Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 3, 1928, p. 7

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owl laffs omwithuuohter or the high cost of living i hear men complain i cannot refrain from replying it is still somewhat cheaper on earth to remain for just think of the high cost of dying if a man will talk you can size him p quickly johnnlo rapp gazed dclightetdly at nls stunning date as she gracefully descended the stairway his heart beat violently as he realized that all this beauty was his charmingly she new strength for weakstomachs indigestion disappears when the blood is enriched tho most urgent need of all who suffer from any form of indigestion is a tonic to enrich tho blood pain and distress after eating is the way the stomach shows that it is too weak to perform the work of digesting the food it takes new strength is glren to weak stomachs by dr williams pink pills because they purify and en rich the blood this accounts for the speedy relief in stomach disorders that follows tho use of this medicine the value of this medicine in cases of indigestion is shown by tho case of norwegians aid canadas development stood before him and i whispered george w j le how do i look dearest xs wq0 bav8 have n0 hesita sweetheart he murmured as he 1 a group of norwegians photographed after having spent a few years in canada 2 young girl dressed in tho typical of her native country by introducing into canada such win- 600000 roughly 69000 are of norwe- ter sport talent as that of the nelson gian origin the animal average in- brothers in skijumping and others in flux of immigrants from norwegian 7777 a1um1num imprcre tour car apperanc they keep it clean lnxle and prevent wear on running- board step plates ask your automobile ivaler to show you the new model or write for list 2383 dundas st west toronto canada suly brass foundry ltd v i in recommending dr williams figure skating norwegians have won ports is 5000 the majority travelling took her in his arms you look mighty pjnk pl wag grea dmressed l favqr e kooil to me esteem lu the eyes of by canadian pacific ships to quebec i with indigestion always after eating canadians and montreal in the summer and st v il v f i offered from pains in the stomach ncls nelsen cpr brakeman john nb in the winter these ves- sels are splendidly equipped for this you she breathed snuggling closer a otllr alsivesslbg symptoms i ci a kor rccord i at jim knowledge is better than wealth tom yes i know but id rather have the inferior article a fortydollar saddle on a twenty- dollar hoss looked silly and that may explain why a college boy doesnt wear a hat it a fellow stays more than ten min utes in a phone booth while others ere walling he deserves the wrong numbers he gets their strange habits spring summer autumn and winter more or less come and go every year not only in springfield massachusetts but all over the country we hear springfield mass union spring summer autumn and winter come each year to practically all of the states cut out here in newark ohio we now and then feel that they have mixed their dates newark ohio advocate spring summer autumn and winter come by and visit us every year as a rule and we say without fear of successful contradiction the latter part of june is quite cool is edna dumb is she dumb she tried to slap the doctor when he told her she had acute dyspepsia an angry denial is often a confes sion of guilt i tried different remedies but without revelstoke bc lu making a success getting relief i was advised by a ful leap down the mountain side of friend to try dr williams pink pills 1 240 feet a distance that has not yet which i readily did and i am feeling i heen surpassed his brother ivlnd very grateful ever since to the person i nelsen created the record for the who gave mo the advice the very first box helped mo and before i had taken a half dozen boxes i was re stored to my former good health and all traces of this distressing trouble disappeared it is now about a year since 1 took the pills and 1 have not been troubled with indigestion since 1 have taken every occasion to recom mend dr williams pink pills to those in need of a medicine and shall con tinue to do so a little booklet what to eat and how to eat ivill he sent free to any one asking for it you can get the pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a box from the dr wil liams medicine co brockville ont purpose and carry as many as 900 immigrant passengers at a time con siderably exceeding the capacity of other lines the settlers travel from oslo and quebec jump this winter in making jchristlanln by the weekly service 114 feet a highly creditable perform- maintained by the elleman wilson ance on that particular jump 1 steamship line to hull across engj at banff and quebec and other win- j land by the london and north east- tetr sport centres in canada nor- ern railway and embark at liverpool wegians as amateurs and profession- special cpr trains run from quebec als have contributed much to native through to