willrins hop oer the top greatest event in aviation the australian knight of the air accomplished a wonderful performance in his little advertised flight of scientific value to the aviation record of a year already replete with wonderful ad ventures la the air must be added the greatest of them all the flight of capt george ii wilklns and lieut carl b elelson from point barrow alaska to svalbard spitsbergen on a great circle course between green land and the north pole this non stop flight of approximately 2200 miles was a victory for a practically untried machine and for tho typo of aircooled engine made famous by lindbergh it was the third attompt of tho australian soldlerexploror and his american pilot to explore by air plane the unknown area between al aska and the pole and captain wil klns deserves all honor for his con quest by what is regarded as the greatest flight in history he takes his place as a result of this flight over tho top of the world among the truly great figures in aviation and arctic exploration thore has been nothing like it in tho annals of avia tion the achievement clinches tho contention of captain wilklns that the airplane rather than the dirigible is the most suitable medium for arctic exploration amundsen ellsworth and their companions lew from spitsbergen to ward the north polo in two airplanes wero forced down and made a thrill ing escape on the ono plane which re mained serviceable byrd and ben nett went north with a crew of volun teers aud with seeming ease took off for the pole flew around it and were back within a few hours the amundsenellsworth expedition with its personnel transferred to a dirlgi- ble balloon next flew to the polo from spitsbergen and continued on to al- oska during all that time wilkins was struggling against a heartbreak ing defeat of his efforts at exploration with pint barrow the northernmost lip of alaska es a base this was his third expedition the first was al most a complete failure though brief flight over the arctic ocean bit a sizable piece out 01 the unexplored area tho second wai marked by an air cruise which charted an immense area of the icecap wilklns and icieison brought their plane down and landed on the lee to make soundings which would determine the ocean depth they found it was more than three miles they made a second landing for scientific reasons on the third landing they crashed and were forced to abandon the machine fash ion patts of it into a sled and mush their way out a harrowing experi ence wilklns work has been of extra ordinary value to world scientists for many years and it is strange that the public generally has passed him by for more picturesque heroe3 he in an australian his first experi ence in the arctic was with stefans- bon in 1315 ho came back to fight in the british army during the world war and won conspicuous honors for bravery the war gave him training in aviation aud he was navigator of one of the planes which made the londonaustralia flight in 1913 pew in this country will remember his ensuing exploration of tropical aus tralia later he was second in com mand of sir ernest shackletons last antarctic expedition for the past three years most of wilkinss fellow cxplorrs have been inclined to scoff it his efforts in tho north they could honor him for ills courage and deter- minaiion but could not understand his adherence lo airplanes as a con- rcyatice and to point barrow as a base hi faith has been vindicated and he stands today among the greatest of living explorers hits bulls eye in flying from point barrow alaska to dead mans island in the spits bergen group captain wilklns per formed a feat f navigation that is ac claimed by his greatest rivals byrd and amundsen by his preceptor in ex ploration stefansson and by the man in the street willie the transatlantic flyers of the last nine years have had a continent to aim for his setting a courso for spitsbergen over 2000 miles dlsstant was like looking for tho proverbial needle in a haystack in his flight to the pole byrd follow- od a comparatively simple course par allel with tho greenwich merldan as did amundsen wilkins flow over a route much more difficult to navigate scoring the famo that would havo been bis as tho second exploror to fly over tho north pole by airplane ho deliberately followed tho courso previously mapped out over tho area most likely to contain land no foxes seon says his brief mos- sago to tho american geographical society docodod this means that he discovered no land but tho knowl- edgo that laud doo3 not ho along the courso of his flight u of just as much valuo to scfenco as tho actual discov ery of a now confinement would bo wilklns modest captain wilkins and lieutenant elelson according to nowspaper dis patches flew from fairbanks alaska to point barrow a dlstanco of 550 miles on march 13 ho had made tho trip over mountains 10000 feet in height a dozen times boforo it was i ar i month later april 15 that i itisgod to got tholr small mono- this mailwas carried by postal airplane to toronto plane into th air with its load of 3400 pounds most of this consisted of