Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 26, 1928, p. 3

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stouffville april 26th 1928 newspaper men visit a great motor industry au event of special interest to the tnenrhora of the ontario division of the canadian weekly now8pajer association was held in toronto last week at the plant of durum motors of canada limited on the invita tion of the company between fifty and sixty newspapermen visited the home cf durant cars and saw how tuese automobiles are built the trlbuno wa3 represented ty mr h j majloy und the trip will remain as n inemorablo oni to all present on arrival in toronto the news papermen mot at tho king kdward hotel where luncheon was served in a dining room reserved for the occasion they were royally wel comed by roy d keiby general manager and phil j duggan salos manager and were told that it was solely for the purpose of acquainting representatives citizens of ontario with the methods omployod in build ing durant cars that the meeting had been called mr kerby spoke briefly on thej importance of the automobile indus try to canada and gave some very interesting figures on the capltul iu- chassls frame as nearly as possible one sturd piece the chassis frame when complet ed started on the chassis line and gradually it seemed to gather toge ther zji if by magic the various units that go o make an automobile the rear axlo was put in position then the springs all as the chassis moved slowly on the chain that inch by inch brought it nearer to completion fast expert hands handled each operation und though it was done quickly there was no mistaking tho fact that each operation received the utmost care and attention finally after about 15 minutes the chassis was completed to the point whero it was ready to be enameled and go through tho baking ovens during the porlod that the chassis were slowly passing through tho ovens a subassembly was going on apace various units were being in stalled on the red seal u head continental motor so that whon the chassis emorgod from the enamel ovens its motor was ready to bo in stalled compressed air hoists are used for all lifting and one of these handled the powerful motor as if it were a toy picking it up quickly and lower ing it gentiiy to its position in ho chassis expert hands soon had the motor bolted to the frame in a rub- bor mounting and as tho job com pleted to this point continued its journey on the evermoving chain phil j duggan sales manager of durant motors of canada ltd who was chairman at a luncheon tendered tho weekly newspaper men who visited the durant plant last week local health bulletin 50 victoria tho area of forrrt sand in british columbia dedicated to future fore production fc osm- 000 acros according to a covera- znent report calgary plans are actively under way by the tilgiry term crain company to build a oevea hundred thousand bushel elevctor ot vancouver it is announced by a k betts manpger of tha core pasly mr belts said that aa emi nently suitable site had been aeoir- od on the north shore apfkrojdma tcjy opposite spirera elevator five special trains carrylns around 1500 pilgrims passed through montreal recently oa their way to quebec city and tho shrino of ste anne de beaupre also visit ing the ahrtne of st joseph la montroal on their return trip they wero from the church ocf st atoaa jersey city and under tho care of father thomas m ourry parish priest were on their annual pli- grlmage to these shrtnea milk and tuberculosis the value of milk is not limited to tho first year of life as the child gtows he needs to enlarge his diet but milk continues to be the most important article in this diet during the years of growth every ohlld should have one point of mlik a day to provide the necessary growing substance for the body young children have very little resistance to tuberculosis in hteir eariest years they are easily over- conio by this decease there are two types of the tuberculosis gorm two members of the same family as it were which cause tuberculosis in anairpiane view of the plant ot durant motors of canada limited children the human and the bovine dubxnj ftt leaside on the outskirts of toronto the plant covers nearly 15 acres and has approximately halt a million square feet of floor spaoe it is modern in every rospeot and has a capa city of upwards of 175 cars a day vested he stated that the durant company bought canadian made materials from more than 300 cana dian sources of supply he referred to the fact that the company was now on a dividend paying basl3 and that the cash position of the com pany was exceedingly satisfactory mr duggan voiced the apprecia tion of tho company for tho large turnout and said he hoped that each person would carry away a hotter understanding of the size ami extent of tills plant which covets nearly 15 acres of ground and has approximate ly half a million square feet of floor space tho chassis lino the inspection of tho plant com menced at the beginning of the chassis line tlio first operation was that of fabricating the steel chassis frame by means of compressod air machines which rivetteti the rivets coll it was explained that this method did away with tho natural shrinkage that follows tiio rivetting of hot rivets tho cold rivet fills j he hole in the frame with metal i when it is clinched under a pressure the fenders and running btiards the steering wheel and radiator wero added as were also the several fin ishing touches required in the con struction of a durant motor car tilts brought the comploted chas sis under what is called the hatch through which the durant built hayeshunt bodies are lowered but at this point the trip of inspection was halted insofar as the chassis is concerned and was resumed in the body building plant tho party viewed the elaborate area provided for bodybuilding tiiere being a half million square feet of floor spaco devoted to thin portion of the business but wo must not enter into details the brake testing machinery pro ved interesting to the visitors it is a very critical operation but the work is done with accuracy and speed there is a battery of olectrlc sew ing machines kept constantly humm ing to keep the workmen supplied with materials it was one of the busiest spots in the whole plant the entire plant of tho durant covers 15 acres witli a series of of 20 to 25 tons tints making the buildings well lighted and heated type by far the greater number of case3 aro caused by the humnn type the bovine type is responsible for about 25 per cent of all tuberculosis occurring amongst children in children tuberculosis often attacks the bones and joints and so is re sponsible for muoh crippling the bovine type ot the tuberculosis germ comes from cows suffering from tuberculosis and reaches the child through milk as n large per centage of milch cows have tubercu losis it follows that a large percent age of milk is infected with the bovine type of tuberculosis germ3 from this it is evident that unless the necessary precautions are taken milk is a real factor in the spilend of tuberculosis to young children it is