Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 17, 1928, p. 7

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rheumatic pains due to thin blood relief comes through the use of dr williams pink pills owl laffs cvu on wfth iau0hter ask ma another what smells tho most in a- packing house answor your nose the most a rheumatic sufferer can hope for in rubbing something on the swollen aching joints is a littlo relief and all the while the trouble is becora- 3jr lng more firmly rooted it is now known that rheumatism is rooted in the blood and that as the trouble goes on the blood becomes still further thin and watery to get rid of rheuma tism therefore you must go to the root of the trouble in the blood that is why dr williams pink pills have proved so beneficial whon taken for this trouble they make new rich blood which expels the poisonous acid and the rheumatism disappears there are thousands of former rheu matic sufferers in canada now well and strong who thank dr williams pink pills that they aro now free from j eni oi ta f tho aches and pains of this dreaded b trouble one of these mrs w p tatt mckellar ont who says i am one of the willing ones to tell you of tho great benefit i received from the use of dr williams pink pills after lying in bed for seven weeks suffering untold agony with in flammatory rheumatism relief finally came through the use of this medi cine i could not move in bed only as they lifted me and i could only sleep when opiates were given me the medical treatment i was taking seem- i show them cd of no avail then i was advised to try dr williams pink pills and soon i began to get relief after tak ing six or eight boxes the rheumatism for happiness was banished and i had never felt bet- 1 ter in my life it is several years dont guy tho fat man who wears bince this happened and i have had no a belt and suspenders he is an nr- rcturn of the trouble since i may add dent advocate of safety first that i recommeuded the pills to two j of my friends who were suffering with dad rheumatism and tho pills wero equal- artist ly effectivo in both cases no objection provided you dont try dr williams pink pills for draw on mo anaemia rheumatism neuralgia indi- j gestion or nervousness tako them when we command satan to get as a tonic if you are not in the best behind us its often with the hope that physical condition and cultivate a re- hell push us into uoing something slstance that will keep you well and we want to do but shouldnt strong you can got these pills i through any medicine dealer or by j before we were married you called manager how did you como to leave your last placo clerk i was discharged discharged- what for doing well impossible where wero you in a hospital smart whats the difference be tween a hairdresser and a sculptor slow i dunno what smart a hairdresser curls up and dyes and a sculptor makes faces and busts most people are willing to take all the credit whoa they are successful the unluoky teacher johnny can you tell me what a hypocrite is johnny yes mam its a boy j what comes to school with a smllo on his face when one is too good hes good for nothing you cannot get anywhere quarrcl- i lng with the public the thing to do if happiness be the aim of lifo of what uso is education unless it makes ive decided to become wrin bruin makes friends mail at 50c a box from the dr wil liams medlclno co brockvllle ont me an angel anything well that evidences trol now you dont call me my self-con- wara store poincare looks to us for new wine market premier raymond poincare who is a deo man can do more reputed to be reasonably dry and us- i th a rusty monkeywrench ually drinks water is nevertheless so- 1 an a cat witb a w hard ilcltlous of the prosperity of the french wine industry and does not despair of america changing her ways in respect to prohibition all countries have the right to leg islate as they see fit ho told an audi ence in the southern fronch wino re gion but it isnt forbidden to hope that some day even america will ad mit there is truth in the saying of a charming anglosaxon poet concern ing wine i am health i am heart i am life which he quoted in good english ho went on to say that if wine wero harmful it would bo known one would have known it long ago ho said tho recently created inter national wino bureau was at work and wo will contlnuo to defend wine and seek to convince those who speak ill of il visitors to jasper national park which is canadas largest and finest national playground situated in the heart of the rocky mountains have a splendid opportunity of studying the habits of wild animals for jasper national park is a game sanctuary in the finest sense of the word and guns and hunting dogs are forbidden with in its boundaries it is of interest to observe the manner in which the ani mals recognize this though it is only comparatively few years since thlsgreat sanctuary was set aside the shy deer and mountain sheep are no longer shy the black and brown bears have becomo dally visitors to village ana to hotel grounds and tho animal population of the park is increasing by leaps and bounds their friend instead of as their enemy now it is a dally event to have one or moro bears visit the lodge grounds in search of tho titbits which they know tourists love to feed to them nor is it unusual for u golfer playing over the magnificent scenlo course which has been laid out in tho atha basca valley to meet a bear at tho turn of the fairway or to find a shy deer viewing him with interest as he gets down to line up his putt on one or another of the greens a short time ago it was estimated that tho mountain sheep population of this 5f00 bquaro mllo national park was over 10000 with an equal num ber of deer while the bears nro num- ibered in thousands and are seen at nlinost nny turn of the road and when once a boar cub has developed however it ik bruin who demon- a taste for sugar he is a confirmed strates perhaps most forcibly how the visitor to tho lodge grounds cana- anlmals have come to regard man as j national railways photograph is good tea red rose orange pekoe is the best tea you can buy 1 in clean bright aluminum mistakes mothers make in oars of little ones