you must go to the root of the trou ble in the blood that la why dr williams pink pills have prored so beneficial when taken for this trouble make new rich blood which ex pels tho poisonous acid and the rheumatism disappears there are thousands of former rheumatic sufferers in canada now well and strong who thank dr wil liams pink pills that they are now rco from tho aches and pains of ihls dreaded trouble one of these mrs w f tail mckellar ont who ays i am one of tho willing ones to tell you of the great benefits i re solved from the use of dr williams fink pills after lying in bed for leven weeks suffering untold agony fclth inflammatory rheumatism relief inally came through the uso of this medicine i could not move in bed only as they lifted me and i could only sleep when opiates were given mo the medical treatment i was taking seemed of no avail then i was advised to trydr williams pink pills and soon i began to get relief after taking six or eight boxes the rheumatism was banished and i had never felt better in my life it is jeveral years since this happened and isavo had no return of tho trouble since i may add that i recommend the pills to two of my friends who wore suffering with rheumatism and the pills were equally effective in both cases try dr williams pink pills for anaemia rheumatism neuralgia indi gestion or nervousnoss take them as a tonic if you are not in the best physical condition and cultivate a re sistance that will keep you well and strong you can get these pills through any medicine doaler or by mall at 50c a box from the dr wil- uams medicine co brockville ont smallest railway in the world canadian per capita 1650 figures for 1927 also show expenditure averaged 1601 ottawa total ordinary receipts per capita for the nine provincial govern ments of canada were 1660 for the fiscal year 1927 total ordinary ex penditures per capita for the eaine period were j1601 by provinces ordinary receipts per capita were british columbia 3523 alberta 19ss manitoba j1792 ontario 1767 saskatch ewan 1561 new brunswick 1240 nova scotia 1200 quebec 11ss and princo edward island 965 ordinary expenditures of each prov ince for its fiscal year ended 1927 ac cording to the dominion bureau of statistics were british columbia 3375 alberta 2023 manitoba 1616 ontario 1750 saskatch ewan 1551 new brunswick 112s nova scotia 1209 quebec 1117 and prince edward island 1004 tejil red rose orange peko is sripreme is in clean bright aluminum classified advertisement easy 0hick3 bu8ihxss oipobtunitv great help to young mothers great numbers of holiday visitors have travelled on the worlds smallest baby q xablets have many public railway which serves romney hythc and pymchurch picture shows the tiny train steaming into romney says britishborn not welcomed bishop of london claims dominions cold to old countrymen canadas future year 1927 british subjects leaving the uses and are absolutely harmless to have in the house a simple united kingdom to take up permanent uarmlcss remedy for the minor of residence outside of europe numbered j bables anj chil a great 153505 of whom 53916 came to brltj o young mothei an1 ms ish north america exactly why babys own tablets have the next largest movement was to been foun tnousands oc house- canadas great north baltimore sun north america one must assume has got its affairs into very good order when as a mat ter of routine administration the can adian government imports reindeer to supply food for eskimos in danger of starvation in tho distant and de solate regions along the mackenzie j river not the extremest part of this tast territory lies outside tho atten tion of authorities very little timo has passed since eskimos of tho north or indians of tho great plains starved on occasion or died of disease without notice but now even the nomads along the arctic ocean are under observation beavers for scotland canada has donated a pair of livo beavers to tho zoological society of scotland thcso little animals cap tured and conditioned in jasper na tional park were transported to montreal and placed aboard tho ss cairnisk when she cleared on may 18 their destination is the zoologi cal gardens at edinburgh australia which received 40991 new- zealand received 7s41 british south africa 7572 india and ceylon 6476 other parts of the british empire 6937 the united states received 25- 662 and all other foreign countries 5110 in the face of a general decrease in british emigration canada was the only important country which showed an increase in 1927 compared with 1926 and easily led all others in tho total number of britishers received dont make alby out of baby babies have nerves by ruth brittain dr ingram found foreigners preferred in northwest