Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 3, 1928, p. 2

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judge the quality of green tea by the colour off the brew when poured into your cup before cream is added the paler the colour the finer the green tea compare any other green tea with salada none can equal it in flavour point or clearness only 38c per glb green tea fioa ilvovrnaxeo by rminitltvt begin here tody decreed he should go through life captain john hewitt commission- looking like r that i jjf er of police at jesselton british has a big effect on appearance fen- north borneo asks help from chai- ningtons people have been merchants hung influential chinese in the re- in shnnghai for generations anyhow covery of jewels stolen from lady there it is to all intents and pur- stornaway while she is a guest at thejpos h as white as you or me but commissioners home peter penning- 1 tliere no getting away f rom tho fact j chines pennington tht he has the eyes of an oriental ttrzvlt xnows chinese character inside yellow seven a gang of chinese ban- 1 out he can talk like them he can dits monica viney beautiful widow get himself up to look like em lie is living with her brother captain holds a sort of roving commission hewitt hes streets ahead of the ordinary na- now go on with the story detective the queer thing is that the natives know of pennington monica gasped but they never managed to nail the well of oriental cunning him thev regari him as something knows no bottom continued pcn- superhuman they call him nington and yet i flatter myself ive who sees in the dark learnt to probe into it deeply delightfully thrilling com- i have been working quietly but monica h must be fright- steadily on this rather unusual jewel f brave robbery j te colmk smiled grimly i found na difficulty in running p tackle the devil in- the original thief to earth 1 i was on the point of closing with him when aj singular complication occurred as i thc prese of a voung beautiful lay on my tummy in the undergrowth j fnd un attractive widow is ho was krfcd completely and estec- b to caue something more than tively before my eyes a mi nation in any quarter of the hewitt bent forward suddenly globe where thcre happens to be a pre- good lord ponderance of unattached males it i collared the assassin low and we perfectly natural therefrore that fought like wild cats he had thej mon vinev at such times when her strength of a bison and if he hadnt brothel w occupied with his affairs left his knife in the back of his vic- rave nt a loss for a cavalier to tim i shouldnt be here now anyhow he broke away and got clear me with this i accompany her on her habitual ex- eavingj j jjjj 0 knowledge after tho sun was down at these times however pennington was never avail- he held the torn half of a yellow strip of pasteboard before the com missioners astonished eyes for a second hewitt seemed de prived of the power of speech and it was monicas voice that launched the question bujj mr pennington if he was a confederate why did he kill his friend because suggested her brother once having got the pendant he de cided to keep it no said pennington with convic tion i fancy youre wrong there the assassin didnt trouble to search the dead man but i went over him thor oughly the booty had passed from his hands long before i overtook him monica drew in a deep breath i still dont see i believe our friend was guilty of a serious indiscretion in leaving be hind the token that had been entrust ed to him the yellow seven i dont see that were much for- rader declared hewitt moodily what do you suggest doing turning in for a spell said pen nington in the meantime watch every port search everyone who tries i able he came and went and yet she bo embark everyone you understand j had ne witnessed either his arrival cheerio he made his way toward the back or departure- it was during one of those evening of the house leaving monica bub- walks that she persuaded dawson a tiling over with curiosity hewitt anticipated the question that was forming itself on her lips thats about the most remarkable feller in eastern waters he told her chinese pennington they call him yoa saw his eyes his pedigrees faultless but some extraordinary freak of fortune or birth if you like to take her to locui district officer a gamblingden they had been strolling leisurely through the native quarter stopping at innumerable stores and purchasing an inordinate quantity of perfectly useless articles they halted pres ently before a long building from which at intervals came bursts of tered tho glass chimney of the swing- crudtelycolored pictures without frames the whole atmosphere throb bed with feverish activity the rat- tling of dice and spasmodic inarticu late grunts that she could not decide whether intended for signs of pleasure or despair there were clerks in white duck native overseers in greasy suits coolies with broadbrimmed hats of plaited cane and wearing only loin cloths a chinaman wearing enormous hornrimmed spectacles sat at the far end of a big table before what appeared to be the inverted halves of cocoanut shells whenever these were lifted there arose a repetition of the discordant babel she had heard as they approached- all along both sides orientals of every class and distinc tion thronged the rocking forms every now and then a man rose seemingly emotionless and left the table monica the novelty of this strange scene holding her enthralled allowed her gaze to wander round the room presently it fell upon the form of an oriental in a suit of greasy blue whose face seemed peculiarly familiar every time a player from the top va cated a seat this enthusiastic gambler moved into it in this manner getting gradually nearer to the man with the hornrimmed spectacles who manipu lated the shells presently he looked up at the swinging oil lamp and monica uttered a little cry in spito of the elaborate disguise