Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 3, 1928, p. 3

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the stouffville tribune published erery thursday rata 200 per year 269 to ttt united states business carps medicaii dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and mate phone 19s sunday school lesson jdrs ira herbert freed consultation hours or ira freel 3 to 12 am mon wed frl 4 to 9 pm saturday tuob thdrs saturafternoonj by appointment only tr herbert freel 9 to 12 am tuos thura sal t to 9 pm tubs sat mon wed pri atternooni by appointment only i dental es barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college ot dental surgeons and ot the university ot toronto office in grublns block phone 8201 markham every tuesday oblce in wear block dr d c smith honor graduate ot royal oolega ot dental surgeons and ot the university of toront dr neil c smith honor graduate ot royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester chlldrena hospital office standard bank dp stall phone office 1011 residence 101s in the kingdom of god comes by low liness v 45 and jesus points by way of illustration to his own example at this critical hour is he not the messiah and yet he can only come to his king- dom by being willing to lay down his life for the salvation of israel jesus has already lived for men he has may 6 lesson vi greatness made every surrender of himself to through service mark 10 3545 bridgthe people of his time to god t a xok he knows that he will die to conii golden textfor even the son of thftt wqrk the who man came not to bs ministered un- j hitherto listened to him will be to but to minister and to give his brought to repentance by his death life a ransom for many mark 10 thus his death will prove a ransom 45 ifor many compare isaiah 53 analysis i flowers and vegetables no 12 i box it the latter is around four feet long if shorter less fertilizer should be used after this saturate the soil with another can or two of water i j ambition kebukeo b je qj ftjfafa urged to help dr patterson dentist best work lowest fefl 8touffville ontario boadwats drug store stouffville lkgaii harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc office silvesters biock phone 1s003 boys overseas mccullough button hamsters solicitors convey ancers c rtittoaa block slouffvllle money to loan a c kennedy chiropractor church si sioiffvule mojy wednesday and frldayr 9 to 12 am anne lehman a t m cr jl pianoforte pliyi hmi t rinio- ikil icnry iax8 n carrying n insurance is unwise you are t iking grout chances ii where true ambition should lie 4145 itroduction in spite of jesus repeated pronouncements that he and all who looked for gods kingdom could only attain the goal through vi i l- anitnrle is arl- sacrifice and surrender the disciples lvlore llderal mttltuoe is ad still preserved a very worldly expec1 vocated increased emi- tation of what the kingdom of god i nn p would bring again and again wc gralion lookea tor find them calculating their chances of london an increase lu the outflow preferment when jesus should declare of british emigration in the near fu- himsef tho messiah to whom all pow- ture indicated by two independent er belonged as tho sun will shine out authorities at intervals and again be covered g wh a over with thick clouds so the real t truth regarding jesus would break on though as chancellor of the lx- tho disciples minds at moments and chequer in 1922 he was himself re- agair bo thickly obscured by ambitious sponsible for imposing conditions up- ideas of their own one egregious in- on the british governments 3000- stance of ambition blinding them to 000 annual grant for assisting emlgra- tho masters real thoughts is recorded t now urge3 the adoption of a in our lesson for today james andj liberal attitude to help boys to john the sons of zebedee ask f nf overseas places on the right and left hanfa of authority is the official jesus in his kingdom this provokes i a wellmerited rebuke from jesus and industrial transmerenco board leads to a solemn lesson regarding the which has been investigating tho con- nature and methods of true greatness- dltlous of unemployment in the bri- the words spoken arc among the nob- j tish coal mining districts aud is tin iest and most memorable which tho j derstood to have formed the opinion master ever uttered that the most hopeful remedy is to be vs 35 30 tamos and john were foul in further training for tho inspired to make their request by the alu additional facilities for de- s do about his having to suffer and die had minions not prevailed against the glowing sir robert pointed out that corn- hopes of their youthful hearts that i paratively little use is now made of the event would be other than jesus j the british governments sanctioned had said they saw him victorious grant because for every pound paid tnl im nain iuiltlnrr 1rt a m a1 i 1 n 1 use good seed too much emphasis cannot be laid upon tho importance of good seed with flowers particularly one is often inclined to save the seed ot some es pecially choice specimen without real izing that few flowers reproduce them selves exactly from the seed unless certain very elaborate precautions are takeu a row of several different col ored sweet peas for instance will be come hopelessly mixed iu a single sea son the seed from a brllllaut red variety may produce nothing but in- j but a woman who for forty years has different weak colored flowers when devoted most of her time to public saved in the ordinary way on tho work among women and children will farni3 of the large seed houses and in be honored tho professional horticulturists ex- ladby aberdeen is a descendant of perimenlal plot each type is kept scottish kings and for thirty year3 widely separated and iu many cases she has been the president of the in- the individual flowers aro protected teruational council of women an with netting otherwise bees and j organization whose representatives lady aberdeen to receive honor edinburgh to confer freedom of the city on a woman long associated with public service i edinburgh capital city of scotland will soon confer the freedom of the city upon the marchioness of