london- addressing a meeting of the church of england council on empire settlement yesterday right rev arthur foley winningtoniugram bishop of london declared that he was disappointed in his recent tour of the british dominions he had failed ho said to find an enthusiastic welcomo for a briton in any part of the empire that wasnot what ho had expected i tried to point out at toronto on my trip through canada he said that we were filling tho northwest with russians and poles and peoplo from god knows where and that state ment got me into considerable diffi culty i found southern europeans were welcomed perhaps even more enthusiastical than britons it is disheartening to our follows to be called a so and so tommy when they arrivo in australia continued the bishop in referring to british im migration to tho antipodes our youfig men are not keen to go out there and tho tone of east london is keep out tho jews and let us have the country to oursolves rev m dixon of calgary said con tinental emigrants to canada woro successful thero because they went out as families and not liko many english peoples who went out to can ada to see how they liked this god- i during the summer forsaken country alberta another prairie province keep canada british sovera of tho eastern provinces toronto right rev arthur foloyjhnve the matter under consideration wlnningtoningram bishop of london of paying their oldtime citizens a sti- visited canada in the summer of 1926 pend annually to ward off the wolf of fear of poorhouse by aged lacking in saskatchewan ottawa old age without fear of the poorhouse s an nctuality in sas katchewan as a result of an agree ment between tho provincial and do- mlnlqn governments persons of sev enty years and more who have resided in the province for at least twenty years and who are british subjects will be paid a 200ayear pension it is announced in a bulletin of tho depart ment of colonization and develop ment of tho canadian pacific railway half of tho amount of the pension is paid by tho dominion government and tho other half by tho provincial saskatchewan is tho second prov ince actually to begin old ago pension payments british columbia has been paying them sinco last september and up until the on dot march of this year has disbursed about 240000 yukon territory has also accepted the scheme but it is not so far in effect manitoba has passed the necessary legislation to take ndvantago of tho old ago pensions act and it is ex pected that payments will begin there holds the tablets regulate the stomach and bowels break up colds and simple fevers allay the irritation of cutting teeth yet they have no drug taste and the children like them concerning the tablets mrs ruth- ven crommiller ruthven ont writes kindly send mo your little book on the care of tho baby i have two children one four years of age and the other a year and a half both are in excellent health and the only medicine they have had is babys own tablets i always keep the tablets in the house and nm happy to recom mend them to other mothers babys own tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cts a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont fighting moths us bureau of entomology outlines the best plan for the annual treatment of winter clothing when a succession of mild days in- j dlcates that heavy winter clothing 1 r abv chicks we hatch pour and coverings may be discarded ffi the summer the housewife has a for free catalogue a 11 swltier busy day making blankets and cloaks i ranton ontario safe from moths furs persian rugs j cnlcks from b stock and other valuable objects are pack- strong healthy chicks from highproduc ed oft to cold storage while everyday j stock blood tested and free from baccllll wlitle diarrhoea males with pen household and personal effects are pedigrees of 200 eggs and over barred rocks july delivery 11400 per hundred 8c white leghorns 11200 terms 26 per cent with order balance coix ex press paid on 100 or more live delivery guaranteed 1addkd vax hodies or1uinal- ly cost between scoooo and jioo00 lor sale cheap excellent opportunity for local movers reason for selling l these vans have been replaced by mod ern type for longdistance moving apply 11111 the mover hamilton taken care of in the house for generations housewives each year have taken up the cudgels against these destroyers many of otterviiii poultry form ottervllle on their oldfashioned remedies are ac- j cepted still by science such for in- 1 wi hw stance as sunning clothing to kill the j lrawls i out llays larvae but other science has pro nounced worthlesstobacco extracts and tobacco powders lavender flow ers cayenne and black pepper dust ings of allspice of airslaked lime of salt of