stouffville may 17th 1928 at sale to use safe to cook on easy to light strike a match thats am no flaring patentedautomaticwidcstopwih3iot permit flame to rise above set point easy to control flame can be adjusted to any safe level it remains set no toot on pots and pans every bit of oil is changed into clean intense beat in the long chimneys oil reservoir can be easily filled while cooking h being done safe baling a wonderful oven in which you can bake cake fish and onions at the same time with out mixing savors see the wonderful new models at your dealers perfec tion prices which range from 875 to 21250 are splendid value write for full information to general steel wares limited toronto ontario 201 perfection oil burning dogy xt ivvrw av mjmi j markham tp council reeve golin and councillor beatty support higher salary for superlutciidiut mfl today- dtp 156 general sttelwarea ltd toronto yutooo send ma fc particular of th perfection oil range markham township council in re gular session on monday passed a bylaw confirming their action by re solution at a previous meeting in appointing l middleton as road su perintendent for the township at a salary of 125 per month for seven months and fifty dollars per month for the four winter months heeve gohn and councillor beatty opposed the bylaw on the grounds that the salary was not large enough before the bylaw was introduced deputy- reeve padget asked whether or not mr middleton would acept as he un derstood that he had said he would not take it under 2000 per year and i also understand he said that pres sure has been brought to bear on the department of public highways to have them refuse to ratify such a by law if we pass it reeve gohn said he knew of no pressure which ihad been brought to bear on the department and that if there had been any it certainly had not come from him councillor smith it looks as if there had been pressure from some where there was a man out here at our last meeting reeve gohn stated that the man from the department had reported the proceedings of the last meeting to the highway officials but he had done it of his own accord and not at his suggestion the council went into committee of the whole in consideration of the bylaw and reeve gohn asked deputy reeve padget to take the chair the first clause naming l middleton as the superintendent was carried with out any discussion in fixing the sal ary reeve gohn moved and council lor beatty seconded that the salary be 150 per month for seven months councillor smith moved and deputy- reeve stiver seconded that the sal- now its growing mash time and growing birds surely do eat it up you know how they do eat it up theyre just babies who always want a cookie they like good feed and lots of it consider growing mash well egg production next fall when the price of eggs is high is what tells the story dont grow your birds too quickly they dont want to be forced to lay too soon marmill growing mash is a tested feed it wont grow your birds or force them into production too early they will grow the way you want them naturally it contains just the right amounts of cod liver meal powdered butt ermilk fasterfat fish meal minerals etc for making muscle bone and feather if you are not already feeding it try it out for sale by s w hastings stouffville ont rjjmesc establishing a nctt standard in automobiles the du plant yoijjwili say here is a car that give me quicker acceleration more power more speed and easier sustained driving than i ever thought could be had in any car at its price you will notice the quick soft action of the benduc 4wheei brakes the safety features of the full vision windshield and the little effort required to handle the duram 65 in traffic your passengers will be equally enthusiastic regard ing the comfort of rearseat riding and the quality of the twotone upholstery and interior appoint ments go to your nearest durant dealer drive th durant 65 take your friends alone and see if your impressions do not agree with this forecast of them t bmllkj dmront motor 0 cndr llmiud toronto contia passenger cars fomri an j sixel fr 725 t 2195 fotlttttont ttxti exlr ew rugby truth four en j six cycmiert capacity 1 ton mi jl tons hugh boyd dealer stouffville b ary be the same as decided by coun cil at the previous meeting 125 per month for seven months in speak ing in favor ofthe higher salary reeve gohn said that if the govern ment does not approve of the salary paid they could cut out the grant of fifty per cent of the superintendents salary to the township deputyreeve padget the depart ment allows municipalities to hire a man by the day and lots of munici palities in ontario are doing it for all we had to do last winter it was a shame to be paying 90 per month the motion fixing the salary at 125 per month for summer months carried also the motion for 50 for winter months when the bylaw was given its third reading