green tea drinkers do not know the full enjoy ment of green tea unless they use salada green the very choicest variety blended to per fectionpacked in airtight metal to protect the flavour sells fcr only 38c per ib ask for it at any grocers green tea pegix here today tpie hut iii itmeclearihy rvuvxtttnytmd that was turned toward her four on chaihung influential chinese calls i the- upper half and three below at the home of john hewitt commis- j suddenly she became aware that sioncr of police at jesselton british pennington serene immaculaterwas north borneo to tell ot the death of at her elbow iv jj victim of a gang murder i she sw roun on him fiercely ieter pennington is detailed by the pennington what does all this government to run to earth the el- t an i low seven a gang of chinese bandits mean w1 j what hav monica viriev lives with her brother one with him 7 capt hewitt pennington suspects pennington was frankly puzzled jack captain hewitt i havent seen him isnt he back yet monica caught her breath somebody beckoned to him from the garden she raced on wildly we both thought it was you jack went out ho hant dressed for inakan and theres that on his table for gods sake tell me what it all means pennington guided her to a chair then bont over the dagger a second later ho had rushed from the room toward the kitchenquarters she heard the voluble tones of the cookboy a yell of pain the dragging of a heavy body along the floor and the servant was flung like a sack into tho office still clinging to a flimsy box with a metal handle the only luggage he had brought with him when he arrived pennington slammed the door and stand- leant against it stunted get up you swine chaihung of being the leader of tho bandits hewitt procures a warrant for the arrest of chaihung now go ox with the story chaihung called here this after noon hewitt started this afternoon he echoed incred ulously she nodded he asked if you were in and said ho was going away for some time mr pennington was here too hell tell you all about it the commissioner passed a weary hand over his black hair where is pennington now i havent seen him since tea a sudden movement in the wild garden outside attracted her atten tion she stepped close up to the rail and peered into the blackness ing half in the shadow of a stunted j get up you swine he said stern- palm she saw a tall gaunt figure ly get up and find your tongue or wearing a loose costume of pale blue by heaven ill flay you alive tho boy scrambled to his feet and stood sullenly in the centre of the bare room you will lead me to chaihung hissed pennington at the very sound of the name the oriental trembled visibly the englishman caught him by both material monica caught her brothers sleeve and pulled him forward theres a man out there jack she told him softly the commissioner loked its pennington i suppose he growled presently what the devils he want to hang about the house like that for at that moment the scarecrow raised an arm and beckoned how are we for time she consulted her wristwatch youve twenty minutes before din ner- dont stop out too long hewitt looked at monica thirty seconds later he had passed down the steps making his way toward the tree mrs viney went in to dress for dinner tho deeptoned ducun gong rever berating in the stillncssof the night brought her back to the verandah her brother was nowhere to be seen she hurried down the passage to his room tapped on the door then getting no response looked in the room was empty and a glance sufficed to tell her he had not been there since his return the neatly piled clean clothes were still where the servant had put them her mind slightly troubled she invad ed his office as she stepped toward the writingtable a grim sense of im pending disaster swept over her she thrust it from her resolutely and pvesscd onward both hands resting on the wooden surface she gazed hor rorstricken before her at a dagger with a gilt handle that stuck upright in the table its thin steel blade impal ing a heap of torn paper fragments- dimly as her powers of reasoning stole back to her she realized that the tattered document was the warrant for thearrest of chaihung and that the yellow handleof the knife bore seven distinct black dots on the side tho servant was flung liko a sack into the office the cool comforting flavor of wrigleys spearmint in a lasting pleasure it cleanses the mouth after eating gives a clean taste and stycct breath it j refreshing an4 sue no 20 28 shoulders and shook him violently a volume of inarticulate grunts follow ed pennington plucked the knifo from the woodwork mrs viney ho said over his shoulder do you mind waiting for mo in tho diningroom at tho entrance she looked back what are you going to do sho demanded fearfully he shrugged his shoulders help lessly please go ho whispered ivo got to uso every method i know to enable me to get on the track of your brother before its too late collecting herself with an effort sho crept from tho room closing tho door after her in tho grim halfhour that followed sho lost all sense of time she looked up suddenly to see pennington hoforo her im just ot he said quietly then you know- ho has told mo as much as i want ed to know sho regarded him doubtfully it all sounds so utterly hopeless sho declared ponnlngton was leaning against tho tablo eating bread and cheeao altern ately yoij must remember mrs yiney ha told hor bolween tho mouthful that i have mado it my business to study tha movements of our nrch- baiyiit- it wouj4 ho impossible for mo 9 know nil tils hieiingpincos gut i iavo discovered a good few of thorn sufficient i feci convinced to assist mo in sifting fact from action wong- sec tho intelligent youth i collared in tho net of making a hurried exit is a poor rt of creaturo when brought fnco to face with tho serious problems of this life by dint of dire threats and much patience i gathered he was on the point of proceeding to chaihungs iair to the place where your brother