aber deen and temalr tius a compli ment will not only be paid to one of scotlands most distinguished amllles activities in national organization the prospective burgess of edinburgh has been more or less iu tbe public- eye a busy wife aud the mother of several children lady aberdeen ha nevertheless found time for the public work in which she is still interested life in ireland iu 1ssg lord aberdeen was appoint ed lord lieutenant of ireland in carrying out the duties of this dial- cult office he was aided by the active participation ot lady aberdeen iu educational and industrial experi ments she wai particularly luter- frleuds she was one of the early workers in irelands light against tuberculosis and has written and lec tured in tho cause of public health the aberdeeua were in chicago working for irish charities when they heard of lord aberdeens appoint ment as governor general of canada this was in 1s93 for the uext live years lady aberdeeu was hostess at kideau hall in ottawa the olllcial re sidence of canadas governorgenera a visitor to rideau hall in those days recalls its chataluine as a woman of acute intelligence interest in many welfare projects she sat at a busi- smaller insects will carry the pollen j are found in practically every country nesvlike dosk covered with papers a from oen flower to another without j the world as a dolegate to the r elose at ban regard for type or color on this ac- j internationa councils meeting shoi count alone the amatetur is well ad- j spo before tho opening conference j her pioneer work vised to depend upon sect in sealed iu washington a president of the international packages r ly from reliable mer- j chants there are other reasons also j for advising such a course most flowers when they start going to seed teens when she married john tamp- detetriorate very rapldlv and succeed- ell gordon seventh earl of aberdeen ing blooms are few aud smal to keep ate elevated to a marqulsate she a garden at its best all fading bloom had spent the greater part of her life j should be removed before there is a at giiisachan the family home in a an early marriage ishbe marjoribanus was still in her should be removed before the trace of seed pod3 a short cut practically every halfhardy vege table and mo3t of- the more tender flowers can be started inside and will be ready for the table or the vase from a fortnight to a mouth earlier thau if ine waits until the season is far enough advanced to plant outttde planting iu flats or berry boxes in any southern window about this time established in power setting up a uy tne treasury another pound has to without any special forcing is all that glorious kingdom in israel and with ba found d someoue else he urged therefore that the time a truly oriental ambition they saw themselvtes seated at hib side like k th treasury grant satraps or viziers dispensing justice to thv realm so they come saying for is purpose up to 100 per cent to that they have a petition to make carry out the programof emigration jesus asks what it is j vital to the welfare of britain and es- v 37 the request 13 accordingly sentlal to the development- of the do- stated it is that the two brothers minions may have the right and left places of i power by the side of jesus in his king- dom v- 38 jesus answer is that thdy do tiot know what tley are asking i are they able to share with him the unexampled suffering which he now j knows to constitute the only way in which his messianic victory can be won jesus compares his passion to a bitter cup which must be drained a fiery trial to which as to a baptism his soul must be submitted aro his ambitious disciples prepared to put the same cup to their lip3 and to go down with him to the same fiery stream of pain and woe vs 39 40 the answer of tho two disciples we are able points to a remarkable selfconfidence on the part of the two young men but also to an undoubted capacity for heroism jesus feels tho heroic element in it and with a pathetic foreknowledge an swers you shall indeed drink my cup and be baptized with my bap tism james wo know was later put to a martyrs death by herod agrippn i acts 1212 and many modern scholars believe on the is necessary if the earlier vegetables strength of certain ancient testimon- xprck is bought with cheap h lic1 martyr but insurance and costs dearly acknowledging the heroic pur- proper 1rptwtipn is what a fully i f voun disciples jesus adds qualified agent recommends and p heir request is ebyond his power to grant only tho father in heaven could assign the places of honor in good insiu iic is what he sells you will consult him in the long run why not today t biricett general insurance agency plloni 18201 stouffville gkorge keay altuna ont illknsrll atctloxkkit live stock and general uiqb promptly attended to tkiuis moderate in in- lllj stouffvlllr faumkiss wo want all your live iowl host market prlco paid liont sell until you consult us phone sam golden at pennockj livery stoulfvlllo roadways drug store stouffville mrs a griffiths spjrclla coraeliere slouftville and vicinity phon 15303 wedding bouquets and funeral designs muston sons wholesale florists slouffvluo ontario phone 7001 stouffville lodg no 384 meets every monday evening at oclock id the odofbiiow8 haiili visiting brethren welcoma less cook w it sanders noble grand hac8a arcnto stovac jrin sojr the kingdom i false ambition rebuked by jksus 3540 ii where true ambition should lie 4115 v 41 the request of james and john was naturally offensive to the other disciples and they showed signs of their resentment- jesus reply was to call them nil together and to ex pound the nature of true greatness v 42 jesus takes the illustration of the gentile or greek monarehiei such a3 syria or egvpt in these now defunct kingdoms the one test of grcntntss was the domination of others and in other existing kingdoms it still was so mon rose in rank as they were able to put other men under their feet jesus says that though this is the worlds idea of greatness it is not the time idea vs 43 41 tho truo measure of greatness is capacity to serve the truly great man is he who serves most the more a man is willing to go down on hi3 knees to