Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 7, 1928, p. 3

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june 10 lesson 01 tho arrest and trial mfirk 15 115 golden text ho was despised and rejected of men iso 53 3 subject jesus ob barabbas introduction what judas betray ed to tho authorities is not certain from our narratives it may have been the persona claim of jesus to bo tho messiah it may have been his anoint ing at bethany mark 14 311 which his enemies might construe as a public proclamation of his royalty it may have been his whereabouts on the night of his arrest it may have been all three in any case jesus was set upon in the garden of gethsemano at a moment when he had no protec- tion other than the presence of three disciples and tuken to tho high priests house mark 114252 there an informal examination of witnesses took place and jesus was asked by caiaphas to declare whether he was the messiah his affirmative answer was pronounced to bo blasphemy a crime for which tho law appointed tho penalty of death but the jewish sanhedrin had no power to inflict the death penalty this belonged entirely to the roman pro curator who sinco ad 20 had been pontius pilate an officer with a very bad record the jewish authorities therefore conducted jesu3to pilate and formally indicted him as a rebel who claimed to bo the king of tho jews no accusation in history ever signified a worse perversion of the facts than did this accusation jesus had from the beginning refused to give any kind of political complexion either to the kingdom of god or to his own messiahship his enemies brought the charge out of hatred will fully misrepresenting his real claims they knew that this particular mis representation would have the desired effect of procuring his condemnation at the hands of the roman authority in the present lesson we have some account of the proceedings before pilate v 1 the official seat of the roman procurators of judaea was not jeru salem but casarca willing to do tho jews a favor ot tered to grant clemency to one prison er the jews instigated by tho priestly authorities and alienated by the tact that jesus had refused to support their national hopes asked for barab- baa thereupon pilate enquires their will regarding jeaus and they reply by demanding that ho bo seatenced to death and so jesus was rejected by tho nation the son of god is deliver ed into tho hands of the heathen ruler to be scourged and crucified sinless himself ho is made to suffer cor the sins of tho nation which he came to save tho crimes which he had con demned aro laid upon his own inno cent head a strong addition to britains sea power bkesssss i y irresistible eaagshsssagggg saggsssssg odin is the newest of great britains submarines this undersea craft was launched a short time ago at chatham dockyards by mrs stirling admiral superintendent of the dockyard when this picture was secured wlfo of the oxen still pull plows in river counties of ohio seeming halt of time here for a cen tury or more the clay hillsides do not yield crops willingly tho region is so hemmed in by hills that many of the residents refer to the rest of the world as tho outside planes drone overhead as ancient carriers plod on over hills and fields gallipoli3 ohio oxen still do the heavy hauling for many hill farmers in tho southern ohio river counties nor is it uncommon to see the beasts drawing a plow time has not moved so swiftly in tree maladies afflict half of worlds timber more than half of the trees in tho world are sick many of them aro dog holds his own in arctic regions sportsmanship when the prince of wales present ed the british open golf championship cup to walter 0 hagen at sandwich it was the fifth straight time and tho seventh time in the last eight years that this cherished trophy had been won from great britain by the united states this in itself is an accom plishment worthy of note but there were two phases connected with the 1928 tournament which must go down in history as worthwhile features of sporting competition the first and foremost was the splendid sportsmanship which pre vailed throughout the event especially that shown by the british to have their trophy won by an outsider could but be a disappointment and when the prince of wales could pay such a fine tribute in presenting the trophy as to say overseas entries have added koon competition to our open cham pionships we aro getting a little jealous but always want the bost man to win wo hope the overseas golfers will continue to corns until as they say in america wo are able to put one over on them he was show ing to tho world that tho british are just as big in defeat as in victory tho second was the fine comeback aud sportsmanship of hagen in ac cepting tho cup he said that ho wae lucky to win very lucky indeed good fortune may havo followod him in the tournament but when a golfoi can go through an open championship with n card of 2d2 for 72 holes of play it shows a fine degree of skill con- uiderlng the fact that ho had just will not be displaced by air- been defeated by an english playor plane says dr nansen i overwhelming score of is up dirigible finds place now