eucalyptus leaves hellebore quassia chips angelica root pyre- theum stems powdered sulphur borax colocynth pulp sodium bicarbonate lead carbonate and lead oxide are specified in this category by tho united states bureau of en tomology cedar chips and shavings are said to be only partially effective much of tho nervousnoss in oldor children can ho traced to tho over- and arrived in toronto on august 17 he explained on his arrival that lio jwas visiting the british dominions mainly in the interests of tho church of england empire settlement scheme during his stay in tho city he addressed several gatherings and on each occasion emphasized tho ne cessity of keeping canada british speaking at a luncheon tendered him by the civic authorities tho bishop of london said ho believed canada was ono n the future great nations of tho earth you have the right outlook across tho rockfes he declared but you have not tho peoplo to develop tho resources of tho country you need peoplo of british stock and should not depend upon immigration from continental europe addressing tho empire and cana dian clubs of toronto on august 19 poverty a woman has been known to shoot a man for a hat stimulation during infancy caused by tic which held together tho compon- the exception thero never was a married man without a motherinlaw yon think of course there never was dont you think adam was a tho bishop of london spokotf the marrle mnn regarding baby as a sort of animated ont parts of tho empire and stated that canada retain its toy for tho amusement of parents roi i latlves and friends baby may bo i played with but not for more than a b ho said ho realized quarter of an hour to an hour dally necessity for filling tho open spaces beyond that being handled tickled of tho broad dominion but appealed caused to laugh or even scroam will to canadians to guard against nllow- lomotlmos result in vomiting and inii foreign population to outnumber variably causes irritability crying or 0wi1 peopic ileeplessness i frotfulness crying and sleoplessnoss records show differently rrom this causo can easily bo avoided ottawa canada continues to attract mlnards liniment for insect bites imperial preference and the usa providence journal the growing tendency of american shippers to use canadian ports is attributed partly to the british system of imperial prefer ence the united states shipping board is investigating tho question by treating baby with raqrecon8lde obviously wo cannot change the brit- f afil j5 to an ofllciakbul- icr glvo hlra a few drops of pure icin lssuc1 y ho oversea settlement harmless castorla its amazing to department r london tho british tco how quickly it calms babys nor- records show that during the calendar tcs and soothes him to sleep yet it contains no drugs or opiates it is purely vegetable tho recipe is on tho i wrapper loading physicians pre- scrlbo it for colic cholera diarrhea constipation gas on stomach and bowels fcvorlshnoss loss of sloop and i nil other upota of babyhood over 15 million bottles usod n year shows its overwhelming popularity j with each bottlo of castorla you got a book on motherhood worth its weight in gold look for chas ii j fietchors slgnaturo on tho package red rose orange pekoe has earned the patronage and good will of more tea drink ers than any other high- quality tea in canada ish imperial preference system unless wo have something substantial to of fer in return tho shipping- boards report will bo awaited with deep in terest not only for an explanation of the conditions that are said to exist but also for recommendations concern ing ways and means to recover our proper share of the traffic a distinguished and well beloved bishop is so absentminded that his family is always apprehensive for his welfare when he is away from them not long ago while making a journey by rail the bishop was unable to find his ticket when tho conductor asked for it nover mind bishop said the conductor who knew him well ill get it on my second round how- over when tho conductor passed through the car again the ticket was still missing oh well bishop it will be all right if you nover find it tho conductor assured hlro no it wont my friend contradicted tho bishop ive got to lyid that ticket i want to know where im going with leg broken courage and scout training save life of 12-year- old boy snn francisco crawling on hands and knees for four days from the rim of half dome to mirror lake on tho floor of yosemito valley and part of the way with a broken leg 12yearold george monheit of piedmont fought thvflrit etsetuamn bauling moths a herculean fight for lifeaud won is to make sure that no larvae are t hoy missing tor about a week hidden away along the earns in deep and for