winnipeg for distribution figure skating talent they have un- of tho immigrants throughout western doubtedly shared in the training of canada the outstanding canadian skaters the canadian pacific maintains many of whom have won great distlnc- agencies for tho service of prospec- tion in international and world com- tive norwegian immigrants at aale- petitions blind bergen oslo stavanger and out of canadas population of 9- trondhjem our mother mothers day may 13th who waits upon us night and day and meets us with a smile who soothes the hurts we get at play and sings to us the while our mother who sews the buttons on our clothes and smoothes out every wrong who makes us soon forget our woes by singing some sweet song our mother and when were cross and things look blue and the world seems upside down who wipes away our bitter tears and kisses away our frown our mother and when we have so many cares that it seems we cannot rest to whom do we go for comfort but to her whom we all love best our mother and when her span of life is spent and her cares all laid aside we know she has earued a great re ward and always will with him abide qasiified advertisement boys jiaye xkss earn your owt ix -jl- hig bonuses yvile munuard company box 601 toronto moyxgq amd stobaoe hill the mover pioneei 1s- tance movers of canada larf blrtdy padded vans new erjuipui t latest methods two experienced rna every trip all loads insured hevoi compare lor skill and care before yiju move write u or wire and reverse ilie charges head office hamilton ontarlk canada hill tho mover customer well it looks like rain milkman mebbe so but its milk no maude if you doubt a womans judgment just look at some of the husbands they pick once on a time a minister told a story like this on one occasion i preached to a congrepatlou where there were fiftyseven women and four men present this was a prayer meeting on another occasion i preached to 320 men and three women this was in the state penitentiary 16 rules of health 1 ventilate every room you occupy 2 wear light loose and porous clothes 3 seek outofdoor occupations and recreations 4 sleep outofdoors if you can 5 avoid overeating and overweight 6 avoid excess of high protein foods such as meat fresh foods eggs also excess of salt and highlysea soned foods 7 eat some hard some bulky some raw foods daily 8 eat slowly and taste your food 9 use sufficient water internally and externally 10 secure thorough intestinal elimin ation dally 11 stand sit and walk erect 12 do not allow poisons and infec tions to enter the body 13 keep tfce teeth gums and tongue clean 14 work play rest and sleep in moderation 15 breathe deeply take deepbreath ing exercises sveral times a day 16 keep serene and wholehearted a babies have nerves- i3yhuth britta1n lord dewar speaking at the ban quet of the knights of the round table club in london said every day is a leap year day when you are crossing a onewaiy street respect ability is tho state of never being caught doing anything which is pleas ure a mans reputation is that which is not found out about him the man today who wakes up and finds mm- sclf rich is the prize fighter had words with him too 1st stude how do you and tho professor of philology get ou to gether 2nd ditto all right i guess but ive had a good many words with him too 100000 see rangers celtics beaten 4 to 0 in soc cer final before record crowd in glasgow first half is scoreless why torture the little ones mothers do you think it fair to tor ture your little ones by forcing them to take illtasting oils when they need a laxative medicine dont you find that the childs dread or these medi cines often do more harm than good babys own tablets are the mod ern substitute for these nauseous doses they are the very medicine the child requires and are so pleasant to take that they are as easy to admin ister as a glass of water they are the perfect remedy for all the minor ailments of little ones being absolute ly guaranteed free from injurious drugs babys own tablets accomplish all that castor oil and other badtasting vjiji frffif f remedies can do in fact they accom- 11 111 tilullx911 vujp more a8 gy d0 not ieave tne child exhausted from its struggle against taking medicine they re lieve teething pains banish indiges tion and constipation break up colds and simple fevers and promote health ful refreshing sleep they are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a box from tho dr williams medi cine co brockville ont typewbitebb cheap xrav uxrr- yvrite for for tho t ou can buy x wood for 5 a month booklet on little underwood home fiftyfive dollars underwood us ylctorla street toronto bos qualitt cxass a chicks prom healthy heavy layers of large eg sc english white leghorns ancona rocks reds and assorted chicks ur reasonable prices also pullets nw money down tay full amount ten day before chicks ale shipped or coi special discounts 100 per cent live de livery postpaid catalogue free bos hatchery zeeland mich a no 2c ladies wanted to do plain and light sewing