a tourist onco happened to meet the usual oldest inhabitant of a village in the course of conversation he ask ed the ancient how old ho was i bo just a hundred was tho reply well i doubt if youll see another hundred years said tho tourist trying to mako conversation i dont know so much about that master was tho hopoful response i bo stronger now than when i started on my first hundred many mothers give their children solid foods at too early an age and say proudly that tholr babies eat every thing that grown up people do such a course is almost certain to bring on indigestion and lay tho foundation of much illhealth for the little one other mothers administer harsh nauseating purgatives which in reality irritate and injure the delicate stom ach and bowels and at the same time cause tho children to dread all medi cine absolutely no meat should be given to a child until it reaches the ago of is months and then only if approved by the doctor for medicine all germany builds new ports for air traffic berlin tho month of march saw 1430 airplanes start from or land at tho great tempelhof airport in berlin carrying 3239 passengers and almost thirtyfour tons of baggage freight and post air travel is increasing steadily from ail german stations compelling everywhere a correspond ing enlarging of existing ports and the creation of new ones tho present landing place on the oberwiesenfeld ill the northwestern part of munich comprising about 200 acres is being transformed into a modern airport air traffic in silesia is also making great strides an dthe coming summer will see eight lines in operation telephone service slow chinese wreck exchange verbal abuse of telephone eon- trau when connections are not forthcoming is for general li yun- chang as inadequate way to cxpross exasperation this war lord who commands the 35th division of general chu yupua llldlsclpllned chlhll army had trou ble getting a collection through the tientsin head oirtco exchange- after exhausting a stock of expletives learn ed in tho rugged shantung mountains general li sent soldiers of his body guard to tho exchange to show that ho was not to be trifled with the soldiers assaulted several chinese operators smashed equipment and in terrupted service for more than three hours of a busy afternoon tho exchange is in chinese terri tory just outside the boundary of the italian concession but it servos a large portion of the foreign areas the chinese operators could not be per suaded to return to their posts until the companys foreign engineers ar rived took charge and made tho ne cessary repairs dictator chang tsolln at pekln has ordered an investigation of tho affair classified advertisement hoviba amd btobaoe hill the mover pioxebit dis tance movers of canada largest needy padded van new equipment latest methods two experienced men every trip all loads insured beyond compare for aktll and care hefore you move write us or wire and reverse the charges head office hamilton ontario canada hill the mover a dogs life los angeles times an actress wants to start a rural retreat for homo- less dogs this is one of those things that an actress would start she could probably never keep ono bus- band and therefore considers herself qualified to tako care of ninetytwo dogs anyhow notoriety in it there may bo a little mlnarda liniment for toothache announcements of participation in strong disagreeable oils and powders the ua the great international air should be abandoned and babys own traffic exposition to bo held in berlin tablets given instead from october 7 to 28 have been re- babys own tablets aro especially celved from so many countries ln- the j another advantage noah had was that he didnt have to bring out a new model ark every year or two too much so but my dear madam what is the matter with this photograph it looks exactly like you why it has mo looking exactly like a perfect old grouch a pretty way to serve strawberries a simple and pretty way to servo largo strawberries is to leave the hulls on and arrango them in a circle on individual plates around a cone of sugar eash berry is taken by the hull dipped in the sugar and eaten from tho fingers a few strawberry leaves on a glass plato mako an at- made for little ones they are pleas- eluding the united states that ant to lake and can be given with i two great auto halls on the exposition nbsolute safety to oven the newborn grounds will not be large enough to babe they quickly banish constlpa- contain all the exhibits and it will be tlon and indigestion break up colds j necessary to use a third great hall and simple fevers and make the cut ting of teeth easy thoy are sold by medlclno dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box rom the dr williams medicine co brockvllle ont which is now being built the exposi tion will bo by far the greatest of its kind over held english police get glowing tributes somebody says therell never be a monument to an unknown politician still if they ever find a politician ad mitting hos unknown hell be worth a monument howmucliwatep should baby get afamous- authoritys lme ify tiuthsrluain red rose tea is guaranteed in every way order a pack- j tractlvo background for tho lusolons age today use any portion uerrlo or it and if you are not en tirely pleased you may return the balance to your grocer and your money will be refunded 0 smoking should not bo permitted in barns or other buildings whore com- bustlblo material is stood kooplng tho alleys and floors of those buildings tidy will aid in fire prevention reduce the acid with only a shred of evi dence two malefactors are brought to justice london remarkable tributes to english police efficiency and the speedy dctoctlon and apprehension of criminals was paid by tho press fol lowing mr justlco avorys sentencing tho two slayers of constable guttor- ldgo who was shot down in the per formance of his duty the crime was committed by motorcar thieves in the darknoss of a lonely country road on sept 27 no one was arrosted for many months scotland yard with ohly a shred of evidence to guide them ar rested the suspocts on jan 20 and step by step built up a conclusive case tho jury quickly found thorn both guilty after a