in remote and distant parts of the world fine teas are grown wherever they grow these teas are procured for salada blends the best the world produces is sold under the salada label millions know the satisfaction salada gives h1gtten men cdison jiardiah chapter xx reunited the simple words so moving nnd mysterious in the halflight lifted dorothy to the skies out of the storm and the night the despair and the terror never to descend again yet she knew no particular eense of amazement other than that of her own blindness in failing to guess petes identity long since thero was not one fraction of an instants doubt or question of the frimplo declaration before the un dulation of the deep tone was dead in the air she knew as well as she knew palled and terrified in the shadows beside the dugout the latter had left his rifle and supplies in tho dugout and no shadow of opportunity remain ed in which to seize it and use it in his masters behalf ho threw up his hands nt peters command- next petr located fortune joe also obscured in tho shadows and called him to his side search all these fellows for weapons he order ed simply and pile em up in front of me get ivans pistol first joe obeyed promptly and nt peters command carried down tho sacks of supplies that had been prepared for ship had been helped into port and haj arranged by wireless for a rescue party to go in search of her passen gers marooned on the mainland ivan ami his two followers had al ready vanished into the interior prob ably on their way to some of the esquimo villages beyond the bays when the rescue ship touched at the acene of the late camp peters return home his wife betide him was accom plished in good time and here both are hidden in the maze of human events- the straw that the guide pete had cut for the wilderness beds was blown away on the winds the cooking rack grew weatherbeaten and was at last blown down and the alder thick ets spread and encompassed the camp soon there was little sign that hu man beings had ever passed that way the caribou fed at the very mouth of iho dugout only occasionally stopping to sniff in wonder at the manbeat ashes of the fire the wolverine hunt ed with unabated ferocity along the creek bed nnd sometimes the great surly alaskan grizzly wandered through the camp wondering no doubt what manner of his brethren had once had their lair on this lonely beach and why they had gono away the waves still broke and rolled on a chic new frock extremely smart is tho attractive onepiece frock shown here having a i c tomorrows journey and loaded them the fact of her own life that the man j nt v in the dory the weapons were sim- spoke true tor all his face and form t jj- were utterly different his hands and voice and carriage wholly changed this was peter xewhall her husband in the flesh there was no time to dwell upon the wonder of it- she saw a swift shadow at the edge of the fires glow something that moved like a stalk ing wolf toward peter and she cried sharply in warning at the same in stant she sprang from her own place in nn instinctive effort to protect her husband from that stealthy murder- mis assault her cry reached peter not an in stant too soon because his nerves were sound and the ravages of his youthful dissipations wholly repaired he was able to act upon that warning in tho twinkle of an eye there was no time for thought as if by instinct he leaped aside his quick eye caught sight of the figure that was even now poised to strike and his powteful muscles made swift nnd tremendous response pavlof faithful to the last to his demigod had drawn a knife that flashed in a shining arc nnd started to save tho situation in his own way but peters rifle swung in his arms and the heavy barrel struck the leaping figure with shattering force he crumpled in the moss for the time being impotent and uncon scious it seemed to pete that the russians hand moved toward his hip and he wisely decided to tako tho offensive tho rifle leaped to his shoulder and the long strong finger curled about tho trigger ready to exert the little deadly ounce of pressure atthe needl ed instant whatever murderous in stincts had been wakened in ivan were speedily repressed once before he had seen that rifle at that same shoulder tho day his life had been menaced by the charging shebear and he remembered the sureness of aim the lightning swiftness of fire- that deadly combination could not foil at this close rfangc i dont trust this bunch peter caid roughly put up your hands ivan im not going to tako a chance ivan obeyed promptly peter was in a deadly mood the mongol was a brave man and a sportsman yet he did not oven attempt his old grim smile of bravado you seem to hold the cards he said simply im going to continuo to hold them too peter gave a quick glance in search of sarichef finding him ap- ilarly disposed of then shieldin dorothy behind him he backed down to tho waters edge he helped the girl into the bow seat then while he stood guard joe shoved off as the boat was lifted on the first little wave he himself sprang in joe grasped his oars knew him as a strong leader a wor thy representative of a great race to dorothy camo the certain knowledge that as long as her hand lay in his no rough seas need appall her no moaning darkness fill her with fear with such companionship