reeve gohn asked for a poll of the council as he was desir ous of recording his opposition to it deputyreeve stiver deputyreeve padget and councillor r a smith voted for the bylaw and reeve gohn and councillor beatty voted against it korvynens wages cut at the previous meeting the coun cil bv resolution had reduced the wages of road foremen from forty to thirtyfive cents per hour several of the foremen were present at the meeting presumably as a deputation and mr d graham addressed the members voicing his objection to the cut in wages he said he considered it a knock to the road foremen to be used this way he said he thought if a road foreman was not satisfac tory he should be sacked but that he felt it was hardly fair to raako such a cut as had foeen made he pointed out that the foreman had a great more to do than the ordinary workman he had to be on the job early and late had reports to make and no man on the job works harder than the foreman as he has to be the leader deputyreeve stiver asked mr graham if he thought it fair that h foreman should go out with one other man to cut weeds and he should receive fortycents an hour and the man beside him thirtyfive mr graham stated that oftentime the foreman had to supply the scythe for the other man mr graham in following up his argument said that the work was so irregular that it interferred with a mans regular occupation and yet foreman had to be ready to go on he road at any time deputyreeve padget brought the discussion to a sharp conclusion by the remark that if any foreman did not want to take thirtyfive cents per hour he didnt have to take it cnshej cemetery ditch wm carruthers vrot3 regarding the ditch at the casuel cemetery and asked that a bridge be placed over same it was decided to deal with the tequest when the council makes the inspection of the roads sometime this month mr richardson of the department of highways for the province of on tario waited on the council re the widening ot the markham road which has been taken over as a pro vincial highway he asked that the work of widening be carried out as soon as possible in answer to his request a resolution was passed to notify all property owners between lots 10 and 11 from concession 1 to the pickering townline to move back their fences to a road allowance of 66 feet fences must be moved by august 31st appointing foremen there was considerable discussion regarding the appointment of road foremen a motion by councillor smith and deputyreeve padget that all foremen 1e dismissed from this date was defeated the spon sors of the motion contended that this action would expedite matters and that any of the former foremen could be hired over again if they were satisfactory a list of recom mended foremen was submitted by road superintendent middleton and with one or two exceptions was adopted by the council there was lengthy discussions regarding the mileage of road to be allotted to a foreman it had previously been agreed that from eight to ten miles was enough and this had also been the suggestion of the representative of the department who visited the council some of the divisions have as many as 27 miles one councillor stated and ho felt they should be cut down the superintendent said that had been his aim but ho had experi enced difficulty in securing men and especially if they were only given a few miles some members favored leaving the appointment over until the next mooting but this was thought unwise and hie following appointments were made jacob widoman d graham 1 dennett d boyd d shadlock phil forsyth j widoman w hatkln a duncan it cunningham j curtis c moynllian and frank mann other riisluess an application was received from harry forester and clarence wide- man for the position of constable agreeing to do the work for 450 per year the application was laid over until the next meeting the following accounts were pass ed road accounts r j cunning ham gormlcy 396 s5 a duncan tjnlonvllle 25180 r lotton unlonvllle 83 0 d boyd stouff- ville s00 f r mann markham 9175 j g wideman stouffville i 4620 jos curtis gormley 60c0f d graham stouffville 10320 d shadlock milliken 2440 d shad- lock 5s30 g h bennett mark ham 5490 l middleton salary for april 9000 l middleton mileage for april 5080 general accounts g a ii davison stamps etc 800 municipal world books etc 2251 general supply co ottawa repairs to grader 830 liberal printing co printing 4s30 langstaff supply co stone 8384 j a thompson assessor salary and postage 279s5 a j campliu assessor salary and postage 27640 leonard wallen 2 d w clublne 30 hours at 60c 18 wjbrumwell four days drag ging townline 20 masten ramer 8 hours shovelling snow 2 jas gowland 4 hours shovelling snow 1 ed mcdowell shovelling snow 2 allen mcdowell shovelling snow 2 jas jarvls shovelling snow 175 jos kirk shovelling snow 150 f pike 6 yards gravel 150 p dun can 7 yards gravel 115 a j cleu- denning 2 w