has been taken in effect i wo have arrived at a delightful comj promise wongseo is between scyila and charybdis if he fails to join chaihung tho vengeance of thati gentleman will fall upon him swiftly and surely whether ho seek refuge inj china or any old island in the archi pelago the remaining horn of thoj dilemma is he stuck his tongue in his cheek death by the most hor- 1 rible torture imaginable at the hands of ho who sees in the dark otherwise myself now comes the compromise j he is to proceed to chaihungs hiding place as ho had originally intended i only with pennington in his imme diate rear in this manner he stands a sporting chance of dodging a hor iiplc end at the hands of either fie reached for his hat lujinica slipped between him and the youre not going alone most certainly she stamped her foot impatiently- you musnt do that sho criej its positively absurd supposing there are others waiting for wongsee in the jungle ive been in tight corners before mrs viney he reminded her gently nrd ive managed to squirm out of cm somehow if i attempt to start cut with a crowd of native soldiers the information will be tapped out on some native tciegrnphsystera almost before the men have left the barracks hewitt will be spirited away and tho chances of rescue will becoiro a thou sand times more remote one more couldnt possibly do any harm protested monica im not taking any chances said pennington take me said the girl flushed to the roots of her hair you why not i shall be at my wits end if you leave me here alone her voice broke if chaihung is plot ting against one of us why shouldnt ho send for me while you are away looking for jack pennington glanced hurriedly at his watch anil monica realized that her argument had gone home she seized- his acket impulsively with both hands penningtons one weakness lay in his utter inexperience of the opposite sex come on then ho saidwith a gruffness that was new to her theres an electric torch in tho right- hand drawer of your brothers desk- we may want it trembling with excitement she hur ried in search of it joining him a few seconds later at the foot of the ver andah steps almost at the exact spot where she had seen the man who had impersonated pennington the cookboy awaited tho order to proceed soon they had left the beaten track and were threading their wny through tangled undergrowth under branches so closely interwoven as to exclude tho stars the humming of countless le gions of insects in their ears the bright light of the electric torch de scribing an illuminated circle on tho back of wongsee the night air blew suddenly chill and a slight shiver ran through mon ica her companion brought his head almost level with her cold he demanded softly she smiled up at him not really actually im supreme ly content they relapsed into silenco again and pennington conscious of a smol dering inconsumable firo within glanced covertly at tho trim figure of tho attractive widow who kept pace with him and was glad thafho had let her come he quickened his step until monica found herself- compelled to run to keep up with him to bo continued bake your own bread royai isrsndard ofquality for over scryearsr h0m8aked bread is best ofall extremely graceful lustrous golden brown crepe satin combines with wrong side of fabric in a charming dress with the outside front plaited at waistline and tied in a sash wool crepe printed and plain i m crcpo two tones of silk crepo geor- while travelling in lombard- dun- gette crepe and lightweight woolen a came late in tho day upon the with silk crepo are also fashionable battlefield he was moved to com- for design no 813 patterns can be passion to pity to tenor by the dead had in sizes 16 18 and 20 years 86 and dying and hastened to the near- s8 40 42 44 and 46 inches bust meo sure size 36 requires 314 yards of 40inch material with 114 yards of 32inch contrasting and 1 yards of 27inch lining prico 20c tho pattern how to order patterns write your nam and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 78 west adelaide st toronto patterns sent by return mail british loans m the usa london times ind tho listing of a british government sterling loan on tho now york stock exchange is a historic event of somo importance only a fow years ago amorlcan in vestors were almost comploto strang ers to foreign investments and many argued that they would remain so but they have developed an unexpect ed liking for this form of investment though in all or nearly all cases they have insisted that tho loans should bo dollar obligations and not obligations payable in the currency of tho borrowing country tho list ing therefore of a foreign internal loan marks a now if experimental stago in development of america as an international financial centre a reliable antiseptic mlnards house of commons manners sidney webb in the london ob server ind it is mere ignorance that ascribes all tho parliamentary lapses of manners or morals to the ad vent to the house of commons of the manual working class on the con trary it is argued by students of par- llmentary jiistory that the continued shrinking during the past century of the aristocrat element and the sub stitution first of tho growing propor tion of working lawyers authors journalists and industrial capitalists and then to the extent of about one- eighth of the wihole house of men of manual working antecedents has been at any rate coincident with an equally continuous genoral improve ment in manners and morals and with an actual rlso in the decorum and dignity in which the british parlia ment today surpasses all contempor ary national legislatures world honors dunant as first to urge red cross relief idea 56 nations took part in celebration of 100th anniversary of swiss humanitarians birth sight of battlefield inspired his proposal tals and formation of units cf nurses he added these societies by their permanent existence could also render great service at the time ot epide mics floods great fires