1 if you use red rose orange pekoe tea in 1928 you will enjoy canadas finest tea and materially reduce your tea bills red rose orange i pekoe lasts longer because jits additional strength and flavor make it go further i every package guaranteed 0b british envoy to canada the probable appointment of a re presentative of the british govnm- toent to serve as a special envoy to canada entirely distinct from the governor general seems to be about he last word in international anom- alls what la this organization we used to call the british commonwealth of katlons is it an international lea- cue or a single nation whatever tt le and no matter how little it may be understood it is evidently able to function we can only watch its fur- pressed with die vigor of their na tional life there is no longer any mention of the om scheme of an im perial federation and an imperial parliament canada australia the irish svee state new zealand and south africa can never return to such close allegiance with the mother coun try they rill now accept no bonds beyond those of common loyalty to the british crown symbolized by their governor generals and if canadas lead is followed special envoys be tween the mother country and her children will servo as the mediums through which theso independent na tions will arrive at a policy of cooper ation ny sun no bettermedicine for utile ones is what thousands of mothers say of babys own tablets with the passing of winter many people feel weak depressed and easily ther developments with mingled awe tired the bady lacks the vital force and amazement and energy pure blood alono can give the idea of great britain having a in a word while not exactly sick the representative at ottawa is in one indoor lite of winter has left its mark sense a logical result in so far as upon them a bloodbuilding nerve- anvthlng is logical in the relationship restoring tonic is needed to give re- beiween kngland and her sister najnewed health and energy dr wil- tlons of the new idea of empire eshams pink pills are an allyearround tablished at the last imperial confer- blood builder and nerve tonic but are ence mr amory secretary of state especially useful in the spring every for the dominions who has just re- dose helps to make new rich red turned from the first complete tour of j lood and with this new blood return- british territory ever made by a brit- strength cheerfulness and good ish minister has been v zealously health quickly follow spreading this new doctrine mref rou are pale easily tired or than three hundred enthusiastic audi- breathless at the least exertion if ences in the dominions have heard p complexion is poor or you are him speak of equal freedom under troubled with pimples or eruptions the crown in which no one govern- williams pink pills are just what ment admitted subordination to any h to pt you right if you other of its members hat rheumatism are sub- to headaches and backaches if we have seen this principle work you are and nervoub lt your out in the dispatch of ministers by becp joe3 nqt rercsh you or rour canada and the irish free state to pet poor vou need tne treatmedt foreign countries in the membership dr wii1iamg pimc plll3 nl0e0 can of the dominions in the league of na- neei the new blooa new tlons and in their appointment of high 6t and new energv this niedi- commlssoners in london but this is cille rlway3 brings mr a marcotte the first suggestion that the british j korlll llkm q i havo government must send special repre- founj gieal fr tlia black maglo at sea astounding feats quite apart from his duties as purser of the cunard liner ascania have gained for a p williams the title houdlnl of the high seas- he is here seen causing an egg to disappear agalnbt the laws of nature to the bewilderment of canadians gathered on the ascaulas decks returning from a recent trip to england on wto laughter it aint the guns or arment nor the tunes the band can play but the close cooperation that makes us win the day it aint the individual nor the army as a whole but the everlasting team work of every blooming soul you can usually read ones age be tween the lines in the face how gladly we would pay a larger income tax how we hate to pay the sum we actually owe sentatives to its own dominions and what the status of the proposed envoy to canada would be preseuts a com plex problem he cannot be an am bassador or a minister for after all the dominion cannot bo classed as a foreign country but if he is not he will rank below the ministers of foreign countries the american min ister for example in the official life of the canadian capital yet what is no more anomaly in the life of the british empire at all events great britain and the dominions now stand forth as free and equal partners in an unwieldy orgnnie- ation in which london finds herself with lees ad less control there is liulo that the british