there was something in the set of the mobile mouth something in tho poise of the shoulders that betrayed him she found her lips forming the words chinese pennington a moment later and he had reached the apparent zenith of his desire his elbow touched the sleeve of the man who presided but his eyes were star ing straight before him at an enor mous chinaman who sat opposite both hands resting oa the table the fingers slightly closed for some reason that she could not quite define a mental picture began forming in her mind a picture that the vividness of penningtons descrip tion had impressed on her memory- she saw a glade in the nightshrouded jungle wastes a huddled form with a long knife protruding from between hunchedup shoulder blades and he who sees in the dark struggling for dear life in the matted undergrowth her vivid imagination had already established the identity of the man who now faced the hero of her ro mance behind her she heard dawson srtike a match and puff strenuously at his pipe- and then through the nebulous smokehaze the three prin cipal figures at the top end of the long table stood out in bold relief from the surging background of neg ligible supers in a moment of time the thing hap pened vthe man opposite pennington slid a yellow hand toward the china man in the horn spectacles as if try ing to pass him the something over hich tho powerful fingers were closed like a flash penningtons arm shot out sending coins clinking to the dusty boards scattering little heaps of papermoney like autumn leaves in a sudden gust swift as the movement had been tho action of the listless oriental who presided was quicker the mysterious package wrapped in a broad green leaf secured by strands of twisted bamboo van ished into some hidden pocket beneath the widesleeved jacket a score of swarthy forms leaped to their feet and pennington was lost to view in a writhing swaying circle nbove which flashed a forest of naked blade wed better get out of this said dawson at monicas elbow as his arm slipped through hers she cast one last glance into the seeth ing den the circle dissolved into the form of an irregular horseshoe she saw the central figure stagger back the hom spectacles slipping from his face saw the long arm of tho power fullybuilt oriental outstretched the indexfinger eloquent of a hoarse de nunciation that wa9 lost in the tu mult of voices and caught the glint of the blue barrel of an automatic pennington swung completely round on one heel his pistol sending his an tagonists stumbling over one another leaving him a channel through which to escape but ho fired only once with astounding accuracy ho shat- outstanding smartness an interesting type with bolero front and deep vopening completed with vestee the lower edge of the bolero is finished with applied bands the skirt at front shows the new cir cular fulness the back is straight in one pdece and the setin sleeves are dattfrtted style no 916 b stunning made of the two surfaces of black crepe satin one of the new supple woolens two tones of georgette crepe or printed and plain sflk crepe sizes 16 years 863840 42 and 44 inches bust- size 86 requires 4 yards 86- inch or 3 yards 64inch material yard 20lnch white and yard 82- inch striped material- price 20c the pattern many styles of smart apparel may be found in our fashion book our designers originate their patterns in the heart of the stylo centres and their creations are those of tested popularity brought within the means of the average woman price of the book 10c the copy how toorder patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want jenclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto patterns sent by return mail nothing to fear from lightning sayseiigineer chance of being struck in your home is one in several million he estimates mtlfpi ir ttz guttural chattering at one end door stood halfopen a patch of yel low light falling on the roadway she caught his arm impulsively and tried to drag him toward tho en trance but dawson cautious and im movable as granite waited until there was a lull in tho stream of devotees ho guided her through the doorway and into a narrow cubicle screened from the cntrancchallby n heavy cur tain an olderly chinaman hump backed and wizened left tho stool on which ho had been seated nodded to dawson and went out hor escort placed tho stool in front of a narrow slit cut in tho woodwork monica peered cautiously through there was a long tabic running tho whole length of the hall a round dozen of smaller ones and tho entire walla seemed to ba covered with ing lamp plunging the building into darkness- thirty seconds later monica found herself leaning against a wall under a jet dome sprinkled with stars daw son gasping for breath stood nt herl was repairing famous keeps chief busy venuses get new noses while dignified queen con sorts with nymphs london tho 2000 statuary casts of tho famous folk of history and mythology which were vanished from tho rystal palace during tho war are back on exhibition again but they aro not quite the same as they used to be nnd as classified now they make j strange company i iu a room supposed to be sacred to grecian statuary queen victoria 1b found turning perhaps for sympathy i to cleopatra gladstone beholds tho backs of a dozen bcauttlful women while disraeli is almost lost among four venuses a couple of eves lady godlva and some nymphs about to enter invisible baths joseph cheek superintendent nurse and surgeon for all statues busts and models in the palace admits that the classification might bo improved but explains that he has had a big job tho last seven years getting them all to light again anil repairing tho damage done when they were hustled out to make room for wartime occupation of the palace i have put together beauties that city dwellers safe the next time the lightning flashes and baby cries and mother shivers and you swallow hard and tell johnny