as they had as existed everywhere between well- mated men and women of their race what heathen hordes could conquer them what lesser breeds despoil them of their dominance joe dipped his oars its a strong wind but fair he said laconically it was a strong wind but fair that tation- shortlived as peter had prophesied in time even this stenrswept savage land would be drawn into mans do minions peter himself would return some time there was one duty still unperformed the matter was called to his atten tion the second night after they had boarded the rescue ship from un- aladka he had stood on the deck with dorothy watching tho eerie trail where the churning propeller set the sea alight and the girl seemed can we make it out peter asked wandering in a dreamworld of her quietly of his oarsmen there was a own theres just one thing that tremor in his voice now but it was isnt clear she told him in- the low nothing to cost joe his confidence in voico that haunted him throughout him or dorothy her faith- the native the years of his exile you remem ber the seance i asked to speak to you the message that came through was what made me decide to marry ivan it was change the name just that change the name what do you make of it peter ho turned to her and she saw that ho was smiling cryptically the message was logical enough dorothy ho said if you want to believe but you were there in the circle you didnt ask in so many words to speak to me if you did fortune joe didnt get it straight- surely you remember how bewildered ho was how ho seemed at a loss ho didnt get any results until you told him that you wanted to speak to the man who lay in that grave and if you want to you can believe the message came from him ho knew by the touch of her hand and tho lustre in her eyes that she was deeply moved to change the name on the cross she exclaimed of course but perhaps it was just something telepathic coming from me sometimes weve got to go back and do it its only decent- be sides wo want to visit again the land that brought us our happiness cruel and savage place though it is dor othy what matters and what doesnt no ono really knows nnd who can say but that false inscription on the cross matters more than nations or worlds to the man who lies beneath wctl rub out the name peter xewhall and write in big chris larson then may- bo he can sleep in peace the end tho shore but no one looked across f back an inverted plait them for a returning ship nnd the each side seam setin pockets and wind blew but no one was appalled i ehthttmg or short sleeves but- by its raring onlv the whits cross ad seemingly spared by the forces of the the t no- elements still endureda white cm or misses and small women blew of eternity perhaps a landmark s es 15 18 and 20 years for natives beating down the coast in f a g bu requires their skin boats 3 3 material for dress again the elements ruled supreme nnd j 39irch contrasting for the snow lav untried by human joke and cuffs view b size 18 35 footprints from sea to sen the wind ie 89mch or swept unchecked bv any hunn habi- l 64 p material yet their victory would be pr 2 p our fashion obok illustrating the newest nnd most practical styles will bo of interest to every homo dress maker price of the book 10c the copy how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto patterns sent by return mail i jf r 3 jin his worse half yes my dear i heard him say he was going to buy a gold watch for his better half i know that man had two wives i wonder where his worso half lives many changes in advertising club hears of conditions which prevailed 150 years ago print used in newspaper advertis ing 150 years ago was much smaller than is generally used today said louis carrier frenchcanadian writ er and publisher in describing news paper advertising of former days to the members of the advertising club of montreal advertising of the 18th century the small amount that was carried in tho newspapers had no display lines and no largo type advertisers con tented themselves with stating the facts with little ostentation to catch the eye as space in newspapers be- jcamo more plentiful advertisers ac customed themselves to using more and more of it at one timo notices cost so much for each one regardless of the amount of tho space they used unless they were considered quite large when the advertiser was asked to pay double the amount the scarcity of space in the early newspapers was mentioned by the speaker who said that it was often for this reason that news from eur ope was at times printed 13 months late if an event in europe of ordi nary importance was printed five months after it happened it was then considered to bo speedy work in chronicling during his talk mr- carrier traced tho beginnings of newspapers on this continent tho first newspaper was established in boston and it was real ly from that city that journalism spread to canada tho speaker made special reference to benjamin frank lin whom he styled as the patron saint of printing in north america dr franklin did much to influence public opinion in north america and mr carrier considered that dr franklin rather than washington should have been called the father of his country the speaker gave a short history of newspapers in canada mentioning the halifax gazette as the first to be