government can do if one of these grownup children of here decides it wants something mr amery returned from his trip im- can you beat it this thrilling love letter was found in a basket of beans dearest sweet pea do you carrot all for me my heart beets or you with your radish hair ise of nnu your turnip nose you are the dr williams pink- pills before i beapple of my eye give me a date if gan using them i waslu a badly run- j we canteloupe lettuce marry any- down condition and at times fell scarcely nolo to work dr williams pink pills havo changed all this and since taking them i am enjoying the best of health every man who feels rundown and easily tired should give this great medicine a fair trial try dr williams pink pills for anaemia rheumatism neuralgia indi gestion or nervousness take them as anionic if you are not in the best physical condition and cultivate a re sistance that will keep you well and strong you can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at doc a box from the dr wil liams medicine co brockville ont way pear i know we would be a happy i took the recipe for this cake out of the cook book said the wife vou did right said the husband itt thould never have been lu there a woman may get more thrill out of a mouse but she gets more exer cise out of a moth a tired feeling in springtime not sick but not up to the mark you need the help of that sterling tonic dr wil liams pink pills they give new vitality a medicine for the baby or growing child one that the mother can feel assured is absolutely safe as well as efficient is found in babys own tab lets the tablets are praised by thousands of mothers throughout the country those mothers have found by actual experience that there is no other medicine for little ones to equal them once a mother has used them for her children she will use nothing else concerning them mrs charles hutt tancock island ns writes i have ten children the baby being just six months old i have used babys own tablets for them for the past 20 years and can truthfully say that i know of no better medicine for little ones i always keep a box of tho tablets in the house and would advise all other mothers to do so babys own tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or will be mailed up on receipt of price 25 cents per box by the dr williams medicine co brockville ont is irfood tea red rose orange pekoe top quality in clean bright aluminum may go again classified advertisements boys have your own bfsi- sy earn big- bonuses wrlta washington says i nrlkror j standard company hox 601 toronto new bkusswicx bricuituhai experts ay farming opportunities offered her unaurpaaafrd anywhere another fact clia peat good furms on earth mill her hurleys free bargain catalog ready alfred burley co limited st john nb riowiiib may fly over atlantic to europe again soon washington dc a rumor is cur rent here that col charlea a lind bergh will fly the atlantic again in may it is said that ho will pick up a prominent united states automobile c iadiolur dahlia and other m vx flowers olhda fifty dahlias fl it manufacturer and a united states roeea 8 delivered 1200 catalog fvta manufacturer of tlree and take them m dodd boirento bc for a flight to the principal capitals of rovitsr europe i confirmation ol the rumor cannot a 1 sti be obtained col lindbergh is not pv per 100 and up hatching eggs accessible here and his friends refuse jftfths cntur b to diecuss the matter it is known ff that col lindbergh has desired to fly oveir europe ever since his flight from ijaby chicks we hatch four now york to parle when he planned jr- sfflssgsss wona upfjls to complete and air tour of europe bwltier oranton ont but was ordered back to the united page illua- i r guild sons vox t rocawood ont states by the united states govern ment charlie sets forth to make a gall the baby why do so many many bablea of to day escape all tho llttlo fretful spells and infantile ailments that used to worry mothers through the day and keep tbem upbalf the night if you dont know tho answer yon havent discovered pure harmless cat torla it is sweet to tho taste and wcet in tho llttlo stomach and its gentle influence seems felt all through tho tiny system not even a distaste ful dose of castor oil docs so much good fletchers castorla l purely vege table so you may give it freely at first sign of colic or constipation or diarrhea or thoso many times when you just dont know what is- tho mat ter for real sickness call tho doctor always at other limes a few drops of fletchers castorla english train bill gives lying down privileges london sleeping accommodation on the english trains which is obtain able only if the passenger travels first class has always been rather expen sive a bill has recently been intro duced in parliament however to provide lyingdown accommodation on night journeys in thirdclass railway