flvoday trial and tho court imposed tho extremo pen- baby specialists agree nowadays alty thus ending whnt tho times that during th first six months bable3 leader characterizes as tho most ro- must havo three ounces of fluid per markahlo trial for murdor in recent pund of body weight dally an ight years in no caso within living i p bab for instance needs twon- momory havo tho police shown moro j ot fluld later on the i in i- i ii r i i rule is two ounces or fluid per pound ability in the detection of obscure and of body weght tbe nmou j flu apparently inexplicable crimes absorbed by a breast fed baby is best convictions obtained at a long in- determined by weighing him beforo tcrval after a crlmo has been com- j and after feeding for the wholo day mlttod are of special vnluo for tho j and it is easily calculated for tho bot- protectlon of spcioty they bring home he fed one then mako up any de- to tho most undoslrablo criminals hclency with water that tho arm of tho law is long and giving baby sufficient water often cscapo from arrest and from suspicion i toii his feverish crying upset and for many months cannot froo thom i e spoils if it doesnt give him a fow drops of fletcher s t nstorla from the haunting dread that retri- for theao ottor mfl button will reach them in tho end cn su as colic cholera j diarrhea gas on stomach and bowos mr solomon went for a ram ride constipation sour stomach loss of ono day and had to stand up pro- sleep undorwolght etc loading sontly a passenger got in and the con- physicians say tares nothing so ef- ductor ithoutod will you movo up fc ll ls l vogctablo tho a bit please certainly with pleas- f on i wra ain i didnt like your prayer this morning said the deacon no answered tho minister and what was toe matter with it well in the first place it was too long and apart from that it contained two or three expressions which i thought were scarcely warranted i am sorry deacon the minister replied but it might be well to bear in mind that tho prayer wasnt addressed to you our bterdela at tcd for hijb rgg pioduclion white rroivrj and bu3 lrgiiorna baimi and wliie rru r i knli an- conaa bui orrvrptnru whits wyandottn andup kcg livf delivery kturanterd wns xkv fm tree cltck bock chweguebs haichery amaia imratonr after shaving mix minards with sweet oil and rub the face sooth s burns of a dragging razor ffrettone tread is scientifically needs this true blood tssls most people men and women of all ages arc bene fitted by taking trublood a safe and proven tonic for the blood first successfully used as a doctors pre scription trublood is wonderfully effective in bringing back health to all whose ailments are caused by impover ished or impure blood and while correct ing blood disorders of which disfiguring rashes eczema and painful boils are tho outward evidences trublood gives you a clear skin of velvety softness the tortures ot my form of skin disease at more quickly overcome by usinc buckleys ointment in conjunction with bucklers trublood besides healing thi magic oint ment softens and beautifies ibr kin get then buckley products today at any drug store tbnes tie blood clears uic shin ure said mr solomon tms happen- of mothers havo depended on it in blck stomachs sour stomachs and tako a oouful iu water and your over h of 0v6r i indigestion usually mean excess acid unhappy condition will probably end oil again and again until he reached it re babys bowels tho stomach nerves aro overstlmu- in live minutes then yo v ill always j the end of the car thon tho conduc- makes him sloop and eat right enables latcd too much acid makes tho stem- 1 know what to do crude and harmful tor came up for his faro vat crlod get full nourishment from his nch and intestines sour methods will never appeal to you co solomon yon vant my fare vi j food so ho increases in weight as be alkali kills acid instantly tho best iprovo this for your own sake it may ive valkcd all tho vayr form is phillips milk of magnesia be- savo a great many dlsagrecablo hours i i cause ono harmless tasteless dose j lo suro to get tho genuino phillips i tho practice pcoplo get in working nculrallzcs many times its volumo in i milk of magnesia prescribed by physl- 1 crossword puzzles should aid thorn in jtcld slnco its invention 60 years clans for 60 years in correcting oxcoss i making out tax returns lujo it has remained tho standard j acids each boltlo contains full dl with physicians everywhere ircctlons any drugstore mlnarda llnlmont for insect bites when fireatone engineers were- developing tho balloon tire they found it necessary to design a tread altogether different from that re quired by high pressure tires tho firestone tread waa not de signed with large massive projec tions for appearanco or to make plausible sales argument on the contrary tho projections of the crossandsquare tread are small and the rider strips narrow permit ting tho tread to yield to irregulari ties and cling to the road giving tho greatest nonskid surface this tough pliable tread has the wear- resisting qualities that give thou sands of extra miles of service and save you money your nearest firestono dealer will gladly supply your needs and give you the better service that goes with these better tires firestone tire rubber co op canada limited hamilton onutrio most miles per dollar pinkhams compound s wonderful read this letter from a grateful woman he should with each package you get a book on motherhood worth its weight in gold just a word of caution ixok for tho signature of chan ii fletcher on tho packago so youll la suro to get the genuine the forty cent bottles contain thirtyfive doses j gumdipped tires firestone buims the only gum- dipped tires vanessa ont i think lydia b pinkhams vegetable compound fa wonderful i have had six children of which four aro liv ing and my young est is n bonmo baby boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds i havo taken your medi cine before each of them was born and have certainly re ceived great benefit from it i urge my friends to take it as i am sure they will receive the samo help i did mrs milton -mc- mullex vanessa ontario issue no 19 28

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