mcdonald 12 yards gravel 3180 wm mcdonald drag ging 360 j s honey stone 450 w mcdonald dragging 9 a f white insurance 1536 council adjourned to meet as n court of revision on monday may 21st eakiv and latk potatoes for sale e storry phone 7605 for sale 14 young pigs 6 weeks old kldon bolander phone 8512 stouffville for sale general purpose mare w o bradshaw lot 29 con 7 markham 12 wanted two good reliable girls general housework summer re sort in muskoka 30 per month apply mrs ralph judd judd- haven po muskoka out 13 for sale roller top desk and revolving chair also taylor safe in good condition f e rae stouffville ont tractor plowing i am pre pared to do tractor cultivating and plowing gordon holden phone 3702 8tt pared to do all kinds of trucking live stock a specialty note quantity cedar ralls for sale lou morden phone 6709 15 card of thanks for the many kindnesses extended to me during my recent illness and for the beautiful flowers sent me i take this means to convey my sin cere thanks mrsgertrude brander church street in mjemoiuam connor in fond and loving memory of our dear husband and father daniel s connor who passed peacefully home on may 18 1927 one year is gone since you left us daniel since you bid us all adieu you have passed to live in heaven and your form no more we view oh how we loved this dear one oh how hard to give him up but an angel came and took him to his heavenly home on high sadly missed by wife and family cars for sale chevrolet coach 1927 model only nine months old for 550 ford coupe in good running order with ruskstell ankle starter and generater for 150 chevrolet touring late 1926 very small mileage and in excellent shape for 350 star roadster with box and body like new good everyway guar anteed for 300 cash or terms to suit on all above cars j e cober auction sale tuesday may 22nd mortgage sale of store property land and house at altona in pickering township see bills for particu lars sale on premises at 2 pm terms cash for particulars see mccullough button solicitors or f w silversldes auctioneer for sale number of plymouth rocks and leghorn pulletsspring hatch arthur bassett phone 7912 stouffville for sale white leghorn baby chicks ready june 1st also barred rock chicks 8 weeks old now ready w a wideman mt joy phone 6500 or harmon jones dicksons hill 13 wanted young calves for veal- ing purposes j churly phone 6405 stouffville 15 house for sale ideal 6roomed bungalo with every convenience bath and electric hardwood floors hot water heating fifine lot and garden apply to owner on pro perty mrs charlotte park main st west end 13 scwl baby chicks for safe look sharp and order your baby chicks now as a limited number only ready for may 19th phone 2706 fletcher goudie horse register golden west king 23675 enrol ment form 1 the property of abner baker will stand at his own stable lot 7 con 8 whit church to insure a foal 12 sin gle mare 2 or more 10 each paybale feby 1st 1929 owners ot mares at time of service held responsible 15 warning notice take notice that parties wishing to construct cess pools or septic tanks in stouffville must secure a permit issued without cost from the board of health parties guilty of infractions of this bylaw are liable to prosecution dr f a da oloh real estate we have sold houses and vacant lots in stouff ville away below the price asked for them so that one never knows where the are at unless you deal with a reliable real estate agency such as we conduct few seem to know the real worth of their pro perty so it is better to consult someone experienced in the busi ness we do not want listing away out of sight either as wa wish to do what is right all round an honest deal is no robbery jacob yake west of railway tracks real estate stouffville take notice the council of the village of stouffville will sit as a court of re vision at the council chamber on friday the first day of june 1928 at seven oclock pm to hear all appeals against the assessment roll for the year 1928 a list of all appeals may be seen at the office of the clerk after the fourteenth day of may the last day for making appeals dated may 8th 1928 12 j s dougherty cleric hnjslc62 new lower prices 135 and upwards only chrysler engineering can give you such great features no other car in its particular price range of 1350 to 1600 has been able to come within leagues of what the great 62 offers in perform ance in quality in style and in value for no other enjoys the benefits of the unique in timate association with the manufacture of such fine cars as the illustrious 72 and imperial 80 chrysler new prices basin ess coupe lsso roadster l370 uitli rumble teal touring 1375 2door sodom xiso coupe l490 with tumble teat 4door sedan tsso landau sedan l600 all prices f o b windsor ontario including standard factory equip ment freight and taxes extra swifts garage stouffville ont the canadianbuilt chrysler for canadians