part of any campaign against tuberculosis or towards the improve ment of child health to see that the milk supply is safe and pure a safe pure milk supply free from all dan ger of carrying tuberculosis or any other disease to duman beings par ticularly children conies from heal thy cows is produced and shipped in a cleanly way is pasteurized to kill any disease germs is kept cold and covered until cold oucstions concerning health ad dressed to dr f a dales moh will he answered questions as to diagnosis and treatment will not be answered shipments of freight destined to points in the northwest of canada via port maniooll oat on the canadian pacific lake and rail route will now be oocopted the earliest oate being april 9 there will ba five steamers in tho companys rake service between port monicoll anf the head of the lakes during- the coming season through passenger service will ba resumed this season from owen sound may 7 and from port mcnlcoll may 19 installation of mock tractors and lapeer trailers for rpw move ment of freight from canadian pacific depots to and from outlying terminate has now beon completed in montreal and till shortly be in use in toronto the tractor is immediately attachable to one ox more of these tractors which each can hold tip to 15000 lbs of freight and can be as swiftly disconnected they are expected to immonsely expedite the movement of c p freight establishing a new standard in automobile s immigrants are flowing into can ada at record rates since lately and canadian pacific steamers from great britain and europe are bringing them over at the rate of shiploads of close on a thousand per ship the majority are farm laborers of british and north eur opean stock and are mostly going jn the land in the prairie provinces with a fair proportion going to ontario and the maritime prov inces winnipeg despite tho heavy movement of immigrants to tho west during the past two wooka more positions are open on western farms than the railways and em ployment agencies can fill immi gration and employment officora state thousands of vacancls the officers said had been reported jjkeiihood of an earlier commen cement of seeding operationa h genoraliy conceded 1n tho wost they added and unless immigration pontlruo3 at its present high pools the opening of operations on tha land may find western farmers wthanded as the result of a conference be tween members or the shstvp jlreedera association financial representatives and members of jho winnipeg and brandon uoardai of trade a movement is ujuiar way for the placing of 100001 tioep an- nually on manitoba farms these will be sold in groups of ftftr to oach farmer somewhat similar to he plan now in operation in north pakota j d mcororw wis ap pointed temporary chairman of a committee to make further arran gements for the carrying out of this plan an opentetter the durant four rtdeau sedan rtf m w1 mtjtt kljfom vj ttialrjl rn snfai t-ro- of striking appearance because of the new radiator long body wide doors low sweep ing fenders cadet visor and attractive dtico colors the durant four performs as well as it looks maintaining those splendid qualities which have firmly established the durant products as quality automo biles such as the red seal continental motor with its superior engineering principles the durant four offers the greatest value the longest and most economical service that modern skill can devise the durant four is awaiting your in- spection your criticism your judgment at your local durant dealers see it drive 1c thetv compare ui iw by durant motors of canada limited toronto canada rugby trucks four ard six cylinders capacity 1 ton and 1 tons saaaaamxasatsbb c142 to the shareholders of the gommrkck tttlvspohtatlox uuiminji- ltd toronto it has been brought to our atten tion that certain misleading and damaging statements have been made regarding tho commerce and trans portation building it has been stated that a bond issue will preccdo tho preference shares this is ab solutely incorrect the managomont have no intention whatsoever of placing any bond issue nor does tho present financial position of tho company require that any bonds bo sold it lias been stated that a mort gage will precede tho securities with itho exception of a temporary loan tho building will be completed freo of all liens und mortgages canadian materials aro being given preference throughout many tons of canadian cement brick crushod stono and steel aro being used tho construction of tho building is being pushed forward as rapidly as possible work commenced oarly in january and hero aro now 119 mon notlvoiy employed on tho orec- tlon tho contractors are fully bonded to complete the building ready for occupancy november 1st 1928 commerce a transport at ion bhlg limited c c king viceprosldont hugh boyd dealer stouffville ir m man so nervous gets sore when spoken to it actually irritated mo to hnvo anyono talk to mo i was so nervous vlnolond ed this and i feel wonder ful now wm fnhy vinol 13 a compound of iron phos- phates cod liver peptone etc tho i very fhtst boltlo makes you sleep better and have a bio appetite nervous easily tired people aro sur- prised how quick the iron phos- t phates etc give new llfo and pep 1 vinol tastes delicious j m storey druggist stoiiffvliie e beuerinds in life jllffi comfort in your old age depends largely upon your foresight in providing for it now this bank will welcome your savings account deposits may be made by mail when desired e bank of nfm scotia established 1832 capital 10000000 reserve 20000000 resources 260000000 yproc walls and partitions will make your summer cottage much more attractive comfort able and firesafe gyproc takes any decoration a perfect material with which to line your summer home write for free book walls that reflect good judgment on home planning with gyproc rocboard and insulex canada cypsum and a1abastine limited parts canada fireproof wiwoerd for sale by stouffville planing mills stouffvilje ont mxwhumhnmk now rubber shock bmsulators added to great new cihipiysleirw at new lover prices 350 and upwards- same luxury features as famous72tand imperial 8c hrysler now adds rubber shock insula tors to the great new chrysler 62 and at no increase in price thus chrysler becomes the one manufacturer to offer a complete line of sixcylinder models 62 72 and 112 hp impe rial 80 priced from 1350 to 4685 giving the entirely new and modern conception of riding ease and quiet that only this specially engineered device can provide by making possible this greatest riding luxury at its new low prices in the great new 62 chrysler again shows conclusivefy howits standardized qual ity of engineering and manufacturing gives extra value to chrysler buyers chrysler prices greal new clirjler 62 seven body styles 1350 to 1600 jlfuilricui nau chrysler 72 seven body styles 1995 to2335 netul 12 hp chrysler imperial 80 fourteen custom built body styles 3745 upwards all prices fob windsor ontario including standard factory equipment freight and taxes extra h3 swifts garage stouffville ont

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