whom all hope had been aban- doned was found alive collapsed on folds or in pockets of the clothing to t t i iin rock at the edge of mirror lake ho packed away and then that all today according to reports here i he was virtually naked his face and lips torn and bleeding and suncracked his body covered with bruises and ono the boy had in four containers are absolutely tight beating and brushing and cleaning must precede laying away and furs suspected of being infested must be i leg broken gone over with a fine tooth comb on wg hang an knee3 larvae lodged on material to be put qf ha domo down an away may bo killed by ironing by nlm08t perpend c a ieat prob- exposing in superheated rooms or by a neyer attem te1 betore and be inaiinrr ort0 1 hrt11n in rna olin f it leaving several hours in the sun or lleved impossible the fabric may be dipped for ten sec- but hb cmrage amj boy scout traln onds in water heated to 140 degrees 8ave nlg u this one ot fahrenheit a etronjr solution of most neroc of boyhood episodes neutral laundry coap has a kill- y monheit disappeared while on ing effect hunt trip near vernal falls the bureau of entomology consld- snc0 hl3 d posses and ers naphthalene in flakes or balls the bearc parties have hunted all best preventive of destruction from yosem without succes they never moths provided the clothing is close- beheved it possible for a mountaineer ly confined and not packed on closet lot aionc a doy of 12p t0 crawl a cliff shelves or in drawers where the near a m high from half domo fumes may readily escape paradich- wllere bo i seen mail and lorabenzlno gum camphor and pyre- j thrum powder are also pronounced ef- fective for hay fever use mlnards many a fellow whos big noise at the office 13 only a little squeak at home playgrounds for children le canada lib never a day passes by but we read in tho paper that children have been struck by motor cars or heavy lorries the ac cidents are alas too frequent in tho summer especially while the school holidays are on parents should im press on their children that they must not play in the streets they should be sent to the parks and playgrounds- do darkhaired men marry most no the lightbeaded ones tho star soprano of the village made a brave attempt to sing ill hang my harp on a weeping willow tree but her voice broke on the top note after three unsuccessful tries a voice from tho back of the hall sug gested kindly try anging it on a lower branch miss let cuiicura soap keep your skin fresh and youthful sample soap otntrturot talcum frco arldravi ca nadian depot coucara fo box 216 montreal the master sambo you good-for- nothing scamp where have you been loafing all day didnt i toll you to lay in some coal sambo indignant ly yes sar ahs been laying in do coal all day though there is a lot more softer places where nhd rather lay reduce the acid athletes for sprained ligaments bound muscles kicks and bruises uso mlnards sick stomachs sour stomachs and indigestion usually mean excess acid tho stomach nerves are ovor-stlmn- llatcd too much acid makes the excited noy como on quick tho stomach and intestines sour take a spoonful in water and your unhappy condition will probably end in five mlirntcs then you will always know what to do crudo and harmful methods will nover appeal to you it judges of good tea gladly nirln ls hatln tho ould woman alkali kills acid instantly thobcstjmny envo a great many disagreeable give more for red rose -ri- pollcemanwhy dont she form is phillips milk of magnosla bo- hours orange pekoe because they know that the value they re ceive is worth many times 10 youll get genuine castorla thoro the few extra cents they pay tre many imitations i je come herself if sho wants to mnko a complaint or iiavo him arrostod j excited iloy shes too busy shes got lm down nnd is bumpln is head on tho flure cause ono harmless tasteless doso bo sure to get tho genuine phillip i neutralizes many tlmos its volumo in milk of magnesia prescribed by physl- ncld slnco its invention 60 years cinns for b0 years in correcting exects ago it has remained tho standard acids each bottlo contains full dlrcc- wlth physicians ovcrywhero tired weak nervous woman bene praises lydia e pinkhams l vegetable compound h asbestos mines quebec afterj tfie birth of my second child i was j always feeling tiredj nervous and weak j and had headaches backaches and ter- riblc pains every 5 month i suffered two years boforo t tried lydia e pinkhams vcgev table compound- i got four bottles at first and it did me a world of good i would not ba- without it in the house now and hafov another six bottles in i recommend it to every woman i know mrs tti baritirr box 114 asbestos miuesp quebec j lions any drugstore issue no 26 28