gasoline and oil 370 gallons of the foror and twoire gallons of the latter when they landed thore was barely enough fuel in the tanks to carry tlein a hundred miles furthermore they landed on a bleak and desolate island during a atorm in which a radl operator at the neighboring kings bay station lost his way in walking from the station to the village and rroze to death prom previous experience captain wilkins decided that the machlno for the aruspolar flight should be the lighut and fastest monoplane capa- blo of covering the distance h chose a practically untried machlnoi the oclkheedvega powered with a wright aircooled motor the food supply consisted of chocolate biscuits pemmican malted milk and raisins they carried two primus stoves which i burn vaporized kerosene or gasoline under pressure a rifle and 350 cart ridges in case of a forced landing on the arctic icepack sounding gear thermometers snowshoes a wind- proof tent and spare clothing their wireless set functioned for a time then gave out the successful outcome of the first trauspolar journey by airplane in the opinion of captain wilklns was due to the skilful of piloting of lieutenant elelsou a perfect monoplane and en gine reliable gasoline aud oil favor able weather most of tho way good luck and careful navigation wil klns himself did the navigating yet one might gather from his story of tho flight that he was a mere pas senger as a matter of fact it wa3 his experience in exploration and his kuowledgo of aviation that enabled tim to fly over the top of the world his success against heavy odds will bring a sense of satisfaction to all who have admired his pluck and deter mination in sticking to his original plan of scientific value the wilkins flight makes a contrl- c c c kt a r- i hution to our definite knowledge of situation btill serious in whole northern area irom the the globe it is more than a flyingj laurentian shield north stunt in tho first place it seems to j establish beyond further doubt the nonexistence of laud between alaska and the pole it also shows tnat an i three children were drowned tues air route ovor tho polar regions be- day returning from school in o flat tween london and tokio for cx- bottomed boat according to word re ample is feasible and thousands of iceived at sudbury several other chil how planes will speed up delivery of letters tho map hero shows how air mall which is now inaugurated will reach torhito from kimouskl and how much time and distance will be saved by the air route over the rail route the time ahown is the actual running time air mail will save 18 hours coming to toronto train connections making the difference no 1 picture show3 how the letters will he stamped 2 postmaster lemon of toronto 3 the steamer empress of scotland which brought the mail over from the old country tho mail was dropped off at the bimouski dock and was taken by truck the short distance to tho lauding hold there 4 the transcontinental airways plane which brought mail from bimouski to montreal 5 duke schiller who won famo la his seusatioual dash to meet the german fliers and who will now pilot file transcontinental plane on the airmail first leg 6 the canadian airways company plane which made the hop from montreal to toronto 7 ii s quigley president of the canadian airways 8 louis couture president of tho transcontinental airways 9 hon p j venlot postmastergeneral at ottawa who had charge of the arrangements t havoc caused by floods in wide northern area floods in northern i claimed five lives miles shorter the map of the world dren were rescued ontario have plants of that company throughout the north are operating except the auxil iary station at indian chutes on the montreal river near elk lake it has been flooded out- mr harrison says the stop logs are out of ail the dams s been no after the boat cap- in the territory and there ha- atches stated serious trouble at any of t word was received at parry sound plants although it has been found nee- of the drowning of two indian trap- to change the load at somo of j pers when their canoe capsized in the places to meet conditions on the has been changed by tho wilklns- 1 sized meagre despatches stated- serious trouble at any of tho other elelson flight aud such mythical ter ritory as keenan land and crocker laud definitely eliminated writing in the elks magalne at the time captain wilklns wa3 making his plans burt m mcconnell an as sociate of his on the stefansson ex pedition explained that captain wliklns is in search om meteorological and commercial flying data at the top of tho world later from tho information obtained on this expedition he hopes to interest the clrcumpolar nations in establishing meteorological stations in the arctic and antarctic and in working out a sybtem of observations whereby weather conditions for th entire world may be forecast captain wilkins believes that if he flnd3 land in the unexplored area north of alaska it will have great potential value both from the com mercial and military viewpoints his chief purpose is to discover whether the last unexplored area of the north ern hemisphere 