york- dr frldtjot nansen veteran polar explorer is convinced it features the moulded hipline that the i isolatod hlls lt has outside paris decrees is the smartest movel the peope cin8r often by noce3 ment of fashion style no 928 is de- slty to mothod3 o thelr forefathers but it was the c feminine and is irresistible whi air drone overhead the farmers laboriously till by hand their custom of the procurators to move to developed jerusalem at festival seasons such as hecr figured georgette i derto kcepaneye ero with harmonizing bows of canp of on the stee m4 afflicted with incurable diseases liko that tho airplane will not displace the human beings says thrift maga- j dogsled as tho explorers most useful zine trees aro the victims of numer- oquipment in polar regions and that the passover in or on the proceedings there was a dan- on faille crepe ribbon ger of insurrection occurring at times georgette crepe marine blue silk lus- when the city was thronged with piljtrous flat silk crepe and black can- grims ton faille crepe pattern in sizes 16 v 2 the jewish accusers of jesus i ig 20 years 36 38 40 and 42 inches would have already instructed pilate bust measure size 3g reiu 2 regarding the case against jesus i they appear to have put a political complexion upon his claims in order 2 price 20c to awaken the suspicions of tho ro- pattern man authority only thus do we how to order patterns understand pilates abrupt interroga- write your namb an1 adlress plain won addressed to jesus art thou the ivir num and size of such king of the jews jesus answer v 6 thou savest means that he doc3 1 pattern as you want enclose 20c in indeed claim to be king messiah of j stamps or coin com preferred wrap the jews but that he will not further it carefully for ei h number and discuss the nature of the claim all address your order to wilson pattern this he had made plain to the nation service 73 west adelaide st toronto and he will not further argue with them vs 35 for the same reason jesus will not any longer defend himself against the misrepresentations of the jewish authorities he had declared the truth by his life and not oven pilates expostulations will draw him into further explanations jesus atti tude recalls the old testament de- patterns sent by return mail recipes chanel red sometimes calling oxen into service the ox teams consisting of as many as four yokes also are used for log ging and for hauling heavy loads over the soft roads where trucks would flounder helplessly when the family needs bread sack of grain is tluown across old dobbins back and johnny rides to the waterpropelled grist mill and waits until tho grain is ground into coarse meal these mills once located at every settlement are now scattered operating only in the innermost hill regions and taking their power from streams there aro some homes of compar ative modern construction but log cabins chinked with clay dot the hill sides mock raspberry jam use tamo or wild mulberries and mix with red plums tame or wild using equal parts of each cook until scription of the servant of jehovah tender rub through a colander and in isaiah 537 as a sheep before her ho this pulp add an equal weight of rhearers is dumb so he opened not suga cook until thick seal in ster- ous ills they are constantly the prey of deadly parasites which attack every part from roots to topmost branches and work into the very heart of tho wood millions upon millions of fino trees overy year die needlessly because their owners failed to appreciate their muto appeals for help seventyfive per cent of all shade and fruit trees aro afflicted wi v shaped crotches which are sure to spread and kill the trees unless taken care of in time many trees die of hunger or thirst or both trees aro living things and they must havo water and nourish ment the top of a tree is a perfect index of tho general health and vital ity of tho trunk and branches al- the dog will continue to bo his staunch companion and colleague in the arctic in a lecture before the american geographic society dr nnnsou said that in tho expedition to tho arctlo which ho plans to undertake next year he will uso a dirigible and dog- sleds tho dirigible which hab a gas content of 105000 cubic meters will leavo murmansk north siberia next spring for tho unexplored polar terri tory ho said dr nansen said that airplanes are unsulted to arctic exploration bocauso thoy cannot land on rough places and cannot carry enough men and sup plies in tho antarctic ho said tho lco is smoother and airplanes could bo used to bettor advantage dr nansen said that polar explor- in a 72hole match hl3 playing in this j tournament must be regarded as a j splendid comeback i some of the british professionals plan to compete in the united states open championship this summer and it will bo up to tho americans to show them the same fine sportsmanship which thoy have just received edi torial in christian science monitor many reasons are manifest for the graph though the health of the top has no direct connection with internal decay ation is just in its infancy good rich green foliage indicates as now that the pioneer work is a rule excellent vitality and an