carriages the wording it will be noted is scrupulously accurate in referring to lying down rather than to sleep ing accommodation the bill pro vides that every train which has first- class sleeping cars shall have at least onefifth of its thirdclass compart ments equipped with beds bunks or stretchers the lying down tickets as they are called are to cost only five 6hil- ngs 125 more than the ordinary- thirdclass fare lexicographers state that there are 20000 useless words in the english language maybe and there arc also many more useful ones than most people realize it is a wise investor who reverses the alphabetical order of invest and investigate many men who are truthful by na ture have to make themselves remem ber that business is business reaction a little nonsense now and then is relished by the best of men provided it is offered when our moods are trite and mellow we all enjoy lifes little bit of gay satire and comely wit and voice our joy whenever it is on the other fellow theyd never give some chloroform because theyd never know when they were unconscious a wife is a person who interrupts your funny story to ask if you want another cup of coffee a young woman with aspirations to be a singer and as is often the case llttlo else went to a german vocal teached for a tryout before arranging to take lessons the professor sat down and played a selection while tho budding but ambitious singer poured out her choicest assortment of notes when all was over tho pro fessor swung nround on his stool and in wrathful voice said ach never have i heard such a voice i blay on der vlte keys and i blay on der black keys but you sing in der cracks schwrxtros uvc and t ayv ch icks our breeders arc bred for high egg production white browrl and flu j lesbcmi dined and white roeti r i rtdt an- ecrui bull orpington white wjrindotwi 1 2candup 100j5 live delivery guaranteed write tody to free chick book chweglers hatcher 221 knuurim buffalolt b kidney disease doesnt warn did that firm fail to pay its debts no it failed so that it wouldnt have to pay them but he omittect to note auntie ediths address london certain writers make a practice of bewailing the allegedly degenerate times in which they live in their view the zest for adventure which led sir francis drake and many others to undertake the un known perils of travel no longer act uate anglosaxons these writers have not presumably met charlie gadsell ayoung man whose parents live in hastings one day recently charlie who is just three and a half was told to go to his grandmothers house tiree doors from his home this did not fall in with his own private plans so instead of turning in at gand- mothers gate he contained more than a mile to hastings station and enter ed a waiting train bound for london tho guard shut the door of what he thought was a empty compartment and when the door was again opened the train was in charing cross sta tion charlie had been in the station before although he had a chaperon on the previous occasions he walk ed up and said to a station policeman i am looking for my auno edith sho lives in london charlies inability to remember a more precise address resulted in an invitation to spend the afternoon in bow street police station where he had a thoroughly enjoyable time un til the hue and cry that had been started in hastings reached london and the young adventurer resumed his travels hut this tlnio in the direc tion of his family hearth use mlnards liniment for corns press inspires oversea flights says birkenhead movtho abb elobaoi ill the movkit pioneer dis tance movers of canada largest speedy padded vans new ecjvillnncnt latest methodb two experienced men every trip all loadn insured beyond compare for skill and care before you move write ue or wire ami reverse die charges head ornce hamilton ontario canada hill the mover warts new question for the prospective london lord birkenhead think tandiord by bcarc tenant and the attempts to fly the atlantic would radio rece in this neigh- be few and far between if the press bor failed to advertise all the prepara tions of the flyers all their efforts and their lipsticks in a humorous speech delivered at the annual dinner iff the newsvendors provident institution he made merry with the chase of newspapers after sensationalism and the various chan nel swimmers and transatlantic flyers any man woman or child who in existing conditions tries to fly over the atlantic is obviously mad he may be a valiant maniac but that does not in the least come into the argument said lord birkenhead in my judg ment there is nothing being advanced in aerial navigation by these rash and dangerous exploits heavy winds biur my the march winds arc unusually violent this year mlnards liniment for backache the loyal chief london observer ind to every war there is a bitte aftermath of forgetfulness and ingratitude tho race of wealth