13 land or sea but ho will also attempt to provo that the shortst airtrade routes of the world canadas trade up imports 120454685 and exports over 109000000 ottawa total trade of canada for the month of march this year amount ed to 229601435 as compared with 170393751 for february an increase of 53207584 imports totalled 120- 454685 and exports 106974564 while foreign exports amounted to 2172186 tho greatest increase of imports over the month of february was in iron and its products in february high waters the canoe has been found bottom up but no trace of tho bodies have been discovered from north bay to cochrane nearly 300 miles rivers are still on tho rampage though tho waters are now reported to be receding more bridges nnd dams have been swept away in algoma flood waters havo reach ed the record height of 20 feet above the normal level settlers have been forced to move back to high lands- no serious property damage howover has been reported on the ottawa the situation re thought serious but the crest of tho flood is still to arrive from tho north and tho valley towns aro decidedly worried help goes forward emergency relief to sufferers from tho flood disaster at field in tho dis- mattamnmi river he says flooding was due to a log jam there is no danger at either the quinze or temi-s- kaming dani3 this information indi cates 56000 damage sturgeon falls damage in stur geon falls as a result of the floods now raging in tho district will aggre gate 50000 mayor theo igaut esti mated in addition there will bo a considerable loss to farmers who have been prevented by the high water from cultivating their land employes of the spanish river pulp and paper co will also bo caused considerable loss mains critical damage as yet is not through their being thrown out of cm this item accounted for 2161464 and in march for 35055472- fibres and textiles also showed a large increase the total trade for the twelve months ended march 31 was 2359- 412763 as compared with 2298465- 647 during the preceding fiscal year i m ports for tho year wede valued at 1108956466 while exports amounted to 1228207606 this latter figure did not include foreign cxport3 the total of which was 22248691 canadas increase in imports for tho fiscal year ended march 1928 over tho previous year was 73063961 whilo exports declined by 23949900 foreign exports increase by about seven million dollars gault estimated at field the water has risen to the ceilings of the first floora of houses trict between north bay and sud- 20 families who lived in singlo are across tho arctic wastes slnco is bng offered by tho canadian s homes havo been forced to move the days of magellan steffansson ro- rj cross society following a confer- mlnds us ithas been a commonplace with hon mr finlayson min- that you can go east by sailing west i8ter of forests and mines it la now about to become an equal it was thought necessary to act at commonplace that you can go cast by on consequently dr f w routley flying north that tho shortost routo 0 the ontario division accom- ploymcnt when tho flood waters flood ing the basement of tho mill forced abandonment of tho work there nnn e i j s wuiesden magistrate are you old moro than 1000 acres of land in j j v t r enough to bo married young man the district under water mayor le- ii yes but not silly cnr enough from europe to chin 13 a northerly on wilklns is probably better qualified for the flight ho contemplates than any other man ho has had more ex- perlenco in aviation than any othor explorer and a broader training in both arctic and antarctic explora tion than any othor aviator no advertising thero was no blare t trumpets to buoy him up and hearten him thoro wero no loud or lurid proclamations the adventuro was undertaken with as little initial publicity as lind berghs famous trip to paris and tho result was accomplished with equal easo in relatively as brief a time and what is gained to sclonco or gnraorod for human knovlodgo by wilkinss flight thero aro no doubt scientific gains but the greater gain lies in the exaltation of tho human spirit that all such victories over na ture bring in tho lofty hope that mans progress though impoded by great na tural obstacles will yet wrest all hor secrets and treasures from tho un known panicd by w h alderson chairman of tho red cross committee on disaster and emergency relief are now at field with supplies and oilers of help- field is a village of 500 people water rises at haileybury cobalt out tho flooded waters of iako tcmiskaming were within a foot of tho floor of tho haileybury dock and wero still rising tho municipal pumping station is threatened n3 the flood was creeping gradually nearer tho top of the protecting concrete breakwater for safetys sake two of tho three motors havo been removed from tho building and town officials wero frankly npprehonsive that the wator would bo over tho wall beforo long all the rivers draining into tho lake still are in high flood nnd the mon treal river at latchford has reached almost to the floor of the bridge carry ing tho ferguson highway across that stream it is about four