active done he said we will have to go condition of tho roots tor some real exploration i among tho problems which chal lenge the explorer he mentioned map- what men like girls with brains pillg of tho poiar basn tbrougn enough to tell them how wonderful sou exploration of tho higher n iip ifamt enrr rt1 i atmosphere by means of kites and balloons study of tho northern lights and correlation of arctic atmospheric conditions with weather conditions all over tho world they are new york moruing telo- his mouth vs 610 pilate is baffled he was a man who in his official administra tion had been guilty of crimes and miscarriages of justice against his jewish subjects now for once iron ically enough he is anxious to be con- ile jars this makes a delicious spread from fruits that usually go to waste rhubarb marmalade use 1 quart sliced rhubarb 5 largo apples sliced 2 cups raisins lemon ciliatory and as it was tho governors i or t orange sliced and 4 cups sugar prerogative to grant amnesty to a political prisoner at each passover season he proposes to dismiss the present case against jesus but this was not to the mind of the jewish authorities pilate made the offer cynically recognizing that tho jewish attitude of jesus was inspired by malignity but the jews recalled tho place the ingredients in a kettle and add water barely to cover tho fruit cook until tho mixture is thick pour in sterile jars and seal cherry marmalade use 2 pounds cherries 1 pound rais ins 3 oranges juice and rind grated existence of another prisoner barab- and 4 pounds sugar add barely bas who was in custody for a political enough water to cover and cook until crime and this enabled them to turn tho edge of pilates skillful overture the reliellion for complicity in which barabbas was condemned to die is thought by some scholars to have had somo connection with jesus appear- bitco in jerusalem the report that a messiah had appeared kindled political inclinations to which jesus himself gave no countenance but which never theless assorted themselves in revolu tionary quarters va 1115 whon pilate therefore thick seal in sterile jars a famous beauty thinks there is no man good enough for her well alio may be right and she may bo loft that london hospital patient who laughed continuously for soventeen hours had probably just heard of big bill thompsons war on king george louisville times must be big secret a national church the dean of durham in tho man chester guardian lib if i may speak for myself alono i have always felt a certain anxiety lost tho ohurch assembly should deliberately or oven undesignedly chango the character of tho church from that of a national church into a sect it has seemed to me that a good many speakors in the church assembly aro inclined to dis cuss such notions as aro brought bo- fore them with a vlow to tho roal or supposed interests of the church alono and not to those of tho nation as well as of tho church but thoro 13 all tho differonco botwoen a church which decides as far as posslblo hor moral and religious policy by a sonao of responsibility for tho highest wel fare of the nation as a wholo and a church which thinks only of hor own members and not of all christian or even nonchristians outside her pale an dthereforo exercises little her preference madam do you like tho cinema well yes i do but i- believe i liko the peppermint better women and work w l a in tho leeds mercury in victorian days unmarried women who wore not of tho working class would havo turnod palo at tho idea of soiling- their white hands with rough work they clung to old and pathetic traditions of ladyhood and like the old soldier in the army classic slowly faded away wo are beginning to look back upon all that wasted womanhood as ono of tho great blots on victorian common- sense it is better for women that thoy should work and jt is hotter for tho country whon economists toll us with ono voice that if this country is to make an end of its troubles lt must work hardor how can wo or der home all thoso women wlo are working cheerfully and helpfully making money gaining in solfrospoct and enriching tho resources of tho country intelligence glasgow horald cons intoih- gonco la an inhorltod characteristic which grows year by yoar in child hood and is fully dovelopod about 16 or 17 nftor which you may cultivate tho mind through study and export- once but not by tho measure of a brain cell can you incronso your in- or no tolllgonce many grownups and influcnco upon the national ilfo what- some of them succossful as tho world ever may happen now in parliament counts success if tostod scientifically it will not i hopo prove faiposslbla to j would find that tholr intelligence whatevor it is that tho cinfidlng kitty is whispering to tho patient pup preservo lho national character of the j was no moro than that of tholr achool- hls expression indicates that ho can hardly believo it church of england i boy son of 12 mutt and jeff by bud fisher is there no limit to jeffs inventive ability i mutt ip x toltj you xue mjvcnteb a way to mafcg socks sotmcyujont weartjl our at tile hsgc oft ne what ujouu yov say

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