and pleasure is resum ed in too common indifference to those whose sacrifices and suffering have made it possible lord haig neither himself forgot nor let others forget in so far as his voice and pen could avail the men broken in his service tho doctor often tells you to do just ll strikes when least expected- the womans vote that and always says fletchers ward it off in time with ji guardian lib tho vothor- preparations may bo just as warners safe kidney l whatever its other results did at in fahi mercy nnd courage he pure just as free from dangerous j on liver remedy least give women n chance to break of knig degree at forty ad after is the critical tlmoil a past tradition of female i you let feriorlty to work to organize and to just aa free from dangerous drugs but why experiment besides i tho book on caro and feeding of babies that comes catstorla is worth for men if you slow down 33 witn notchor younger men blooming with health sup iiic life as in private social its weight in eoldl up ahead they take the promotion the serve in puoiii me h hi iiii ouuaj wib1u coiai j mot orders equality was achieved it was only ll 1idp nfnln i aoiinj lali f li 1 l- children cry for igastdrlft i health a clear brain a sound bod l thats what you need in business necessary to rccognlzo it by the rc- i tieiiily stir up your liver and kidneys moval of ancient disqualifications nnd to do their proper work with warners barrier when the historian rc- gafe kidney and ilver compound this i safe herbal remedy with the pleasant views the record of ths generation ho taste has been famous for more than r0 probablv regard this public ro- years originally a doctors proserin- tion it is doiiik untold good have your cognition of sex equality as tho most health man any druggist will sell you significant and farreaching social a hoitle of warners safe kidney and i ii i ilver remedy at small eost hut get change of the period it has already it theres tho only way to enjoy iu released vast stores of human energy henents warners safe remedies co i i toronto ont hitherto tnwirted and is transform- nr c c v j j in in all sorts of natural and whole- warner s sate kidney and watg pcrs relationship issue no 28 liver remedy of fnen and women i corrugated iron ask for wheeler bain council standard a thick even heavy spread of galvanizing over every lnb of sur face deep corrugations agencies still open in some localities write us stating slxe of barn you want to cover we pay freight wheeler a bain limited dept w 108 george st toronto 2 uskrats and other raw furs are bringing our shippers excep tionally high prices and o bonus extra we pay all postage and express charges ship now send for our free 1928 special 8prino price list levin fur co limited 172 king 8t east dept b toronto ont daily application of minsrds will dry up warts also ex cellent for callouses corns and bunions wanted grade holstein heifers client wants to purchase now fifty grade heifers due to freshen in autumn what have you to offer and what is your price r e qunn 73 adelaide st w toronto clear thepores of impurities with cuticurasoap soap olntaieat talcum ometeryjete operation left her very 111 letter tells of wonderful relief after taking lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound coniston ontario after a se- vere operatio and a three weeks stay in a hospital 1 returned home 5p weak that 1 was finable to move a chair for four months i was al most frantic with pains nnd suffer ing until 1 1 bought sure there could not be any help forme i liadyery severe paintin my lclt side and sui- ercd agony every month one day when 1 was not able to get up my mother begged me to try your med icine my husband got me a bottlo of vegetable compound at once and 1 took it i started a second bottle and to my surprise and joy the pains in my side left me completely and i am able to do all my work withouc help i am a farmer m wife so you seel cant be idle long in all 1 havo taken six bottles of lydia e pink- hams vegetable compound fivo boxes of the compound tablets two bottles of lydia e pinkhams blood medicine and have also used trie san ative wash mrs l ljrtcice jbox 103 coniston ontario i stomach 1i just a tasteless dose of phillips milk of magnesia in water that is on alkali effective yet harmless it has been the standard antacid for eo years among physicians everywhere ono spoonful will ncutrallro at onco many times its volume in acid it is tho right way tho quick pleasant and efficient way to kill tho excess acid the stomach becomes sweet the pain departs you are happy again la at minutes dont depend on crude mathodj em ploy the best way yet evolved in all he years ot carchlng thai u phillips milk ot magnesia be sure to get tho genulno phillip milk ot magnesia prescrlbod by physi cians for co years in correcting ex cess acids each bottle contains full directions any drugstore