help or rescue or otherwise benefit his fellows the high er ho ascends in the truo scale of greatnes jesus piys that this new principle is the ono which is to gov ern the lives of his followeds they must take their cue from oriental courts- selfsacrifice not solf-aggrnn- dfoement is what is wanted primacy the insurance depnrlment hkpokt ok the mutual life of new york contains tho following a large volnmo of nowbuslnc33 so- idotod according to the companys high standards was placed on tho books the rnto of mortality has decllnod to a very low point and as a robuit it was possible to distribute to policyholders dividends according to successive increasing scales in vestments are particularly well so- oured at the same time policy con tracts hivo been liberalized and clari fied nd the treatment accorded to policyholders and tholr representa tives has been eminently fair and just contingency reserve and 1923 dividends 9975352101 i h o khnck dist manager tiny airplane crew will seypelt and geo kerr who toured europe in the vestpocket airplane yankee doodle which weighs but goo pounds kenneth to small brother who wants to join in gamo of juvenile foot ball no you cant come but ill tell you what you stay in and play at being a sports editor waiting for the result of the match a cow is kept on exhibition in a new york oo so that children of the metropolis may know what this crea ture looks like will the time over come when a horso will similarly be displayed for general edification some motorists might woll take a lesson from tho detroit police depart ment horses which understand that a red light means whoa and that a green light stands for go such a3 spinach lettutce radish beets carrots parsnips aud similar crop3 are out of the way one can plant cu cumbers melons squash aud for very small gardens even beans aud peas behind glass and they will be ready to go out as fine healthy plants when the neighbors are only sowing the seed about the end of the month it is particularly desirable to give the j melons and cucumbers among tlio edible types and petunias suapdra- igous nicotines asters and similar j flower3 which have a short season in our ontario climate an early start in this way vlndow boxes the window boxes and hanging bas kets can he got leady for planting out side this week there are very con- icentrated beds producing about six j times tho growth for the same area as in the normal gardon because of thl3 concentration of growth rich soil fre quent watering and heavy fertilizing are absolutely necessary in south ern ontario the boxes can be put out at once with little fear of frost in the central section of the province tho 24th of may is usually considered about the right time rnd farther north no very great risk should be taken before tho 1st of june if a light frost doos threateu covering tho box with newspaper or light cotton will protect it sufficiently window boxes should bo as long as the window bill about eight inches wide at the top six at the bottom and at least nine inches deep these are inside measurements the corners must be strongly reinforced with iron straps an dthe box well supported as when full it weigh about 150 lbs have holes aud layer of broken crockery or cinders in the bottom to provide drainage if well rotted manure is available put in a layer of this nextt and then fill up with lino garden soil select stocky plants and bofore put ting them in the box remove all bloom and buds to gat them growing quickly dissolve a scant handful ot nitrate of soda in a fair sized water ing can and sprinkle this ovor tho remote pan of scotland at the head ot a lively mountain stream twenty- odd miles from a railway or telegraph station aud here one day came john campbell gordon on a tired pony having lost his way in a strange country it was so runs the story mls3 isabels first glimpse of her fu ture husband she was just 11 years old ia3t november lord and lady aberdeen celebrated their golden wed ding in london king george and queen mary presented a golden vase to the couple aud the queen made a special gift of an antique ring to lady aberdeen the tablecloth u3ed at the large luncheon given in celebra tion of the anniversary had belonged to lord aberdeens greatgrandfather the fourth earl of aberdeen at the end of the luncheon the cloth was signed by all the guests present among whom were seven ot the eight bridesmaids who had walked behind the young couple at tte wedding cere- 1 mony fifty years before a gir ethel sweet lady aberdeen has long been one she doesnt powder on the street as president of council of women a federation of na tional councils of women of all coun tries lady aberdeen bus doue pioiue work started more thau thirty yea a ago with scanty funds and vounteer workers the council has now matur ed iuto an organization drawing iu members from thirtysix countries each national council of women comprises within itself affiliated wo mens societies aud local branches and each national council works with the international council through titaiuilng committees on such matter as child welfare peace and arbitra tion education laws relating to wo men emigration public health traffic in women and children aud temper ance the quinquennial council meeting at chrlstlanla in 1920 tbe ilrst oua akter the world war brought together women from both blligerent and neu tral nations the task of guiding the conference fell to lady aberdeeu it j was a difficult job but she made the occasion according to a woman who was there an unforgetable experience lady aberdeen is coauthor with her husband of we twa a spirited account of their eventful life of the outstanding figures in society girl i like is maud mahaffy not only by reason of her marriage shj up3ti the cafe to a peer but al30 be reason of her fireproof waltboard for sale by stouffville planing mills slouitville ont c4 special product l for every purpose- for every surface iie 100 pure paint for interior or interior marbleite for hardwood floors neut0ne iht flat wash able paint forsaieby f- 1 w brathwaites iiaumvakk varnoieum for oilcloth ilinoleum w000iac stain for fit and fumitun

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