at home whole or spare time good pav work sent any distance charges paid send stamp for particulars national manufacturing montreal use mlnards liniment for corns many a man who wouldnt lake no for an answer is writing cheques for alimony but victors open relentless drive in second half and overwhelm rivals glasgow scotland the glasgow rangers won the scottish football as sociation cup defeating tho celtics of glasgow 4 to 0 on saturday april 14 april 14th the match was played at hampden park in fine cold weather and was at tended by a record crowd for a scot tish cup tie of 100000 persons many fans were unablo to gain admittance to the grounds the gates of which were closed well before tho start explains why whales sink some survive thrust only to be drowned later some whales when harpooned float and others sink robert w gray gives an explanation of this peculiar fact in a letter to nature whales struck or harpooned with the hand harpoon or with the simple gun har poon rarely die at once but survive and after descending to a great depth return to the surface when they are again attacked with harpoons being finally dispatched with whale lances a few however of those that survive and descend fail to return to the sur face and are drowned a whale must como to the surface to breathe and if it has not strength enough left to do so its lungs fill with water and it is no longer able to float as it would do if its lungs were filled with air romantic young thing when i come out ou the front after dinner and gaze at the moonlit sea i feel too full for words practical youth you i wouldnt feel like that if you stayed at our boarding house schwecters vthorobredbatky francogerman collaboration factor in peace the chilly seasons almost through but winter finds it hard to tile so when you bid the snow adieu say au revolr but not goodby out breeder are bred for biea egt production white biowo and buff leghorn batrerl and whits rocka r i red ao- coaaa buff oroiastona whit wyandotte rtandup i00j5 irve delivery iu arcej w lodv for rc ckck book khwegurs hatchcar- ernrc collii burns spread minsrcts liniment mixed with sweet oil on brown paper and cover injured parts soothes and heals rapidly there is a limit to everything no airplane can fly so high that it doesnt have to ome back to the ground for gasoline woman hardly the lowest priced mixer in canada writo for frco ho- scriptivefoldiq or catalog allowing i complete line larger sizes much of the nervousness in older children can bo traced to the over stimulation during infancy caused by regarding baby as a sort of animated toy for the amusement of parents re latives and friends baby may be played with but not for more than a quarter of an hour to an hour daily beyond that heing handled tickled caused to laugh or even scream will sometimes result in vomiting nnd in variably causes irritability crying or sleeplessness frelfulness crying and sleepless- nets from this cause can easily be avoided by treating baby with moro mrantford wondertoncrete mixe r gooid shapujt b pfuw co u4 brsatforcj oat m laurent tells of gigantic enterprises which french people have begun i paris the francogerman ccoiiom- 1 ic collaboration ha salready produced all the rangers goals were scored astonishing results in consequence in tho last half when they took ad- 0 the german payments in kind and vantage of the strong wind in the france has been encouraged to previous half celtics efforts were all beg gigantic enterprises which other unavailing despito the aid of tho i wise have remained untouched wind though on several occasions therefore though it is they missed scoring by the narrowest france of margins in the second half however the rangers removed all indecision with a violent offensive which resulted in the ilrst goal by molklejohn a line shot by fleming accounted for the second and archibald scored tho third corrugatsd iron ask for wheeler bain council standard a thick even heavy spread of galvanizing over every inch of sur face deep corrugations agencies still open in somo localities write us stating cizo of barn you want to cover we pay freight wheeler bain limited dept w 108 george 8t toronto 2 i ass sjsssljgsatsy s5ia 1 meetis tfess meealve i it is working marvels with mc wrote n grateful man who jullering from pain ful and disfiguring eczema got complete relief and regained a clear and healthy skin by using trublood as its name implies truiilood is a consideration but when you just cant j j blood tonic it removes the underly- wv- edgeholrjimj saws fast easitcutfing saws guaranteed because made from our own steel 0monos canada saw co l month eaj vancouver stjolinr toronto though it is true that was compelled largely to finance the reconstruction of the northern regions nevertheless other work was undertaken only because of german aid so declares the labor leader marcel laurent big national schemes arc due to this contribution not because the con- after a brilliant solo effort archibald tr covers the costs but because scored the fourth