established in 1752 the quebec ga zette was begun in 1763 followed by tho montreal gazette in 1778 make better bread askyour grocer for royal yeast 1 standard op quality iwersoyearsrf wilbur glenn volivas theory about the world being fiat seems much more plausible during the incometaxpay ing season ceaw far under the british nomination bcheme your relatives and friends can travel at this low rate from britain to canada also reduced rail fare children under 17 cc for complete information nhone writcorcalljkrsonliy atwhitcstar office in montreal toronto winnipeg catenxy edmonton saskatoon vancouver 227 wmmtmum in these days a murderer is crazy if he doesnt plead insanity keep minards liniment handy american prosperity- she saw a swift shadow at the edge of tho fire a add to the joy of the open road this pleasure giving refreshment a sugarcoated gum that affords double value pep permint flavor in the sugar coating and peppermint flavored gum inside between j t smokes b a m m a blew them down the peninsula many tho time they were menneod by reefs and upjutting sea crags often they were harrassed by storms and obliged to seek shelter in the deepcut bays and more than onco it seemed beyond belief that they would not be instantly overwhelmed but always fortune joos good seamanship assisted by peters good nerve and strong muscles brought them safely through it was a long difficult dangerous journey but thoso were voyagers not to be despised dorothy tho daughter of a strong breed had always had n potential strength with which to meet such tests as this nnd with peter be- sldo her tho old curso of fear was largely lifted even if they had to go j tho whole long way to the nearest set tlement they would have overcome tho dangers won their rnco with winter and como through as it happened tho sea gods were favoroblo to their venture and halfway out they en countered a sturdy launch sent from unnlaskm to their rescue tho warrior had not gone down after all she had broken her wheel on the wny to shelter that first day and helpless against the storm had been blown through tho chain of islands and far out into tho pacific ultimately sho had encountered a mlnards liniment for cuts and bruisoa at a conference on agriculture at tho ixmdon school of economics mr g k chesterton gnvo an address on tho fallacy of mass production still england has no cause to regret having produced mr chesterton bell metal is an alloy of copper and tin with copper predominating britain canada jg vov cn arrange for yonr reutrra and friends thij low ocean fare greatly reduced nil rates children under 17 carried free ask at one for detail of th british nominatlonsehcmo from any office or agent of ths canadian q sekv1cb ana vancouver province ind cons rumors persist that everything is not well with american economic con ditions if it could iappen without injury to u10 welfare of canada there are many people in this country who could chcorfuuy contemplate hard times in the united states they argue that it would be good for the soul of america that her people should know something of the anxiety which the rest of tho world has known through tho demoralization and the depression of tho great war they say it would be mighty good for the peace of the world that tlbo people of the united states should cease to think themselves the economic super men of tho universe but there is no comfort and httlo validity in this theory it is hard to seo how can ada could escape the contagion of hard times in the united states there is nothing quite equal to aspirin for all sorts of aches and pains but be sure it is aspirin the name bayer should appear on every tablet bayer is genuine and the word genuine in red is on every bojc you cant go wrong if you will just look at the box when you buy it aspirin u the trade mark registered in canada indicating bajer manufacture while it la welt known that aspirin means barer manu facture to assure the public aaalnit imitations tho tablets will be stamped with tbelr barer cross trade mark you need for spring driving equipping with gumdipped tires is an investment in extra safety speed comfort and economy that is why thou sands of motorists throughout the country use these tires on wet slippery streets and high ways around sharp turns maneuv ering in and out of traffic stopping suddenly you can always depend on the powerful firestone nonskid tread to hold without slip or skid supporting this safety trend is tho special gumdipped carcass built of cords dipped in a rubber solution which saturates and insulates every fibre of every cord with rubber this min imizes the friction and heat of high speed service and strenkthens tho whole structure of the tire to withstand heavy strains your local firestone dealer will scree you better and sace you money see him today firestone tire rubber co of canada limited hamilton ontario most miles per dollar firestone build ths only gumdipped tire cocoanut finger quality placed christies biscuits in the lead more than 70 years ago qual ity has kept them there ever since in the store or on the phone always ask for hy cpptilntmert to their exctluntlet the gmtrnorcfnticl and vuccuntcst wffllnzdon he jiandajlualilcnces i3sue no 16 28 j best for all your baking p cakes buns and bread does all your baking best i iiiwsaa waawais