pooh pooh thcre is nothing to be afraid of and then duck your own bead under tho bedclothes dont you are right there la nothing to be afraid of the chance of a person being struck in his home is one in several million and if you chanco to be at jout desk in some downtown ilryscraper the lightning cannot reach you you have the assurance for tbta of it m spurck an engineer of the new swltchgear plant of tho general elec- trlo company at philadelphia in charge of the high toltage testing of circuit breakers where arcs of arti ficial lightning at from fifteen to twen ty feet are played over apparatus to make sure there are no defects and that it will withstand conditions when put into service out in the open la natural lightning areas shooting a million volts into circuit breakers to thoroughly thebt them before leaving the factory is not mere guess work the fundamentals are based on studies made in the companys laboratories field observations and the classic work of the late dr stelnmeti mr spurck said if you reside on the top of a hill with no trees about you are in a comparatively perilous position such a house is likely to bo struck once every 100 years but if you live in the average city home with houses of equal height about you lightning is apt to single you out about once every 1000 years as for the residents in the house perched upon the hill the chance is one in several million that they will be struck by the bolt that comes once every 100 years the bolt might tear up the roof or even set it aflre but likely would get no closer to you it would encounter the eleotrlc houso wiring and would be carried impotent to tho ground or it would hop onto the plumbing system sd docilely speed off into the earth tho safest place in your house is anywhere except whero these light ning conductors are centered most plumbing and heating pipes run up and down in the middle of the house keep away from tho walls in which they run do not stand between two metal objects such as a heating radia tor and the plumbing pipes tibere is nothing wrong with the superstition that bed is a safe place in the modern steel office building lightning cant even get the roof most roofs of such buildings are metal and are purposely brought in contact at some point with the steel framework and this circuit absorbs and carries off any lightning that may chance to shoot down perhaps the question ot the efficacy of lightning rods has never been fully settled in the public mind lightning rods are now to be seen chiefly in the country there is a lightning rod on nearly every jiouse in the clttes ffhere is fiir nore magic baking powder used in canada that of all other brands co made in canada n alu ewgillett co ltd toronto can though it may not be visible to the eye every plumbing system has an air vent a pipe that runs upward to if not through the roof it serves exactly as the lightning rod which pricks the air on the farmers house what did jack mean when ho told you he and i were engaged tentative ly well he said if he married you on his salary youd have to live in a tent side sho was wondering whether have been broken into bits to say pennington had fought clear whether nothing of providing new noses for it had actually been ijidy storna ways diamond pendant contained in the queer package the transit of which the englishman hnd striven to inter cept- to bo continued i sometimes think id like a wlfo whos dull said mr nutting tho keen ones sharp as any knife say things that aro too cutting mlnards liniment for cuts and bruises old venuses by tho score ho said and making ears and feet and arms and legs for all sorts and conditions of nymphs ancient heroes and vic torian statesman tho most difficult task is fingers hut i have mado so many hundreds of them now that i merely take one look whero tho miss ing finger was and go straight away and make another that will fit on cor rectly dont worry about the classifica tion well get them nil placed right in time keep mlnards liniment handy mr hangoff why no whatever put such an idea in your head bob by pa did i heard his say to ma a little while ago i guess lilll get hla scalp tonight shes gone up tput her war panl on master i am sorry to eay jones that your composition is unworthy ol you the information is faulty and the style crude jones my father will be angry when ho hears that master well you must toll him youll do much better next time jones do better sir dad cant do better than that there la nothing that has ever taken aspirins place as an antidote for pain it is safe or physicians wouldnt use it and endorse its use by others sure or several million users would have turned to something else but get the real aspirin at any drugstore with bayer on the box and the word genuine printed in red alptrla the trade mark frtflderrd to canada lndleaunf burr laanufactare while it ta well known that amirin means barer manu facture to lucre tbe public arralnat unltetlone the tableu wiu be tumped with their barac trade mark are trained and equipped to save you money astd serve you better firestone sells tires only through regular established dealers the out standing tire merchants in every community this great manufacturing organization controlling raw materials in primary markets having branches and distributors in all parts of canada assuring fresh clean stocks and quick efficient distribution is behind every dealer firestone dealers know tire construction and tire service having been trained at dealer educational meetings firestone dealers have the latest equipment the knowledgethe fire stone spirit and idea of service no other dealer can give you the same values and serve you so well firestone tire fl rubber co of canada limited hamilton ontario most miles per dollar flmtone build tbe only gumdipped tlrei v best for all your baking pies cakes buns and bread does all your baking best

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