feet above normal the road is under water in several places close to latchford but tho railway has not been affected nnd communication by this means con- tlnucs without interruption the nip- c 0 issing control railway operating be- unginal burvey kecords tween cobalt and new iiskenrd also in tho rocord ofilce of tho topo- is running on normal lines although graphical survey branch department the waters of the lake are within a of tho interior thero nro on fllo over short distance from the tracks at one giooo different itoms in tho nature point of plans and original survoy notes be- according to 15 v harrison gen- ing tho returns from dominion lands oral manager of the canadian north- surveys mnco their inception in ism orn power corporation all of the- to higher buildings transportation facilities other than row boau aro at a standstill deliveries of provisions hrc carried on by boats and groceries bread and milk aro being handed in to householders through the second storey windows of their homes isnt it strango that many houses furnished in modern stylo aro just full of antiques relief expedition is off to greenely us government backs flight to get bremen plane out miller field ny two army am phibian planes from holling field washington landed hero on the first leg of a flight to grenoly island whero they will aid in removing the trans- atlantic plane bremen tho pilots gave no indication as to when they would continuo tho journey north it is the war department plan to send tho planes to labrador with fred melchor chief junkers mechanic beforo tho ground at greenely becomes too soft from the spring thaw to per mit a safe tneoff in the bremen totem for toronto princo rupert bc a century- old totem pole 30 feet high from gillakdamis in the nans valley has been delivered here by natives for forwarding to the royal on tario museum toronto tho to tem belonging to the frog clan was secured by dr barklan of ottawa last summer- althoughi tho bremon missed goal it mndo a splondid landing tho front page the oa college issues invitation farmers of ontario invited to see what their college is doing annual picnic the annual picnic or excursion days on which the oac staff is prepared to meet and entertain their former friends are announced- tues june 19th the counties of wentworth lincoln welland nor folk kent essex elgin and haldi- mand wed june 20th halton wat erloo dufferin perth huron grey and bruce thurs juno 21st brant peel simcoe york ontario durham nor thumberland and eastern counties fri june 22nd oxford wel lington middlesex lambton mus- koka victoria and petcrboro take a holiday the stalf of tho college as in for mer years servo a hearty lunch at noon and have a competent staff of guides on hand to show visitors around what is possibly the greatest operating example of successful farm management in canada it is well worth whilo taking a day off and visit ing the headquarters of advanced agricultural thought in our province for one little idea properly applied will pay for the oxpensc and wider vision is bound to attend the effort on your part doctor aro you sura you take your glass of hot water ovory morn ing patient i do doctor but the landlady calls it coffee prince carol is storm centre is ordered to leave england not pc on milted to make england jumping off spot for his attempt to regain crown situation in rumania is serious press throttled visit to england presumably on purely personal business prince carol of roumania was asked to leave tho country it develops that the princo and his friends had plotted to fly from london to roumania and tak ing advantago of tho unrest caused by tho peasants congress had planned to seize tho roumanian throno prince is hurt situation in roumania news from roumania declares that a reign of terror has been inaugurated against tho press three important correspondents have been under nrrost for several days how many olhors arc confined is not known despatches thnt havo reached yienna being smuggled over tho fron tier slate that what in reality turned into a fiasco last sunday might hnvo london princo carol chagrined by the british request thnt ho depart been otherwise but for tho indecision from england received o reply from md lac of courage of tho peasant sir william joynsoniilcks tho homo party leader juliu mnniu- secretary to whom ho had protested i the jjarlys congress at alba jullt against tho invitation to leave i ended in disaster so far as tho peas i tho nature of tho governments re- ants wero conccmod this gavo tht sponso to his appeal as announced govornmcnt the courago to inaugurate mado it understood that tho former a reign of terror which hitherto it had roumanian crown princo could not feared to do becnuso it was uncertain use england ns a base of activity against a friendly country his departure with his mistress mdme lupescu will relievo pleasant situation for tho government of tho peasants real strength instead of deed m maniu much to tho disgust of tho miners and many nn un- of tho party leaders gavo only words british and then retreated when his fo tookthcso words seriously followers