after cunningham j stimulates and forces the nuthori- cleared the way t0 prepftr0 p thus it is after this the rangers dropped pointed out that vast port improve- back and presented an impragnablo have now begun at dunkirk defence to the frantic efforts of tho boulogne iohavre st nazalre and celtics i larochelle and plans are drawn up jfor improvements at marseilles hy- mud baths save horse droolcctric works have been erected v nf dl on many waterways notably on the victim of rheumatism i from strassbur t0 bafile aml dnx franco a course of mud i on the river truycre baths saved grillemont one ofl m laurent further enumerates tho frances fjreat racehorses from the electrical works established by water- slaughter house falls in the alps and the eloctrlilca- kigiit months ago grillemont wnsitlon of railways in tho south paris so stricken with rheumatism that his itself benefits by farreaching housing owner as a humanitarian measure schemes tho colonies especially in see what is making baby rcstloss or fug cause of eczema pimples blackheads j considered destroying him as a last north africa also share in this extra- upset better give him a few drops of tching rashes boils carbuncles nnd every resort he decided to try on hia horse ordinary awakening of official enter- pure harmless castorla its amaz- other skin trouble due to impure or what doctors were advocating for hu- 1 prise ing to sec how quickly it calms babys impoverished blood i nsj ftnd gr1 for wccks 0j end n wo not have been possible ns- nervis and sootros lilm to sleep yet so many have benefitted from taking patiently suffered himself to be plasl sorts m laurent had there not been vn get ajtered with hot mud nnd steaming la forced francogerman economic col- purciy vegctablcthe recipe is on the doliar at druggfa loday bnd u of b awpntoofy thwsss tb 0r w n0w h terinarians hn character and should when possible tlon gas on stomach anil bowels i buckleys ointmemt is highly re- completely recovered nnd to cole- be abandoned commended for speeding up the healing brnte his return to health won a fast and softening c the dim trublood rare over n nile aid a half course so regarded as advanced argues strongly ls usually excess acid correct it with drives oat toe persons the ointment bulslnndinj was his pcrformrrce that against any abolition of reparations an alkali the best way the quick isis i lly try tht coibieiiion le e stud t tjclos in the because it is reparations which have harmless and efficient way is phillips department of basaesprcnccs bought transformed france nnd by a curious milk of magnesia if has remained him at auction for 600000 franci paradox havo hastened the franco- for e0 yearn tho standard with pyal mrs horn tells how lyoia e pinkhams vegetable computied restored her health hamiltonont i have talen iyiia e pinkhams v compound land would no ije without it now 1 had a te ma 1 e trouble o badly i could hardly walk and i was ail run down and cou i d hardly get aroimd to do my house work i would be in bed th rve or four days at a time 1 was told i by a friend lo try your vegetable compound i did and by the time i took t wo bottles i waa beginning to get around again 1 took ten bottles in all and now i am all right again and doing my own work i have six grownups to work for so i have plenty to do i also used lydia e pinkhams sanative wash and i think it is good but i owe my health to the vegetable compound and i think if more of it was used women would be better off i would not be without it if it cost much more mrs nellie jameson 805 east can non street hamilton ontario do you fee broken down nervous and weak sometimes lydia e pink- v hams vegetable compound is excel lent to take at such a time it always helps and if taken regularly and per sistently will relieve this condition c j oo acid feverihncss loss of sleep nnd all other upsets of babyhood over 25 million lollies used a year shows its over whelming popularity with each bottle of castorla you gtt n book on motherhood worth its weght in gold iook for chas ii kktfhtrs signature on the packago no youll get genuine castorla there are many imitations issue no 17 28 treatment 24000 if husbands went every placo their wives told them to go thcro would be fewer divorces but more widows many people two hours after eating i you wll never use crude method- nevertheless m laurent though suffer indigestion as they call it it j when you know this belter mothod and you will never suffer from excess acid when you provo out this easy re- hof please do that for your own sake now be sure to get the genuine phillips milk of magnesia prescribed by physi cians for 50 yearn in correcting excess acids kncli bottle contains full di rections any drugstore german political na well as economic clans ono spoonful in water neu rapprochement which is n condition trallzes many times its volume in of kuropean peace stomach acids and at once tho tymptoms disappear in ave minutes mlnards liniment for backache utcs j

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