and other catastrophes tho humane motlvo which would have created them would instigate them to act on all occasions in which their labors could be exercis ed the principles suggested by dun ant in the 60s of the last century aro today a part of the- articles of tho international red cross treaty and are the major task of the red cross in fiftysix countries tho first international convention was held in geneva in 1sc3 attended by representatives of sixteen coun tries it adopted resolutions to neu tralize wounded hospitals aud medical personnel and for uso of an identical flag by all nations to designate medi cal service in war a formal diplomatic convention in 1sc4 embodied the resolutions in tho treaty of geneva dunant lived to seo a red cro3s so- clety in almost every nations and died at eighttwo years of age in helden switzerland where he had lived in se clusion many years in 1907 the nor wegian parliament awarded him one- half of the first nobel peace prize get behind and help this great living tho hundredth anniversary of the blrfhi in geneva switzerland of jean henri dunant the great humanltar- ian who gave to the world the idea and vision on which tho red cross la founded was observed on may 8th in flftyslx nations twenty million per sons are enrolled under the banner of tho rod crocs the clash of the francosardinian and austrian armies on juno 24 1859 when 300000 men were engaged in handtohand fighting on a tenmile front and 40000 were wounded and dead at the close of the fifteenhour struggle created the idea in dunants by village of castlglllone where ho persuaded peasant women and girls to return with him to succor tho wound ed for days he labored in this relief work until all were under shelter and medical aid given them later ho wrote his impressions of tho semibarbaric neglect of tho wound ed in a pamphlet un souvenir de sol- ferlno it was printed in 1862 in this book he urged formation of socie ties for the neutralization of wound- throbbing movement with energy and ed in war of medical men and hospl- money the joys of life london dally telegraph cons dr j strickland goodall says that the great increase in the number of deaths from heart disease is duo to late hours cocktails cigarettes and the low emotional character of mod ern novels plays and films he who would live long and see good days must avoid emotion take but llttlo exercise not overwork his brain and cut down on his tobacco it is not a very easy prescription to follow and in any caso most of us would prefer to drop down dead in the middle of crook play or sermon than have to en dure the lingering torture of slowly dying by other diseases mr good- all will frighten fewer people into virtuous dullness than he imagines tho theatres and cinemas will not shut down on his account drunk in charge of a car london evening standard ind cons two london police court magistrates men of great oxporlenco and sound judgment have mado it cloar that the old tests for drunken ness are utterly inadequate in theso days of automobiles and- that tho law should be changed whether a man who has been drinking and is in an excited condition ought to bo called drunk is a question which each in dividual will answer according to his own private views but whether ho is in a fit condition to have control of what may so easily become a highly lethal instrument is open to the test of fact no matter how llttlo ho may havo afcon no matter how reason ably ho may be able to talk if his hands aro unsteady on tho wheel it his judgment scorns to ho slow in an emergency then ho is not fit for his responslhlliy ho has undertaken in paths for pedestrians london morning post cons tho country there has sprung up a dastardly habit of removing footpaths provided by our ancestors to protect tho pedestrian or horseman from col lision with a coach or cart never has tho provision of footpaths at tho sldo of ovory mnln road boon as im portant as it is today and tho giving ot a llttlo spaco for users of tho road wio aro not motorlsu should ho tho flrst prlnclplo of road dovolopment throughout tho country recover of 2000000 from tho bot tom of now york harbor shouldnt bo taken as cvldenco in other parts of tho world that the very threshold of tho united states is paved with gold it was salvaged from a wreck an old chinese vase sold in new york recently for 30000 but a rose within it would smell uo sweeter than in a milk bottle mlnards liniment for tailing hair while the sfzp of a town may bo known by its filing stations tho sizo of a city may soon be known by its landing fields extraordinary man hes the most extraordinary man i ever met hows that ho pays every cent that ho owos tho harleydavidson 8ingle cyllndor motorcycle is tho greatest little ma chine that has been mado safo to ride easy to control and most econ omical- stands without a rival 100 miles to gallon of gasollno down payment 105 balance 22 per month for ten months prico 305 walter andrews limited 346 yongo st toronto ont dont suffer headaches or any of those pains a tablet of aspirin can end in a hurry i physicians prcscribo it and approve its free use for it does not affect the heart every drug gist has it but dont fail to ask tho druggist for bayer and dont take any but the tablets that are stamped with the bayer cross iitlrii u tho trade roarv rezlaurcd in canada imfleatjnc ijajer manufacture wi1ii0 ft fa well known that aspirin mean haver manu facture to ufut the public aalrat initiations tle tablet will bo atamixrf wllb lcir jjajer orofia trade jaulc corrugated galvanized steel roofing direct from manufacturers to consumer write for prices w e dillon co limited i ceorge st toronto of course hes always hungry for delicious wholesome satisfying clarifies fig bars tempting moneli of golden brown biicuit n- erotuly fill4 with ghuhu smym jjg lam absolutely pure hi the store or on the phone always ask for feis biscuit s v bf appointment f tbth exctlltntus the goitr iorgtrl smt vltcounttu vmlhuun